
Axcelis Announces Multiple Shipments of 150mm 'Purion M SiC Power Series' Implanters to Leading Power Device Manufacturers in China
Prnewswire· 2024-03-20 20:00
文章核心观点 - 2024年第一季度Axcelis Technologies向中国几家领先功率器件芯片制造商多次发运Purion M™ SiC中电流注入机用于150mm碳化硅功率器件生产 该产品架构灵活且有高温能力优势 利于芯片制造商扩产提效 [1][2] 公司动态 - Axcelis Technologies向中国几家领先功率器件芯片制造商多次发运Purion M™ SiC中电流注入机 设备用于150mm碳化硅功率器件生产 支持汽车、工业、能源等应用 [1] 公司高管观点 - 公司总裁兼CEO Russell Low表示将支持客户扩大碳化硅功率器件制造能力 该产品架构灵活且有高温能力优势 适合该应用领域 [2] - 公司营销与应用执行副总裁Greg Redinbo称Purion M SiC工具剂量和能量范围广 适合晶圆厂生产初期 为后续产品引入奠定基础 整个Purion Power Series家族产品可提高晶圆厂生产率、降低拥有成本并制造更先进碳化硅功率器件 [2] 公司介绍 - Axcelis总部位于马萨诸塞州贝弗利 45年来一直为半导体行业提供创新、高生产率解决方案 专注于离子注入系统的设计、制造和全生命周期支持 [3] 联系方式 - 编辑/媒体联系Maureen Hart 电话978.787.4266 [4] - 投资者关系联系Doug Lawson 电话978.787.9552 [4]
Axcelis Technologies (ACLS) Surpasses Market Returns: Some Facts Worth Knowing
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-03-20 06:56
公司概况 - Axcelis Technologies (ACLS) 最新收盘价为 $111.16,较上一交易日上涨了 +0.86% [1] - 分析师和投资者将密切关注 Axcelis Technologies 即将公布的季度财报,预计每股收益为 $1.26,较去年同期下降了 11.89% [3] - Zacks Consensus Estimates 预测 Axcelis Technologies 全年每股收益为 $6.88 和营收为 $1.12 亿美元,较去年分别下降了 -7.4% 和 -0.69% [4] 股票评级 - Zacks Rank 系统显示 Axcelis Technologies 目前为 Zacks Rank 3 (Hold),过去一个月 Zacks Consensus EPS 估计保持稳定 [7] 估值分析 - Axcelis Technologies 目前的前瞻市盈率为 16.03,相对于行业平均前瞻市盈率 26.48,具有折价优势 [8] - ACLS 目前的 PEG 比率为 2.35,略低于行业平均 PEG 比率 3.15 [9] 行业排名 - 电子制造机械行业属于计算机和技术部门,Zacks Industry Rank 为 186,位于所有 250+ 行业的后 27% [10] - Zacks Industry Rank 评估行业群体的强度,研究表明排名前 50% 的行业胜过后 50% 的行业 [11]
Forget Nvidia: 2 Super Semiconductor Stocks to Buy Hand Over Fist, According to Wall Street
The Motley Fool· 2024-03-17 20:07
Nvidia - Nvidia是人工智能革命的典范,市值高达2.2万亿美元,其中1.5万亿美元是在过去12个月内增加的[1]。 AMD数据中心 - AMD在数据中心领域崛起,其最新的MI300系列数据中心芯片已经开始发货,被Lawrence Livermore国家实验室选中用于驱动El Capitan超级计算机[3]。 - AMD计划在2024年MI300系列的首个完整销售年度贡献约35亿美元的收入,预计将成为AMD迄今为止最大的一年[7]。 AMD AI个人电脑 - AMD在AI个人电脑领域拥有90%的市场份额,其Ryzen AI芯片设计用于在设备上处理强大的AI工作负载,提高终端用户的响应速度[5]。 Axcelis Technologies - Axcelis Technologies是芯片制造过程中的关键部分,生产离子注入设备,对硅碳化物功率器件的生产商有重要需求[9]。 - Axcelis在2023年实现了创纪录的11.3亿美元营收,同比增长22.9%,并以12亿美元的订单积压结束了2023年,2024年有望再次创下记录[12]。 - Axcelis股价在过去五年上涨了超过400%,但最近几个月已经回落了44%,根据2023年每股盈利7.43美元,股价的市盈率仅为14.6,比iShares Semiconductor ETF的35.6市盈率折扣59%,因此Axcelis的股价比行业平均水平便宜得多[13]。
1 Artificial Intelligence (AI) Stock Down 44% to Buy Hand Over Fist in 2024
The Motley Fool· 2024-03-16 20:45 contributor Parkev Tatevosian has selected one artificial intelligence (AI) stock that is an excellent value at current prices. *Stock prices used were the afternoon prices of March 13, 2024. The video was published on March 15, 2024. ...
Axcelis Technologies (ACLS) Increases Despite Market Slip: Here's What You Need to Know
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-03-12 06:56
In the latest trading session, Axcelis Technologies (ACLS) closed at $112.48, marking a +0.51% move from the previous day. The stock exceeded the S&P 500, which registered a loss of 0.11% for the day. Meanwhile, the Dow gained 0.12%, and the Nasdaq, a tech-heavy index, lost 0.41%.The the stock of semiconductor services company has fallen by 10.7% in the past month, lagging the Computer and Technology sector's gain of 1.42% and the S&P 500's gain of 2.7%.The upcoming earnings release of Axcelis Technologies ...
Wall Street Bulls Look Optimistic About Axcelis (ACLS): Should You Buy?
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-03-11 22:31
Investors often turn to recommendations made by Wall Street analysts before making a Buy, Sell, or Hold decision about a stock. While media reports about rating changes by these brokerage-firm employed (or sell-side) analysts often affect a stock's price, do they really matter?Before we discuss the reliability of brokerage recommendations and how to use them to your advantage, let's see what these Wall Street heavyweights think about Axcelis Technologies (ACLS) .Axcelis currently has an average brokerage re ...
3 Small-Cap Stocks to Turn $5K Into $100K by 2030
InvestorPlace· 2024-03-09 20:57
小市值股票投资 - 小市值股票投资可能带来高回报[1] - 小市值股票具有更大波动性和较少流动性,但为成长型投资者提供独特机会[2] ACM Research (ACMR) - ACM Research (ACMR)是2024年最佳小市值股票之一,是半导体行业的领先晶圆封装和清洁公司[3] - ACM Research的先进技术在提高集成电路性能和可靠性方面起着关键作用[4] - ACM Research在过去五年加速增长,营收增长43%,每股收益增长近100%[5] Axcelis Technologies (ACLS) - Axcelis Technologies (ACLS)是发展和生产先进半导体设备的关键参与者[6] - Axcelis Technologies在过去几年持续增长,营收达到创纪录的113亿美元[7] Sterling Infrastructure (STRL) - Sterling Infrastructure (STRL)在2023年建设活动放缓期间仍保持强劲运营表现[8] - Sterling Infrastructure的投资组合涵盖多种项目,管理团队拥有多年经验[9] - Sterling Infrastructure在2023财年实现营收11%的增长,净收入达到197亿美元[10]
2 Small AI Stocks to Buy for 2024 and Beyond
The Motley Fool· 2024-03-02 06:18
The artificial intelligence (AI) and accelerated computing bull market continues to build a head of steam. Investors can't get enough of leaders like Nvidia (NASDAQ: NVDA) that are crafting next-generation computing systems.But for some investors, the price tags on stocks like Nvidia may have gotten too high to stomach. That's OK. There are some far smaller AI-related businesses trading at relatively attractive valuations that might suit long-term investors. Two such small AI stocks worth a look at right no ...
Prnewswire· 2024-02-29 05:01
BEVERLY, Mass., Feb. 28, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Axcelis Technologies, Inc. (Nasdaq: ACLS), a leading supplier of enabling ion implantation solutions for the semiconductor industry, announced today that Gregory Graves and Necip Sayiner have been elected to the Company's Board of Directors. Greg Graves Necip Sayiner "We are pleased to welcome Gregory Graves and Dr. Necip Sayiner to the Axcelis board," said President and CEO of Axcelis Technologies, Russell Low. "We believe their combined experience in semi ...
3 Semiconductor Stocks That Could Be Multibaggers in the Making: February Edition
InvestorPlace· 2024-02-23 01:15
半导体市场 - 全球半导体市场预计将在2032年达到1.88万亿美元,年复合增长率为12.28%[1] - Wolfspeed是一家设计和供应碳化硅材料和器件的半导体公司,近年来稳步增长,投资者对其有较高期望[3] - Wolfspeed在2023年第四季度的收益超出预期1.1亿美元,市场预期上涨57.49%,财务机构持有公司股票的比例高达113.99%[4] - Wolfspeed最近签署了一项价值2.75亿美元的半导体制造交易,显示了客户满意度和未来销售潜力[5] Microchip Technology - Microchip Technology在2024年第三季度超过分析师预期,报告了17.7亿美元的收入和每股收益0.77美元,公司还偿还了3.92亿美元的债务并宣布了每股0.45美元的季度股息[8] - Microchip最近发布了3.3千伏XIFM即插即用mSiC门极驱动器,旨在加速高压碳化硅功率模块的采用,这将为公司带来增长动力[9] Axcelis Technologies - Axcelis Technologies是一家设计、制造和服务用于半导体生产的离子注入设备的美国公司,2023年股价下跌超过44%,目前交易价格较低,分析师认为该股被低估[10] - Axcelis在2023年的增长远远超过了全球离子注入机市场的预期增长率,公司报告的全年收入为113亿美元,净收入为2.463亿美元,持有12亿美元的订单备货,显示了对其产品的强劲需求[11] - AI技术可能推动Axcelis的增长,随着具有AI功能的个人电脑对DRAM需求大幅增加,存储芯片的需求可能激增,成为Axcelis今年后半年的增长动力[12]