5 Relative Price Strength Stocks That You Should Buy Now
ZACKS· 2024-08-30 21:01
Wall Street has maintained its upward momentum in the second half of 2024, building on a robust first half. In light of this favorable scenario, a prudent investment approach involves scrutinizing indicators of relative price strength. Five such stocks to buy would be Synchronoss Technologies (SNCR) , Mercury General Corporation (MCY) , Universal Health Services (UHS) , Veracyte (VCYT) and Mueller Water Products (MWA) . Markets Defy Elevated Interest Rates The U.S. economy continues to demonstrate resilienc ...
Mercury General Corporation (MCY) Hit a 52 Week High, Can the Run Continue?
ZACKS· 2024-08-27 22:15
Have you been paying attention to shares of Mercury General (MCY) ? Shares have been on the move with the stock up 7.2% over the past month. The stock hit a new 52-week high of $64.53 in the previous session. Mercury General has gained 68.1% since the start of the year compared to the 15.6% move for the Zacks Finance sector and the 26.2% return for the Zacks Insurance - Property and Casualty industry. What's Driving the Outperformance? The stock has a great record of positive earnings surprises, as it hasn' ...
Mercury General (MCY) Is Up 0.60% in One Week: What You Should Know
ZACKS· 2024-08-23 01:00
Momentum investing revolves around the idea of following a stock's recent trend in either direction. In the 'long' context, investors will be essentially be "buying high, but hoping to sell even higher." With this methodology, taking advantage of trends in a stock's price is key; once a stock establishes a course, it is more than likely to continue moving that way. The goal is that once a stock heads down a fixed path, it will lead to timely and profitable trades. Even though momentum is a popular stock cha ...
Mercury General Corporation (MCY) Soars to 52-Week High, Time to Cash Out?
ZACKS· 2024-08-08 22:15
Have you been paying attention to shares of Mercury General (MCY) ? Shares have been on the move with the stock up 17.9% over the past month. The stock hit a new 52-week high of $62.68 in the previous session. Mercury General has gained 66.6% since the start of the year compared to the 7.5% move for the Zacks Finance sector and the 18.2% return for the Zacks Insurance - Property and Casualty industry. What's Driving the Outperformance? The stock has an impressive record of positive earnings surprises, as it ...
Mercury Insurance is Ready to Assist Georgia Policyholders Impacted by Tropical Storm Debby
Prnewswire· 2024-08-07 02:21
Policyholders can report claims anytime at (800) 503-3724 or via Mercury's automated digital experience LOS ANGELES, Aug. 6, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Mercury Insurance is ready to assist policyholders who have been impacted by Tropical Storm Debby in Georgia. Customers can report damages and losses anytime through Mercury's claims hotline at (800) 503-3724 or digitally by visiting "We recognize that the recovery process after a tropical storm such as ...
Are You Looking for a Top Momentum Pick? Why Mercury General (MCY) is a Great Choice
ZACKS· 2024-08-07 01:01
Momentum investing revolves around the idea of following a stock's recent trend in either direction. In the 'long' context, investors will be essentially be "buying high, but hoping to sell even higher." With this methodology, taking advantage of trends in a stock's price is key; once a stock establishes a course, it is more than likely to continue moving that way. The goal is that once a stock heads down a fixed path, it will lead to timely and profitable trades. While many investors like to look for momen ...
Mercury General (MCY) Q2 Earnings Beat Estimates
ZACKS· 2024-07-31 06:31
Mercury General (MCY) came out with quarterly earnings of $1.09 per share, beating the Zacks Consensus Estimate of $0.80 per share. This compares to loss of $0.47 per share a year ago. These figures are adjusted for non-recurring items. The sustainability of the stock's immediate price movement based on the recently-released numbers and future earnings expectations will mostly depend on management's commentary on the earnings call. What's Next for Mercury General? There are no easy answers to this key quest ...
Mercury General(MCY) - 2024 Q2 - Quarterly Report
2024-07-31 04:08
财务业绩 - 总保费收入为24.027亿美元,同比增长18.0%[19] - 投资收益为1.339亿美元,同比增长21.4%[19] - 净投资收益率为2.4%,较上年同期提高0.3个百分点[19] - 获得税前利润为1.643亿美元,上年同期为亏损1.233亿美元[19] - 净利润为1.360亿美元,上年同期为亏损8688万美元[19] - 每股收益为2.46美元,上年同期为亏损1.57美元[19] - 公司上半年总收入为18.41亿美元,同比增长5.2%[108,109] - 公司上半年净利润为1.84亿美元,同比增长3.6%[128,129] 资产负债情况 - 未偿付赔款准备金为29.764亿美元,较年初增加6.8%[17] - 未到期保费准备金为19.741亿美元,较年初增加13.7%[17] - 经营活动产生的现金流入为4.707亿美元,上年同期为1.054亿美元[24] - 公司未偿债务总额为5.74亿美元,包括3.75亿美元的无担保公司债券和2亿美元的无担保信用额度[131,132] - 公司于2024年6月30日的债务资本比率为25.9%[134] 保险业务 - 赔付及赔付调整费用为18.407亿美元,同比增长0.7%[19] - 公司主要从事个人汽车保险和相关财产险产品的承保业务[140,143] - 2024年第二季度和2024年上半年公司的私人客户汽车保险净保费收入分别为7.996亿美元和16.476亿美元[151,152] - 2024年第二季度和2024年上半年公司的其他险种(如家庭、商业汽车和商业财产)净保费收入分别为4.304亿美元和8.401亿美元[151,152] - 公司在2023年和2024年先后获得了加利福尼亚州对私人客户汽车险和家庭险的多次费率上调批准[167][168] - 公司2024年6月30日和2023年12月31日分别计提约29.8亿美元和27.9亿美元的损失准备金[180] 再保险业务 - 公司作为再保险承保人参与了两份再保险合同,分别提供了3亿美元和12.9亿美元的赔付额度[39][40] - 公司净保费收入包括分出保费收入3140万美元和2400万美元,分别较上年同期增加31.7%和25.0%[185] - 已转分保保费收入和已转分保保费收入的增加主要是由于再保险覆盖和费率上升以及承保业务规模增长所致[205] 会计政策和估计 - 公司使用复杂假设和判断对财务报表中的重大事项如损失和损失调整费用准备进行估计,实际结果可能与估计存在差异[28] - 公司正在评估新会计准则ASU 2024-01和ASU 2023-09对其财务报表的影响[50][51] - 公司正在评估ASU 2023-07对分部报告披露的影响[52] - 公司采用公允价值选择权对部分金融工具进行会计处理[65][66][67] - 公司的金融资产和金融负债的公允价值主要基于可观察输入值和不可观察输入值[86][87] 投资管理 - 公司通过组建或参与可变利益实体(VIE)开展投资活动[58][59][60] - 公司持有的衍生工具主要为期权合约,用于管理权益价格风险[102][103][104][105] - 公司的无担保债券和无担保信贷额度的公允价值分别基于收益率曲线和类似债券的报价确定[100][101] 股权激励 - 公司上半年授予196,712份以业绩为基础的虚拟股票单位(PSU),最高可获得295,068份[118,119] - 公司上半年授予5,873份受限制的虚拟股票单位(PSU)[121] - 公司上半年确认与这些PSU相关的股份支付费用为170万美元[122] - 公司于2024年2月采纳了2024年长期激励计划(LTIP),向关键员工授予虚拟股票单位[114,115] - 公司于2015年采纳了2015年激励计划,截至2024年6月30日尚有483万股可供授予[113] 风险管理 - 公司存在一些与保险业务相关的诉讼和监管行动,但管理层认为不会对财务状况或现金流产生重大不利影响[135,136,137,138,139] - 公司面临诸如监管环境变化、诉讼趋势、成本上升等多方面风险[156] - 公司业务受到市场竞争、天灾、经济环境等多方面因素的影响而存在较大波动[157] - 公司在非加州州份的业务拓展面临一定挑战[156]
Mercury General(MCY) - 2024 Q2 - Quarterly Results
2024-07-31 04:07
财务业绩 - 2024年第二季度净保费收入为12.36亿美元,同比增长19.5%[4] - 2024年上半年净保费收入为24.03亿美元,同比增长17.8%[4] - 2024年第二季度净投资收益为2290万美元,同比大幅增长[4,5] - 2024年上半年净投资收益为3.25亿美元,同比增长40.6%[4,5] - 2024年第二季度合并比率为98.9%,同比下降11.2个百分点[4] - 2024年上半年合并比率为99.9%,同比下降13.0个百分点[4] - 2024年第二季度和上半年的主要灾害损失分别为1.25亿美元和1.97亿美元[4,5] - 公司净保费收入同比增长17.8%,达到24.03亿美元[18] - 公司投资收益同比增长21.4%,达到1.34亿美元[18] - 公司净利润同比增长256.6%,达到1.36亿美元[18] - 公司人身险和财产险业务的综合成本率分别为99.9%和99.6%[18] 资产负债表 - 公司总资产达到77.27亿美元,较上年末增长8.8%[15] - 公司权益资本达到16.49亿美元,较上年末增长6.5%[15] - 公司偿付能力充足率为1.71倍,较上年末提升2.4%[15] - 公司个人汽车险和家庭财产险的在保单量分别为102.3万和80.6万[15] - 公司债务资本占比为25.9%,较上年末下降1.2个百分点[15] - 公司投资组合久期为2.9年,较上年末缩短0.1年[15] 股息 - 公司宣布每股0.3175美元的季度股息[9] 未来展望 - 公司表示将继续关注成本控制和利润率提升[4,6] 合并比率分析 - 合并比率是最直接可比的衡量指标,与事故期间基础的合并比率相比[1] - 合并比率-事故期间基础是通过两个GAAP经营比率的差异计算得出的,包括合并比率和以前事故期间的赔付发展比率[1] - 合并比率-事故期间基础对投资者有用,可以揭示公司经营结果中被以前事故期间的准备金开发所掩盖的趋势[1] - 合并比率-事故期间基础是补充信息,不是用来替代GAAP合并比率,需要与GAAP财务业绩一起阅读[1] - 可以参考"补充附表"部分获得GAAP合并比率与合并比率-事故期间基础的对账[1]
Mercury Insurance Partners With iHeart Radio to Honor Community Heroes
Prnewswire· 2024-07-30 00:00
LOS ANGELES, July 29, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Mercury Insurance (NYSE: MCY) is on the hunt for San Diego's biggest and brightest "Community Rockstars" this summer. The company, in partnership with iHeart Radio, will honor San Diego's most deserving unsung heroes with a VIP prize package truly fit for a rockstar. "Not all rockstars play instruments, sing or perform on stage. Some wear a stethoscope or a whistle and impact lives in a very different way, every single day," said Erik Thompson, VP & CMO of Mercury ...