B3 (B3SA3.SA)Key takeaways from 2Q24 call ~ diversification paying off
Goldman Sachs· 2024-08-12 17:23
11 August 2024 | 10:15PM EDT 2131d4eaf4cb4d50b1d51c8af07b64b4 B3 (B3SA3.SA): Key takeaways from 2Q24 call — diversification paying off Mitigating a challenging outlook in cash equities with other revenue streams Management discussed the main drivers of revenue growth in 2Q24. The good print in listed derivatives was supported by market volatility and price adjustments in prior periods, which can still benefit this line in coming quarters. Furthermore, BDRs, REITs and ETFs continue to gain traction (13% of t ...
Americas Retail: Specialty Hardlines: Updating our Beauty Trackers for 2Q24; Beauty read throughs
Goldman Sachs· 2024-08-12 17:22
12 August 2024 | 12:01AM EDT 2131d4eaf4cb4d50b1d51c8af07b64b4 Americas Retail: Specialty Hardlines: Updating our Beauty Trackers for 2Q24; Beauty read throughs In this note, we update our beauty trackers with the latest industry data and present analysis on the beauty/personal care category with additional third party data sources, including HundredX. Additionally, we discuss read throughs from earnings in the Beauty space (ELF, L'Oreal, LVMH, OLPX, and SBH), along with recent commentary from COST, CVS, and ...
Hua Hong (1347.HK): 12’’ new capacity to release in 1Q25; near~term recovery remains gradual
Goldman Sachs· 2024-08-12 16:02
报告行业投资评级 Hua Hong (1347.HK)维持买入评级 [22][24] 报告的核心观点 1) 尽管短期利润率面临挑战,但由于本地客户对公司专业技术在消费电子、计算、电动车、新能源和工业等广泛应用的需求上升,我们对Hua Hong的长期前景保持乐观 [1] 2) Hua Hong的12英寸新产能将于2025年1季度开始释放,有助于公司长期增长 [2][3] 3) 除功率离散器件外,主要下游需求正在改善,消费电子(射频、CIS)以及用于AI应用的PMIC产品需求强劲,MCU和智能卡IC也有温和复苏 [3] 行业研报目录总结 1. 行业投资评级 - 维持Hua Hong买入评级 [22][24] 2. 公司业务概况 - Hua Hong是一家专注于专业技术的半导体代工厂(8英寸和12英寸),产品涉及功率离散器件、模拟、NOR闪存、逻辑、射频、CIS、MCU等,主要终端市场包括消费电子、通信、计算、工业和汽车行业 [22] 3. 行业发展趋势 - 本地客户对公司专业技术在消费电子、计算、电动车、新能源和工业等广泛应用的需求上升 [1] - 除功率离散器件外,主要下游需求正在改善,消费电子(射频、CIS)以及用于AI应用的PMIC产品需求强劲,MCU和智能卡IC也有温和复苏 [3] 4. 公司经营情况 - Hua Hong的12英寸新产能将于2025年1季度开始释放,有助于公司长期增长 [2][3] - 公司目前产能利用率较高,管理层预计未来几个季度出货量有望上升 [2] 5. 财务表现 - 由于价格趋势疲软和折旧上升,公司短期利润率面临挑战 [1] - 管理层预计2023年第3季度收入和毛利率将环比有所改善 [7]
Kuaishou Technology (1024.HK) Lowering growth estimates but still favorable risk~reward; 2Q preview
Goldman Sachs· 2024-08-12 16:02
8 August 2024 | 10:41PM HKT _ Kuaishou Technology (1024.HK) Lowering growth estimates but still favorable risk-reward; 2Q preview Buy 024.HK 1 HK$70.00 HK$43.85 59.6% Maintain Buy with revised TP of HK$70. Risk-reward continues to look favorable for Kuaishou after 30% drawdown from the May peak (vs. KWEB -16%, underperformed all other e-Com names: BABA/PDD/JD/VIPS), on multiples contraction following downward revision of annual GMV consensus despite consistent profit delivery. With this note, we revise our ...
Big Oils:Assessing Big Oils cash returns in a lower oil price environment;Screening for resilience
Goldman Sachs· 2024-08-12 16:01
8 August 2024 | 5:49PM CEST _ Big Oils Assessing Big Oils cash returns in a lower oil price environment; Screening for resilience Brent spot oil prices are down 5% over the past week, and the 2025 Brent futures curve has fallen below the $75 floor of this year's trading range and our commodity analysts' $75-90 range. While we still believe our $80/bbl oil price forecast for 2025 will withstand macro headwinds, given the consistent OPEC+ support of this oil price level over the past two years, we have attemp ...
GS Global Equities Call
Goldman Sachs· 2024-08-12 16:01
报告行业投资评级 - 报告未提供行业整体的投资评级 [1] 报告的核心观点 - 尽管存在一些经济风险,但研究团队认为经济持续扩张的可能性更大 [8][9][11] - 劳动力市场指标仍然健康,失业率上升主要是由于劳动力供给的突然扩张,而不是需求的下降 [8] - 通胀数据有所改善,为美联储提供了降息的空间 [8] - 预计美联储将在9月、11月和12月各降息25个基点,之后降息步伐放缓 [8] - 动量因子表现强劲,主要得益于人工智能等主题股的表现 [13][14][19] 行业分类总结 科技、传媒和电信(TMT) - ARM ADRs被大和证券上调至优于大市评级,目标价130美元 [21] - BMBL因应用程序重新推出未能刺激增长而大跌,被下调至持有评级 [21] - FSLY被下调至中性评级 [21] - HUBS表现良好,被上调至与大市同步评级 [21] - INTC被下调至中性评级 [21] - LSCC被上调至优于大市评级 [21] - UDMY被新评为买入评级 [21] - WBD的大部分关键指标未达预期 [21] 医疗保健 - CRL被下调至中性评级 [22] - NVRO被上调至同行业表现评级 [22] - OM被下调至行业表现评级 [22] - PYXS被新评为买入评级 [22] - MCK下调了2025财年的收入增长指引 [22] 消费品 - KVYO被上调至增持评级 [23] - RCM被下调至中等权重评级 [23] - LRN被新评为买入评级 [23] - MODG Brands被下调至与大市同步评级 [24] - PRKS被下调至中性评级 [24] - VSTS被下调至中性评级 [24] - WWW被上调至增持评级 [25] - MNST的业绩和指引不佳 [25] - BROS因二季度表现和未来指引不佳而大跌 [25] - MODG下调指引但正在进行战略评估 [25] 工业、原材料和公用事业 - ASH被上调至中性评级 [26] - OLN被新评为中性评级 [26] - SNDR被下调至持有评级 [26] - TXT被下调至中等权重评级 [26] - WLK被新评为优于大市评级 [26] [1][8][9][11][13][14][19][21][22][23][24][25][26]
SMIC (0981.HK)+13% ~ +15% QoQ for 3Q24 revenues, GM guidance higher than expected; 1Q24 beat on GM; Neutral
Goldman Sachs· 2024-08-12 16:01
报告行业投资评级 SMIC的投资评级为Neutral [6] 报告的核心观点 1) SMIC预计2024年第三季度收入将环比增长13%~15%,毛利率预计为18%~20%,高于预期 [2] 2) 2024年第二季度SMIC的收入和毛利率都超出预期,分别为19.01亿美元(环比增长9%)和13.9% [3] 3) SMIC长期增长前景良好,受益于国内fabless客户需求增长,但短期内利润增长缓慢,受行业周期和智能手机及消费电子需求疲软影响 [6] 按目录分类总结 收入和毛利率表现 1) 2024年第三季度SMIC收入预计环比增长13%~15%,达到21.48~21.86亿美元,高于预期 [2] 2) 2024年第三季度SMIC毛利率预计为18%~20%,高于2024年第二季度的13.9% [2] 3) 2024年第二季度SMIC收入为19.01亿美元,环比增长9%,略高于公司指引 [3] 4) 2024年第二季度SMIC毛利率为13.9%,超出公司指引和预期 [3] 业务运营情况 1) 2024年第二季度SMIC产能增加至837.0万片(8英寸当量),第一季度为814.5万片;产能利用率提升至85.2%,第一季度为80.8% [3] 2) 2024年第二季度SMIC资本支出为23亿美元,高于第一季度的22亿美元 [3] 财务表现 1) 2024年第二季度SMIC净利润为1.65亿美元,环比增长129%,但同比下降59% [3] 2) 2024年第二季度SMIC营业利润为8700万美元,高于预期的亏损 [3]
GS SUSTAIN: Circular Economy Our Circular Economy Ecosystem Expands in 2024
Goldman Sachs· 2024-08-12 16:01
_ 8 August 2024 | 5:00PM BST | --- | --- | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | GS SUSTAIN: Circular Economy Our Circular Economy Ecosyste ...
Super Micro Computer Inc. (SMCI.US): F4Q24 review,Gross margin weakness offsets better revenue outlook
Goldman Sachs· 2024-08-12 15:27
7 August 2024 | 3:15AM EDT Super Micro Computer Inc. (SMCI): F4Q24 review: Gross margin weakness offsets better revenue outlook SMCI's F4Q24 EPS missed ($6.25 v. $7.62-$8.42 guidance) as in-line revenue of $5.3 bn (v. $5.1-$5.5 bn guidance) was more than offset by a gross margin miss at 11.3% (v. consensus 14.2%). Weaker than expected gross margins of 11.3% were impacted by SMCI's focus on strategic new design wins with competitive pricing to win market share, customer mix (e.g., emerging hyperscalers) and ...
What’s Top of Mind in Macro Research: US recession fears likely overblown, market volatility, Europe/China economic weakness
Goldman Sachs· 2024-08-12 15:27
报告行业投资评级 - 报告未提供行业投资评级 [1] 报告的核心观点 - 美国经济数据疲软,但经济衰退风险可能被夸大 [3] - 市场表现反映了对经济增长的担忧 [6] - 欧洲和中国经济前景也较为疲弱 [9][10] 行业分析总结 美国经济 - 就业报告整体疲软,但仍不足以判断经济陷入衰退 [3] - 失业率上升主要由于临时裁员,不是经济衰退的先兆 [3] - 就业空缺数据显示劳动力需求仍然稳健,最终需求持续增长 [3] - 美联储仍有大幅降息空间,可以快速支持经济 [3] 市场表现 - 市场对经济增长担忧导致风险资产大幅下跌 [6] - 但下跌幅度有限,5%的回调仍是买入良机 [6] - 建议投资者关注防御性资产,如债券,以应对当前宏观环境 [6][7] 欧洲和中国经济 - 欧洲经济前景恶化,预计2024年和2025年GDP增速分别为0.7%和1.3% [9] - 贸易政策不确定性和生产率低下将拖累欧洲经济 [9] - 中国经济数据也有所下滑,政府将采取进一步宽松政策支持经济 [10]