Turning Point Brands(TPB) - 2023 Q4 - Earnings Call Presentation
Turning Point Brands(TPB)2024-02-29 08:27
× | NYSE: TPB | 5201 INTERCHANGE WAY, LOUISVILLE KY | TURNINGPOINTBRANDS.COM | FORWARD LOOKING STATEMENTS NON-GAAP RECONCILIATION × TURNING POINT™ B R A S N D Q4 2023 | N Y S E : T P B | 5 2 0 1 I N T E R C H A N G E W A Y , L O U I S V I L L E K Y | T U R N I N G P O I N T B R A N D S . C O M | This presentation includes industry and market data derived from internal analyses based upon publicly available data or proprietary research and analysis, surveys or studies conducted by third parties and industry ...