KKR Closes US$6.4 Billion Asia Pacific Infrastructure Investors II Fund
KKRKKR(KKR) Businesswire·2024-02-01 09:40

HONG KONG--(BUSINESS WIRE)--KKR, a leading global investment firm, today announced the final close of KKR Asia Pacific Infrastructure Investors II SCSp (the “Fund”), a US6.4billionfundfocusedoninfrastructurerelatedinvestmentsacrossAsiaPacific.Atclose,theFundisthelargestpanregionalinfrastructurefundtohavebeenraisedforAsiaPacific.ThiscloselyfollowsKKRsinauguralAsiaPacificdedicatedinfrastructurefund,KKRAsiaPacificInfrastructureInvestorsSCSp,whichclosedatUS6.4 billion fund focused on infrastructure-related investments across Asia Pacific. At close, the Fund is the largest pan-regional infrastructure fund to have been raised for Asia Pacific. This closely follows KKR’s inaugural Asia Pacific-dedicated infrastructure fund, KKR Asia Pacific Infrastructure Investors SCSp, which closed at US3 ...