AST SpaceMobile(ASTS)
Why AST SpaceMobile Stock Shot 40% Higher in August
The Motley Fool· 2024-09-10 04:30
AST SpaceMobile was a stock darling in August, but not so far in September.In the run-up to AST SpaceMobile's (ASTS -0.65%) most important satellite launch to date, investors piled into the stock. Shares of the company soared 40.4% in August, according to data provided by S&P Global Market Intelligence. That came as the maker of satellites for space-based cellular broadband prepares for the launch of its first five commercial satellites as early as this week.But investors may have gotten ahead of themselves ...
Massive News for AST Space Mobile Stock Investors
The Motley Fool· 2024-09-09 18:15
Parkev Tatevosian, CFA has no position in any of the stocks mentioned. The Motley Fool has no position in any of the stocks mentioned. The Motley Fool has a disclosure policy. Parkev Tatevosian is an affiliate of The Motley Fool and may be compensated for promoting its services. If you choose to subscribe through his link, he will earn some extra money that supports his channel. His opinions remain his own and are unaffected by The Motley Fool. ...
Where Will AST SpaceMobile Stock Be in 1 Year?
The Motley Fool· 2024-09-08 19:15
文章核心观点 - 卫星公司AST SpaceMobile的股价在2024年上涨超过450% [1] - AST SpaceMobile是一家潜在颠覆性的电信公司,旨在建立基于太空的蜂窝宽带网络,以弥补覆盖空白区域 [2] - 该公司已完成最终组装和环境测试,并获得FCC批准在9月上半月发射5颗商业BlueBird卫星进入低地球轨道 [2] - 与其他太空相关的SPAC公司不同,AST SpaceMobile发射的是硬件而非人类,因此即使出现问题也风险较小 [3] - 作为一家SPAC公司,AST SpaceMobile的收入和盈利能力仍然较弱,未来需要依赖外部资本支持 [4][5] - 分析师预测到2040年,太空产业规模可达1万亿美元,卫星宽带占据约一半市场,AST SpaceMobile有望从中获益 [6][7] 公司情况总结 - 公司成立于2017年,是一家潜在颠覆性的电信公司 [2] - 2021年4月通过SPAC合并上市,股价从10美元起步 [2] - 公司已完成卫星制造和测试,获得发射许可,计划在9月发射5颗商业卫星 [2] - 公司与AT&T和Verizon等运营商达成合作,为其提供空间到手机的无线服务 [7] - 公司目前收入较少,现金储备约2.85亿美元,未来需要依赖外部融资 [4][5] 行业情况总结 - 分析师预测到2040年,太空产业规模可达1万亿美元 [6] - 卫星宽带业务占据约一半市场空间 [6] - 目前行业内的主要玩家如SpaceX和Blue Origin都是私有公司,AST SpaceMobile有望成为公众投资者进入该领域的渠道 [6]
What Is Going On With AST SpaceMobile Stock?
The Motley Fool· 2024-09-07 19:45
AST SpaceMobile stock has had an incredible year so far.In today's video, I will be talking about the recent updates regarding AST SpaceMobile (ASTS -8.22%). Check out the short video to learn more, consider subscribing, and click the special offer link below.*Stock prices used were from the trading day of Sept. 6, 2024. The video was published on Sept. 6, 2024. ...
AST SpaceMobile: Reaching for the Stars or Overheating in Orbit?
MarketBeat· 2024-09-06 20:00
文章核心观点 - 公司正处于快速增长阶段,过去一年股价上涨超过700% [4] - 公司与AT&T和Verizon达成合作,计划在9月发射首批卫星,扩大在美国的覆盖范围 [5] - 公司预计将拥有4.4亿美元现金,部分来自于1.55亿美元的认股权证赎回 [6] - 分析师对公司保持乐观态度,给予买入评级,目标价格为43.74美元,较当前价格有30%以上的上涨空间 [9] 公司概况 - 公司正在建设世界上第一个基于太空的蜂窝移动网络,旨在为未经改装的移动设备提供全球覆盖 [3] - 公司的SpaceMobile服务对偏远地区的用户特别有吸引力,因为这些地区缺乏传统的蜂窝信号覆盖 [3] - 公司成立于2017年,总部位于德克萨斯州米德兰,目前市值约85亿美元,已进入罗素2000指数 [3] 股价表现 - 公司股价在过去一年内上涨了约450% [1] - 公司股价在最近一个季度内上涨了近300%,而同期科技板块出现负收益 [1] - 公司股价在最近一个季度内大涨,主要得益于与AT&T的重大商业协议以及即将发射首批卫星的消息 [4][5] - 公司股价近期又有12%的涨幅,主要得益于公司公布的中期业务更新 [6] 投资风险 - 尽管公司发展势头良好,但其股价近期飙升过快,加上较高的空头头寸,可能存在短期调整的风险 [10][11] - 对于风险偏好较高的投资者和短期交易者来说,该股可能是一个不错的投资标的,但普通投资者需谨慎 [10][11]
Why AST SpaceMobile Stock Just Crashed by More Than 16%
The Motley Fool· 2024-09-06 01:56
The company just said it doesn't need to sell stock -- but will it go ahead and sell $400 million worth anyway?The story around AST SpaceMobile (ASTS -17.13%) keeps getting curiouser and curiouser.In an article published Wednesday, I suggested that after its dramatic spike in share price in recent months, the satellite communications start-up should logically now sell a lot of stock and raise a lot of cash.Just hours later, AST denied that it had any such intention, saying that it has all the cash it needs ...
AST SpaceMobile: Commercialization Has Started
Seeking Alpha· 2024-09-05 12:50
文章核心观点 - 公司已经完成了卫星研发的重要里程碑,即将进入商业化阶段 [1][2] - 公司通过与主要电信运营商的战略合作,获得了充足的资金支持 [2][3] - 公司的卫星技术具有竞争优势,有望在广阔的市场中获得成功 [4][5] - 公司已经开始获得初步收入,未来收入增长潜力巨大 [6][7] 公司进展 - 公司已完成首批5颗BW3卫星的组装,并运送至发射场 [2] - 公司获得了来自Verizon等电信运营商的战略投资,改善了财务状况 [2][3] - 公司已与40多家电信运营商签署谅解备忘录,拓展市场覆盖 [4] 技术和市场优势 - 公司的卫星技术可以直接为智能手机用户提供4G上网服务,无需额外设备 [4][5] - 公司的技术在偏远地区具有成本优势,受到电信运营商的青睐 [5] - 公司的卫星信号速度虽不及5G,但足以支持流媒体和游戏等应用 [5] - 公司的技术优于现有的卫星通信服务商 [5] 收入和估值 - 公司已开始获得初步收入,未来有望大幅增长 [6] - 根据预测,公司有望在今年底获得400万美元左右的收入 [6] - 公司当前估值较高,但考虑到未来增长潜力,仍有15.7%的上涨空间 [6][7] 风险因素 - 卫星发射和部署如果出现延迟,可能影响公司收入目标的实现 [8] - 大型天线的部署和测试也存在一定风险 [8] - 行业竞争激烈,公司需要保持良好的执行力 [4][8]
Why AST SpaceMobile Stock Just Jumped 5%
The Motley Fool· 2024-09-04 23:12
AST SpaceMobile confirms: We have all the cash we need... for now.In a column this morning, I argued AST SpaceMobile (ASTS 14.59%), the former space special purpose acquisition company (SPAC) that now aims to build a constellation of 168 communications satellites costing at least $3 billion, should sell a lot of stock quickly, to raise the cash it needs.A couple of hours later came AST's response: "No thanks. We're good." I paraphrase, but that's what AST's announcement boils down to. With $440 million in p ...
Prediction: AST SpaceMobile Will Sell a Lot of Stock (If It's Smart)
The Motley Fool· 2024-09-04 19:07
AST stock is up 13x in four months. The smart move now is (for AST) to sell its stock.From an initial public offering (IPO) price near $10 in 2021 to its post-IPO nadir closer to $2 earlier this year, direct-to-cell (DTC) satellite communications company AST SpaceMobile (ASTS 1.27%) has taken investors on quite the wild ride these past few years.Thanks largely to support from big telecom names like AT&T (T 2.66%) and Verizon (VZ 2.75%), however, AST stock went parabolic in 2024. The company's gone from oper ...
1 Top Space Stock You Need to Know About Before a Key Launch in September
The Motley Fool· 2024-09-02 21:53
There are 3.5 billion reasons to get to know AST SpaceMobile.Long-term investors shouldn't make decisions about buying or selling a stock based on a single event. Data from a quarterly earnings report, for example, should be monitored, reviewed, and added to an investor's mental database. But a quarterly report is just a single snapshot of the company's business.Yet in the case of AST SpaceMobile (ASTS -0.72%), there is one upcoming event to which investors looking for a growth opportunity should be paying ...