Arch Capital .(ACGL)
5 Insurers Set to Outshine Estimates This Earnings Season
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-01-31 22:01
保险行业趋势 - 金融部门第四季度2023年的盈利预期下降0.8%,但预计收入将增长2.6%[1] - 保险行业的结果可能反映出更好的定价和暴露增长,加快数字化进程以及利率改善,但灾难损失可能会对盈利能力产生影响[1] - 改善定价、投资组合重组、再保险覆盖、有利的准备金发展和谨慎的核保可能有助于核保结果[3] 保险公司盈利预期 - 通过Zacks股票筛选器,我们确定了五家保险公司,即Arch Capital Group Ltd.,Everest Group Ltd.,The Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc,Manulife Financial Corporation和Willis Towers Watson plc,这些公司有望在第四季度的盈利中超过Zacks一致预期[2] 保险产品和业务发展 - 第四季度汽车保费可能有所提高,全球旅行增加可能受益于抵押保险费[4] - 寿险公司一直在重新设计产品,专注于保护产品,增加对保护产品的认识和需求可能推动销售[5] 投资和业务增长 - 投资结果可能受益于改善的利率环境,更大的投资资产基础、更高的再投资率和替代投资可能有助于增加净投资收入[6] - 持续投资于技术进步可能节省成本,并进而导致利润率扩张[7] 公司业绩展望 - Arch Capital Group提供全球的保险、再保险和抵押保险,第四季度的保费预计将受益于大部分业务线的增长,主要与保险和再保险部门的费率上涨、新业务机会和现有账户的收益增长有关[8] - Everest Group是一家财产和意外伤害保险公司和再保险公司,其表现可能受益于全球业务、产品多样化、费率上涨和高保留率[10] - The Hartford Financial是美国主要的多线保险和投资公司之一,第四季度的收入预计将受益于商业线、个人线和团体福利业务的保费增加[12] - Manulife Financial是加拿大市场三大主要寿险公司之一,在亚洲业务的实力以及不断扩大的财富和资产管理业务可能推动第四季度的业绩[15] - Willis Towers是一家领先的全球咨询、经纪和解决方案公司,高有机佣金和费用、良好的客户保留水平和新业务增长可能有助于收入增长[17]
Can Higher Expenses Play Spoilsport for AON's Q4 Earnings?
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-01-31 02:51
Aon plc (AON) is set to report its fourth-quarter 2023 results on Feb 2, before the opening bell. A strong Reinsurance Solutions performance is expected in the quarter under review, along with increasing costs.What Do the Estimates Say?The Zacks Consensus Estimate for fourth-quarter earnings per share of $4.07 suggests a 4.6% increase from the prior-year figure of $3.89. The consensus mark remained stable over the past week. The consensus estimate for fourth-quarter revenues of $3.4 billion indicates a 7.1% ...
Here's Why Arch Capital Group (ACGL) is a Strong Growth Stock
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-01-30 23:46
Zacks Premium - Zacks Premium提供多种方式帮助投资者[1] Zacks Style Scores - Zacks Style Scores是基于三种广泛遵循的投资方法对股票进行评级的[3] - Style Scores分为价值评分、增长评分、动量评分和VGM评分四个类别[5] Zacks Rank - Zacks Rank是一种专有的股票评级模型,利用盈利预期修订来帮助投资者建立成功的投资组合[9] - 拥有Zacks Rank 1或2并且具有A或B的Style Scores的股票具有最高成功概率[13] ACGL股票 - ACGL是Zacks Rank 3,VGM Score为A[18] - ACGL有A级的增长Style Score,预测当前财年盈利增长率为62.2%[19] - ACGL应该在投资者的备选名单上,具有坚实的Zacks Rank和顶级的增长和VGM Style Scores[21]
Here's Why Arch Capital Group (ACGL) is a Strong Momentum Stock
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-01-29 23:51
It doesn't matter your age or experience: taking full advantage of the stock market and investing with confidence are common goals for all investors. Luckily, Zacks Premium offers several different ways to do both.The popular research service can help you become a smarter, more self-assured investor, giving you access to daily updates of the Zacks Rank and Zacks Industry Rank, the Zacks #1 Rank List, Equity Research reports, and Premium stock screens.It also includes access to the Zacks Style Scores.What ar ...
5 High ROE Stocks to Buy as Markets Dip on Inflation Worry
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-01-17 22:01
Over the past few trading days, the broader U.S. equity markets witnessed a downtrend owing to higher-than-expected inflation data. Per the latest reports, the consumer price index increased 0.3% in December month over month and 3.4% on a year-over-year basis compared with broader expectations of a 0.2% and 3.2% rise, respectively, primarily due to higher rents and food prices. This portrays that the Federal Reserve’s efforts to slow down inflation to its 2% target will likely remain bumpy in the year ahead ...
Will Arch Capital (ACGL) Beat Estimates Again in Its Next Earnings Report?
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-01-17 02:33
Have you been searching for a stock that might be well-positioned to maintain its earnings-beat streak in its upcoming report? It is worth considering Arch Capital Group (ACGL) , which belongs to the Zacks Insurance - Property and Casualty industry.This property and casualty insurer has an established record of topping earnings estimates, especially when looking at the previous two reports. The company boasts an average surprise for the past two quarters of 33.18%.For the last reported quarter, Arch Capital ...
Arch Insurance Welcomes Prabhu Venkataraman as CIO
Businesswire· 2024-01-17 00:05
NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Arch Insurance North America (Arch Insurance) today announces the appointment of Prabhu Venkataraman as Chief Information Officer. In this role, Venkataraman is responsible for leading technology implementation and services across the segment, with a particular focus on strategic alignment, data enablement and empowering the business. He reports to Prashant Nema, Executive Vice President and Chief Information Officer of Arch Capital Services LLC and Brian First, President of Ar ...
Don't Overlook These Top Value Stocks in January It's Time to Buy
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-01-13 07:48
Investors searching for value will want to pay attention to a few top-rated Zacks stocks that are standing out among the finance and medical sectors.With “A” Zacks Style Scores grades for Value here are three stocks with fundamental valuations that shouldn't be overlooked at the moment.Arch Capital Group (ACGL) : Insurance giant Arch Capital sports a Zacks Rank #2 (Buy) and is a formidable investment prospect in terms of growth and value.Offering a variety of underwritings for insurance, reinsurance, and mo ...
Arch Capital Group Ltd. to Report 2023 Fourth Quarter Results on February 14
Businesswire· 2024-01-10 05:10
PEMBROKE, Bermuda--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Arch Capital Group Ltd. (NASDAQ: ACGL) today announced it expects to release its 2023 fourth quarter results after the close of regular stock market hours on Wednesday, Feb. 14. The Company will hold a conference call for investors and analysts at 11 a.m. ET on Thursday, Feb. 15. A live webcast of this call will be available via the Investors section of the Company’s website at A recording of the webcast will be available in the Inves ...
Here's Why You Should Add Arch Capital (ACGL) to Your Portfolio
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-01-10 01:47
公司业绩 - ACGL股价在过去一年中上涨了23%,表现优于行业增长11.7%[1] - 过去12个月的净资产收益率为173.5%,高于行业平均水平6.9%[3] - 预计2024年ACGL的盈利预期为7.82美元,营收为156亿美元,预期长期盈利增长率为10%[6] 公司盈利能力 - ACGL是一家领先的特殊财产和意外险以及抵押贷款保险公司,具有不错的盈利惊喜历史,过去四个季度的盈利增长率为24.5%[2] - 公司的VGM评分为A,有助于识别具有最具吸引力价值、最佳增长和最有前景动力的股票[4] - ACGL的价值评分为B,有助于找到最具吸引力的价值股票[11] 公司发展前景 - 公司的业务机会、费率上涨、现有账户增长以及稳健的资本状况将继续推动其业绩[7] - 公司的国际扩张、增强运营和多样化业务的有机增长有助于提高风险调整后的回报[8] - ACGL的坚实资产负债表、高流动性和低杠杆率使其免受市场波动的影响,并支持增长计划[10]