Natural Grocers® Pledges Portion of Opening-Day Sales at New Location in Warr Acres, Oklahoma, to Natural Grocers Heroes in Aprons Fund
NGVCNatural Grocers by Vitamin tage(NGVC) Prnewswire·2024-04-26 01:28

Natural Grocers的社会责任 - Natural Grocers将于5月2日在新的Warr Acres店铺销售额的5%捐赠给Natural Grocers Heroes in Aprons Fund[1] - Natural Grocers的"Commitment to Crew"是公司的创始原则之一,致力于确保员工能过上健康、平衡的生活[2] - Natural Grocers的good4u® Crew将向Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma®捐赠$2,500,并与其合作推出"Bring Your Own Bag Program",为面临饥饿问题的俄克拉荷马州人提供帮助[4]