GameStop Stock Slides as Keith Gill Faces 'Pump and Dump' Accusations
Investopedia· 2024-07-02 02:30
Key TakeawaysGameStop shares fell in intraday trading Monday as the meme stock faces another day of volatility.Markets are reacting to news about Keith Gill, the trader known as "Roaring Kitty" who was a defining piece of the initial meme-stock craze of late 2020 and early 2021.Gill was revealed to have a 6.6% stake in online pet products retailer Chewy in an SEC filing Monday. He is also facing a class-action lawsuit over allegations of a "pump and dump" scheme with GameStop shares. Shares of GameStop (GME ...
‘Roaring Kitty' sued for alleged ‘pump-and-dump' scheme with GameStop stock
New York Post· 2024-07-02 00:32
Meme stock icon “Roaring Kitty” allegedly duped his millions of internet followers with a “pump-and-dump” scheme by revealing his position in video game retailer GameStop without disclosing when he bought the options, according to a bombshell class-action lawsuit.Keith Gill, the former financial analyst for MassMutual who sparked the meme-stock frenzy in 2021 by using his internet alter-ego Roaring Kitty, was slapped with a securities fraud suit by several GameStop shareholders in Brooklyn federal court.Gil ...
GameStop (GME) Stock Falls as Roaring Kitty Faces Pump-and-Dump Lawsuit
Investor Place· 2024-07-01 23:25
文章核心观点 - 投资影响力人物Roaring Kitty(Keith Gill)被指控参与GameStop(GME)股票的操纵性"拉升-抛售"(pump-and-dump)行为 [1][2][5] - Gill在2021年帮助引发了GameStop股票的空头挤压,但现在被指控在2024年5月12日发帖后操纵股价 [2][4][5][6] - 如果Gill被认定有罪,将对GameStop及其他"记忆股"造成重大影响,因为他在该社区拥有崇拜般的地位 [3][7][9] 文章内容总结 关于Roaring Kitty的指控 - Gill在2024年5月12日发帖后,GameStop股价出现74%的涨幅 [5] - Gill随后在6月2日披露了自己持有大量GameStop期权,导致股价再次上涨 [6] - 这被指控是Gill策划的"拉升-抛售"操纵行为,违反了联邦证券法 [5][6] 对GameStop及其他"记忆股"的影响 - 如果Gill被认定有罪,将对GameStop股价造成重大打击,并拖累其他"记忆股"一同下跌 [3][9] - Gill在该社区拥有崇拜般的地位,被视为"傻钱"电影中的英雄人物,但若指控属实,将严重损害其形象 [9]
From Meme to Catastrophe: Why Smart Money Is Fleeing GameStop Stock
Investor Place· 2024-07-01 18:00
文章核心观点 - GameStop的财务状况持续疲弱,数字游戏的挑战导致实体销售模式受到冲击 [1][2] - 尽管股价短期内出现波动,但公司的基本面问题和市场份额流失仍在持续,估值倍数过高 [2][3] - GameStop正在探索通过发行50亿美元股票来采用比特币标准的转型提议 [5][6] - 公司正在通过关店等方式精简零售网络,并承诺专注于为股东创造长期价值 [6][7] - 公司利用市场上涨时机出售了2,200股股票,获得了额外的5.8万美元收益 [8][9] 公司财务表现 - GameStop拥有4,413家全球零售门店,在实体视频游戏销售领域占据主导地位 [10] - 但数字游戏的兴起降低了GameStop的收入潜力,过去10年收入下降42%至52亿美元 [11] - 尽管门店关闭,但公司销售额仍维持在50亿美元左右 [11] - 公司目前拥有10亿美元现金和证券,1500万美元长期债务,4亿美元租赁负债 [12] - 2023财年收入52亿美元,净利润670万美元,较上年亏损3.13亿美元有所改善 [13] 股价波动分析 - 公司股价在"Roaring Kitty"事件后出现大涨,但随后又大幅下跌 [14][15] - 在Gill的直播中表达对Cohen领导力的信心,引发股价再次大涨80% [16] - 公司趁机提前3天发布季度业绩,超预期亏损32.3百万美元 [17][18] - 公司又趁股价上涨时发行新股,筹集了20亿美元现金 [19] 投资建议 - 投资者应该明确投资目标,权衡GameStop的高风险特性 [20][21] - 公司基本面疲弱和Gill的社交媒体活动引发的市场操纵指控,都表明其长期投资风险较高 [21][22]
Pomerantz Law Firm Announces the Filing of a Class Action on Behalf of Investors of GameStop Corp. Securities – GME
GlobeNewswire News Room· 2024-06-30 21:04
NEW YORK, June 30, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Pomerantz LLP announces that a class action lawsuit has been filed on behalf of investors of GameStop Corp. (“GameStop” or the “Company”) (NYSE: GME) securities. The class action, filed in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of New York, and docketed under 24-cv-04608, is on behalf of a class consisting of all persons and entities other than Defendant that purchased or otherwise acquired GameStop securities between May 13, 2024 and June 13, 2 ...
Investors Heavily Search GameStop Corp. (GME): Here is What You Need to Know
ZACKS· 2024-06-28 22:06
GameStop (GME) has been one of the most searched-for stocks on lately. So, you might want to look at some of the facts that could shape the stock's performance in the near term.Shares of this video game retailer have returned +11% over the past month versus the Zacks S&P 500 composite's +3.5% change. The Zacks Gaming industry, to which GameStop belongs, has gained 16.3% over this period. Now the key question is: Where could the stock be headed in the near term?While media releases or rumors about ...
Forget GameStop, this is Roaring Kitty's new favorite stock
Finbold· 2024-06-28 18:18
Keith Gill, famously known as Roaring Kitty, has notably returned to social media, sparking market excitement. On June 27, Gill posted an image of a cartoon dog with its tongue hanging out on X, leading to speculation that Chewy’s (NYSE: CHEWY) stock, an American online retailer of pet food and other pet-related products, might be his next target. This simple post caused CHWY shares to surge by over 27% in early trading, reaching daily highs of $35.75, although the stock later gave up most of these investm ...
Sell Alert: 3 Stocks to Offload Before They Tumble Over 10%
Investor Place· 2024-06-27 22:00
Stocks have had a strong year so far, with share prices rising approximately 50% since bottoming in October 2022. This is the best performance since 1957. However, historically, traders are looking for certain stocks to sell during substantial growth. Typically, stocks experience some pullback, defined as a 10% decline from the recent high. While they do not seem ready to sell yet, there are hints of unease as investors worry about the concentration of gains within a small group of large tech companies.In f ...
7 Short Squeeze Stocks to Look Into for Your Portfolio
MarketBeat· 2024-06-27 21:00
文章核心观点 - 2021年,一名拥有大量Reddit粉丝的交易员引发了GameStop股价的大涨 [1][2] - GameStop股价从5美元以下飙升至80美元以上(拆股调整后),引发了其他高度被做空的股票如AMC和Blackberry的同情性上涨 [2] - 尽管这些涨幅都是短暂的,但那些及时进场和退出的投资者都获得了可观的利润 [2] 根据相关目录分别进行总结 什么是短挤压股票 - 当投资者认为某只股票会下跌时,他们可能会考虑做空该股票以从中获利 [3][4] - 如果该股票价格上涨而不是下跌,做空者需要以更高的价格买回股票以平仓,这就会导致价格进一步上涨,形成短挤压 [4][6] - 短挤压股票必须具有高度的空头头寸才能创造出必要的条件 [6] 7只潜在的短挤压股票 1. The Children's Place Inc. [9][10] - 该公司是华尔街最被做空的股票,55%以上的流通股被做空 - 公司内部动荡,业绩不佳,股价今年已下跌超过63% - 但股价可能已见底,分析师给予持有评级和14美元的目标价 2. Trupanion Inc. [12][13] - 该公司提供宠物保险服务,39%的股份被做空 - 尽管投资者看空,但分析师普遍看好,给予买入评级和32.8美元的目标价 3. Advantage Solutions Inc. [14][15] - 该公司提供商品制造商和零售商的物流服务,市值不到10亿美元,33%的股份被做空 - 最近交易量异常,内部人士增持,分析师给予中性评级和3.43美元的目标价 4. Sunnova Energy International Inc. [17] - 该公司提供太阳能系统,市值7亿美元,34%的股份被做空 - 尽管去年股价下跌超过一半,但最近一个月已上涨近30% - 分析师给予16个买入评级(共25个),目标价15.73美元 5. Forward Air Corp. [20] - 该公司提供货运物流服务,市值较小,25%的流通股被做空 - 最近一个月股价已上涨超过50%,即将发布业绩报告 6. EVgo Inc. [21][22] - 该公司运营电动车充电站网络,市值6.98亿美元,33%的股份被做空 - 分析师给予4个买入评级和3个持有评级,目标价4美元 7. Zynex Inc. [24][25] - 该公司生产医疗设备,市值2.77亿美元,15%的流通股被做空 - 股价曾创历史新高,但后来大跌至不到9美元 - 分析师给予买入评级,目标价18美元 决定这7只短挤压股票的标准 - 高度的空头头寸 [26] - 较低的流通股数量 [27] - 内部人士增持 [28] - 交易量增加 [29] - 潜在的业绩催化剂 [30]
Cohen's Silent Treatment: Why GameStop Stock Investors Are Flying Blind
Investor Place· 2024-06-27 18:10
GameStop (NYSE:GME) stock is fading. Shares of the video game retailer have lost almost two-thirds of the value gained after the recent run-up caused by Roaring Kitty’s return to social media. Despite Keith Gill’s belief in the company and significant ownership, investors question the timing of buying GameStop stock.Despite the video game retailer sitting 140% above the lows hit prior to the revival of meme stock trading, the trading frenzy has subsided. Is having faith in CEO Ryan Cohen’s ability to turn t ...