Atkore (ATKR)
Atkore: Stabilization Seems To Arrive
Seeking Alpha· 2024-09-16 23:36
kali9 In June, I believed that shares of Atkore (NYSE:ATKR) were getting electrified, after shares had come down a great deal. While it was evident that peak earnings were coming down, I believed that ¨normal¨ earnings power started to provide support to the valuation, which together with a balanced capital allocation model started to reveal emerging appeal. This resulted in me initiating a first position at the time, way too early, with the benefit of a couple of months of hindsight. Since June, shares hav ...
Atkore: The Small-Cap Buyback King
Seeking Alpha· 2024-08-29 13:16
文章核心观点 - Atkore是一家提供工业管道和电缆导管的公司,主要面向美国商业建筑行业 [1] - Atkore的业务分为"电气"和"安全与基础设施"两大部分,其中电气业务占比较大 [1] - Atkore是一家周期性行业,其销售价格和销量决定了季度利润率和盈利能力 [2] - Atkore在2022年出现了"超额收益",目前正处于利润率正常化的阶段 [2] - 但分析师预计Atkore未来几年的利润率仍将高于历史平均水平,反映了行业需求的韧性 [2] 行业分析 - Dodge Momentum Index(DMI)显示未来1-2年的非住宅建筑活动将大幅增加,这可能是支撑Atkore利润率的主要原因 [17] - 数据中心建设是Atkore一个重要的增长领域,将带来持续的需求 [34] - 美国非住宅建筑支出整体呈现上升趋势,电气相关建筑支出尤其强劲 [33] 公司分析 - Atkore专注于高毛利产品,以应对PVC管道供给增加和进口竞争的挑战 [2] - Atkore有较强的股票回购能力,可能会大幅减少股本 [39] - 公司财务状况良好,资产负债表灵活,有利于股票回购 [46] - 目前股价被低估,5年DCF估值显示股价有27%的上涨空间 [39][40][44]
Atkore: What Next After A Dismal Few Months?
Seeking Alpha· 2024-08-13 23:02
tolgartIntroduction Back in April, when we last covered the electric products manufacturer Atkore Inc. (NYSE:ATKR), its stock was receiving plenty of positive attention, as it was outperforming the equity bellwether, as well as other industrial alternatives quite handsomely. Back then, we had expressed doubts over whether the resilience would linger and advised investors to exercise some caution. Since then, the stock hasn't managed to kick on, and the Q3 results (ATKR follows a September fiscal year) w ...
Atkore (ATKR) - 2024 Q3 - Earnings Call Transcript
2024-08-07 01:49
财务数据和关键指标变化 - 第三季度净销售额为8.22亿美元,调整后EBITDA为2.06亿美元,调整后EBITDA利润率超过25% [17][19] - 第三季度调整后每股收益为5.72美元,较去年同期增加0.50美元,主要由于去年同期会计处理变更带来的税收优惠 [17][18] - 全年累计销量同比增长4%,主要受益于PVC产品和金属支架产品的增长 [20][21] - 钢管业务受到大量进口钢管冲击,全年销量受到负面影响 [22] 各条业务线数据和关键指标变化 - 电气业务部门第三季度EBITDA利润率达到30%,但价格成本压力持续 [23] - 基础设施与服务业务部门第三季度EBITDA利润率达到14%,主要得益于Hobart工厂的运营改善 [23] 各个市场数据和关键指标变化 - 电信和公用事业市场持续疲软,第三季度销量基本持平 [21][54][55] - 住宅和商业建筑市场需求疲弱,导致PVC管材和钢管价格承压 [38][39][40][58][59] 公司战略和发展方向及行业竞争 - 公司正在积极推进太阳能支架、HDPE、水处理等新兴业务,预计未来将为公司贡献正面收益 [28] - 公司将继续执行资本回报策略,包括股票回购和派息 [14][31] - 钢管业务受到墨西哥进口钢管冲击,公司正在采取措施应对 [12][43][44][62][63][64] 管理层对经营环境和未来前景的评论 - 第四季度经营环境预计持续疲软,调整第四季度调整后EBITDA预期至1.45亿美元 [26][27] - 2025财年公司初步预计调整后EBITDA为6.5亿美元,但具体数字还需进一步确定 [30] - 公司有信心长期发展,将继续保持透明度并提供业务更新 [15][31] 其他重要信息 - 公司首席财务官David Johnson将离职,由John Deitzer和James Albe接任 [32][33] 问答环节重要的提问和回答 问题1 **Andrew Kaplowitz 提问** 询问价格成本正常化的最新预期 [35][36] **David Johnson 回答** 预计2025财年价格成本正常化将在200-250百万美元区间 [36] 问题2 **Alex Rygiel 提问** 询问电信和公用事业市场的表现 [54][55] **David Johnson 回答** 电信和公用事业市场销量基本持平 [55] 问题3 **Deane Dray 提问** 询问墨西哥进口钢管对公司的影响 [62][63][64] **Bill Waltz 回答** 墨西哥进口钢管占国内市场约20%,如果执行关税政策,这一比例可能会大幅下降 [63][64]
Atkore Inc. (ATKR) Misses Q3 Earnings and Revenue Estimates
ZACKS· 2024-08-06 20:15
Atkore Inc. (ATKR) came out with quarterly earnings of $3.80 per share, missing the Zacks Consensus Estimate of $4.03 per share. This compares to earnings of $5.72 per share a year ago. These figures are adjusted for non-recurring items.This quarterly report represents an earnings surprise of -5.71%. A quarter ago, it was expected that this company would post earnings of $3.70 per share when it actually produced earnings of $4.08, delivering a surprise of 10.27%.Over the last four quarters, the company has ...
Atkore (ATKR) - 2024 Q3 - Quarterly Report
2024-08-06 06:01
财务业绩 - 净销售额下降10.5%至8.224亿美元[130] - 销量下降0.1%,平均售价下降9.5%[129] - 成本下降4.5%至5.427亿美元,主要由于太阳能税收抵免增加和原材料成本下降[132] - 销售、一般及管理费用下降4.9%至9,800万美元[133] - 无形资产摊销费用下降13%至1,322万美元[134] - 利息费用净额增加14.5%至994万美元[135] - 电气分部净销售额下降14.1%至6.06亿美元,调整后EBITDA下降31.5%至1.826亿美元[141][144][145] - 安全与基础设施分部净销售额增长1.6%至2.17亿美元,调整后EBITDA增长39.8%至3,004万美元[146][149][150] - 销售、一般及管理费用增加5.9百万美元或2.0%至2.971亿美元[157] - 无形资产摊销费用减少至4,190万美元[158] - 利息费用净额减少60万美元或2.2%至2,610万美元[159] - 其他费用净额减少至130万美元[160] - 所得税费用率增加至19.3%[161] - 电气业务净销售额减少2.348亿美元或11.6%至17.904亿美元[162][165] - 电气业务调整后EBITDA减少1.846亿美元或24.1%至5.827亿美元[162][166] - 安全与基础设施业务净销售额增加70万美元或0.1%至6.246亿美元[167][170] - 安全与基础设施业务调整后EBITDA减少1,300.7万美元或14.8%至7,508.4万美元[167][171] 财务状况 - 公司拥有3.037亿美元现金及现金等价物[172] - 公司可动用3.25亿美元的ABL信贷额度[173] 风险因素 - 原材料价格变化[1] - 同类产品进口水平较高[1] - 政府法规和贸易政策变化[1] - 天气状况恶化[1] - 未来资本和运营支出增加以维持环境、健康和安全法规合规[1] - 主要客户财务状况恶化或拖欠款项[1] - 营运资金需求增加,受经济活动和主要原材料市场价格波动影响较大[1] - 劳资纠纷或供应商财务困难导致生产中断[1] - 疫情爆发[1] - 美国退休金计划财务义务变化[1]
Atkore (ATKR) - 2024 Q3 - Quarterly Results
2024-08-06 05:53
财务业绩 - 净销售额为8.224亿美元,同比下降10.5%[1] - 每股摊薄净收益下降1.80美元至3.33美元,调整后每股摊薄净收益下降1.92美元至3.80美元[1] - 净收益下降7790万美元至1.234亿美元,调整后EBITDA下降6410万美元至2.061亿美元[1] - 全年调整后EBITDA预期调整为7.72亿美元至7.82亿美元,调整后每股摊薄净收益预期调整为14.30美元至14.52美元[1] - 公司第三季度净销售额为24.14亿美元,同比下降8.9%[39] - 第三季度毛利率为35.7%,同比下降4.9个百分点[39] - 第三季度营业利润为5.23亿美元,同比下降26.0%[39] - 第三季度净利润为3.99亿美元,同比下降27.2%[39] - 第三季度每股基本收益为10.74美元,每股摊薄收益为10.61美元[40] - 2024财年前三季度调整后每股收益为12.00美元,同比下降20.8%[54] - 2024财年第三季度调整后每股收益为3.80美元,同比下降33.6%[54] 业务表现 - 电气业务净销售额下降14.1%,调整后EBITDA下降31.5%[13][14][15] - 安全与基础设施业务净销售额增长1.6%,调整后EBITDA增长39.8%[16][17] - 电气业务部门净销售额为17.90亿美元,同比下降11.6%,调整后EBITDA利润率为32.5%[51] - 安全与基础设施业务部门净销售额为6.25亿美元,同比持平,调整后EBITDA利润率为12.0%[51] - 公司在电气和安全基础设施业务方面持续进行新产品研发和市场拓展[51] 现金流与财务状况 - 截至2024年6月28日,公司现金及现金等价物余额为3.04亿美元[42] - 第三季度经营活动产生的现金流量净额为3.50亿美元,资本性支出为1.05亿美元,自由现金流为2.45亿美元[45] - 截至2024年6月28日的净债务为4.61亿美元,净债务/调整后EBITDA比率为0.53倍[56][57] - 截至2024年6月28日的过去12个月调整后EBITDA为8.64亿美元[57] 非公认会计准则指标 - 公司使用经调整EBITDA和经调整净利润等非公认会计准则指标来评估业务表现和盈利能力[33][35][36] - 公司定义经调整EBITDA时剔除了多项非经常性因素的影响[34] - 公司定义经调整净利润时剔除了多项非经常性因素的影响[36][37] 其他 - 公司于2024年7月31日宣布派发每股0.32美元的季度现金股利[19][20] - 公司调整了2024财年的业绩预期[21] - 公司将于2024年8月6日召开财报电话会议[23] - 公司在2024财年第三季度录得3.81百万美元的其他费用,主要包括资产处置损失、外汇影响等[55] - 公司在2024财年第三季度录得4.49百万美元的股份支付费用[53]
Is the Options Market Predicting a Spike in Atkore (ATKR) Stock?
ZACKS· 2024-07-31 22:02
Investors in Atkore Inc. (ATKR) need to pay close attention to the stock based on moves in the options market lately. That is because the Oct 18, 2024 $100.00 Call had some of the highest implied volatility of all equity options today.What is Implied Volatility?Implied volatility shows how much movement the market is expecting in the future. Options with high levels of implied volatility suggest that investors in the underlying stocks are expecting a big move in one direction or the other. It could also mea ...
Atkore Inc. (ATKR) Expected to Beat Earnings Estimates: What to Know Ahead of Q3 Release
ZACKS· 2024-07-30 23:07
The market expects Atkore Inc. (ATKR) to deliver a year-over-year decline in earnings on lower revenues when it reports results for the quarter ended June 2024. This widely-known consensus outlook is important in assessing the company's earnings picture, but a powerful factor that might influence its near-term stock price is how the actual results compare to these estimates.The stock might move higher if these key numbers top expectations in the upcoming earnings report, which is expected to be released on ...
Will Atkore (ATKR) Beat Estimates Again in Its Next Earnings Report?
ZACKS· 2024-07-17 01:10
Looking for a stock that has been consistently beating earnings estimates and might be well positioned to keep the streak alive in its next quarterly report? Atkore Inc. (ATKR) , which belongs to the Zacks Wire and Cable Products industry, could be a great candidate to consider.This company has an established record of topping earnings estimates, especially when looking at the previous two reports. The company boasts an average surprise for the past two quarters of 13.33%.For the most recent quarter, Atkore ...