Constellation Energy Corporation (CEG) Soars 8.4%: Is Further Upside Left in the Stock?
CEGstellation Energy (CEG) ZACKS·2024-06-11 22:51

Constellation Energy Corporation (CEG) shares rallied 8.4% in the last trading session to close at 214.63.Thismovecanbeattributabletonotablevolumewithahighernumberofsharesbeingtradedthaninatypicalsession.Thiscomparestothestocks7.9214.63. This move can be attributable to notable volume with a higher number of shares being traded than in a typical session. This compares to the stock's 7.9% loss over the past four weeks. Constellation Energy is the largest owner of nuclear plants in the US and produces clean electricity for its customers. It expects to invest nearly 5.1 billion during 2024-2025 period to strengthen its infrastructure an ...