裕承科金(00279) - 2022 - 中期财报
ARTA (Stock Code 股份代號 : 0279) ARTA TECHFIN CORPORATION LIMITED 裕承科金有限公司 INTERIM REPORT 中 期 報 告 2021/2022 Contents 目錄 Page 頁次 | --- | --- | |----------------------------------------------------------|------------------------| | | | | Corporate Information | 公司資料 2 | | Report on Review of Interim Financial Statements | 中期財務報表審閱報告 | | Condensed Consolidated Statement of Profit or Loss | 簡明綜合損益表 12 | | Condensed Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income | 簡明綜合全面收入報表 | | Condensed Consolidated Statement of ...