Kinder Morgan (KMI) Earnings Expected to Grow: What to Know Ahead of Q4 Release
ZACKS· 2025-01-09 00:06
The market expects Kinder Morgan (KMI) to deliver a year-over-year increase in earnings on higher revenues when it reports results for the quarter ended December 2024. This widely-known consensus outlook is important in assessing the company's earnings picture, but a powerful factor that might influence its near-term stock price is how the actual results compare to these estimates.The stock might move higher if these key numbers top expectations in the upcoming earnings report. On the other hand, if they mi ...
The Best Dividend Stocks to Buy in 2025
The Motley Fool· 2025-01-05 00:32
The best dividend stocks can provide you with bountiful streams of passive income. With their lower risk and volatility profiles, these stalwart stocks should also help you protect your wealth while adding ballast to your diversified investment portfolio.To aid your search for these wealth builders, here are two top dividend stocks set to deliver strong returns to their investors in the year ahead.Dividend stock to buy No. 1: AT&TAT&T (T -0.70%) wants to provide its customers with a simpler solution for the ...
KMI's Tennessee Gas Pipeline Greenlights Mississippi Crossing Project
ZACKS· 2025-01-04 01:00
Kinder Morgan Inc. (KMI) has announced that its subsidiary, Tennessee Gas Pipeline, L.L.C. (“TGP”), has made a final investment decision to go ahead with the Mississippi Crossing Project (MSX Project). The MSX Project involves the construction of a pipeline network spanning approximately 2.6 miles and two new compressor stations for the transportation of up to 1.5 billion cubic feet per day (Bcf/d) of natural gas. The project has an estimated cost of nearly $1.4 billion.Economic and Regional Benefits of the ...
3 Midstream Stocks to Monitor in a Volatile Energy Market
ZACKS· 2025-01-03 23:20
During the initial phase of the pandemic, when vaccines were unavailable, the world faced significant uncertainties. Crude oil prices experienced an unprecedented plunge, dropping to a negative $36.98 per barrel on April 20, 2020. However, the rapid development and rollout of vaccines facilitated the gradual reopening of economies, leading to a remarkable recovery in the pricing of West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude, which soared to $123.64 per barrel by March 8, 2022. Oil price data are per the U.S. Energ ...
Kinder Morgan (KMI) Ascends But Remains Behind Market: Some Facts to Note
ZACKS· 2024-12-25 07:51
In the latest trading session, Kinder Morgan (KMI) closed at $27.33, marking a +1.04% move from the previous day. This change lagged the S&P 500's 1.1% gain on the day. Elsewhere, the Dow saw an upswing of 0.91%, while the tech-heavy Nasdaq appreciated by 1.35%.Prior to today's trading, shares of the oil and natural gas pipeline and storage company had lost 2.87% over the past month. This has was narrower than the Oils-Energy sector's loss of 10.32% and lagged the S&P 500's gain of 0.22% in that time.The in ...
Why Kinder Morgan (KMI) Outpaced the Stock Market Today
ZACKS· 2024-12-24 08:05
公司表现与估值 - Kinder Morgan最新交易日收盘价为$27.05,较前一日上涨0.74%,表现优于标普500的0.73%涨幅 [1] - 公司过去一个月股价下跌5.76%,表现优于石油能源板块的9.2%跌幅,但落后于标普500的0.34%涨幅 [6] - 公司当前PEG比率为3.88,高于行业平均的3.35 [8] - 公司Forward P/E比率为22.87,高于行业平均的15.89,表明其估值高于行业平均水平 [10] 财务预测与分析师预期 - 预计公司即将发布的季度财报中,每股收益为$0.33,同比增长17.86%,营收预计为$4.09 billion,同比增长1.28% [2] - 全年预计每股收益为$1.17,同比增长9.35%,营收预计为$15.28 billion,同比下降0.38% [3] - 过去30天内,Zacks Consensus EPS预期下调了0.51%,公司当前Zacks Rank为3(持有) [7] 行业表现与排名 - 石油和天然气生产与管道行业属于石油能源板块,当前Zacks Industry Rank为188,处于所有250多个行业的底部26% [11] - Zacks Industry Rank显示,排名前50%的行业表现优于后50%的行业,表现差异为2:1 [9]
Kinder Morgan (KMI) Laps the Stock Market: Here's Why
ZACKS· 2024-11-22 07:51
Kinder Morgan (KMI) closed at $28.54 in the latest trading session, marking a +1.93% move from the prior day. The stock's change was more than the S&P 500's daily gain of 0.53%. Meanwhile, the Dow experienced a rise of 1.06%, and the technology-dominated Nasdaq saw an increase of 0.03%.Shares of the oil and natural gas pipeline and storage company witnessed a gain of 13.04% over the previous month, beating the performance of the Oils-Energy sector with its gain of 3.73% and the S&P 500's gain of 1.02%.The i ...
3 No-Brainer Energy Stocks to Buy With $1,000 Right Now
The Motley Fool· 2024-11-21 18:28
文章核心观点 - 美国即将进入一个前所未有的电力需求增长期 预计未来十年电力需求将比过去十年增长十倍以上 主要驱动因素包括供暖和交通部门的电气化 电动汽车和AI数据中心 [1] 行业展望 - 天然气将在支持预期电力需求激增中发挥关键作用 预计到2030年 美国天然气消费量将增加200亿立方英尺/天 从去年的1080亿立方英尺/天增加到1280亿立方英尺/天 这还不包括数据中心额外增加的100亿立方英尺/天的天然气需求 [2] 公司分析 Kinder Morgan - Kinder Morgan是美国天然气基础设施的无可争议的领导者 运营着全国最大的天然气输送网络 拥有66000英里的管道 输送超过全国40%的天然气产量 还拥有全国15%的天然气储存能力 约64%的现金流来自天然气 [3] - 公司目前正在进行51亿美元的扩张项目 其中约43亿美元用于新的天然气基础设施 最大的项目是投资17亿美元扩建管道系统 为东南市场供应额外的12亿立方英尺/天的天然气 预计将于2028年底上线 [4] - Kinder Morgan的扩张项目应为其提供增长现金流和股息的动力 目前股息收益率超过4% 以该收益率计算 1000美元的投资每年可产生超过40美元的股息收入 [5] Williams - Williams是天然气基础设施的领导者 运营着超过33000英里的管道 处理全国约三分之一的天然气需求 其中最著名的是Transco 这是全国最大的天然气管道 [6] - 公司有一系列天然气基础设施项目正在进行中 这些项目应在本十年末上线 为其提供大量可见性以增长其收益 Williams预计长期内每年将增长5%至7%的收益 这应支持其超过3%的股息以类似的增长率增长 [7] - Williams还有大量项目在管道中 它可以在2026年至2032年期间投资超过100亿美元于30个潜在项目 确保这些项目将为其提供更多动力以在未来增长其收益和股息 [8] Targa Resources - Targa Resources是一家领先的中游基础设施公司 拥有天然气收集和处理资产 天然气液体管道和分馏设施 以及液化石油气出口能力 Targa在二叠纪盆地拥有最大的天然气收集和处理地位 这是一个世界级的石油和天然气资源 [9] - 能源中游公司正在进行几个扩张项目 包括在二叠纪的六个天然气处理厂 这些工厂应于2026年上线 这些项目使其能够参与该地区不断增长的产量 它还有其他几个项目正在进行或开发中 以推动今年之后的额外增长 [10] - Targa Resources预计在未来几年内将40%至50%的现金流返还给投资者 预计将迅速增加其1.5%的股息 目标是到2025年增长33% 并在之后每年有意义地增长 Targa还预计将机会性地回购股票 [11] 投资机会 - 预计未来十年电力需求的激增应推动天然气需求的强劲增长 这为天然气基础设施公司提供了更多机会来扩展其系统 Kinder Morgan Williams和Targa Resources是该行业的领导者 这使它们处于有利地位 以在未来以有吸引力的利率增长其收益和股息 这应为其投资者带来强劲的总回报 [12]
The S&P 500's Dividend Yield Is the Lowest It's Been in Over 2 Decades. Here's Where You Can Lock in Much Higher Yields.
The Motley Fool· 2024-11-16 18:32
S&P 500情况 - 过去一年涨幅达35%股息收益率从一年前的1.7%降至如今的1.2%为20多年来最低水平远低于2008 - 2009金融危机末期超4%的峰值[1] - 现在投资10000美元于S&P 500明年股息收益约120美元而一年前投资相同金额可收益约170美元[2] Realty Income情况 - 按当前股价收益率超5.5%历史上连续653个月派息自1994年上市以来已127次提高派息包括连续108个季度按4.3%的复合年增长率增长[3] - 产生稳定租金收入75%现金流用于派息其余用于投资新的盈利性房产资产负债表在REIT同行中最强[4] - 应能继续增加派息今年将投资约35亿美元于新房产以93亿美元收购Spirit Realty今年每股现金流将增长近5%在美国和欧洲有大量商业房地产可供选择[5] Kinder Morgan情况 - 按当前股价股息收益率近4.5%已连续7年增加派息[6] - 产生稳定现金流约68%的收益为照付不议或套期保值27%为基于费用按固定费率收取[6] - 超50%现金流用于派息其余用于资助扩张项目目前有超50亿美元商业担保扩张项目将在2028年底前上线未来有足够动力继续提高股息[7] Verizon情况 - 按当前股价收益率超6.5%已连续18年每年增加派息为美国电信行业目前最长连续增长期[8] - 今年前九个月运营现金流达265亿美元轻松覆盖资本支出(120亿美元)和股息支出(84亿美元)利用多余自由现金巩固资产负债表[9] - 大力投资扩展5G和光纤网络应能增加未来现金流以200亿美元收购Frontier Communications将提升收益因至少节省5亿美元成本增长相关投资使其能继续增加股息[10] 投资建议 - Realty Income、Kinder Morgan和Verizon目前股息收益率远高于S&P 500平均水平有良好的增加派息记录且可能继续保持是当前获取收益的优质股票[11]
Why Is Kinder Morgan (KMI) Up 7.8% Since Last Earnings Report?
ZACKS· 2024-11-16 01:36
It has been about a month since the last earnings report for Kinder Morgan (KMI) . Shares have added about 7.8% in that time frame, outperforming the S&P 500.Will the recent positive trend continue leading up to its next earnings release, or is Kinder Morgan due for a pullback? Before we dive into how investors and analysts have reacted as of late, let's take a quick look at the most recent earnings report in order to get a better handle on the important catalysts. Kinder Morgan Q3 Earnings Miss EstimatesKi ...