Agrify (AGFY)
Agrify Corporation Announces Pricing of $2.6 Million Public Offering
Newsfilter· 2024-02-28 22:25
公司公告 - Agrify Corporation宣布公开发行6,723,684股普通股(或预融资认股权证),发行价为每股$0.38,预计募集资金总额约为$2.6 million[1] - 公司计划将募集资金用于营运资金和一般公司用途,包括资本支出和偿还债务[1] - 此次发行预计于2024年2月28日完成,需满足惯例的交割条件[1] 发行详情 - Alexander Capital L.P.担任此次发行的唯一承销商[2] - Burns & Levinson LLP担任公司的法律顾问,Lucosky Brookman LLP担任承销商的法律顾问[2] - 此次发行依据美国证券交易委员会(SEC)于2024年2月14日宣布生效的Form S-1注册声明进行[2] 公司介绍 - Agrify是提供创新栽培和提取解决方案的领先企业,专注于大麻行业,通过数据、科学和技术推动市场发展[4] - 公司的专有微环境控制垂直农场单元(VFUs)使栽培者能够以无与伦比的一致性、产量和投资回报率(ROI)大规模生产最高质量的产品[4] - 公司的提取产品线包括碳氢化合物、乙醇、无溶剂提取、后处理和实验室设备,帮助生产者最大化提取物的数量和质量,以满足高端浓缩物的需求[4] 前瞻性声明 - 公告中包含的前瞻性声明受联邦证券法的保护,涉及财务预测、业务计划、运营结果、产品或市场等信息[5] - 前瞻性声明包括关于预期交易、发行关闭和募集资金用途的声明[5]
Agrify (AGFY) - 2023 Q4 - Annual Results
2024-02-21 00:00
UNITED STATES SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION WASHINGTON, DC 20549 FORM 8-K CURRENT REPORT Pursuant to Section 13 OR 15(d) of The Securities Exchange Act of 1934 Date of report (Date of earliest event reported): February 21, 2024 AGRIFY CORPORATION (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter) Nevada 001-39946 30-0943453 (State or other jurisdiction (Commission File Number) (IRS Employer of incorporation) Identification No. ) 2468 Industrial Row Dr. Troy, MI 48084 (Address of principal executive ...
Agrify Corporation Achieves Milestone with PX-30 Hydrocarbon Extraction System Installation in Michigan Facility
Newsfilter· 2024-02-06 20:30
TROY, Mich, Feb. 06, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Agrify Corporation (NASDAQ:AGFY) ("Agrify" or the "Company"), a leading provider of innovative cultivation and extraction solutions for the cannabis industry, today announced the successful installation of a PX-30 Hydrocarbon Extraction System at its customer's Michigan facility. The PX-30 Hydrocarbon Extraction System is the largest system of Agrify's PX-Extraction series, and represents a cutting-edge advancement in hydrocarbon extraction technology, designed ...
Agrify Receives Positive Nasdaq Listing Determination
Newsfilter· 2024-01-31 20:30
TROY, Mich., Jan. 31, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Agrify Corporation (NASDAQ:AGFY) ("Agrify" or the "Company"), a leading provider of innovative cultivation and extraction solutions for the cannabis industry, today announced that the Company has received formal notification that the Nasdaq Hearings Panel (the "Panel") has granted the Company's request for continued listing on The Nasdaq Capital Market pursuant to an extension through April 15, 2024, to evidence compliance with Nasdaq Listing Rule 5550(b)(1) (t ...
Why Is Agrify (AGFY) Stock Up 61% Today?
InvestorPlace· 2024-01-30 21:22
Agrify (NASDAQ:AGFY) stock is on the move Tuesday as investors react to updates on ownership of the cannabis and hemp company’s shares.The latest news has to do with the transfer of a convertible senior note to CP Acquisitions. This happened in October 2023 and allows the holder of the note to convert it for shares of AGFY stock. The notes have a limit that doesn’t allow the holder to obtain more than a 49.99% stake in Agrify.Investors will note that CP Acquisitions is an entity under the control of Raymond ...
Top 3 Industrial Stocks That May Rocket Higher This Quarter - Agrify (NASDAQ:AGFY), Spirit Airlines (NYSE:SAVE)
Benzinga· 2024-01-29 20:33
Loading...Loading...The most oversold stocks in the industrials sector presents an opportunity to buy into undervalued companies.The RSI is a momentum indicator, which compares a stock's strength on days when prices go up to its strength on days when prices go down. When compared to a stock's price action, it can give traders a better sense of how a stock may perform in the short term. An asset is typically considered oversold when the RSI is below 30, according to Benzinga Pro.Here’s the latest list of maj ...
Top Marijuana Stocks Cannabis Investors Are Keeping On Watch
MarijuanaStocks· 2024-01-26 20:00
These 3 Marijuana Stocks Could Be Better Invest OptionsIf marijuana stocks have a repeat year of trading how will shareholders make money? Well after years of volatile trading and in that time identifying what impacts the market makes it possible to profit. What was once known for short-term investing has turned into a mid to long-term hold for most cannabis stocks. Now what shareholders have now is the start of 2024 and this comes with some upside. 2024 is an election year and presidential candidates could ...
Agrify Announces the Result of its Reconvened Annual Meeting, At Premium $3.9 Million Debt Conversion, and the Exercise of a Majority of Previously Issued Warrants
Newsfilter· 2024-01-25 20:30
公司章程修正 - Agrify公司股东批准了对公司章程的修正,将授权股票数量从1000万股增加到3500万股[1] - 公司的年度股东大会被推迟至2024年1月22日,以审议关于批准章程修正的提案,最终该提案获得了51.6%的股东支持,被批准通过[1] 债务整合和转换 - 公司将所有由CP Acquisitions LLC持有的债务整合为一张可转换票据,并将其中约390万美元的债务转换为股权,转换价格为每股1.46美元,相当于最新收盘价的212%溢价[1] - 新贷款人将之前由先前贷款人发行的Senior Secured Note和Senior Secured Convertible Note整合为一张可转换票据,并将其中约390万美元的本金转换为2671633股普通股[2] 认股权证和股权发行 - 公司向先前贷款人发行了2473542股普通股,以履行先前发行的两张认股权证,从而大幅减少了未行使的认股权证数量[3] 公司重组和上市规则 - 公司相信,整合新贷款人持有的债务和减少先前贷款人持有的认股权证数量将有助于减少公司资产负债表上的负债,帮助公司恢复符合纳斯达克的上市规则[4] 首席执行官表态 - Agrify公司首席执行官表示,公司对Agrify的重组倡议持续信心和支持,390万美元的转换价格显著高于当前市场价格[5]
Agrify's Enters Into First Hydrocarbon Extraction Lab & Vertical Farming Unit Facility in California
Newsfilter· 2024-01-18 20:30
Agrify公司与Ocean Deep/Golden Lake Business Park签订销售协议 - Agrify公司与Ocean Deep/Golden Lake Business Park签订了一项价值数百万美元的销售协议,Ocean Deep将使用Agrify的PX30水提取实验室套件进行产品提取[1] - Agrify的PX30水提取系统是公司PX系列中最大的系统,具有强大的提取能力,可满足商业运营商对大规模批量加工和直接消费产品提取的需求[1] Ocean Deep/Golden Lake Business Park选择与Agrify合作的原因 - Ocean Deep/Golden Lake Business Park的CEO表示,他们选择与Agrify合作是因为Agrify在大麻种植和提取方面的创新技术,将帮助他们提供最高质量和最一致的产品给客户[2] Agrify的UL合规防爆(EXP)房间 - Agrify的UL合规防爆(EXP)房间被认为是Ocean Deep的C1D1提取实验室的理想选择,这些房间易于安装,设计用于满足所有50个州的专业工程师的要求[3]
Agrify Corporation Announces Results from Annual Meeting of Stockholders
Newsfilter· 2024-01-09 05:30
股东会决议 - Agrify公司在2024年1月8日举行的股东年会上宣布了股东投票结果[1] - 公司决定将关于增加授权股票数量的提案推迟至2024年1月22日再次召开年会[2] - Agrify公司强烈建议所有截至2023年12月6日持股的股东在2024年1月21日之前投票支持授权股票提案[3] - Agrify公司的董事提名人均已当选,目前董事会共有6名董事[4] 股东投票结果 - 股东以超过94.9%的投票比例批准了Marcum LLP作为Agrify的独立注册会计师[5] - 股东以96.5%的投票比例通过了关于增加公司于2023年10月27日发行的认股权证下的普通股数量提案[6] - 股东以92.1%的投票比例通过了关于修改由CP Acquisitions LLC持有的Senior Secured Convertible Note的提案[7] - 股东以97.0%的投票比例通过了关于修改Agrify公司2022年全权股权激励计划的提案[8] - 股东以95.8%的投票比例通过了关于批准推迟年会以征求额外委托投票的提案[9]