AST SpaceMobile(ASTS)
3 Under $20 Stocks to Buy Now: Q3 Edition
Investor Place· 2024-07-22 23:45
When investment resources talk about stocks to buy under $20, what are they really saying? Anybody can filter out equities based on their price per share. However, so much more goes into a proper analysis. Often times, the actual price is the last thing that seasoned investors consider because of one harsh reality: price alone doesn’t really tell us much.Instead, when you’re looking for stocks to buy under $20, it goes without saying that you’re looking for ideas that can rise to $30 per share, let’s say, o ...
AST SpaceMobile: A Moonshot Investment Opportunity In The Direct-To-Cell Race
Seeking Alpha· 2024-07-22 01:06
文章核心观点 - 公司正在开发一个基于低地球轨道卫星的通信网络,旨在为智能手机用户提供直接连接服务,弥补地面蜂窝网络的覆盖空白 [2] - 公司已经计划在8月份发射首批5颗BlueBird卫星,预计在今年第四季度开始产生收入,包括与AT&T的2000万美元收入承诺 [3] - 公司的技术优于竞争对手SpaceX和Lynk,有望在未来几年内实现收入的指数增长 [2][20][21][22] 公司概况 - 公司是一家垂直整合的基于卫星的蜂窝宽带网络提供商,拥有3350多项专利和专利申请 [3] - 公司计划运营一个低地球轨道卫星星座,直接为手机提供宽带连接 [3] - 公司首批5颗BlueBird卫星已经全额资助,预计将于8月发射 [3] - 公司计划在2024年底或2025年初发射20颗Block 2卫星,届时可以提供有限和间断的服务 [12][13] - 公司需要45-60颗卫星才能在美国提供连续服务,90颗卫星才能完全投入运营 [13] 商业模式 - 公司的商业模式呈现高资本支出和低运营成本的特点 [14][15][16][17] - 公司不需要自建地面基础设施,而是利用合作伙伴移动网络运营商的现有网络 [16] - 公司的销售和营销成本较低,因为它不直接面向消费者,而是通过合作伙伴提供服务 [17] - 公司与40多家移动网络运营商合作,可以接触到28亿以上的用户群体 [18] 市场机遇 - 公司的技术可以填补"有效覆盖空白",预计到2025年将有2.4亿成人生活在3G/4G/5G网络覆盖范围之外 [19] - 另有2.8亿成人虽然在网络覆盖范围内,但在家中或工作/旅行途中会遭遇间歇性服务 [19] - 卫星网络可以弥补地面网络的服务空白,为偏远社区带来机遇和经济利益 [19] - 公共安全和国家安全等商业和政府服务也将推动这一新兴市场的增长 [19] 竞争格局 - 公司面临来自Lynk Global和SpaceX Starlink的直接竞争 [20] - 但公司的技术比竞争对手更为先进,在5G语音通话和数据传输速率等方面表现出色 [20][21][22] - 与Lynk相比,公司的卫星部署计划更加现实和可行 [21][22] 收入预测 - 公司目前可以服务AT&T和Verizon在美国的2.29亿用户,预计2025年可实现4.13亿美元收入 [23][24] - 一旦公司能够在2026年全球范围内提供服务,预计其用户占合作伙伴用户基础的比例将逐年提高至2030年的11% [23] - 据此预测,公司2030年的收入可达36.96亿美元 [23][24][25] 估值 - 参考SpaceX的估值和收入情况,给公司设定10倍的目标市销率 [26][27][28] - 据此预计,公司2030年的目标股价为143.52美元,较当前水平上涨1018% [28]
Why AST SpaceMobile, Inc. (ASTS) Outpaced the Stock Market Today
ZACKS· 2024-07-17 07:21
In the latest market close, AST SpaceMobile, Inc. (ASTS) reached $13.71, with a +1.71% movement compared to the previous day. The stock's performance was ahead of the S&P 500's daily gain of 0.64%. At the same time, the Dow added 1.85%, and the tech-heavy Nasdaq gained 0.2%.Prior to today's trading, shares of the company had gained 14.72% over the past month. This has outpaced the Computer and Technology sector's gain of 1.06% and the S&P 500's gain of 3.82% in that time.The investment community will be clo ...
Treasure Hunt: 3 Space Stocks Wall Street Hasn't Discovered Yet
Investor Place· 2024-07-13 19:00
The space sector is projected to see substantial growth, with the global space economy expected to exceed $1 trillion by 2040. This growth is fueled by increased governmental and private investment in space exploration, making now a great time for investors to consider scooping up some undiscovered space stocks.Private investment in space startups has surged, with venture capital funding reaching new heights. This influx of capital is supporting a wide range of space-related activities, from launch services ...
The 3 Best Space Stocks to Buy in July 2024
Investor Place· 2024-07-13 02:40
Morgan Stanley predicts that the value of the space sector will reach $1 trillion annually by 2040, up from about $330 billion today, and certain space stocks could benefit greatly from that. Goldman Sachs has a similar outlook. Of course, satellites, satellite launchers, and defense systems are three of the most lucrative parts of the space economy. And the number of “objects” launched by America is rising meaningfully every year and jumped from 362 in 2019 to 2,166 in 2023.Meanwhile, NASA is quite active ...
Hot Stocks: 3 Breakout Stars Racing Towards Triple-Digit Returns
Investor Place· 2024-07-10 18:00
文章核心观点 - 虽然像Nvidia这样的爆发性股票吸引了头条新闻,但仍有许多与之同样(或更多)潜力的公司正在快速崛起,但投资者往往忽视了它们的潜力[1][2][3] - 投资者越来越担心投资组合过于集中,特别是当标普500指数的涨幅主要来自少数爆发性股票时,这掩盖了整个市场的真实表现[2] - 这些被忽视的爆发性股票为投资者提供了远离大型科技股的多元化机会,并有望继续保持上涨势头[3] 公司总结 AST SpaceMobile (ASTS) - AST SpaceMobile是今年最好的爆发性股票之一,这家基于太空的通信公司才刚刚起步[4] - 该公司宣布计划商业化其低地球轨道卫星,有望提供100%的北美地区蜂窝网络覆盖[4] - 该公司的战略合作伙伴包括AT&T、Verizon、Vodafone和谷歌,预计可服务多达28亿全球用户[4] - 该股过去6个月涨幅超过150%,未来仍有望继续实现三位数收益[5] Palantir Technologies (PLTR) - 与AST SpaceMobile一样,Palantir Technologies也经历了数月(甚至数年)的窄幅波动,投资者一直在怀疑该公司是否还能重回爆发性股票的行列[7][8] - 但Palantir最近取得了多项重大胜利,克服了长期以来困扰其的一个主要障碍 - 过度依赖政府合同[9] - 该公司近期在企业市场取得了快速进展,新客户包括坦帕通用医院、联合航空、AARP和温迪斯等,这些多元化的销售渠道带来了更多现金流和降低了风险[9] - 从技术角度来看,Palantir可能在短期内仍将是一只爆发性股票,因为其股价持续在27美元附近的阻力位附近波动,势头强劲[10] SharkNinja (SN) - SharkNinja是一家被忽视的爆发性股票,尽管其股价在过去一年内上涨了75%,并且仍有持续上涨的动力[11] - 该公司自2008年以来复合年增长率达20%,在各种经济和市场环境中都表现出色,包括金融危机、政治动荡和疫情等[12] - 美国银行最近将SharkNinja的目标价上调至95美元,较当前价格高出26%,主要基于该公司的增长策略,即先在批发渠道立足新市场,然后再扩张[13] - 该公司今年推出的新款冷藏箱系列首次通过Dick's Sporting Goods销售,这为其进军户外制冷和烹饪设备市场以及其他新市场奠定了基础[13]
AST SpaceMobile, Inc. (ASTS) Beats Stock Market Upswing: What Investors Need to Know
ZACKS· 2024-07-10 07:20
The latest trading session saw AST SpaceMobile, Inc. (ASTS) ending at $12.14, denoting a +0.33% adjustment from its last day's close. This move outpaced the S&P 500's daily gain of 0.07%. At the same time, the Dow lost 0.13%, and the tech-heavy Nasdaq gained 0.14%.The company's stock has climbed by 42.69% in the past month, exceeding the Computer and Technology sector's gain of 8.61% and the S&P 500's gain of 4.34%.Investors will be eagerly watching for the performance of AST SpaceMobile, Inc. in its upcomi ...
Why AST SpaceMobile Stock Soared Higher in June
The Motley Fool· 2024-07-03 03:10
It's been a red-hot summer for this space telecommunications stock.AST SpaceMobile (ASTS -2.35%) followed a spectacular May with another strong performance in June, with the stock climbing 40% for the month, according to data provided by S&P Global Market Intelligence.Investors are increasingly getting excited about this space start-up's chances for success, and the stock is rocketing higher as a result.First customers, now cashAST is a space telecommunications company hoping to build a space-based broadban ...
3 Stocks Under $15 That Could Turn $5K Into $500K by 2027
Investor Place· 2024-07-02 03:12
文章核心观点 - 当前市场上存在许多每股不到15美元的潜力股 [1] - 这些公司如果能够完美执行并主导其细分市场,有望实现数百个百分点的多倍收益 [1] - 只要能够显著战胜大盘,投资者就可以算是获胜 [1] 公司总结 AST SpaceMobile (ASTS) - 公司旨在建立世界上第一个基于卫星的全球蜂窝宽带网络 [2] - 公司与AT&T签署协议,提供基于空间的蜂窝宽带服务至2030年,这是一个重要催化剂 [3] - 公司风险较高,但潜在回报也很可观,是一个值得长期投资者关注的大胆赌注 [3] DroneShield (DRSHF) - 公司是一家专注于反无人机解决方案的澳大利亚国防技术公司 [5] - 公司2023财年实现了9.3百万澳元的利润,业绩表现出色 [5] - 公司拥有519百万澳元的销售管线和400百万澳元的年产能,有望持续获得政府大单 [6] - 公司股价过去一年已经上涨721%,但仍有进一步上涨空间 [6] VirTra (VTSI) - 公司提供面向执法和其他专业行业的虚拟现实培训解决方案 [7] - 公司即将推出V-XR扩展现实平台,可能成为游戏规则改变者 [7] - 公司毛利率保持在67%的高水平,未来有望随着V-XR的推出而重拾增长 [8]
Here's Why AST SpaceMobile, Inc. (ASTS) Fell More Than Broader Market
ZACKS· 2024-06-21 07:21
In the latest market close, AST SpaceMobile, Inc. (ASTS) reached $11.22, with a -1.49% movement compared to the previous day. This move lagged the S&P 500's daily loss of 0.25%. Meanwhile, the Dow experienced a rise of 0.77%, and the technology-dominated Nasdaq saw a decrease of 0.79%.The company's stock has climbed by 144.68% in the past month, exceeding the Computer and Technology sector's gain of 8.85% and the S&P 500's gain of 3.59%.Analysts and investors alike will be keeping a close eye on the perform ...