Intuit (INTU) Expands IDEAS Program to Help Small Businesses
ZACKS· 2024-06-21 22:20
文章核心观点 - Intuit (INTU) 通过扩展其 IDEAS 项目,旨在支持小型企业的发展,并利用其技术平台和人工智能提升业务效率和盈利能力 - 公司通过不断扩展其产品组合和引入新技术,以应对竞争并推动收入增长 [1][2][4][5][7][8][9] 项目扩展 - Intuit 宣布扩展其 IDEAS 项目,与洛杉矶城市联盟合作,支持 100 名小企业主 - 项目申请现已开放,覆盖亚特兰大、洛杉矶和费城 [1] 项目成果 - 在项目的首年,参与者平均收入增长 23%,每月节省 16.5 小时 - 参与者受益于 Intuit 专家的指导和洛杉矶城市联盟的商业教练 [2] 项目支持 - 入选的小企业创业者将获得广泛支持,包括电子邮件营销、高管教练、商业咨询、商业合规、簿记、税务准备等 [3] 项目目标 - 项目旨在通过提供 Intuit 的全面产品和服务套件,增强业务运营、效率、盈利能力和资本准备 - 项目完成后,参与者将获得 5,000 美元的资助,以帮助扩展业务 [4] 收入增长 - Intuit 预计 2024 财年收入在 161.64 亿至 162 亿美元之间,同比增长 13% - 公司预计 2024 财年非 GAAP 每股收益在 16.79 至 16.84 美元之间 [5] 市场预期 - Zacks 共识预计 INTU 2024 年收入为 161.9 亿美元,同比增长 12.65% - Zacks 共识预计 2024 年每股收益为 16.83 美元,同比增长 16.88% [6] 技术创新 - Intuit 推出了新的收入智能技术,利用始终在线的预测和生成式人工智能模型,帮助营销人员增加收入 - 该系统基于去年推出的 Intuit Assist,利用 INTU 的广泛数据和先进 AI,将客户的营销努力与数十亿行业特定的财务输入和营销绩效指标进行基准测试 [7] 收购与合作 - Intuit 宣布收购移动风险智能提供商 Zendrive 的技术,以增强 Credit Karma 的使用基于使用的汽车保险产品 Karma Drive - Intuit 与国家冰球联盟 (NHL) 达成多年加拿大合作伙伴关系,指定 Intuit QuickBooks 为 NHL 的官方小企业会计软件 [8][9] 竞争环境 - Intuit 在小型企业和自雇人士领域面临来自 The Sage Group 的竞争,在薪资服务领域面临来自 Automatic Data Processing (ADP) 和 Paychex (PAYX) 的竞争 - 公司在商户服务领域面临来自 Wells Fargo、JP Morgan Chase 和 Bank of America 等金融机构的挑战,在消费者领域面临来自税务准备提供商 H&R Block (HRB) 的竞争 [10] 股价表现 - Intuit 股价年初至今下跌 1.4%,而 Zacks 计算机和技术行业增长 25.7%,主要由于来自不同行业的激烈竞争 [11]
Here is What to Know Beyond Why Intuit Inc. (INTU) is a Trending Stock
ZACKS· 2024-06-19 22:05
Over the past month, shares of this maker of TurboTax, QuickBooks and other accounting software have returned -8.7%, compared to the Zacks S&P 500 composite's +3.6% change. During this period, the Zacks Computer - Software industry, which Intuit falls in, has gained 4.6%. The key question now is: What could be the stock's future direction? We essentially look at how sell-side analysts covering the stock are revising their earnings estimates to reflect the impact of the latest business trends. And if earning ...
Intuit to Expand Usage-Based Auto Insurance Product With Zendrive Acquisition· 2024-06-14 02:55
文章核心观点 - Intuit计划收购Zendrive的技术和员工,以加快Karma Drive(一款基于车载数据的使用情况汽车保险产品)的开发和采用[1][2][3] - Karma Drive可以让保险公司更好地了解用户的驾驶行为,并为用户提供更加透明、公平和准确的保费定价[4][5][8] - Zendrive的技术和经验将有助于使用基于驾驶行为的汽车保险更加普及,为所有美国人提供公平的保险[7] 公司相关 - Intuit将收购Zendrive的技术和部分员工,包括CEO和联合创始人,以加强Karma Drive的开发[2] - Credit Karma在3年前就与Zendrive合作推出了Karma Drive,目前已有超过600万用户[6] - Karma Drive允许用户在购买保单前体验并查看潜在的个性化折扣优惠[5] 行业相关 - 基于车载数据的使用情况汽车保险可以提供更透明、公平和准确的保费定价[4][8] - 这种保险产品有助于提高驾驶安全意识,实现道路更加安全[7]
Intuit to Preview AI-Powered Marketing Tools· 2024-06-13 16:00
Intuit, the maker of TurboTax, Credit Karma, QuickBooks and Mailchimp, will preview a new artificial intelligence (AI) system designed to help businesses increase revenue through smarter marketing. The new tools' preview is slated for Intuit's annual customer event in London next week. Next Tuesday (June 18), the company plans to begin allowing customers worldwide to sign up for early access to the technology. Intuit's move is the latest example of a technology company tapping AI to try to make its products ...
Intuit Inc. (INTU) NASDAQ Investor Conference (Transcript)
2024-06-11 22:12
会议主要讨论的核心内容 - 公司在不确定的经济环境下仍然提高了收入和利润指引 [7] - 公司的小企业业务增长18%,在线生态系统增长19%,支付业务增长22% [8][9] - 公司正在努力提高TurboTax的协助税务业务的渗透率,并取得了一定进展 [9][19] - 公司正在开发小企业税务服务,虽然目前规模较小但未来有较大潜力 [23][24] - 公司正在加大国际市场的投入,包括翻译Mailchimp产品、建立本地化销售渠道等 [38][39][40] - 公司正在利用Mailchimp与QuickBooks的协同效应,提升中型企业市场的服务能力 [42][43][44][45][46][47] - 公司在人工智能方面的投入较早,已经在TurboTax、QuickBooks和Mailchimp等产品中应用并取得初步成效 [61][62][63][64][65][68][69][71][72][73] 问答环节重要的提问和回答 问题1 **Joseph Gallo 提问** 公司如何提高TurboTax协助税务业务的转化率 [11] **Sandeep Aujla 回答** 1) 与Credit Karma的用户群体进行更好的协同,提升用户体验 [13][14] 2) 优化服务型购物体验,从软件到服务的转变 [15][16] 3) 提高在本地搜索结果的曝光度 [16][17] 问题2 **Joseph Gallo 提问** TurboTax协助税务业务的增长对公司财务的影响 [18] **Sandeep Aujla 回答** 1) 协助税务业务目前占TurboTax收入的30%,未来几年有望保持高速增长 [19][20] 2) 公司正在采取多项措施提升该业务的增长,如与Credit Karma的协同、优化购物体验、提高本地曝光度等 [19][20] 问题3 **Joseph Gallo 提问** 公司如何看待中小企业客户的整体经营状况 [25] **Sandeep Aujla 回答** 1) 公司80%的收入来自订阅业务,对经济环境的抗压能力较强 [26][27] 2) 整体来看,中小企业的经营状况好于疫情前,但行业间存在差异 [28][29][30] 3) 公司的客户群体具有较高的多样性,既有自雇人员也有数百名员工的企业,涵盖多个地区和行业,具有较强的抗风险能力 [31][32]
Does Intuit's (INTU) Strong Market Share Make It Worth Buying?
ZACKS· 2024-06-06 00:46
Intuit (INTU) has been making waves in the investment community lately. With a robust product portfolio, a recurring revenue model, and a dominant market position, this leading provider of financial software solutions presents a compelling case for investors seeking long-term growth opportunities. Intuit has an estimated 90% market share in the consumer tax preparation segment through its flagship product, TurboTax. Its QuickBooks accounting software holds a commanding 80% market share among small businesse ...
3 Reasons Growth Investors Will Love Intuit (INTU)
ZACKS· 2024-06-04 01:46
Investors seek growth stocks to capitalize on above-average growth in financials that help these securities grab the market's attention and produce exceptional returns. But finding a growth stock that can live up to its true potential can be a tough task. By their very nature, these stocks carry above-average risk and volatility. Moreover, if a company's growth story is over or nearing its end, betting on it could lead to significant loss. However, it's pretty easy to find cutting-edge growth stocks with th ...
TurboTax Maker Intuit's Stock Falls as IRS Makes Direct Tax Filing Permanent
Investopedia· 2024-05-31 04:46
Key Takeaways Shares of Intuit, the maker of TurboTax software for taxpayers filing their own returns, slid Thursday as the IRS said it would broaden its free, direct tax filing program in 2025. The free IRS direct filing system will compete with Intuit's TurboTax, which offers both free and paid tax filing software. Direct File from the IRS will be available for use by all taxpayers starting in the 2025 tax season. Intuit earlier warned that it expects to lose customers who use its free TurboTax program if ...
Here's Why Intuit (INTU) is a Strong Growth Stock· 2024-05-27 22:51
It doesn't matter your age or experience: taking full advantage of the stock market and investing with confidence are common goals for all investors. Luckily, Zacks Premium offers several different ways to do both. Featuring daily updates of the Zacks Rank and Zacks Industry Rank, full access to the Zacks #1 Rank List, Equity Research reports, and Premium stock screens, the research service can help you become a smarter, more self-assured investor. Zacks Premium includes access to the Zacks Style Scores as ...
Low Yield, High Valuation - Why I'm Still Bullish On Intuit· 2024-05-27 16:33
Bill Oxford/iStock Unreleased via Getty Images Introduction It's time to talk about one of the biggest compounders on the stock market. Intuit Inc. (NASDAQ:INTU) has returned 17.6% per year since August 2003, as proven by the chart below. FAST Graphs - INTU Stock Price Compounding wealth at 17.6% annually would have turned a $10 thousand investment into $256 thousand within 20 years! My most recent article on the stock was written on July 17, 2023, when I called the company a "Tech Investor's Dream." Since ...