RTO INVESTOR ALERT: Bronstein, Gewirtz and Grossman, LLC Announces an Investigation into Rentokil Initial plc and Encourages Investors to Contact the Firm!
GlobeNewswire News Room· 2024-09-14 04:00
NEW YORK, Sept. 13, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Attorney Advertising -- Bronstein, Gewirtz & Grossman, LLC is investigating potential claims on behalf of purchasers of Rentokil Initial plc ("Rentokil" or "the Company") (NYSE: RTO). Investors who purchased Rentokil securities are encouraged to obtain additional information and assist the investigation by visiting the firm's site: Investigation Details On September 11, 2024, Rentokil disclosed that it expected full-year adjusted pretax profit of ...
Why Shares of Rentokil Plummeted Today
The Motley Fool· 2024-09-12 02:08
文章核心观点 - 全球害虫防治和卫生服务提供商Rentokil Initial(RTO)的股价下跌20%,原因是公司发布的最新交易更新显示,其2024年下半年北美地区的有机收入增长仅为1%,低于此前2%-4%的指引 [1][2] - 虽然这一个百分点的指引下调看似不太严重,但Rentokil的北美业务占其总收入和营业利润的60%,这一地区的表现对公司至关重要,尤其是在2022年以67亿美元收购Terminix之后 [2] - 与竞争对手Rollins在2024年前三个季度10%的有机增长相比,Rentokil的1%增长可能是一个潜在的警示信号 [3] - 不过,Rentokil目前的自由现金流估值仅为20倍,相比Rollins的46倍来说具有一定的估值优势,如果能够成功实施其"Right Way 2 Growth"计划,其股价可能会有所反弹 [3]
Rentokil Stock Tumbles on Profit Warning
Investopedia· 2024-09-12 00:45
Key Takeaways Rentokil Initial shares tumbled Wednesday after the pest-control company warned it would take a $104.5 million profit hit this year. The pest-control company blamed weakness in its North American business and currency fluctuations. Rentokil said that the rise in the pound's price versus the U.S. dollar will create a headwind for the firm. Rentokil Initial (RTO) shares traded in the U.S. cratered Wednesday after the pest-control company warned that slow sales in North America and negative curre ...
Crude Oil Surges 2.5%; Rentokil Initial Shares Plunge
Benzinga· 2024-09-12 00:13
U.S. stocks traded mostly lower midway through trading, with the S&P 500 falling around 0.5% on Wednesday. The Dow traded down 0.94% to 40,352.38 while the NASDAQ rose 0.17% to 17,054.94. The S&P 500 also fell, dropping, 0.52% to 5,466.77. Check This Out: Wall Street's Most Accurate Analysts Give Their Take On 3 Materials Stocks Delivering HighDividend Yields Leading and Lagging Sectors Information technology shares fell by just 0.3% on Wednesday. In trading on Wednesday, financials shares dipped by 2.4%. T ...
Digicann Ventures and 3Win Corp. Sign Binding LOI for Proposed RTO Transaction
GlobeNewswire News Room· 2024-08-03 05:05
/Not for distribution to U.S. news wire services or for dissemination in the United States/ VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Aug. 02, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Digicann Ventures Ltd. ("Digicann" or the "Company") (CSE: DCNN) (OTCPK: AGFAF), a company focused on opportunities within and outside of the cannabis industry, announces that it has entered into a binding letter of intent (the "LOI") with 3Win Corp. ("3Win") dated August 1, 2024 to effect a transaction that will result in the reverse take-over (the "RTO" ...
Rentokil(RTO) - 2024 Q2 - Earnings Call Transcript
2024-07-27 03:13
财务数据和关键指标变化 - 收入增长4%至27.6亿英镑,其中有2.8%的有机增长 [5] - 调整后营业利润增长4.7%至4.55亿英镑,利润率为16.5%,上升10个基点 [7] - 法定税前利润增长5.6%至2.53亿英镑 [7] - 杠杆率为2.8倍,符合2-2.5倍的目标范围 [8] 各条业务线数据和关键指标变化 - 北美地区有机收入增长1.3%,第二季度有所改善 [6][20][21] - 欧洲地区收入增长7%,有机增长5.8% [25][26] - 英国和撒哈拉以南非洲地区收入增长13.2% [27] - 亚洲和中东地区收入增长7.5%,有机增长4.7% [28] - 太平洋地区收入增长10.4%,有机增长4.1% [29][30] 各个市场数据和关键指标变化 - 北美地区客户保留率稳定在79.8%,员工保留率提升2.6个百分点至77.8% [23] - 欧洲地区客户保留率为88.5%,员工保留率达90.7% [26] - 英国和撒哈拉以南非洲地区客户保留率保持强劲,员工保留率为84.4% [27] - 亚洲和中东地区客户保留率大幅提升,员工保留率为93.5% [28] - 太平洋地区客户保留率保持强劲,员工保留率提升1.6个百分点 [29][30] 公司战略和发展方向及行业竞争 - 公司在北美执行RIGHT WAY 2增长计划,投入2100万美元,取得一些积极进展 [9][12] - 公司计划在下半年追加2500万美元投资,以支持客户获取和保留 [12] - 公司正在加快北美业务整合,已完成9家分支机构的整合 [13][14][69][70][71] - 公司在全球范围内保持积极的并购策略,在上半年完成23笔并购 [8][46][47][48] - 公司计划未来一年的并购支出在2-2.5亿英镑之间 [37][128][129] 管理层对经营环境和未来前景的评论 - 管理层对北美业务的增长前景保持信心,认为正在取得积极进展 [6][9][12] - 管理层对欧洲、英国和亚太地区的业务表现感到满意 [5] - 管理层对公司整体的业务前景保持乐观,认为有望实现进一步发展 [7][79] 其他重要信息 - 公司计划从2025年1月1日起将报告货币从英镑转换为美元 [35][36] - 公司目前没有计划改变上市地,将继续专注于执行Terminix整合和提升北美有机增长 [36] - 公司调整了部分全年财务指引,包括整合成本、税率和并购支出等 [37][38] 问答环节重要的提问和回答 问题1 **Suhasini Varanasi 提问** 为什么将北美地区的增长指引下调至2-4%的较低端? [81][82] **Andrew Ransom 回答** 1.5%的有机增长已经是1%的改善,但仍需进一步提升才能达到2-4%的较低端 [84][85] 公司有信心在下半年继续推进增长计划,取得进一步进展 [84][85] 问题2 **Annelies Vermeulen 提问** 前期2500万美元的营销投入中,哪些效果不太理想?下半年2500万美元的追加投入会有何调整? [91][92] **Andrew Ransom 回答** 前期投入中,数字营销广告的效果在季度内有所波动,需要不断优化投放策略 [93][94][95] 下半年的追加投入将继续聚焦于数字营销广告,并增加对客户保留的投入 [102][103][104][105] 问题3 **Allen Wells 提问** 2500万美元的额外投入是否意味着未来还需要持续大规模投入? [99][100][101] **Andrew Ransom 回答** 75%的北美收入来自合同业务,因此投入不仅针对当期,也为未来几年的增长奠定基础 [103][104][105][106][107] 公司有信心当前的投入策略是正确的,将继续推进,并根据效果适当调整 [102][103][104][105]
RTO or SGSOY: Which Is the Better Value Stock Right Now?
ZACKS· 2024-07-11 00:46
Another notable valuation metric for RTO is its P/B ratio of 3.09. Investors use the P/B ratio to look at a stock's market value versus its book value, which is defined as total assets minus total liabilities. By comparison, SGSOY has a P/B of 28.43. These metrics, and several others, help RTO earn a Value grade of B, while SGSOY has been given a Value grade of C. RTO is currently sporting an improving earnings outlook, which makes it stick out in our Zacks Rank model. And, based on the above valuation metr ...
RTO vs. ULS: Which Stock Is the Better Value Option?
ZACKS· 2024-07-09 01:07
We have found that the best way to discover great value opportunities is to pair a strong Zacks Rank with a great grade in the Value category of our Style Scores system. The Zacks Rank favors stocks with strong earnings estimate revision trends, and our Style Scores highlight companies with specific traits. The Value category of the Style Scores system identifies undervalued companies by looking at a number of key metrics. These include the long-favored P/E ratio, P/S ratio, earnings yield, cash flow per sh ...
RTO or ULS: Which Is the Better Value Stock Right Now?
ZACKS· 2024-06-20 00:40
Investors interested in Business - Services stocks are likely familiar with Rentokil Initial PLC (RTO) and UL Solutions Inc. (ULS) . But which of these two stocks presents investors with the better value opportunity right now? Let's take a closer look. We have found that the best way to discover great value opportunities is to pair a strong Zacks Rank with a great grade in the Value category of our Style Scores system. The Zacks Rank is a proven strategy that targets companies with positive earnings estimat ...
Nelson Peltz's Trian has a stake in Rentokil. Here's how the activist might boost shareholder value
CNBC· 2024-06-15 20:00
文章核心观点 - 公司是一家总部位于英国的全球性公司,主要从事害虫防治、卫生和健康服务 [1] - 公司在北美地区占据了较大的市场份额,2023年约60%的收入来自北美 [4] - 公司近年来业绩表现出色,但最近遇到了一些经营挑战,导致股价下跌 [5] - 美国投资公司Trian收购了公司的大量股份,希望通过改善运营来提升股东价值 [6][7][9][10] 公司概况 - 公司主要从事害虫防治、卫生和健康服务,为住宅、商业和工业客户提供服务 [1][4] - 公司的核心害虫防治业务占收入的80%,卫生和健康业务占16%,法国工作服务务占4% [4] - 公司在过去10年(2011-2021年)表现出色,总回报达932%,远超英国富时100指数和标普500指数 [5] - 2022年10月,公司以67亿美元收购了Terminix公司,进一步扩大了在北美的业务规模 [5] 投资机会 - 公司股价下跌36%,引起了投资公司Trian的关注,Trian已经收购了公司的大量股份 [6] - Trian在英国市场的投资历史表现出色,平均收益率为32.01%,远高于MSCI EAFE指数的9.79% [6] - Trian可能会推动公司将主要上市地从伦敦转移到纽约,以缩小与美国同行的估值差距 [7][8] - Trian擅长改善公司的运营,可能会帮助公司提高利润率、刺激收入增长,并整合Terminix的业务 [9][10]