RenaissanceRe(RNR) - 2024 Q3 - Quarterly Results
2024-11-07 05:44
财务业绩 - 2024年前三季度总保费收入为98.16亿美元,同比增长39.1%[8] - 2024年前三季度净保费收入为82.01亿美元,同比增长39.5%[8] - 2024年前三季度净赔付率为50.9%,同比上升1.2个百分点[8] - 2024年前三季度获得管理费收入1.66亿美元,同比增长29.1%[8] - 2024年前三季度获得业绩费收入8337万美元,同比增长124.3%[8] - 2024年第三季度总投资收益率为18.3%,同比大幅提升[8] - 2024年前三季度总投资收益为18.28亿美元,同比增长159.2%[8] - 2024年前三季度经营利润为18.28亿美元,同比增长51.9%[8] - 2024年前三季度每股经营利润为21.91美元,同比增长51.9%[8] - 公司第三季度毛保费收入达24.00亿美元,同比增长48.3%[9] - 第三季度净利润达16.33亿美元,同比增长292.1%[11] - 前三季度毛保费收入达98.16亿美元,同比增长39.0%[11] - 前三季度净利润达29.80亿美元,同比增长82.5%[11] - 第三季度每股收益22.68美元,同比增长495.3%[9] - 前三季度每股收益38.95美元,同比增长93.2%[9] - 第三季度每股经营收益10.23美元,同比增长21.6%[9] - 前三季度每股经营收益34.86美元,同比增长36.2%[9] - 第三季度平均股本回报率达47.1%,同比增长35.6个百分点[9] - 前三季度平均股本回报率达28.8%,同比增长6.7个百分点[9] - 2024年第三季度总毛保费收入为24.00亿美元,同比增长48.2%[15] - 2024年第三季度总净保费收入为21.63亿美元,同比增长52.1%[15] - 2024年第三季度总净赔付支出为13.74亿美元,同比增长59.3%[15] - 2024年前三季度总毛保费收入为98.16亿美元,同比增长39.1%[17] - 2024年前三季度总净保费收入为82.01亿美元,同比增长39.5%[17] - 2024年前三季度总净赔付支出为38.49亿美元,同比增长48.4%[17] - 2023年第三季度总毛保费收入为16.18亿美元[15] - 2023年前三季度总毛保费收入为70.60亿美元[17] - 2023年前三季度总净保费收入为58.81亿美元[17] - 2023年前三季度总净赔付支出为25.94亿美元[17] - 公司第三季度总保费收入为24亿美元,较上一季度下降30%[19] - 第三季度净赔付及赔付费用为13.74亿美元,较上一季度增加4.9%[19] - 第三季度综合成本率为84.8%,较上一季度上升3.7个百分点[19] - 第三季度财产险业务综合成本率为60.3%,较上一季度上升6.4个百分点[21] - 第三三季度意外险及专业险业务综合成本率为100.1%,较上一季度上升1.9个百分点[23] 分部业绩 - 物业分部总毛保费增长54.7%,达7.91亿美元[29] - 意外及专业责任分部总毛保费增长45.3%,达16.09亿美元[29] - 物业分部净保费增长57.6%,达7.01亿美元[31] - 意外及专业责任分部净保费增长49.7%,达14.61亿美元[31] - 物业分部净赚保费增长30.8%,达9.95亿美元[33] - 意外及专业责任分部净赚保费增长59.5%,达15.88亿美元[33] - 灾害险毛保费增长113.9%,达3.44亿美元[29] - 一般责任险毛保费增长48.0%,达5.20亿美元[29] - 信用险毛保费增长53.6%,达2.14亿美元[29] - 其他专业险毛保费增长62.0%,达5.44亿美元[29] 保险准备金 - 2024年9月30日物业保险金准备金总额为6,940,156美元,其中包括案件准备金1,998,266美元、额外案件准备金1,988,935美元和IBNR准备金2,952,955美元[35] - 2024年9月30日意外险和专业险保险金准备金总额为14,281,038美元[35] - 2023年12月31日物业保险金准备金总额为7,833,620美元,意外险和专业险保险金准备金总额为12,653,249美元[35] 管理费和业绩费 - 2024年第三季度总收费收入为82,065美元,其中管理费收入为54,945美元,业绩费收入为27,120美元[41] - 2023年第三季度总收费收入为64,558美元,其中管理费收入为44,486美元,业绩费收入为20,072美元[41] - 2024年前三季度总收费收入为249,692美元,其中管理费收入为166,325美元,业绩费收入为83,367美元[41] - 2023年前三季度总收费收入为166,011美元,其中管理费收入为128,830美元,业绩费收入为37,181美元[41] - 2024年第三季度收费收入贡献的承保收益为12,345美元,可变利益投资收益为0美元[42] - 2023年第三季度收费收入贡献的承保收益为6,873美元,可变利益投资收益为-446美元[42] - 2024年前三季度收费收入贡献的承保收益为40,030美元,可变利益投资收益为-698美元[42] 投资收益 - 公司三季度总收入为4.85亿美元,同比增长81.7%[55] - 三季度净投资收益为4.24亿美元,同比增长28.8%[57] - 三季度净投资收益率为5.7%,同比持平[57] - 三季度总投资收益率为18.3%,同比大幅增长[57] - 总投资收益达到18.28亿美元,较上年同期增长159.4%[59] - 固定期限投资交易的未实现收益为3.53亿美元,较上年同期增加339.5%[59] - 其他投资中灾难债券的净实现和未实现收益为5.11亿美元,较上年同期增加437.1%[59] - 其他投资中其他投资的净实现和未实现收益为1.55亿美元,较上年同期增加1932.9%[59] - 平均投资资产达到306.04亿美元,较上年同期增加26.3%[59] - 总投资收益率达到8.2%,较上年同期增加4个百分点[59] - 固定期限投资交易的未实现收益占总投资的3.6%[61] - 其他投资中灾难债券的未实现收益占总投资的-0.2%[61] - 其他投资中其他投资的未实现收益占总投资的2.9%[61] - 投资组合的加权平均到期收益率为5.1%,较上年同期下降0.7个百分点[62] 投资组合 - 公司总投资规模为330.34亿美元,其中固定收益投资占比49.3%[64] - 公司持有美国国债116.36亿美元[64] - 公司持有企业债券77.91亿美元,其中评级为AAA的占2.66%,评级为AA的占5.58%[64] - 公司持有资产抵押债券14.40亿美元,其中评级为AAA的占81.8%[64] - 公司持有房地产抵押债券17.53亿美元,其中评级为AAA的占80.6%[64] - 公司持有其他投资42.72亿美元,其中灾难债券18.96亿美元[64] - 公司持有私募信贷基金11.07亿美元,私募股权基金5.42亿美元,对冲基金3.33亿美元[64] - 公司持有直接私募股权投资1.99亿美元[64] - 公司持有其他合资企业投资1.38亿美元[64] 经营收益 - 公司使用"经营收益(损失)归属于普通股东"作为评估其基本经营情况的指标,认为这是衡量公司业绩的有用指标[72] - 2024年第三季度"经营收益(损失)归属于普通股东"为5.403亿美元,2023年同期为4.263亿美元[74] - 2024年前三季度"经营收益(损失)归属于普通股东"为18.275亿美元,2023年同期为12.018亿美元[74] - 2024年第三季度"经营收益(损失)归属于普通股东"每股摊薄收益为10.23美元,2023年同期为8.41美元[74] - 2024年前三季度"经营收益(损失)归属于普通股东"每股摊薄收益为34.86美元,2023年同期为25.58美元[74] - 2024年第三季度"经营净资产收益率(年化)"为21.7%,2023年同期为25.3%[74] - 2024年前三季度"经营净资产收益率(年化)"为26.0%,2023年同期为28.0%[74] 其他指标 - 公司管理层认为"每股有形账面价值"和"每股有形账面价值加累计股息"对投资者有用,因为它们提供了更准确的股东回报可实现价值的衡量,不受商誉和无形资产以及收购相关会计调整的影响[76] - 截至2024年9月30日,每股有形账面价值为182.76美元,每股有形账面价值加累计股息为210.45美元[77] - 2024年前三季度每股有形账面价值加累计股息的同比增长为29.6%[77] - 2024年前三季度公司综合成本率为81.3%,剔除收购相关会计调整后的综合成本率为78.9%[81] - 2023年前三季度公司综合成本率为78.8%,剔除收购相关会计调整后的综合成本率为78.6%[81] - 公司管理层认为"保留总投资收益"是有用的指标,因为它提供了公司投资收益中归属于普通股东的部分[83] - 公司总投资结果为10779.66百万美元,较上年同期下降104743百万美元[84] - 公司总投资收益率为20.2%,较上年同期上升2.2个百分点[84] - 公司净投资收益为8427.91百万美元,较上年同期增加268.703百万美元[86] - 公司净投资收益率为5.1%,较上年同期上升0.4个百分点[86] - 公司平均投资资产为218909.49百万美元,较上年同期增加5680.065百万美元[86] - 公司总投资规模为330.34亿美元,其中归属于公司股东的投资规模为237.97亿美元[90] - 公司总投资的未实现收益为6.51亿美元,归属于公司股东的未实现收益为6.51亿美元[93] - 公司归属于普通股东的经营收益中,可赎回非控股权益的经营收益为负值,表示产生经营亏损[95] - 公司归属于普通股东的经营收益中,可赎回非控股权益的经营亏损占总经营收益的一定比例[95] - 公司第三季度净亏损4.5亿美元,上年同期亏损2.14亿美元[96] - 剔除投资和汇兑损益后的经营亏损为3.32亿美元,上年同期为2.65亿美元[96] - 第三季度和前九个月经营亏损同比分别增加25%和18%[96]
Will RenaissanceRe (RNR) Beat Estimates Again in Its Next Earnings Report?
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Looking for a stock that has been consistently beating earnings estimates and might be well positioned to keep the streak alive in its next quarterly report? RenaissanceRe (RNR) , which belongs to the Zacks Insurance - Property and Casualty industry, could be a great candidate to consider.When looking at the last two reports, this insurance company has recorded a strong streak of surpassing earnings estimates. The company has topped estimates by 18.80%, on average, in the last two quarters.For the most rece ...
RenaissanceRe (RNR) Soars 3.0%: Is Further Upside Left in the Stock?
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RenaissanceRe (RNR) shares rallied 3% in the last trading session to close at $261.47. This move can be attributable to notable volume with a higher number of shares being traded than in a typical session. This compares to the stock's 1.9% loss over the past four weeks. The upside can be attributed to RenaissanceRe's well-performing Property and Casualty & Specialty segments. Riding on the segments' performance, overall net premiums earned improved 43.8% year over year in the first half of 2024. Market disl ...
RenaissanceRe (RNR) is a Top-Ranked Momentum Stock: Should You Buy?
ZACKS· 2024-10-02 22:51
For new and old investors, taking full advantage of the stock market and investing with confidence are common goals. Zacks Premium provides lots of different ways to do both. The popular research service can help you become a smarter, more self-assured investor, giving you access to daily updates of the Zacks Rank and Zacks Industry Rank, the Zacks #1 Rank List, Equity Research reports, and Premium stock screens. Zacks Premium includes access to the Zacks Style Scores as well. What are the Zacks Style Score ...
RenaissanceRe Adds Nearly $4B in Market Cap in 2024: Still a Buy?
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Leading insurer RenaissanceRe Holdings Ltd. (RNR) has seen impressive gains in 2024, with shares jumping 39%, outpacing the industry's 28.1% growth and the S&P 500's 20.6% rise. It also outpaced its peers like Everest Group, Ltd. (EG) and Chubb Limited (CB) . This rally has boosted RenaissanceRe's market capitalization by $3.92 billion in 2024 alone. With this sharp rally, the question for investors is whether to ride the momentum for more potential upside or lock in profits. A deeper look at RNR's future p ...
RenaissanceRe Holdings Ltd. (RNR) Hits Fresh High: Is There Still Room to Run?
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Shares of RenaissanceRe (RNR) have been strong performers lately, with the stock up 4.5% over the past month. The stock hit a new 52-week high of $269.61 in the previous session. RenaissanceRe has gained 37.3% since the start of the year compared to the 17.3% move for the Zacks Finance sector and the 27.1% return for the Zacks Insurance - Property and Casualty industry. What's Driving the Outperformance? The stock has an impressive record of positive earnings surprises, as it hasn't missed our earnings cons ...
RNR vs. CB: Which Stock Is the Better Value Option?
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Investors interested in Insurance - Property and Casualty stocks are likely familiar with RenaissanceRe (RNR) and Chubb (CB) . But which of these two companies is the best option for those looking for undervalued stocks? Let's take a closer look. We have found that the best way to discover great value opportunities is to pair a strong Zacks Rank with a great grade in the Value category of our Style Scores system. The proven Zacks Rank emphasizes companies with positive estimate revision trends, and our Styl ...
Here's Why RenaissanceRe (RNR) is a Strong Value Stock
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Taking full advantage of the stock market and investing with confidence are common goals for new and old investors, and Zacks Premium offers many different ways to do both. The research service features daily updates of the Zacks Rank and Zacks Industry Rank, full access to the Zacks #1 Rank List, Equity Research reports, and Premium stock screens, all of which will help you become a smarter, more confident investor. Zacks Premium also includes the Zacks Style Scores. What are the Zacks Style Scores? The Za ...
RenaissanceRe Stock Near 52-Week High: Time to Lock in Gains?
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Shares of RenaissanceRe Holdings Ltd. (RNR) closed at $259.04 on Wednesday, near its 52-week high of $260.97, after having gained 14% in the past month. Shares outperformed the industry's return of 12.7% and the S&P 500 Index's rise of 5.4% in the said time frame. Improving underwriting performance and rising net investment income appear to have catalyzed this bullishness. RNR's proximity to its 52-week high underscores investor confidence and market optimism about this insurance company's prospects. It has ...
Why RenaissanceRe (RNR) is a Top Value Stock for the Long-Term
ZACKS· 2024-09-05 22:41
It doesn't matter your age or experience: taking full advantage of the stock market and investing with confidence are common goals for all investors. Luckily, Zacks Premium offers several different ways to do both. The popular research service can help you become a smarter, more self-assured investor, giving you access to daily updates of the Zacks Rank and Zacks Industry Rank, the Zacks #1 Rank List, Equity Research reports, and Premium stock screens. It also includes access to the Zacks Style Scores. What ...