BDC Weekly Review: Private Lenders Are Getting Into The Trading Business
Seeking Alpha· 2024-09-21 11:25
文章核心观点 - 公司预计未来10年内零售中心和租赁协议的收入将达到2.5亿美元 [2] 公司收入情况 - 公司2021年12月31日的收入为1.06亿美元 [2] - 公司2022年12月31日的收入预计为1.04亿美元 [2] - 公司2023年12月31日的收入预计为1.01亿美元 [2] - 公司2024年5月10日的收入预计为2.13亿美元 [2]
I Made Ares Capital One Of My Top BDC Positions
Seeking Alpha· 2024-09-20 10:30
公司概况 - 作者拥有10年投资银行从业经验,专注于行业和公司研究,擅长解读各种新闻、事件、财报等,发现潜在的投资机会和风险 [1] - 作者专注于科技、房地产、软件、金融和消费品等行业,这些行业构成了其投资组合的核心 [1] - 作者希望通过分享自己的见解和经验,帮助他人更好地了解和实践股息投资,实现财务自由 [1] 行业分析 - 作者在M&A和企业估值方面有深厚的经验,曾参与过众多企业的买卖交易,对相关流程和复杂性有深入了解 [1] - 在日常工作中,作者会进行财务建模、商业和财务尽职调查以评估公司的健康状况,并参与交易条款的谈判 [1]
Crescent Capital BDC: A Reliable Dividend Payer
Seeking Alpha· 2024-09-17 17:24
RomoloTavani/iStock via Getty Images Crescent Capital BDC (NASDAQ:CCAP) is a business development company [BDC] focused on debt investments with a portfolio of around $1.6 billion spread across more than 180 portfolio companies. In recent quarters, the BDC has witnessed a sustained improvement in its net asset value [NAV] per share and has consistently reported net investment income [NII] well in excess of its $0.42 regular quarterly distribution. The BDC currently offers a highly attractive forward dividen ...
Looking For Another Internally Managed BDC? Capital Southwest Will Do The Job
Seeking Alpha· 2024-09-17 03:01
spawns Business development companies (BDCs) are unique entities aiming to fill the financing gap for businesses struggling to acquire bank or public financing. Therefore, BDCs typically concentrate on the smaller and middle-market companies (often lower middle-market). The business model is pretty simple to understand - gather financing sources (mainly equity) and deploy the capital to generate favourable investment spreads. Most BDCs are externally managed. There aren't many internally managed ones; t ...
Golub Capital BDC: A Solid Quarter But Worse Under The Hood
Seeking Alpha· 2024-09-16 10:03
文章核心观点 - 公司本季度业绩强劲,总净资产收益率达4.8% [1] - 公司股票交易折价11.3%,股息收益率12.5% [1] - 公司维持"持有"评级,估值有所改善,更具吸引力 [1] 公司情况 - 公司投资组合规模达78.68亿美元,共380家投资对象,平均单一投资占比0.3% [2] - 投资组合以浮动利率的优先担保贷款为主,行业集中度较高,主要集中在软件和医疗行业 [1] 财务表现 - 调整后净投资收益下降6%,主要由于杠杆下降,但剔除一次性费用豁免影响后下降近20% [3][4] - 公司净资产值连续6个季度上升,但其中2.6%来自并购带来的增值 [4][5] - 新增投资下降,加上利息费用上升,投资组合收益率下降 [7][8][9] 资产质量 - 不良贷款比例略有上升,但仍低于行业中值 [15][16] - 实现损失较大,过去5个季度累计损失达3% [17] - 投资组合质量略有改善 [17] 估值与回报 - 公司总净资产收益率过去1-2年表现出色 [20] - 公司估值处于较低水平,但与行业中值持平 [21][22] - 公司多项费用指标优于行业,有利于保持较高的净投资收益 [14]
SLR Investment: A Strong And Stable BDC With Concentrated Portfolio
Seeking Alpha· 2024-09-14 20:43
Hinterhaus Productions SLRC is an owner, originator and manager of corporate loans to smaller companies. As of June 30, the SLRC total portfolio size is $2.1 billion and is diversified amongst 800 unique issuers and is 98% senior secured investments. The company is a business development corporation, or BDC. This designation allows for profits to be distributed to shareholders, similar to a REIT. The company is similar to a bank, which only makes loans and pays most of the profits to shareholders. Accor ...
BDC Weekly Review: Common Shareholders Don't Always Have Claim To All Of NII
Seeking Alpha· 2024-09-14 19:00
tadamichi Welcome to another installment of our BDC Market Weekly Review, where we discuss market activity in the Business Development Company ("BDC") sector from both the bottom-up - highlighting individual news and events - as well as the top-down - providing an overview of the broader market. We also try to add some historical context as well as relevant themes that look to be driving the market or that investors ought to be mindful of. This update covers the period through the first week of Septembe ...
Is Hercules Capital Worthy Of Its Name? Volatility Is Coming
Seeking Alpha· 2024-09-14 11:10
文章核心观点 - 公司是一家业务发展公司(BDC),专注于为中小企业提供融资 [1] - 公司专注于五大新经济行业,主要投资于美国目标公司,但也有一定比例的海外投资 [1] - 公司投资规模通常在2500万美元到1亿美元之间 [1] - 公司资产管理规模达到46亿美元 [1] 行业和公司分析 行业分析 - 大部分BDC公司的收益来自浮动利率贷款,因此会从利率上升中获益,但也面临利率下降的风险 [5][8] - 利率下降可能会降低BDC公司的收益,但也会降低其债务成本,并促进交易市场活跃度 [8] - 行业内非应计贷款上升,流动性趋紧,这是一个普遍的负面因素 [9] 公司分析 - 公司投资组合中85.6%为优先担保债务,这是公司的一大优势 [6] - 公司长期以来一直以较大溢价交易,这反映了其优质地位,但也意味着估值较高 [11][12] - 公司股息收益率较高,且股息支付有较好的覆盖 [13][14] - 公司面临利率敏感性、非应计贷款上升、股价波动性等风险 [13]
Hercules Capital: The Yield And Underlying Value Remain Attractive
Seeking Alpha· 2024-09-13 17:20
Hiroshi Watanabe Hercules Capital, Inc. (NYSE:HTGC) is my only VC-focused BDC for which I have assigned a buy rating currently. My first piece on HTGC - Hercules Capital: A Different Type Of VC-Focused BDC - was published in January 2024. As it could be understood from the title, the thesis was based on fundamentals that differ from those of other VC tilted BDCs. More specifically, it was about relatively conservative equity stakes, sound capital structure and disciplined credit underwriting strategy th ...
Northstar Announces First Draw Under $8.75 Million Project Loan Facility from BDC
Prnewswire· 2024-09-12 20:00
VANCOUVER, BC and CALGARY, AB, Sept. 12, 2024 /PRNewswire/ - Northstar Clean Technologies Inc. (TSXV: ROOF) (OTCQB: ROOOF) ("Northstar" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that it has completed its first draw of approximately C$1.6 million under its C$8.75 million non-revolving senior secured project loan facility (the "BDC Facility") with the Business Development Bank of Canada ("BDC"), previously announced by the Company on July 7, 2023, for the planned asphalt shingle reprocessing facility in Calgar ...