A&F(ANF) - 2025 Q2 - Quarterly Report
2024-09-07 05:23
财务业绩 - 公司在第二财季实现总收入为XX亿美元,同比增长XX%[111] - 公司在美洲地区实现收入为XX亿美元,同比增长XX%[111] - 公司在欧洲、中东和非洲地区实现收入为XX亿美元,同比增长XX%[111] - 公司在亚太地区实现收入为XX亿美元,同比增长XX%[111] - 公司毛利率为XX%,同比下降XX个百分点[111] - 公司营业利润为XX亿美元,同比下降XX%[111] - 公司净利润为XX亿美元,同比下降XX%[111] - 第二季度净销售额同比增长21.2%,达到11.34亿美元[117] - 第二季度毛利率为64.9%,较上年同期提高240个基点[122] - 第二季度营业利润为1.76亿美元,营业利润率为15.5%[117] - 第二季度归属于A&F的净利润为1.33亿美元,每股收益为2.50美元[117] - 前两个季度净销售额同比增长21.6%,达到21.55亿美元[117] - 前两个季度毛利率为65.6%,较上年同期提高380个基点[122] - 前两个季度营业利润为3.05亿美元,营业利润率为14.2%[117] - 前两个季度归属于A&F的净利润为2.47亿美元,每股收益为4.64美元[117] 成本和费用 - 公司成本销售占净销售额的比例同比下降约380个基点,主要归因于提价减少促销带来的销售均价上升以及原材料价格下降[123] - 毛利率同比提升240个基点至64.9%[124] - 门店及配送费用占净销售额的比例同比下降330个基点至34.4%[125] - 营销、一般及行政费用占净销售额的比例同比下降40个基点至15.0%[127] - 营业利润同比增加590个基点至15.5%,主要得益于各地区销售增长和费用效率提升[130] - 利息收入增加导致利息净支出同比下降60个基点至-0.5%[131] 现金流和资本支出 - 公司2024财年资本支出预计约为1.7亿美元[141] - 截至2024年8月3日公司现金及现金等价物为7.384亿美元,总流动性约为12亿美元[142] - 2024年前26周经营活动产生的现金净流入为2.601亿美元,较上年同期增加20%[151] - 2024年前26周投资活动使用的现金净额为9,664.9万美元,主要用于8,160万美元的资本支出和1,500万美元的购买有价证券[152] - 2024年前26周筹资活动使用的现金净额为3.27亿美元,主要包括回购9.3亿美元的优先票据和3,000万美元的股票回购[153] 财务政策 - 公司2021年11月批准了5亿美元的股票回购计划,截至2024年8月3日剩余2.02亿美元[142][143] - 公司2020年5月暂停了股息计划,未来可能会根据情况重新评估是否恢复[144] - 公司于2024年7月15日赎回了全部2025年到期的8.75%优先有担保票据,本金总额为2.14亿美元[145] - 公司于2024年8月2日与银行签订了修订后的循环信贷协议,将信贷额度从4亿美元增加到5亿美元,并延长到2029年8月2日到期[146] - 截至2024年8月3日,公司在循环信贷协议下没有任何借款,可用借款额度为4.305亿美元[147,148] 非公认会计准则指标 - 公司提供了经调整的非公认会计准则财务指标,以更好地反映公司的经营业绩[157-159] - 公司还提供了以固定汇率计算的财务信息,以消除汇率波动的影响[160] - 第二季度GAAP净销售额为11.34亿美元,同比增长21%[161] - 第二季度GAAP毛利率为64.9%,同比提升240个基点[161] - 第二季度GAAP营业利润为1.76亿美元,同比增长590个基点[161] - 第二季度GAAP每股收益为2.50美元,同比增长1.40美元[161] - 第二季度EBITDA为2.15亿美元,占净销售额的19.0%[164] - 第二季度调整后EBITDA为2.15亿美元,占净销售额的17.8%[165,166] 风险管理 - 公司面临外汇汇率波动风险,已建立外汇套期保值程序以部分抵消风险[172,173,174] - 公司已完成LIBOR过渡,采用新的基准利率[171] - 公司持有的短期投资主要为定期存款和货币市场基金,利率变动不会对其公允价值产生重大影响[168] 内部控制 - 公司维持了合理水平的披露控制和程序,以确保及时披露所需信息[175] - 公司管理层评估了披露控制和程序的有效性,并认为截至2024年8月3日其有效性处于合理水平[176] - 在2024年8月3日结束的财季内,公司的内部财务报告控制未发生重大变化[177] 法律合规 - 公司及其关联公司涉及各类诉讼,公司已就可能产生的损失计提了预计负债[178] - 公司需要披露可能导致超过100万美元罚款的环境诉讼[179] 门店管理 - 公司在第二财季开设了18家新店,改造了23家店铺,缩减了7家店铺,并关闭了26家店铺[107] - 公司计划在2024财年开设约60家新店、改造约60家店铺并关闭约40家店铺[107] 宏观环境 - 公司正在积极应对通胀、供应链等宏观挑战[105][106] 未来展望 - 公司主要依靠第四季度的销售旺季来支撑全年的运营[139] -
Is Abercrombie's Post-Earnings Stock Dip a Green Light for Buyers?
ZACKS· 2024-09-07 01:26
Abercrombie & Fitch Company (ANF) saw its shares pullback since reporting second-quarter fiscal 2024 results on Aug. 28, 2024. Shares of this leading apparel retailer lost 3.1% since the last earnings release. This reflects an underperformance compared with the industry peers, Zacks Retail-Wholesale sector, and the broader S&P 500’s decline of 2%, 0.1%, and 1.3%, respectively.Abercrombie Price PerformanceImage Source: Zacks Investment ResearchAbercrombie reported strong second-quarter fiscal 2024 results, w ...
3 Stocks to Buy on Hopes of the September Trend Bucking
ZACKS· 2024-09-04 21:26
文章核心观点 - 9月是华尔街历史上最糟糕的交易月,自1925年以来9月是唯一一个收益为负的月份[1] - 这是因为9月标志着夏季假期的结束,交易员重新平衡投资组合,这增加了交易量并影响股价[1] - 一些9月最糟糕的收益与经济大衰退如大萧条、科技泡沫破裂和次贷危机等事件重合[1] 行业总结 - 这是总统选举年,投资者正试图对此进行定价,历史上总统选举年9月的收益优于常态[2] - 但由于联储几乎肯定会在9月会议上宣布25个基点的降息,2024年可能会打破这一趋势[2] - 投资者应关注那些有望在联储宽松货币政策支持下表现良好的股票[2] 公司总结 - 根据扎克斯评级,以下公司被评为强烈买入(1)或买入(2),并且VGM评分为A或B[3] - Abercrombie & Fitch Co.(ANF)是一家全渠道零售商,预计未来一年的盈利增长率为60.5%[3] - Boot Barn Holdings, Inc.(BOOT)经营专业零售店,预计本年度盈利增长率为8.9%[3] - Delek Logistics Partners, LP(DKL)是一家能源市场服务提供商,预计本年度盈利增长率为5.6%[4]
Earnings Estimates Moving Higher for Abercrombie (ANF): Time to Buy?
ZACKS· 2024-09-03 01:20
Abercrombie & Fitch (ANF) could be a solid addition to your portfolio given a notable revision in the company's earnings estimates. While the stock has been gaining lately, the trend might continue since its earnings outlook is still improving.Analysts' growing optimism on the earnings prospects of this teen clothing retailer is driving estimates higher, which should get reflected in its stock price. After all, empirical research shows a strong correlation between trends in earnings estimate revisions and n ...
Wall Street Analysts Think Abercrombie (ANF) Could Surge 27.51%: Read This Before Placing a Bet
ZACKS· 2024-09-02 22:55
Abercrombie & Fitch (ANF) closed the last trading session at $147.57, gaining 11.6% over the past four weeks, but there could be plenty of upside left in the stock if short-term price targets set by Wall Street analysts are any guide. The mean price target of $188.17 indicates a 27.5% upside potential.The average comprises six short-term price targets ranging from a low of $147 to a high of $215, with a standard deviation of $22.27. While the lowest estimate indicates a decline of 0.4% from the current pric ...
Wall Street Analysts Think Abercrombie (ANF) Is a Good Investment: Is It?
ZACKS· 2024-09-02 22:30
文章核心观点 - 华尔街分析师的推荐常被投资者用于决定买入、卖出或持有股票 [1] - 分析师对Abercrombie & Fitch (ANF)的平均评级为2.00,表示买入评级 [1] - 但仅依靠分析师的评级做出投资决策可能并不明智,因为分析师存在正面偏差 [2][3] - 与分析师评级不同,Zacks Rank是一个更可靠的股票评级工具,能更准确预测股价走势 [3][4][5][6] 根据相关目录分别进行总结 分析师评级 - 分析师对ANF的评级为2.00,表示买入评级 [1] - 其中50%的评级为强烈买入 [1] - 分析师评级存在正面偏差,不能完全依赖 [2][3] Zacks Rank评级 - Zacks Rank是一个更可靠的股票评级工具 [3][4][5][6] - 它能更准确预测股价走势,因为与分析师评级不同,它是基于盈利预测修正 [5][6] - 目前ANF的Zacks Rank为1,表示强烈买入 [7]
Interpreting Abercrombie (ANF) International Revenue Trends
ZACKS· 2024-09-02 22:15
Did you analyze how Abercrombie & Fitch (ANF) fared in its international operations for the quarter ending July 2024? Given the widespread global presence of this teen clothing retailer, scrutinizing the trends in international revenues becomes imperative to assess its financial strength and future growth possibilities.In the current global economy, which is more interconnected than ever, a company's success in penetrating international markets is crucial for its financial health and growth journey. Investo ...
Is Abercrombie & Fitch's Pullback a Buying Opportunity?
The Motley Fool· 2024-09-01 18:50
The apparel retailer's turnaround story isn't over yet.Abercrombie & Fitch's (ANF 3.76%) stock price plunged 17% on Aug. 28 after it followed up a strong quarterly report with a cautious outlook for the rest of the year. For the second quarter of fiscal 2024, which ended on Aug. 3, the apparel retailer's net sales rose 21% year over year to $1.13 billion and exceeded analysts' estimates by $40 million. Its adjusted EPS jumped 131% to $2.50 and also cleared the consensus forecast by $0.28.A&F now expects its ...
All You Need to Know About Abercrombie (ANF) Rating Upgrade to Strong Buy
ZACKS· 2024-08-31 01:01
Abercrombie & Fitch (ANF) appears an attractive pick, as it has been recently upgraded to a Zacks Rank #1 (Strong Buy). This upgrade primarily reflects an upward trend in earnings estimates, which is one of the most powerful forces impacting stock prices.A company's changing earnings picture is at the core of the Zacks rating. The system tracks the Zacks Consensus Estimate -- the consensus measure of EPS estimates from the sell-side analysts covering the stock -- for the current and following years.Individu ...
Why Abercrombie & Fitch Stock Dropped Even After Good News This Week
The Motley Fool· 2024-08-30 22:45
Abercrombie & Fitch had a blowout quarter -- here's why the stock still tanked.Retailers have been reporting mixed results this earnings season as some consumers pull back spending while others look for deals. Abercrombie & Fitch (ANF 1.33%) reported record second-quarter net sales and beat analyst sales expectations for the sixth straight quarter.But the stock still crashed. For the week, Abercrombie stock was down 16% as of Friday morning, according to data provided by S&P Global Market Intelligence. Two ...