Franco-Nevada(FNV) - 2024 Q1 - Earnings Call Presentation
Franco-Nevada(FNV)2024-05-03 02:14
27.6 27.5 Finance expenses 0.6 0.7 GEOs are calculated taking into account the NPI economics. Silver, platinum, palladium, iron ore, oil, gas and other A V E R A G E C O M M O D I T Y P R I C E C H A N G E S Franco & Nevada Based on LBMA PM Fix for gold, platinum and palladium. Based on LBMA Fix for silver Based on Bank of Canada daily rates R E V E N U E & A D J U S T E D E B I T D A P E R F O R M A N C E 6 $400 Total Revenue Adjusted EBITDA Cobre Panama Cobre Panama Q 1 2 0 2 4 R E V E N U E D I V E R S I ...