SentinelOne, Inc. (S) Investor Technology Session at OneCon Conference - (Transcript)
Seeking Alpha· 2024-10-17 09:52
文章核心观点 - 公司正在举办一场投资者技术交流会,邀请了公司高管参与 [1][2] - 公司表示将在会议上做一些前瞻性的陈述,这些陈述反映了公司当前的观点和期望,但实际结果可能与预期存在差异 [3] - 公司表示除了收入外,会在会议上讨论一些非GAAP财务指标,并提供了相关的披露和调节信息 [4] 公司概况 - 公司参与人员包括投资者关系副总裁、首席执行官、首席产品和技术官、首席收入官、首席财务官等 [2] - 参会的分析师包括来自德意志银行、摩根大通、瑞银证券、巴克莱等机构的分析师 [2] 会议安排 - 会议包括演示、主题演讲、客户和合作伙伴等环节 [2] - 会议采取线下和线上同步直播的方式进行 [2]
SentinelOne, Inc. (S) Investor Technology Session At OneCon Conference - (Transcript)
2024-10-17 09:52
会议主要讨论的核心内容 公司战略和技术 - 公司强调构建真正的自主系统,利用AI来实现实时检测和自动化响应 [5][6] - 公司在端点、云和数据分析等领域都采用了AI驱动的技术方法 [7][11][13] - 公司的技术架构强调透明性、安全性和可审计性,与传统安全产品形成鲜明对比 [14][15] - 公司的自主检测和响应能力使其产品无需频繁更新,与竞争对手形成差异化 [15][16] 市场机会和发展 - 公司看好端点安全、云安全和数据分析等领域的巨大市场机会 [21][22][27] - 公司正在通过OEM合作等方式快速扩大端点安全市场份额 [28][29][30] - 公司的云安全和数据分析业务增长迅速,已经达到一定规模 [30][31][32] - 公司认为行业正面临转型,其技术和方法论能够引领行业发展方向 [23][24][25] 问答环节的重要提问和回答 OEM合作的商业模式和影响 - Lenovo等OEM厂商不再支付给安全厂商推广费,而是采取收入分成的模式 [74][76] - 这种模式有利于公司获得长期收益,但需要投入大量精力进行渠道培训和激活 [76][77] - 公司认为这种OEM合作模式能够帮助其快速抢占端点安全市场份额 [78][79] 公司在增长和盈利之间的平衡 - 公司将在保持盈利能力的基础上,适度增加销售和营销投入以捕捉市场机会 [77][78][80] - 公司认为未来两到三年内,其在端点安全、云安全和数据分析等领域都有巨大的增长潜力 [87][88][89] - 公司将继续保持灵活的定价和商业模式,以满足不同客户的需求 [84][85][86] SIEM产品的竞争力和推广策略 - 公司的SIEM产品具有独特的优势,能够实现实时分析和自动化响应 [92][94][95] - 公司的SIEM产品不需要替换客户现有的安全产品,而是可以与之集成 [94][95] - 公司认为SIEM产品的功能性是最关键的,而不是依赖于端点安全的安装基础 [94][95]
Corelight Integrates SentinelOne Singularity Platform Data to Accelerate SOC Transformation
Prnewswire· 2024-10-15 20:00
Company leverages SentinelOne's rich endpoint and vulnerability management telemetry data within Corelight Sensor to find and disrupt attacksSAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 15, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Corelight, the fastest growing provider of network detection and response (NDR) solutions, today announced a partnership with SentinelOne™, (NYSE: S), a global leader in AI-powered security, to provide real-time enrichment of Corelight logs. Combining endpoint and vulnerability data at the point of observation in the network ...
SentinelOne Analyst's 3 Reasons Why There Is Significant Upside To Future Estimates
Benzinga· 2024-10-14 23:47
SentinelOne Inc S shares have been in focus with the growing cybersecurity concerns among businesses.The current estimates for the company over the next 18 months appear "too low," according to Piper Sandler.Analyst Rob Owens upgraded the rating for SentinelOne from Neutral to Overweight, while raising the price target from $25 to $32.The SentinelOne Thesis: The expectations over the next four to six quarters appears too conservative and there are three key catalysts that are likely to drive incremental NNA ...
SentinelOne: A Challenger in the Cybersecurity Landscape
Gurufocus· 2024-10-08 21:00
文章核心观点 - SentinelOne正在成为CrowdStrike的强劲竞争对手,尤其在端点检测和响应(EDR)以及扩展检测和响应(XDR)解决方案领域 [1][2] - 北美网络安全市场规模预计到2030年将接近2000亿美元 [1] - SentinelOne的核心策略是利用人工智能自动化威胁检测、预防和响应,减少人工干预,提高响应速度 [3] - 公司采取"先占领后扩张"的策略,通过EDR解决方案进入组织,然后逐步推广其他服务 [6] - 公司专注于建立强大的合作伙伴生态系统,以实现在中小企业和全球范围内的快速扩张 [7] - 公司最近任命了经验丰富的高管,以推动未来的增长 [7] - 公司在Q2 FY25取得了重大突破,实现了首次季度非GAAP净收益正值 [8] - 公司的毛利率持续提升,显示出定价能力,但客户续约率有所下降,需要关注 [8][9] - 公司预计将从CrowdStrike的全球性中断中获益,但尚未量化具体影响 [10][11] 行业分析 - 网络安全行业竞争激烈,大型企业如微软、CrowdStrike和Palo Alto Networks拥有更大的营销预算和资源 [13] - 公司依赖渠道合作伙伴存在集中风险,一家合作伙伴占收入19%和应收账款26% [13][14][15][16] - 股票期权支付占收入35%,加上并购策略,稀释问题可能成为股东的负担 [16] 公司分析 - 公司在2023年IDC报告中增长最快,正成为该领域的重要参与者 [17][18] - 公司当前估值较低,P/S和P/GP指标显示其相对更有吸引力 [19] - 基于终值EBITDA倍数的估值分析,得出目标价31.5美元,较当前价格有31%的折价 [20][21][22][23][24][25][26][27][28] - 尽管存在风险,但公司提供了有吸引力的长期投资机会 [29]
Should You Buy SentinelOne Stock Right Now?
The Motley Fool· 2024-10-04 21:30
Parkev Tatevosian, CFA has no position in any of the stocks mentioned. The Motley Fool has no position in any of the stocks mentioned. The Motley Fool has a disclosure policy. Parkev Tatevosian is an affiliate of The Motley Fool and may be compensated for promoting its services. If you choose to subscribe through his link, he will earn some extra money that supports his channel. His opinions remain his own and are unaffected by The Motley Fool. ...
SentinelOne: Remarkably Cheap
Seeking Alpha· 2024-09-27 03:08
If you'd like to learn more about how to best position yourself in under valued stocks mispriced by the market to end September, consider joining Out Fox The Street .Mark leads the investing group Out Fox The Street where he shares stock picks and deep research to help readers uncover potential multibaggers while managing portfolio risk via diversification. Features include various model portfolios, stock picks with identifiable catalysts, daily updates, real-time alerts, and access to community chat and di ...
2 Super Cybersecurity Stocks to Buy Hand Over Fist as 2025 Approaches
The Motley Fool· 2024-09-26 17:31
Businesses are expected to spend a record amount of money on cybersecurity software next year.According to Cybersecurity Ventures, cybercrime is expected to cost the world $10.5 trillion in 2025. Companies are investing a growing amount of money in protection, but there is still an enormous gap between how much they are currently spending and how much they should be spending.A report by McKinsey & Company suggests the corporate sector allocated $150 billion to cybersecurity software in 2021, with that figur ...
SentinelOne: Strong Investment Setup (Technical Analysis)
Seeking Alpha· 2024-09-26 05:04
A financial researcher and avid investor with a keen eye for innovation and disruption, as well as growth buy-outs and value stocks. Keeping an eye on the pace of high tech and early growth companies, I write about current events and the biggest news surrounding the industry, and strive to provide readers with ample research and investment opportunities.Analyst’s Disclosure: I/we have a beneficial long position in the shares of S either through stock ownership, options, or other derivatives. I wrote this ar ...
SentinelOne: Taking Every Opportunity To Shine
Seeking Alpha· 2024-09-25 22:10
This quarter was a significant oneWhile the FY2Q25 results were not out of this world, I think we are seeing the start of an improving narrative for the second half for SentinelOne.Outperforming the MarketOutperforming the Market is focused on helping you outperform the market while having downside protection during volatile markets by providing you with comprehensive deep dive analysis articles, the AI deep dive report, and access to The Barbell Portfolio.The Barbell Portfolio outperformed the S&P 500 by 5 ...