What Analyst Projections for Key Metrics Reveal About ON Semiconductor Corp. (ON) Q1 Earnings
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-04-24 22:21
财报预测 - 分析师预计ON Semiconductor Corp.本季度每股收益为1.05美元,同比下降11.8%[1] - 预计营收为18.5亿美元,同比下降5.5%[1] 关键指标预测 - 'Revenue- Market- Automotive'预计为10.4亿美元,同比增长5%[6] - 'Revenue- Market- Industrial'预计将达到4.56亿美元,同比下降18%[7] - 'Revenue- Market- Others'预计为3.5868亿美元,同比下降14.1%[8]
ON Semiconductor Corp. (ON) Stock Falls Amid Market Uptick: What Investors Need to Know
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-04-23 06:56
股价表现 - ON Semiconductor Corp. (ON) 最近收盘价为$60.05,较前一个交易日下跌1.09% [1] - ON Semiconductor Corp. 的股价在过去一个月下跌了18.71%,落后于计算机和科技行业的5.98%和标普500指数的3.97% [2] 财务表现 - 投资界将密切关注ON Semiconductor Corp. 在即将发布的财报中的表现。公司计划于2024年4月29日发布财报,预计每股收益为$1.06,同比下降10.92% [3] - Zacks Consensus Estimates 预测ON Semiconductor Corp. 整个财年的每股收益为$4.31,营收为$75.6亿,分别较去年下降了16.47%和8.37% [4] 评级和估值 - 分析师对ON Semiconductor Corp. 的最新估值变动也应引起投资者的注意。这些调整通常反映了短期业务模式的变化 [5] - Zacks Rank 系统考虑这些估值变化并提供清晰的可操作评级模型 [6] - Zacks Rank 系统的股票评级在过去30天内已经见证了0.59%的下降,ON Semiconductor Corp. 目前持有评级4 (卖出) [7] 行业比较 - ON Semiconductor Corp. 目前的前瞻市盈率为14.08,行业平均前瞻市盈率为31.28,因此可以得出ON Semiconductor Corp. 相对于行业来说是在折扣交易 [8] - ON 的PEG比率目前为5.92,该指标类似于广为人知的市盈率,不同之处在于PEG比率还考虑了公司的预期盈利增长率 [9] - 半导体-模拟和混合行业的平均PEG比率为2.81 [10] 行业排名 - 半导体-模拟和混合行业属于计算机和科技行业,该行业目前的Zacks行业排名为242,位于所有250+行业的倒数4% [11] - Zacks行业排名通过计算组内个别股票的平均Zacks评级来评估我们各个行业群体的实力 [12] 提醒 - 请记得使用 在即将到来的交易会话中关注这些以及更多影响股价的指标 [13]
Earnings Preview: ON Semiconductor Corp. (ON) Q1 Earnings Expected to Decline
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-04-22 23:06
财务表现 - ON Semiconductor Corp. 预计在2024年3月结束的季度将会出现盈利同比下降,主要是因为营收下降[1] - ON Semiconductor Corp. 预计在即将发布的财报中每股盈利为1.06美元,同比下降10.9%,营收预计为18.5亿美元,同比下降5.5%[4] 股价表现 - 如果关键数据超过预期,股价可能会上涨;反之,如果未达预期,股价可能会下跌[2] 分析师预期 - 分析师们对于公司未来盈利的预期会影响股价,因此需要关注管理层在财报电话会议上的讨论[3]
ON Semiconductor Corp. (ON) Is Considered a Good Investment by Brokers: Is That True?
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-04-18 22:36
经纪推荐 - 投资者常常依赖华尔街分析师的建议来决定是否买入、卖出或持有股票,而媒体报道关于这些分析师更改评级的消息通常会影响股价[1] - ON Semiconductor Corp.目前的平均经纪推荐(ABR)为1.85,根据27家经纪公司的实际推荐(买入、持有、卖出等)计算得出,1.85的ABR介于强烈买入和买入之间[2] - 在27个推荐中,有15个强烈买入和一个买入,强烈买入和买入分别占所有推荐的55.6%和3.7%[3] - 经纪推荐虽然建议购买ON Semiconductor Corp.,但仅凭此信息做出投资决定可能不是一个好主意,因为几项研究表明,经纪推荐很少成功地引导投资者选择潜力最大的股票[4]
ON Semiconductor Corp. (ON) Exceeds Market Returns: Some Facts to Consider
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-04-12 06:56
股价表现 - ON Semiconductor Corp. (ON) 最新收盘价为 $70.59,较前一天上涨了 +1.96% [1] - 半导体元件制造商的股价在上个月下跌了13.34%,落后于计算机和技术行业的涨幅0.95%以及标普500指数的涨幅0.8% [2] 盈利预测 - 分析师预计 ON Semiconductor Corp. 将公布每股 $1.05 的盈利,同比下降11.76%,同时预计营收将为 $1.85 亿美元,较去年同期下降5.52% [3] - Zacks Consensus Estimates 预计 ON Semiconductor Corp. 年度盈利为每股 $4.34,营收为 $7.56 亿美元,分别较去年下降了15.89%和8.37% [4] 估值变化 - 分析师对 ON Semiconductor Corp. 的估值近期发生变化,向上修正的估值表明分析师对公司业务运营和盈利能力持乐观态度 [5] - 研究显示,这些估值变化与未来股价表现直接相关,投资者可以利用 Zacks Rank 模型来获利,该模型考虑了这些估值变化并提供了简单的可操作评级系统 [6] 行业比较 - ON Semiconductor Corp. 的前瞻市盈率为 15.96,相对于行业平均前瞻市盈率 33.49,显示出折价 [8] - ON 目前的 PEG 比率为 6.71,与广泛接受的市盈率类似,PEG 比率也考虑了公司的预期盈利增长。半导体 - 模拟和混合行业昨日收盘价的平均 PEG 比率为 3.01 [9] 行业排名 - 半导体 - 模拟和混合行业属于计算机和技术行业,目前该行业的 Zacks Industry Rank 为 238,在 250 多个行业中排名倒数 6% [10] - 我们的研究显示,个别行业群体的实力由 Zacks Industry Rank 衡量,该排名根据这些群体内个别股票的平均 Zacks Rank 计算。我们的研究显示,排名前 50% 的行业表现优于后半部分的行业,比例为 2 比 1 [11]
Here is What to Know Beyond Why ON Semiconductor Corporation (ON) is a Trending Stock
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-04-05 22:06
公司股价表现 - 公司股价在过去一个月内下跌了16.7%,而Zacks S&P 500综合指数上涨了0.5%[2] - 公司所属的Zacks半导体-模拟和混合行业在这一时期下跌了4.7%[2] 财务表现 - 公司预计本季度每股收益为1.05美元,同比下降11.8%[5] - 公司本财年的预期每股收益为4.34美元,较去年同期下降15.9%[6] - 下一财年的预期每股收益为5.16美元,较去年同期增长18.9%[7] 股票评级和估值 - 公司的Zacks排名为3(持有),显示股票的近期价格表现[8] - 公司在过去四个季度中均超过了一致预期的每股收益[13] - 公司的估值被评为C,表明其与同行业公司持平[17]
3 Cheap EV Stocks to Buy During the Market Slump
InvestorPlace· 2024-04-03 02:03
全球电动汽车市场 - 未来几十年电动汽车市场将迎来前所未有的增长[2] - 全球电动汽车市场增长放缓,多家电动汽车初创公司无法与大公司竞争[1] Ferrari NV - Ferrari NV计划在2025年推出首款全电动超级跑车,公司未来发展前景乐观[3] Tesla - Tesla仍是全球电动汽车市场的领导者,虽然预计2024财年交付量会下降,但长期前景依然良好[6][7] ON Semiconductor - ON Semiconductor是一家主要为汽车和能源存储市场提供电源和信号管理半导体的领先供应商,公司在2023财年仍实现强劲的底线增长[8][9]
ON Semiconductor Corp. (ON) Ascends But Remains Behind Market: Some Facts to Note
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-03-22 06:51
The most recent trading session ended with ON Semiconductor Corp. (ON) standing at $75.78, reflecting a +0.28% shift from the previouse trading day's closing. This change lagged the S&P 500's 0.32% gain on the day. Meanwhile, the Dow gained 0.68%, and the Nasdaq, a tech-heavy index, added 0.2%.Shares of the semiconductor components maker witnessed a loss of 2.64% over the previous month, trailing the performance of the Computer and Technology sector with its gain of 6.04% and the S&P 500's gain of 5.11%.The ...
3 Strong Stocks Down at Least 30% to Buy Now
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-03-21 20:00
The Nasdaq and the S&P 500 have climbed roughly 9% in 2024, driven by projected Fed rate cuts, the AI boom, a stable U.S. economy, earnings growth, and more. The strong performance and outstanding showings from Nvidia, Constellation Energy, Meta, and others might have some investors worried about chasing possibly overheated stocks.Long-term investors shouldn’t worry too much about ‘missing the boat’ since time in the market is proven to work far better than market timing. That said, there is value in findin ...
ON Semiconductor Corp. (ON) Outperforms Broader Market: What You Need to Know
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-03-13 06:51
ON Semiconductor Corp. (ON) closed at $82.59 in the latest trading session, marking a +1.21% move from the prior day. This change outpaced the S&P 500's 1.12% gain on the day. Elsewhere, the Dow gained 0.61%, while the tech-heavy Nasdaq added 1.54%.Prior to today's trading, shares of the semiconductor components maker had gained 0.84% over the past month. This has outpaced the Computer and Technology sector's loss of 0.4% and lagged the S&P 500's gain of 2.06% in that time.The investment community will be p ...