Rocket Lab USA(RKLB)
Rocket Lab Sets New Record With Two Successful Rocket Launches
ZACKS· 2024-11-28 23:51
Rocket Lab USA, Inc. (RKLB) recently achieved an impressive milestone by completing two successful launches of its Electron rocket in space in less than 24 hours. This marked a new record for the company in deploying satellites to orbit, accomplishing the shortest time between consecutive launches. Such successful missions reflect the company’s proven expertise in launch services and further strengthen its footprint in the space industry.What’s Favoring RKLB?In the modern era of space exploration, factors l ...
Rocket Lab USA Is Up 320% in 2024. Here's Why I'm Not Taking Profits.
The Motley Fool· 2024-11-26 20:15
The recent market rotation toward smaller companies has lifted many boats, but Rocket Lab USA's (RKLB 3.44%) performance stands out even in this environment. The space company's shares have rocketed 320% higher this year at the time of this writing, including a stunning 107% surge in the past 30 days alone. This momentum has pushed Rocket Lab's market capitalization above $11 billion, and the stock now trades 24% above Wall Street's consensus price target.RKLB data by YCharts.Despite this meteoric rise, I'm ...
Is It Too Late to Buy Rocket Lab Stock in 2024?
The Motley Fool· 2024-11-26 16:25
文章核心观点 - Rocket Lab的股价今年上涨了340% [1] 公司信息 - Rocket Lab的股价在2024年11月22日的交易中为3.44美元 [1] - 视频发布于2024年11月25日 [2]
SpaceX Rival Rocket Lab's Stock Hits Record High on Double Launch, CHIPS Award
Investopedia· 2024-11-26 01:00
公司表现 - Rocket Lab USA的股价在周一创下历史新高,主要得益于公司宣布的两项成功发射任务[1] - 自年初以来,公司股价已上涨超过四倍[1] - 周一开盘后,股价一度上涨,随后有所回落,当日交易中上涨约3%,达到23.94美元[2] 发射任务 - Rocket Lab在周一从新西兰发射场成功发射了“Ice AIS Baby”任务,将五颗卫星部署到低地球轨道,为法国的物联网星座运营商Kineis服务[1] - 在不到22小时内,公司还从弗吉尼亚综合设施发射了一枚火箭[1] - 创始人兼CEO Peter Beck表示,在如此短时间内完成两次发射任务,展示了公司在小型发射市场的“前所未有的能力”[2] - 自成立以来,公司已成功完成56次太空任务[2] 政府资助 - Rocket Lab获得了美国商务部根据《2022年芯片与科学法案》提供的2390万美元奖励[2] - 这笔资金将用于增加公司在阿尔伯克基新墨西哥工厂的复合半导体制造能力和产能[2]
Where Will Rocket Lab Be in 3 Years?
The Motley Fool· 2024-11-23 21:08
Rocket Lab stock costs a lot, and must execute perfectly to justify its current share price.Crystal balls are said to be useful items -- but very hard to come by for investors. For better or worse, investors in Rocket Lab (RKLB 3.79%) stock have something very close to a crystal ball: hard numbers, laid out by management and by Wall Street analysts, telling them where Rocket Lab stock will be in three years.Are you thinking about investing in America's second most prolific launcher of space rockets (after S ...
Why Rocket Lab Stock Rocketed Again on Friday
The Motley Fool· 2024-11-23 00:54
核心观点 - Rocket Lab (RKLB) 股价持续上涨,主要受到Roth MKM上调其目标价的影响,预计股价将在一年内上涨29%至$30 [1][2] 公司动态 - Rocket Lab 计划在2025年进行Neutron中型运载火箭的测试飞行,并已签署至少一位客户,若测试成功将进行至少两次发射 [3] - Roth MKM 对Rocket Lab的估值比Morgan Stanley和Citigroup更为乐观,给出了$30的目标价,与Bank of America持平 [4] 行业分析 - Neutron火箭被视为推动Rocket Lab股价上涨的关键催化剂,若其表现如现有的Electron系列火箭一样可靠,预计将带来强劲需求 [2][3] - Rocket Lab 目前的估值为30倍 trailing sales,若股价上涨29%,估值将升至39倍 trailing sales [5]
Rocket Lab Stock: Why There's More Fuel Left In The Tank
Seeking Alpha· 2024-11-22 23:34
Rocket Lab (NASDAQ: RKLB ) shares have been on a scorching run lately as optimism over Neutron and an impressive earnings release have energized investors for the company's future prospects. While this run-up necessitates caution, I believe those with aTo follow me click the "Follow" button! (Easy right?) Hi there, thanks for coming to my profile page! My name is Kumquat Research (but you can call me Jeremy) and I've been writing for Seeking Alpha on and off for going on ten years now, beginning with my ina ...
Rocket Lab USA, Inc. (RKLB) Crossed Above the 50-Day Moving Average: What That Means for Investors
ZACKS· 2024-11-21 23:30
From a technical perspective, Rocket Lab USA, Inc. (RKLB) is looking like an interesting pick, as it just reached a key level of support. RKLB recently overtook the 50-day moving average, and this suggests a short-term bullish trend.The 50-day simple moving average is one of three major moving averages used by traders and analysts to determine support or resistance levels for a wide range of securities. But the 50-day is considered to be more important because it's the first marker of an up or down trend.RK ...
Is Rocket Lab Stock a Millionaire Maker?
The Motley Fool· 2024-11-21 17:05
关于Rocket Lab USA公司的情况 - 马斯克和贝索斯的私人太空探索公司受关注使太空商业前景被投资者看好但SpaceX和Blue Origin为私人公司投资不易[1] - 太空爱好者在较小企业Rocket Lab USA找到投资机会可探索其投资前景[2] - 公司三季度财报显示核心Electron运载火箭发射计划进展显著今年已完成12次发射创纪录截至9月30日积压订单超10亿美元同比增长80%[3] - 虽然需求上升趋势明显投资者易被吸引但应谨慎看待[4] - 不应被小公司成为下一个大公司的说法迷惑如Rocket Lab成为下一个SpaceX这种说法[5] - 尽管Rocket Lab成功且积压订单上升但与SpaceX相比规模和运营复杂程度仍有差距不应基于超越SpaceX的推测购买股票[6] - 2024年至今公司股价飙升243%若春季以3.5美元左右买入近期股价上涨使投资者回报可观[7] - 股价上涨不代表是造富股票股价可能迅速回落[9] - 今年在公司股票上赚钱更多是波段交易机会而非长期投资目前公司2027年才预计盈利100亿美元市值和26倍市销率不合理[10] - 按当前价格购买更多是出于害怕错过心理而非谨慎投资判断不是传统造富股票[11]
Is Rocket Lab USA Stock a Buy?
The Motley Fool· 2024-11-19 23:15
行业趋势 - 太空探索行业从政府主导转向私营企业主导 SpaceX 和 Blue Origin 等公司成为行业领军者 吸引了大量投资者关注 [1] - 全球太空经济预计到2035年将达到1.8万亿美元 私营企业在太空探索和旅行领域占据主导地位 包括卫星通信和月球探测等项目 [4] 公司概况 - Rocket Lab 是美国第二大太空发射公司 仅次于 SpaceX 去年完成9次发射 今年截至10月已完成12次发射 [5] - 公司旗舰火箭 Electron 是美国使用量第二大的轨道火箭 但运载能力较小 仅为250公斤 限制了其承接大型民用和国防载荷的能力 [8] 财务表现 - 第三季度收入1.05亿美元 同比增长55% 全年收入增长近65%至3.04亿美元 显示强劲需求 [6] - 公司尚未盈利 今年净亏损1.38亿美元 高于去年的1.32亿美元 [7] - 第四季度收入预计在1.25亿至1.35亿美元之间 [6] 未来发展 - 公司正在开发中型运载火箭 Neutron 运载能力将大幅提升至13,000公斤 预计2025年中发射 有望提高利润率并实现盈亏平衡 [9][10] - 已与一家商业卫星星座运营商签订多发射协议 计划2026年中开始执行两次专用任务 可能部署整个星座 [11] 投资价值 - 公司订单积压达10.5亿美元 预计未来12个月可实现其中一半收入 [12] - 股价较52周低点上涨389% 目前估值较高 为销售额的26倍和明年预期销售额的20倍 [2][13] - Neutron 火箭的推出可能成为公司发展的转折点 适合长期投资者 [13][14]