(深度)P 500_为什么分散投资变得越来越重要
S&P Global PMI·2024-07-01 22:34

更多资料加入知识星球:水木调研纪要 关注公众号:水木纪要 (深度)S&P 500:为什么分散投资变得越来越重要 Summary 摘要 On the surface, diversification appears to be well- understood and broadly accepted as good practice by the investment community. In practice, however, diversification is rarely taken seriously, even by professional investors.从表⾯上看,分散投资似乎很好 理解,并被投资界⼴泛接受为良好做法。但实际上,即 使是专业投资者也很少认真对待分散投资。 Investor psychology works against diversification by anchoring investors' perception of success with big winners while downplaying or underappreciating the 更多一 ...