ACM Research(ACMR)

3 Growth Stocks Poised to Triple in the Next 3 Years
InvestorPlace· 2024-03-15 20:50
成长股投资机会 - 成长股是市场上真正赚钱的地方,特别是对于那些能够识别具有潜力在现在或未来带来巨大利润的公司的投资者[1] - 一些被市场忽视的成长股可能在未来几年内突破,价值翻三倍[1] - ACM Research (ACMR)是一个被忽视的宝石,自去年6月以来已经实现了近200%的回报,我相信在未来3年内仍有可能翻三倍[4]
Wall Street Favorites: 3 Russell 2000 Stocks With Strong Buy Ratings for March 2024
InvestorPlace· 2024-03-13 01:37
There are some strong buy Russell 2000 stocks for investors to consider adding to their portfolios in March 2024. While the overall market has experienced volatility in recent months, several small-cap companies within the Russell 2000 index have demonstrated promising growth prospects, and analysts are bullish on their prospects.These stocks could offer attractive entry points for investors seeking diversification and exposure to potentially undervalued opportunities. I feel now could be a great time to co ...
3 Sexy Small-Cap Stocks to Add Sizzle to Your Portfolio
InvestorPlace· 2024-03-11 03:24
If you want big returns, you gotta think small – as in small-cap stocks. That’s not to say the large-capitalization enterprises can’t get you to investment Valhalla. However, the most diminutive companies have math on their side.Basically, I’m referring to the law of small numbers. When you’re dealing with small-cap stocks, you’re almost always targeting businesses that don’t generate much attention. So, when a less-appreciated firm presents impressive financial performance metrics, they can send shares sky ...
4 Solid Semiconductor Stocks to Gain From Soaring Sales
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-03-07 22:35
半导体市场趋势 - 全球半导体销售额在2023年1月达到476亿美元,同比增长15.2%,尽管月销售额出现2.1%的小幅下降,但半导体市场仍在稳步复苏的轨道上[2] - 中国、美洲和亚太地区的半导体销售额同比增长分别为26.6%、20.3%和12.8%[3] - 全球半导体市场在2024年预计将实现两位数增长,市场增长势头强劲[4] 产品类别和投资建议 - 逻辑产品和存储产品是半导体市场的主要类别,微控制器单元(MCUs)的销售额增长了11.4%[7] - NVIDIA Corporation、ACM Research, Inc.、Applied Materials, Inc.和Lam Research Corporation等半导体股票是值得投资的选择[8] 公司介绍 - NVIDIA Corporation是全球视觉计算技术领域的领导者,GPU的成功归功于其支持高性能计算、游戏和虚拟现实平台的并行处理能力[9] - ACM Research, Inc.开发、制造和销售单晶硅晶圆湿洗设备,总部位于加利福尼亚州弗里蒙特[11] - Applied Materials, Inc.是全球最大的半导体设备供应商之一,提供用于半导体、液晶显示器和太阳能光伏电池制造的设备[13] - Lam Research Corporation为半导体行业提供晶圆制造设备和服务,产品被半导体制造商用于前端和WLP工艺,为各种电子设备创建存储器、微处理器和其他逻辑集成电路[15]
Surging Earnings Estimates Signal Upside for ACM Research, Inc. (ACMR) Stock
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-03-07 02:21
ACM Research, Inc.的盈利前景 - ACM Research, Inc.的盈利前景明显改善,分析师仍在提高公司的盈利预期[1] - Zacks Rank系统显示,ACM Research, Inc.的股票评级为Zacks Rank 1 (Strong Buy),这是一个很有前景的评级[9] - 过去四周,ACM Research, Inc.的股价上涨了77.3%,显示出强劲的盈利预期修订吸引了大量投资[11]
ACM Research, Inc. (ACMR) Upgraded to Strong Buy: What Does It Mean for the Stock?
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-03-07 02:01
ACM Research, Inc.的盈利预期 - ACM Research, Inc.的盈利预期正在上升,这对股价有积极影响[4] - ACM Research, Inc.的盈利预期正在上升,暗示公司基础业务的改善[6] - 截至2024年12月,ACM Research, Inc.的盈利预期为每股1.62美元,较去年同期报告数字下降0.6%[9] - 过去三个月,分析师们一直在稳步提高对ACM Research, Inc.的预期[10] Zacks评级系统 - ACM Research, Inc.最近被升级为Zacks排名1(强烈买入)[1] - Zacks评级系统主要依赖于公司盈利前景的变化[2] - Zacks评级系统有效利用盈利预期修订的力量[7] - Zacks Rank股票评级系统自1988年以来表现出色,Zacks Rank 1股票的平均年回报率为+25%[8] - Zacks评级系统保持着对超过4000只股票的'买入'和'卖出'评级的平等比例[11] - ACM Research, Inc.的升级为Zacks Rank 1将其定位在Zacks覆盖股票的前5%,意味着股票可能在短期内上涨[13]
Wall Street Analysts Believe ACM Research, Inc. (ACMR) Could Rally 27.93%: Here's is How to Trade
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-03-06 23:56
Shares of ACM Research, Inc. (ACMR) have gained 77.3% over the past four weeks to close the last trading session at $29.22, but there could still be a solid upside left in the stock if short-term price targets of Wall Street analysts are any indication. Going by the price targets, the mean estimate of $37.38 indicates a potential upside of 27.9%.The average comprises seven short-term price targets ranging from a low of $34 to a high of $40, with a standard deviation of $2.59. While the lowest estimate indic ...
Future Market Kings: 3 Stocks That Will Shape the Next Decade of Growth
InvestorPlace· 2024-03-05 03:34
Palantir - Palantir在2023年第四季度实现了6.08亿美元的收入,同比增长20%[4] - Palantir通过扩大可触及市场和进入新领域的基本能力,推动了收入增长[5] - Palantir的商业部门对整体顶线和相关多元化做出了相当大的贡献,过去12个月实现了超过10亿美元的收入,商业收入同比增长32%[6] Block - Block在2023年实现了75亿美元的毛利润,同比增长25%,调整后的EBITDA同比增长81%,运营收入达到3.51亿美元,相比前一年的1.45亿美元亏损有了显著改善[10] - Block在2023年实现了Rule 29,超过了其指导方针,这是公司在增长和盈利之间平衡的核心指标,为持续扩张奠定了基础[14] ACM Research - ACM Research在2023年第四季度实现了1.7亿美元的收入,同比增长57%,这种高增长反映了公司捕获市场份额和利用行业趋势的基本能力[15] - ACM Research在2023年实现了5.58亿美元的收入,同比增长43%,这种持续的收入增长表明了ACMR商业模式的稳固性和对半导体设备市场需求的响应[16]
The Top 3 Russell 2000 Stocks to Buy in March 2024
InvestorPlace· 2024-03-05 02:10
Though often more volatile than large-cap stocks, the small and mid-cap companies of the Russell 2000 sometimes hold hidden gems. If you want to make an intelligent investment and buy stocks with plenty of potential for real returns, look no further.We have compiled some of this year’s best-performing stocks from the Russell 2000. These three companies are in some of the best positions in their respective markets to continue making giant leaps in revenue growth, showing great promise.To give you more insigh ...
3 Small-Cap Giants With Big Growth Trajectories
InvestorPlace· 2024-02-29 06:12
The future of the U.S. economy looks promising in 2024, with experts describing it as a Goldilocks moment. Anticipated faster growth, decreasing inflation and robust job creation signal a positive shift from recession fears in 2023. The National Association for Business Economics predicts a 2.2% rise in the gross domestic product, reflecting a more optimistic outlook, while the Federal Reserve’s expected interest rate cuts and the resilient job market contribute to a brighter economic landscape. That means ...