JAZZ Boosts Oncology Pipeline With KRAS Inhibitor Program
BMYBristol-Myers Squibb(BMY) Zacks Investment Research·2024-02-09 00:31

Jazz Pharmaceuticals plc (JAZZ) announced that it has entered into a definitive agreement with U.K.-based biotech Redx Pharma to acquire global rights to the latter’s preclinical KRAS (Kirsten rat sarcoma virus) inhibitor program.Per the agreement, Jazz will make an upfront payment of 10milliontoRedxtogainallrights,patentsandinterestrelatedtoitsproprietaryKRASinhibitorprogram,includingitsG12DselectiveandpanKRASmolecules.Further,Redxisentitledtoreceiveupto10 million to Redx to gain all rights, patents and interest related to its proprietary KRAS inhibitor program, including its G12D selective and pan-KRAS molecules.Further, Redx is entitled to receive up to 870 million in the ...