Hot Stocks: The 3 Best Opportunities for Investing in EV Charging
InvestorPlace· 2024-03-19 22:21
EV charging stocks have been having it rough lately due to the slowdown in the EV market. However, it’s tough to write them off so quickly, especially considering the massive long-term growth potential in the EV sphere. On top of that, once the Federal Reserve starts cutting interest rates, interest in riskier bets, such as EV-charging stocks, is likely to increase substantially.BloomBergNEF’s newsletter earlier this year echoed the concerns surrounding the EV market. It is expected to slow down in 2024, bu ...
Blink(BLNK) - 2023 Q4 - Annual Report
2024-03-18 20:50
Commission File No. 001-38392 Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(g) of the Act: None Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the registrant was required to file such reports), and (2) has been subject to such filing requirements for the past 90 days. Yes ☒ No ☐ ☐ | --- | --- | --- | --- | |-------|-------|-------|-------| ...
After earnings, is Blink Charging Co stock a buy?
Invezz· 2024-03-15 23:48
Blink Charging Co.财务表现 - Blink Charging Co.在2023财年实现年度收入增长七倍,达到1.406亿美元,第四季度收入同比增长89%,达到4,270万美元[1] - 公司连续三个季度超额完成收入预测,并上调未来指引,其稳固的毛利率和潜在的运营费用杠杆是推动这一乐观前景的关键因素[3] - Blink Charging的战略路线图中的关键元素之一是承诺在2024年底实现正向调整后的EBITDA,而且计划在不进一步稀释股权的情况下实现这一目标[6]
Blink(BLNK) - 2023 Q4 - Earnings Call Transcript
2024-03-15 07:52
财务数据和关键指标变化 - 2023年全年收入达到140.6百万美元,同比增长130% [13] - 2023年第四季度收入达到42.7百万美元,同比增长89% [34] - 2023年全年服务收入达到26.4百万美元,同比增长111% [36] - 2023年全年毛利润达到40.2百万美元,同比增长172%,毛利率提升至29% [38] 各条业务线数据和关键指标变化 - 2023年第四季度产品收入33.4百万美元,同比增长112% [35] - 2023年全年产品收入109.4百万美元,同比增长138% [35] - 2023年第四季度服务收入7.9百万美元,同比增长40% [36] 各个市场数据和关键指标变化 - 2023年全球电动车销量占新车销量的20% [22] - 2023年美国电动车销量占新车销量的8%,加州达到25% [22] - 2023年欧洲电动车销量占新车销量的18%,预计2024年将达到22% [23][24] 公司战略和发展方向及行业竞争 - 公司将继续优化全球制造、物流、分销和后勤,提升效率和降低成本 [11][12][54] - 公司将继续投资创新技术,提升产品质量和可靠性 [57] - 公司看好电动车和充电基础设施行业的长期发展前景 [21][26] - 公司预计2030年美国将有2800万个充电桩,全球市场将以25%的复合增长率增长 [26] 管理层对经营环境和未来前景的评论 - 管理层对2024年的收入目标为165-175百万美元,毛利率约33% [17] - 管理层有信心在2024年12月实现正的经调整EBITDA [17][44] - 管理层认为电动车和充电基础设施行业正处于拐点,看好未来发展 [21][22][23][24][26] 问答环节重要的提问和回答 问题1 **Chris Pierce 提问** 客户是否倾向于采用多品牌充电设备的双源模式,这是否增强了公司扩大Bowie制造基地产能的信心? [61][62] **Brendan Jones 回答** 这确实是一个增量因素,没有包含在原先的计划中,但现在已经考虑进去了 [62] 问题2 **Stephen Gengaro 提问** 公司2024-2026年的收入增长目标是否可以保持在20%左右的中高速增长? [68][69] **Brendan Jones 回答** 公司会保持相对谨慎的态度,但仍然看好未来几年的中高速增长 [69][70][71] 问题3 **Craig Irwin 提问** 公司第四季度毛利率下降的具体原因是什么? [77][80] **Brendan Jones 和 Michael Rama 回答** 主要是由于计提了更多的质保费用,以及处理了一些不再使用的旧部件 [80][81][82][83][84]
Compared to Estimates, Blink Charging (BLNK) Q4 Earnings: A Look at Key Metrics
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-03-15 07:31
财务表现 - Blink Charging在2023年12月报告的季度营收为4271万美元,同比增长了88.9%[1] - 每股收益为-0.28美元,较去年同期的-0.41美元有所改善[1] - 公司营收低于Zacks Consensus Estimate的4363万美元,营收出现-2.11%的意外[1] - 与预期的每股收益-0.40美元相比,每股收益意外增长了30.00%[1] 产品销售收入 - 产品销售收入为3338万美元,高于三位分析师平均估计的2529万美元,同比增长了111.5%[4] 充电服务收入 - 公司拥有的充电站充电服务收入为454万美元,高于三位分析师平均估计的372万美元,同比增长了50.7%[5] 其他收入 - 共享汽车服务收入为119万美元,高于两位分析师平均估计的78万美元,同比增长了210.7%[6] - 补贴和返利收入为19万美元,高于两位分析师平均估计的7万美元,同比增长了1323.1%[7] - 其他收入为11万美元,低于两位分析师平均估计的61万美元,同比下降了83.7%[7] 股票表现 - Blink Charging股票在过去一个月中下跌了6.5%,表现不佳[9] - 目前股票的Zacks排名为2(买入),预示着在短期内可能会超过更广泛的市场[9]
Blink(BLNK) - 2023 Q4 - Earnings Call Presentation
2024-03-15 04:27
业绩总结 - 公司在2023年第四季度实现了总收入42.7百万美元,服务收入为7.9百万美元,总收入同比增长89%[2] - 公司在2023年第四季度总收入为140.6百万美元,服务收入为26.4百万美元,总收入同比增长130%,服务收入同比增长111%[3] - 公司设定了2024财年目标为总收入165百万美元至175百万美元,预计同比增长约33%[5]
Newsfilter· 2024-03-15 04:02
89% increase in 4Q23 revenues to $42.7 million; 130% increase in full year 2023 revenues to $140.6 million112% increase in 4Q23 product revenues to $33.4 million; 138% increase in full year product revenues to $109.4 million40% increase in 4Q23 service revenues to $7.9 million; 111% increase in full year service revenues to $26.4 million4Q23 gross profit of $10.6 million or 25% of revenues; record full year 2023 gross profit of $40.2 million or 29% of revenuesStrengthened balance sheet and improved liquidit ...
The 3 Most Undervalued EV Charging Stocks to Buy in March 2024
InvestorPlace· 2024-03-13 18:15
EV充电行业发展 - EV充电股票表现良好,ChargePoint CEO表示充电站数量迅速增加[1] - EV充电股票有潜力,美国交通部长表示将投资建设50万个充电桩[2] - RBC Capital分析师将EVgo评级升级为表现优异,目标价为$4[3] - EVgo公司销售额增长迅速,2023年全年收入同比增长195%[4]
3 EV Charging Stocks to Buy as the U.S. ‘Fights for the Future'
InvestorPlace· 2024-03-12 05:49
Last week, President Joe Biden delivered a State of the Union address to mostly positive reviews. For one, Biden made clear the differences between himself and former President Donald Trump, emphasizing the need for climate change action and higher taxation on the billionaire class. Biden also highlighted the success of his clean energy policies, which have led to $650 billion in private sector investments and have created “tens of thousands of jobs.” Before the State of the Union, however, U.S. Secretary o ...
Blink Charging Establishes Global Corporate Headquarters and Announces Expansion of Manufacturing Facility in Bowie, Maryland
Newsfilter· 2024-03-11 22:30
Along with the new headquarters, Blink is increasing its manufacturing capacity by constructing a state-of-the-art advanced 30,000 square-foot facility. Bowie, MD., March 11, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Blink Charging Co. (NASDAQ:BLNK) ("Blink" or the "Company"), a leading global manufacturer, owner, operator and provider of electric vehicle (EV) charging equipment and services, today announced the Company has established its global corporate headquarters in a 15,000 square-foot facility in Bowie, MD. Compleme ...