Church & Dwight(CHD) - 2023 Q4 - Annual Report
2024-02-15 00:00
business, financial condition and operating results. Significant judgment is required in determining our effective tax rate and in evaluating our tax positions. We provide for uncertain tax positions with respect to tax positions that do not meet the recognition thresholds or measurement standards mandated by applicable accounting guidance. Fluctuations in federal, state, local and foreign taxes or changes to uncertain tax positions, including related interest and penalties, may impact our effective tax rat ...
Is Church & Dwight Co. (CHD) Stock Outpacing Its Consumer Staples Peers This Year?
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-02-12 23:41
Investors interested in Consumer Staples stocks should always be looking to find the best-performing companies in the group. Church & Dwight (CHD) is a stock that can certainly grab the attention of many investors, but do its recent returns compare favorably to the sector as a whole? Let's take a closer look at the stock's year-to-date performance to find out.Church & Dwight is a member of our Consumer Staples group, which includes 193 different companies and currently sits at #13 in the Zacks Sector Rank. ...
5 Stocks to Watch That Recently Announced Dividend Hikes
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-02-07 22:51
股市趋势 - 华尔街2024年初股市上涨,投资者希望美联储很快开始降息,因为过去一年通货膨胀急剧下降[1] - 消费者信心指数在1月份达到25个月来的高点,指数为114.8,投资者现在相信经济将比之前预期的软着陆更好[2] - 美联储在1月份FOMC会议结束时表示,加息可能已经结束。然而,市场参与者的乐观情绪在美联储主席杰罗姆·鲍威尔表示,由于通胀仍高于2%的目标,中央银行不太可能在3月份准备降息时有所减弱[3] - 投资者希望美联储将在3月份进行首次降息,并随后进行两次25个基点的降息。尽管市场仍在定价今年将有三次25个基点的降息,但美联储表示较高的利率可能会持续较长时间[4] - 根据CME FedWatch工具,三周前3月份首次降息的概率为73%,1月初超过90%,但现在已经暴跌至19.5%。这可能会再次使市场波动[5] 股息股票 - PACCAR Inc是世界领先的重型卡车制造商,对轻型/中型卡车有重大制造业务。PCAR还设计和制造柴油发动机和其他动力传动组件,用于其产品和销售给卡车和公共汽车的第三方制造商。PACCAR拥有Zacks Rank 1(强烈买入)[8] - PACCAR宣布,其股东将于2024年3月6日每股获得3.20美元的股息[8] - PACCAR的股息率为1.04%。在过去五年中,PACCAR已经九次提高了股息,目前的派息比率占收益的11%[9] 其他股息股票 - Church & Dwight Co., Inc.开发、制造和销售各种家庭、个人护理和特种产品。CHD是美国最大的碳酸氢钠生产商,通常被称为小苏打,是一种清洁、除臭、发酵和缓冲的天然产品[10] - Church & Dwight宣布,其股东将于2024年3月1日每股获得0.28美元的股息[11] - Church & Dwight的股息率为1.09%。在过去五年中,Church & Dwight已经六次提高了股息,目前的派息比率占收益的34%[11] 石油公司股息 - Imperial Oil Limited是加拿大最大的综合石油公司之一,主要从事石油和天然气生产、石油产品精炼和营销以及化工业务。值得注意的是,IMO是全球最大的上市石油和天然气公司之一埃克森美孚公司的子公司,后者持有69.6%的股权[12] - Imperial Oil Limited宣布,其股东将于2024年4月1日每股获得0.45美元的股息[13] - Imperial Oil Limited的股息率为2.63%。在过去五年中,Imperial Oil Limited已经13次提高了股息,目前的派息比率占收益的23%[13] 煤炭公司股息 - Ramaco Resources, Inc.是主要在西弗吉尼亚南部、弗吉尼亚西南部和宾夕法尼亚西南部开采冶金煤的运营商和开发商。METC主要在西弗吉尼亚查尔斯顿经营。Ramaco Resources总部位于肯塔基州列克星敦[14] - Ramaco Resources宣布,其股东将于2024年3月15日每股获得0.14美元的股息[15] - Ramaco Resources的股息率为3.02%。在过去五年中,Ramaco Resources已经四次提高了股息,目前的派息比率占收益的33%[15] 保险公司股息 - The Cigna Group是康涅狄格综合人寿保险公司和北美保险公司合并而成的。截至2023年底,CI的报告部门是Evernorth Health Services和Cigna Healthcare[16] - The Cigna Group宣布,其股东将于2024年3月21日每股获得1.40美元的股息[17] - The Cigna Group的股息率为1.50%。在过去五年中,The Cigna Group已经四次提高了股息,目前的派息比率占收益的20%[17]
Church & Dwight(CHD) - 2023 Q4 - Earnings Call Transcript
2024-02-03 03:05
财务数据和关键指标变化 - 2023年全年收入增长9.2%,有机增长5.3% [25] - 2023年毛利率提升220个基点至44.1% [43] - 2023年营业利润率提升220个基点 [24] - 2023年每股收益增长 [25] - 2023年经营活动产生的现金流达13亿美元 [25] 各条业务线数据和关键指标变化 - 家居护理业务(ARM & HAMMER品牌)在洗衣液和猫砂类别中持续保持领先地位,市场份额创历史新高 [62][63] - 个人护理业务(BATISTE干洗发品牌)在干洗发品类中市场份额达46.3%,连续多年保持高速增长 [71][72] - 维生素业务(VITAFUSION品牌)在软糖维生素类别中市场份额下降,公司正在采取措施提升 [75][76] - 新收购的THERABREATH和HERO品牌在漱口水和祛痘护理类别中保持高速增长 [78][79] 各个市场数据和关键指标变化 - 美国业务2023年有机增长5.3%,预计未来3年将保持3%的有机增长 [12][26] - 国际业务2023年有机增长8.5%,预计未来将保持8%的有机增长 [103][104] - 特殊产品部门2023年有机下降8%,主要受MEGALAC业务影响,未来将保持5%的有机增长 [114][115] 公司战略和发展方向及行业竞争 - 公司将聚焦7大核心品牌,占收入和利润的70% [15] - 公司将继续通过收购来实现增长,过去20年收购使公司规模从15亿美元增长到59亿美元 [17][19][133] - 公司在家居护理、个人护理等核心品类保持领先地位,并通过创新和营销投入持续提升市场份额 [57][59][71] - 公司将加大在电商和国际市场的投入,电商销售占比已达20%,未来有望达到30% [13][102] 管理层对经营环境和未来前景的评论 - 管理层对公司未来3-5年的有机增长目标从3%提升至4%,表现出高度信心 [26][27][146] - 管理层预计2024年毛利率将继续提升50-75个基点,主要得益于生产效率提升和新品类并购的贡献 [35][43] - 管理层表示2024年将加大营销投入,尤其是新品推广,以推动销售增长 [37][165] - 管理层认为公司在电商和国际市场拥有巨大的增长潜力,未来将持续加大投入 [102][103][104] 问答环节重要的提问和回答 问题1 **Steve Powers 提问** 询问公司在洗衣液类别的市场份额近期有所下降的原因,以及新推出的Deep Clean产品在2024年的表现预期 [136][137][139] **Matt Farrell 和 Barry Bruno 回答** 公司在第四季度主动减少了一些促销活动,导致短期内市场份额有所下降,但这是正确的决策。新推出的Deep Clean产品将有助于公司在中端洗衣液细分市场增加份额 [137][139][140] 问题2 **Dara Mohsenian 提问** 询问公司提升长期有机增长目标的依据,以及毛利率目标未变的原因 [143][144][145] **Matt Farrell 和 Mike Read 回答** 公司过去10年有机增长率平均达4%,未来有信心保持这一水平。新收购的THERABREATH和HERO品牌以及国际业务的快速增长是主要支撑 [146][147][148][149] 毛利率目标提升是由于生产效率提升和新品类并购的贡献,而营业利润率目标未变是因为公司将把部分毛利率改善用于加大营销和国际市场投入 [149][150] 问题3 **Rupesh Parikh 提问** 询问2024年财务指引是否包含股票回购和偿债的影响,以及新产品贡献的预期 [161][162][163][164] **Rick Dierker 回答** 2024年财务指引已经考虑了第四季度300百万美元的股票回购和100百万美元的债务偿还。公司预计新产品贡献将超过历史1-1.5个百分点的水平 [162][163][164]
Church & Dwight(CHD) - 2023 Q4 - Earnings Call Presentation
2024-02-03 02:11
Safe Harbor Statement CHURCH & DWIGHT ANALYST DAY 2024 4 U.S. Consumer and New Products Update How We Run the Company Back ARM & HAMMER LLD, ARM & HAMMER Litter, Batiste, TheraBreath and Hero achieved all time high market shares. 4 6 | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | |---------|--------|--------|-------|-------| | | | | | | | 10 YEAR | 5 YEAR | 3 YEAR | | 2023 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 12.6% | 8.8% | | 4.0% | 18.7% | confidence Sustainable high International growth rate Strong 2024 fundamentals Matt Farrell ...
Church & Dwight (CHD) Reports Q4 Earnings: What Key Metrics Have to Say
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-02-02 23:31
营收情况 - Church & Dwight (CHD) 在2023年12月结束的季度报告显示,营收达到15.3亿美元,同比增长6.4% [1] - 公司的营收超出了Zacks Consensus Estimate的15.1亿美元,增幅为+1.09% [2] - 公司的总消费者净销售额为14.5亿美元,超过了七位分析师的平均估计,同比增长7.4% [5] 每股收益 - 公司每股收益为0.65美元,较去年同期的0.62美元有所增长 [1] - 每股收益也超出了预期,增幅为+1.56% [2] 销售额变化 - 消费者国内净销售额为11.9亿美元,同比增长6.4% [6] - 消费者国际净销售额为2.588亿美元,同比增长11.9% [7] - 专业产品部门的净销售额为7620万美元,较去年同期下降9.2% [8] - 消费者国内家庭产品净销售额为6.271亿美元,同比增长6.9% [9] - 消费者国内个人护理产品净销售额为5.659亿美元,同比增长5.9% [10] 股票表现 - Church & Dwight 的股票在过去一个月中表现良好,涨幅为7.7%,目前具有Zacks Rank 2(买入),预示着在短期内可能会超过更广泛的市场 [11]
Church & Dwight (CHD) Q4 Earnings and Revenues Surpass Estimates
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-02-02 22:05
Church & Dwight (CHD) came out with quarterly earnings of $0.65 per share, beating the Zacks Consensus Estimate of $0.64 per share. This compares to earnings of $0.62 per share a year ago. These figures are adjusted for non-recurring items.This quarterly report represents an earnings surprise of 1.56%. A quarter ago, it was expected that this maker of household and personal products would post earnings of $0.68 per share when it actually produced earnings of $0.74, delivering a surprise of 8.82%.Over the la ...
Church & Dwight (CHD) Gears up for Q4 Earnings: What to Note?
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-01-31 00:31
Church & Dwight Co., Inc. (CHD) is likely to register top-line growth when it reports fourth-quarter 2023 earnings on Feb 2, before market open. The Zacks Consensus Estimate for revenues is pegged at $1.51 billion, suggesting a rise of 5.3% from the prior-year quarter’s reported figure.The consensus mark for quarterly earnings has been unchanged in the past 30 days to 64 cents per share. This indicates an increase of 3.2% from the year-ago quarter’s reported figure. CHD has a trailing four-quarter earnings ...
Seeking Clues to Church & Dwight (CHD) Q4 Earnings? A Peek Into Wall Street Projections for Key Metrics
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-01-30 23:21
Wall Street analysts expect Church & Dwight (CHD) to post quarterly earnings of $0.64 per share in its upcoming report, which indicates a year-over-year increase of 3.2%. Revenues are expected to be $1.51 billion, up 5.3% from the year-ago quarter.Over the last 30 days, there has been an upward revision of 0.2% in the consensus EPS estimate for the quarter, leading to its current level. This signifies the covering analysts' collective reconsideration of their initial forecasts over the course of this timefr ...
Church & Dwight (CHD) Earnings Expected to Grow: Should You Buy?
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-01-27 00:06
Wall Street expects a year-over-year increase in earnings on higher revenues when Church & Dwight (CHD) reports results for the quarter ended December 2023. While this widely-known consensus outlook is important in gauging the company's earnings picture, a powerful factor that could impact its near-term stock price is how the actual results compare to these estimates.The stock might move higher if these key numbers top expectations in the upcoming earnings report, which is expected to be released on Februar ...