Progressive Insurance® Continued Growth Leads to More Than 10,000 Open Roles in 2024
Prnewswire· 2024-04-30 00:32
The insurance provider is deepening its commitment to flexible workplace offerings to support company growth MAYFIELD VILLAGE, Ohio, April 29, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- To help support several years of continued year-over-year growth, today, Progressive Insurance announced plans to hire thousands of job seekers for numerous roles across the country in 2024. Available positions will be a mix of in-office, remote and hybrid workplace roles across claims, customer care, IT and analyst, legal, and corporate function ...
The Progressive Corporation (PGR) Is a Trending Stock: Facts to Know Before Betting on It
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-04-29 22:05
Progressive (PGR) has recently been on's list of the most searched stocks. Therefore, you might want to consider some of the key factors that could influence the stock's performance in the near future.Over the past month, shares of this insurer have returned +0.6%, compared to the Zacks S&P 500 composite's -2% change. During this period, the Zacks Insurance - Property and Casualty industry, which Progressive falls in, has lost 2.7%. The key question now is: What could be the stock's future directi ...
Wall Street Analysts Think Progressive (PGR) Is a Good Investment: Is It?
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-04-25 22:37
华尔街分析师推荐相关 - 华尔街分析师的推荐常被投资者用于股票买卖决策 其评级变动会影响股价 [1] - 以Progressive为例 20家券商给出的平均经纪推荐评级ABR为1.90 介于强力买入和买入之间 其中11个强力买入 占比55% [1] ABR局限性相关 - 仅基于ABR做投资决策并非良策 多项研究表明 经纪推荐在引导投资者选择最具价格上涨潜力的股票方面几乎没有成功之处 [2] - 券商有自身利益考量 分析师倾向于给出强烈的正面偏向评级 每给出一个强力卖出推荐会给出五个强力买入推荐 其利益与散户投资者并不总是一致 很少能表明股票价格的实际走向 [2] Zacks Rank相关 - Zacks Rank是可靠的股票近期价格表现指标 将股票分为五组 从Zacks Rank1(强力买入)到Zacks Rank5(强力卖出) [3] - Zacks Rank与ABR不同 ABR仅基于经纪推荐计算 通常带小数显示 而Zacks Rank是量化模型 显示为整数 基于盈利预估修正 与近段股票价格走势有很强相关性 [4] - Zacks Rank的不同等级按比例适用于所有有券商分析师提供当年盈利预估的股票 且在时效性上优于ABR [5] Progressive公司相关 - Progressive公司的Zacks共识预估在过去一个月增长12.1%至11.22美元 分析师对其盈利前景的乐观态度可能使其股价短期内飙升 基于盈利预估相关因素 Progressive公司的Zacks Rank为1(强力买入) 其ABR对投资者有一定指导作用 [6]
TKOMY vs. PGR: Which Stock Is the Better Value Option?
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-04-18 00:41
公司估值比较 - 两家公司目前都有1(强烈买入)的Zacks排名[3] - TKOMY的前瞻P/E比率为9.47,而PGR的前瞻P/E为18.79[6] - TKOMY的P/B比率为1.97,而PGR的P/B为5.59[7] - TKOMY的估值等级为B,而PGR的估值等级为D[8] - 基于估值指标,TKOMY被认为是当前更具价值的选择[9]
Investors Heavily Search The Progressive Corporation (PGR): Here is What You Need to Know
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-04-16 22:05
Progressive (PGR) has recently been on's list of the most searched stocks. Therefore, you might want to consider some of the key factors that could influence the stock's performance in the near future.Over the past month, shares of this insurer have returned +0.1%, compared to the Zacks S&P 500 composite's -0.9% change. During this period, the Zacks Insurance - Property and Casualty industry, which Progressive falls in, has lost 2.2%. The key question now is: What could be the stock's future direc ...
Progressive's Income Jumps as Insurer Adds More Policies
Investopedia· 2024-04-13 04:25
Key TakeawaysInsurance company Progressive added more policies, sending its first-quarter income soaring.The insurer's net premiums written rose 17.7%, and net premiums earned gained 19% in the latest period.Progressive's combined ratio was hurt by losses incurred from coverage of a big March storm in Texas and the Midwest. Shares of Progressive (PGR) gained Friday after the insurance provider posted a more-than-fivefold increase in net income after adding more policies. In its March monthly update, the com ...
Progressive's (PGR) Q1 Earnings, Revenues Top, Premiums Rise Y/Y
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-04-13 00:16
The Progressive Corporation’s (PGR) first-quarter 2024 earnings per share of $3.83 beat the Zacks Consensus Estimate of $3.20. The bottom line improved nearly eight times year over year.Shares gained 2.8% in the pre-market trading session to reflect the outperformance.Behind the HeadlinesNet premiums written were $19 billion in the quarter, up 18% from $16.1 billion a year ago. Premiums beat our estimate of $17.6 billion.Net premiums earned grew 19% to $16 billion and beat our estimate of $14.4 billion.Oper ...
Progressive (PGR) Reports Q1 Earnings: What Key Metrics Have to Say
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-04-12 23:31
营收情况 - Progressive (PGR)报告的第一季度营收为170.9亿美元,同比增长20.1%[1] - 投资收入为6.176亿美元,较八位分析师的平均估值602.68百万美元增长47.2%[11] - 净已赚保费为161.5亿美元,较八位分析师的平均估值155.7亿美元增长19.3%[12] - 服务收入为8.42千万美元,较八位分析师的平均估值7.978千万美元增长16.1%[13] 损失/赔付比率 - Progressive的总体损失/赔付比率为67.8%,低于八位分析师的平均估值70.8%[5] - Progressive商业线业务的损失/赔付比率为72.4%,低于七位分析师的平均估值73.8%[9] 综合比率 - 公司总体综合比率为86.1%,低于八位分析师的平均估值89.2%[5] - Progressive商业线业务的综合比率为91.8%,低于七位分析师的平均估值93.5%[6] - Progressive个人线业务的综合比率为84.5%,低于七位分析师的平均估值88.5%[7] 费用情况 - Progressive商业线业务的费用比率为19.4%,低于七位分析师的平均估值19.7%[8] - Progressive个人线业务的费用比率为17.5%,低于七位分析师的平均估值17.9%[10] 其他收入 - 费用和其他收入为2.365亿美元,较七位分析师的平均估值2.324亿美元增长14.7%[14] 证券收益 - 证券的净已实现收益为1.556亿美元,较三位分析师的平均估值692.9百万美元增长[15]
Progressive (PGR) Q1 Earnings and Revenues Surpass Estimates
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-04-12 22:31
公司业绩 - Progressive (PGR)第一季度每股收益为3.73美元,超过了Zacks Consensus Estimate的3.20美元[1] - Progressive的季度报告显示了16.56%的盈利惊喜,公司已经连续三次超过了市场预期的每股收益[2] - Progressive第一季度营收为170.9亿美元,超过了Zacks Consensus Estimate的2.84%,公司在过去四个季度中已经三次超过了市场预期的营收[3] 股价表现 - Progressive股价自年初以来上涨了27%,表现优于标普500指数的9%[4] 盈利前景 - Progressive的盈利前景将影响股价的短期走势,投资者可以关注公司的盈利展望和盈利预期的变化[5] - 根据Zacks Rank的评级工具,Progressive的盈利预期修订趋势是有利的,目前股票被评为Zacks Rank 1 (Strong Buy),预计未来股价将表现优于市场[6] 行业排名 - 投资者应该注意行业前景对股票表现的影响,目前保险-财产和意外险行业在Zacks行业排名中处于前15%,研究显示排名靠前的行业表现优于排名靠后的行业[9]
Progressive(PGR) - 2024 Q1 - Quarterly Results
2024-04-12 21:01
净保费收入 - 2024年3月,Progressive公司的净保费收入为7,746百万美元,同比增长18%[1] - 2024年第一季度,Progressive公司的净保费收入为16,148.6百万美元,同比增长19%[1] - 2024年第一季度,Progressive公司的个人线业务的净保费收入为5,226.4百万美元[9] - 2024年第一季度,Progressive公司的商业线业务的净保费收入为2,227.8百万美元[9] - 2024年第一季度,Progressive公司的财产业务的净保费收入为291.6百万美元[9] 净利润 - 2024年第一季度,Progressive公司的净利润为2,331.4百万美元,同比增长421%[1] 综合收入 - Progressive公司的综合收入为1,046.2百万美元[4] - 2024年第一季度,Progressive公司的综合收入为1,046.2百万美元[9] - 2024年3月31日,The Progressive Corporation的综合收益为34.0%[14] 固定收益证券 - Progressive公司的固定收益证券的全税当量总回报为0.6%[8] - 2024年第一季度,Progressive公司的固定收益证券的全税当量总回报为0.7%[9] - 2024年3月31日,The Progressive Corporation的固定收益证券的未实现税前收益(损失)为-2297.7百万美元[14] 公司财务状况 - 2024年3月31日,The Progressive Corporation的总资产为94127.9百万美元[14] - 2024年3月31日,The Progressive Corporation的股东权益为21811.3百万美元[14] - 2024年3月31日,The Progressive Corporation的未赚保费为22907.3百万美元[14] - 2024年3月31日,The Progressive Corporation的债务为6889.7百万美元[14] - 2024年3月31日,The Progressive Corporation的固定收益投资组合持续时间为3.2年[14] - 2024年3月31日,The Progressive Corporation的净利润为31.9%[14] - 2024年3月31日,The Progressive Corporation的股票回购实际为11354万股,平均每股成本为197.03美元[14] - 2024年3月31日,The Progressive Corporation的每股净资产为37.24美元[14]