Here are the key points from the article: Marlow Film Studios: - Proposed £750m development that would create 4,000 jobs, but was rejected for planning permission by Buckinghamshire council in May. - The council cited concerns about the impact on the road network and use of the green belt. - The project has received high-profile backing from filmmakers including Sam Mendes and James Cameron. - Deputy PM Angela Rayner has called in the rejected planning application, meaning ministers will ultimately determine whether the studio development is approved. - Rayner has spoken about the need to unblock and overhaul the planning system in the green belt. Holyport Studios: - A £100m scheme proposed by Greystoke Land, which would provide 20,900 sq metres of sound stage space. - The development was refused by the council in March on grounds including that it would be inappropriate for the green belt. - Greystoke has appealed and an independent Planning Inspectorate inquiry is due next month. Key points: - The Labour government sees the creative industries as a key part of the economy, generating £125bn a year. - Film studio space in the UK has almost doubled in the past three years, from 297,000 sq metres in 2019 to 492,000 sq metres in 2022-23. - The political environment has improved for such developments given the government's commitment to changing the planning system. - However, some local groups remain opposed, arguing the studios would harm the green belt and character of the areas.
The Guardian-10.10.2024
Thoughtworks·2024-10-10 22:40