TJ Maxx CEO says company could benefit from Trump's proposed tariffs
Fox Business· 2024-11-23 02:26
Retailers and industry trade groups are sounding the alarm about how President-elect Donald Trump's proposed tariffs could lead to higher prices. However, officials from TJ Maxx's parent company have a different take, saying the discount retailer may actually benefit.  TJX Companies Inc. CEO Ernie Herrman said on an earnings call with analysts on Wednesday that when there is "chaos" in the market, it usually presents an "opportunity for us."His comment was in reference to a question about whether tariffs co ...
TJX Analysts Increase Their Forecasts After Upbeat Earnings
Benzinga· 2024-11-22 03:09
TJX Companies, Inc. TJX reported better-than-expected earnings for its third quarter on Wednesday.The company reported third-quarter earnings per share of $1.14 (+11%), beating the street view of $1.09. Quarterly sales of $14.06 billion (+6%) beat the analyst consensus estimate of $13.95 billion.TJX Companies reported a 3% increase in consolidated comparable store sales at the high end of the company's plan, driven entirely by higher customer transactions."I want to specifically highlight our European team ...
TJX Positioned For Market Share Gains: Analyst Notes Momentum In Sales And Margin Expansion
Benzinga· 2024-11-22 02:10
Goldman Sachs analyst Brooke Roach reiterated the Buy rating on TJX Companies, Inc. TJX with a price forecast of $137.Yesterday, the company reported third-quarter earnings per share of $1.14 (+11%), beating the street view of $1.09. Quarterly sales of $14.06 billion (+6%) beat the analyst consensus estimate of $13.95 billion.TJX Companies reported a 3% increase in consolidated comparable store sales at the high end of the company’s plan, driven entirely by higher customer transactions.Roach remains optimis ...
TJX Companies Stock Poised to Hit a New High This Year
MarketBeat· 2024-11-21 22:02
TJX Companies TodayTJXTJX Companies$119.74 +0.18 (+0.15%) 52-Week Range$87.44▼$122.10Dividend Yield1.25%P/E Ratio28.92Price Target$127.41Add to WatchlistTepid guidance or not, the TJX Companies NYSE: TJX stock price can hit another new high this year because the retail trends driving it remain in place. Those include growth driven by price-conscious shoppers, outperformance, margin strength, cash flow, and capital returns, which are expected to continue. The guidance was uninspiring for traders but aligned ...
TJX(TJX) - 2025 Q3 - Earnings Call Transcript
2024-11-21 03:09
财务数据和关键指标变化 - 综合可比销售额增长3%,达到计划高端,完全由客户交易驱动[9][14] - 税前利润率为12.3%,比去年上升30个基点,比计划高端高出40个基点,主要由于某些费用的时间优势,预计第四季度部分会逆转[15] - 毛利率比去年上升50个基点,主要由于商品利润率提高[16] - 销售、一般及行政费用比去年上升10个基点,由于店铺工资和工资成本增加,抵消了去年关闭HomeGoods电子商务业务和今年较低的激励补偿费用的好处[16] - 稀释后每股收益为1.14美元,比去年上升11%,也远高于计划[16] 各条业务线数据和关键指标变化 Marmaxx - 可比店铺销售额增长2%,部门利润率为14.3%,比去年上升30个基点[17] - 本季度销售受到飓风导致的店铺关闭的负面影响,但服装和家居类别可比销售额均上升[18] HomeGoods - 可比店铺销售额增长3%,部门利润率增长至12.3%,比去年上升200个基点[19] - 本季度开设了第1000家店铺[20] TJX Canada - 可比店铺销售额增长2%,按固定货币计算的部门利润率为15.2%,比去年下降170个基点,主要由于去年和今年一些非经常性项目以及铁路关闭导致的运费成本增加[21] TJX International - 可比店铺销售额增长7%,按固定货币计算的部门利润率提高7.2%,比去年上升180个基点,欧洲和澳大利亚增长强劲[23] 各个市场数据和关键指标变化 - 美国市场:各业务线有不同程度增长,如Marmaxx、HomeGoods等[17][19] - 加拿大市场:可比店铺销售额增长2%,但利润率受多种因素影响下降[21] - 国际市场(欧洲和澳大利亚为主):TJX International可比店铺销售额增长7%,利润率上升[23] 公司战略和发展方向和行业竞争 - 公司继续致力于为消费者提供卓越价值,利用市场上商品的良好供应,在假日季及以后为店铺和线上提供新鲜的商品组合[28][29] - 计划在现有国家进一步扩大店铺基础,预计仅用现有零售品牌在当前国家就可再开1200多家店铺[32][33] - 计划2026年初在西班牙扩张T.K. Maxx品牌,长期有望开设100多家店铺,并将利用现有欧洲基础设施和组织[34] - 通过与Grupo Axo的合资企业以及对brands for less的投资,参与墨西哥、阿联酋、沙特阿拉伯等地的折扣市场增长[35] - 强调自身的价值领导、寻宝购物体验和灵活性是关键优势,将继续利用其几十年的折扣专业知识和知识来扩大市场份额[32][36] 管理层对经营环境和未来前景的评论 - 对第三季度业绩感到满意,第四季度开局良好,对假日销售季的计划充满信心[9][12][36] - 看到了在全球范围内进一步扩大市场份额的机会,无论是在现有市场还是新市场[32][33][35] - 尽管市场存在一些不确定性,如关税等,但公司灵活的商业模式和对价值的关注使其能够应对挑战,并将其转化为机会[49][50] 其他重要信息 - 公司通过TJX Foundation向世界中央厨房和美国红十字会进行了紧急捐赠,以帮助受飓风影响的地区[8] - 库存方面,资产负债表库存上升1%,按店铺计算的库存下降2%,得益于配送中心库存减少,公司流动性良好,有能力在假日季为店铺和线上提供新鲜商品组合[25] - 在资本分配方面,公司很高兴又产生了一个季度的强劲现金流,同时也在业务增长上进行了再投资,并通过回购和股息计划向股东返还现金[26] 问答环节所有的提问和回答 问题:Marmaxx在没有飓风和天气干扰的情况下,业务节奏或市场份额势头在2025年假日季有何变化?第三季度商品利润率扩张的驱动因素是什么? - 回答:Marmaxx本季度初表现比最终结果好,除了飓风,还有异常温暖的天气影响,进入11月开始表现强劲。欧洲业务受益于凉爽天气。商品利润率扩张主要在商品利润率线上,还有配送中心的费用节省,因为库存在配送中心平均每家店铺基础上下降,在店铺中上升[45][46] 问题:公司对从某些国家(如中国)的直接进口有何看法?潜在的关税情景对业务在库存可用性和商品采购成本方面有何影响? - 回答:公司模型有优势,优先保持商品的价值差距。已经多年前开始从中国多元化采购,直接进口占业务很小部分,不太担心。如果品牌受到关税影响提高价格,公司会确保价值差距。关税可能带来商品以有利价格更早供应的机会。预计第四季度有运费逆风并已反映在预测中[49][50][51] 问题:新客户的年龄和收入水平构成如何?最近几个季度有何变化或客户群体有贸易下降的迹象吗? - 回答:近年来顾客有年轻化趋势,18 - 34岁是增长的细分市场,但公司在年龄和收入上平衡,各收入和年龄组都有增长,不会像其他零售商那样局限于某一客户群体[55][56] 问题:与三个月前相比,对消费者的看法是否有变化?2025年在利润率扩张方面有哪些机会或挑战? - 回答:对消费者的看法没有变化,仍吸引18 - 34岁的顾客。家庭业务的健康状况使对家庭业务的未来充满信心。关于明年利润率,在3% - 4%的可比增长、无大幅费用增加和商品利润率提高的情况下,利润率可能持平到上升10个基点,最大的杠杆是收入增长[62][63][64] 问题:对于正常年份,在关税、劳动力或业务组合方面有哪些定性的考虑因素?Marmaxx在11月表现良好的原因是什么? - 回答:去年有一些一次性项目带来顺风,今年影响不大。西班牙市场进入会尽量控制成本。Marmaxx如果没有异常温暖的天气可能表现更好,同时礼品类别进入店铺以及从组合角度看很强,包括礼品和新鲜商品[69][70] 问题:HomeGoods盈利能力提高的原因?国际扩张方面的战略有何变化? - 回答:HomeGoods利润率提高主要因为去年关闭了,还有部门的费用效率以及运费优势,部分被供应链工资和库存上限费用抵消,库存上限费用下季度预计反转。国际扩张方面,公司有更多人才,可以在不稀释核心业务的情况下进行国际业务拓展[74][77] 问题:海外可比销售额表现良好,能否谈谈澳大利亚和欧洲的宏观情况?Marmaxx因天气不利改善了,欧洲是否也因天气有利,之后是否会正常化? - 回答:国际可比销售额增长得益于良好执行和天气。欧洲宏观环境变化不大,主要是自身执行和天气原因。不会一直保持7%的可比销售额增长,Marmaxx和国际业务都有季节性因素影响,会正常化[81][82] 问题:HomeSense在各个地区(美国、加拿大、欧洲)的业务情况如何? - 回答:HomeSense整体表现良好,美国业务通过调整组合有提升,欧洲上季度表现是整体强劲表现的一部分,澳大利亚也健康。各地区的家庭业务都积极,商家合作且有创意,商品组合更独特[88][89][90] 问题:Marmaxx业务中一些奢侈品领域的商品可用性如何? - 回答:通常不对此发表评论,可用性一般,该业务资源结构小,商品可用性波动大,不将其作为整体可用性的指标[91] 问题:除家庭类别外,其他类别(如美容、消耗品、鞋类、配饰)的情况如何?长期来看商品利润率进一步扩张的驱动因素是什么? - 回答:其他类别表现良好,是流量和访问频率的构建者,提供高性价比。长期商品利润率扩张的主要杠杆是收入增长[95][97] 问题:更倾向于在市场受压时获取份额还是在更健康的环境中提高价格?看到住房市场有变化对HomeGoods有影响吗? - 回答:两种情况都有喜欢的理由,稍微倾向更健康的环境,但健康环境可能不会带来更清洁的库存。HomeGoods目前的良好表现主要是团队内部执行强,竞争环境也有帮助,未来可能会受益于住房市场相关因素[103][104] 问题:营销费用占销售额的比例未来如何?与去年假日季相比有何不同?新店铺、搬迁和改造的表现如何?店铺规模有变化吗? - 回答:营销方面会更积极投入,注重创意,目标是吸引新顾客和不常购物的顾客。改造是为了保持店铺环境新鲜,搬迁到更好的零售区域有积极效果[110][111]
TJX Beats Q3 Earnings & Sales Estimates, Raises '25 EPS & Margin View
ZACKS· 2024-11-21 01:00
The TJX Companies, Inc. (TJX) posted strong third-quarter fiscal 2025 results, wherein the top and bottom lines increased year over year and beat the Zacks Consensus Estimate. With stronger-than-expected profitability in the fiscal third quarter, management is raising its full-year guidance for pretax profit margin and earnings per share (EPS).TJX Companies’ earnings were $1.14 per share, rising 11% year over year. The metric surpassed the Zacks Consensus Estimate of $1.09.Find the latest EPS estimates and ...
Discount Retailer TJX Lifts Outlook, Posts Higher-than-Estimated Q3 Results
Investopedia· 2024-11-20 23:36
KEY TAKEAWAYSTJX Companies, the operator of discount retailers including TJ Maxx, posted higher-than-expected quarterly results Wednesday and raised its full-year earnings outlook.TJX said it is raising its full-year pretax profit margin outlook and expects a 3% gain in comparable store sales year-over-year.Strong European sales drove gains in its international business, TJX said. TJX Companies (TJX), the operator of discount retailers including TJ Maxx, posted higher-than-expected quarterly results on the ...
TJX (TJX) Q3 Earnings: Taking a Look at Key Metrics Versus Estimates
ZACKS· 2024-11-20 23:31
For the quarter ended October 2024, TJX (TJX) reported revenue of $14.06 billion, up 6% over the same period last year. EPS came in at $1.14, compared to $1.03 in the year-ago quarter.The reported revenue compares to the Zacks Consensus Estimate of $13.96 billion, representing a surprise of +0.73%. The company delivered an EPS surprise of +4.59%, with the consensus EPS estimate being $1.09.While investors closely watch year-over-year changes in headline numbers -- revenue and earnings -- and how they compar ...
TJX Companies shares slip on weak holiday quarter profit guidance
Proactiveinvestors NA· 2024-11-20 23:23
About this content About Emily Jarvie Emily began her career as a political journalist for Australian Community Media in Hobart, Tasmania. After she relocated to Toronto, Canada, she reported on business, legal, and scientific developments in the emerging psychedelics sector before joining Proactive in 2022. She brings a strong journalism background with her work featured in newspapers, magazines, and digital publications across Australia, Europe, and North America, including The Examiner, The Advocate, ...
TJX Stock Gaps Lower on Lackluster Q4 Guidance
Schaeffers Investment Research· 2024-11-20 23:00
TJX Companies Inc (NYSE:TJX) announced better-than-expected results for the third quarter and raised its full-year forecast, but lackluster fiscal fourth-quarter guidance appears to be hurting shares. Disappointing results from sector peer Target (TGT) are weighing on retailers as well. At last glance, TJX is down 1.5% to trade at $117.75, on track for its third-straight loss as it extends a pullback from its Nov. 14, record closing high of $121.13. The security still sports a 27.4% year-to-date lead, and ...