Dominion (D) Fortifies Infrastructure Before Hurricane Season
ZACKS· 2024-06-05 01:15
Dominion Energy (D) announced that its unit Dominion Energy Virginia has completed burying 2,000 miles of overhead power lines, which is part of the company's Strategic Underground Program. The shifting of power lines underground will lower storm-related outages and reduce the time for restoration of power in outage-prone areas during the hurricane season. The above-average hurricane seasons means that the utilities will have to be more vigilant and take prompt action to counter the impact of storms. Apart ...
Dominion Energy finishes burying 2,000 miles of power lines ahead of hurricane season
Prnewswire· 2024-06-03 22:00
The Strategic Underground Program is one of several programs that the company has launched in recent years to reduce power outages and make the grid more resilient. The company's Mainfeeder Hardening program, for example, is replacing older poles with taller, stronger ones that are rooted deeper in the ground and spaced closer together. The new poles are engineered and built with fiberglass cross-arms, which help prevent fallen trees or limbs from bringing down the entire pole. Since 2019, the company has h ...
Listen to Nvidia. This Little-Known, Undervalued Company Could Be a Top Artificial Intelligence (AI) Stock Pick Now
The Motley Fool· 2024-05-30 21:15
One utility could supply power to a significant percentage of the world's major data centers. The AI power struggle Running generative AI models consumes enormous amounts of power, and the issue has mostly gone overlooked thus far in the generative AI boom. Predictions about generative AI power consumption vary, but some say it will impact the electrical grid in ways not seen since the spread of central air conditioning in the 1960s. According to Goldman Sachs, data center power demand is expected to grow 1 ...
Dominion Energy Achieves Another Major Milestone for Coastal Virginia Offshore Wind with Installation of the First Monopile Foundation
prnewswire.com· 2024-05-23 03:45
CVOW项目进展 - Coastal Virginia Offshore Wind (CVOW)项目预计将于2026年底完工[1] - CVOW将包括176台涡轮机,预计可为高达66万户家庭提供清洁可再生能源[2] - 项目团队致力于保持项目预算和进度,确保为客户提供可靠、经济实惠和越来越清洁的能源[3] - 项目采用单一垂直钢制气缸作为基础,由全球领先的EEW SPC制造,用于支撑风力涡轮发电机[4]
Dream Office: Deterioration In Key Metrics
Seeking Alpha· 2024-05-14 06:00
Aerial Bayview Ave. and Rosedale in Autumn, Toronto, Canada jimfeng Note: All amounts are in Canadian Dollars On our last coverage of Dream Office (TSX:D.UN:CA), we highlighted the key factors that kept us out. This was despite a rather large drop that made value buyers salivate. We felt a bounce and trading opportunity could materialize a little lower than where the stock was trading then. We think a bounce trade may materialize near the $7.00-$7.50 range, but we remain unconvinced for a longer-term play. ...
Dominion Energy: 3 Reasons Why We Are Downgrading It
Seeking Alpha· 2024-05-08 05:44
JHVEPhotoOn our last coverage of Dominion Energy, Inc. (NYSE:D), we looked at the asset sales from the company to Enbridge Inc. (ENB), (ENB:CA). The market was unusually antsy and beat down both the buyer and the seller. Surely the deal could not be bad for both? We actually took the opportunity to upgrade Dominion Energy to a Buy after that drop. We had a neutral rating on the stock and are upgrading this to a buy as well. As we expect utilities to remain under pressure from interest rate hikes, we wou ...
Dominion Energy Commences Cash Tender Offer to Purchase Any & All Of Its Outstanding Series B Preferred Stock
Prnewswire· 2024-05-07 18:00
文章核心观点 - 公司成功发行了20亿美元的次级后偿票据(EJSN发行),并计划使用部分所得款项购买B系列优先股[1] - 公司计划使用剩余所得款项,包括EJSN发行超出公司2024年混合融资指引的5亿美元,偿还短期债务和/或有选择性地退还、赎回或回购其他未偿证券,可能包括2014年685百万美元的2054年到期的A系列增强型次级后偿票据[1] - 公司的现有财务指引,包括收益、信用和股息政策,没有变化[1] 关于EJSN发行 - 公司计划使用EJSN发行所得款项的一部分购买B系列优先股[1] - EJSN发行于2024年5月6日定价,预计将于2024年5月20日完成,满足了收购B系列优先股的融资条件[3] 关于B系列优先股收购要约 - 公司启动了收购现有4.65%B系列固定利率重置累积可赎回永续优先股的现金要约收购[1] - 要约收购价格为每股997.50美元,加上应计股息[1][5] - 要约将于2024年6月4日到期,除非公司延长或提前终止[2] - 要约不设最低收购数量条件[4] - 已经交付的B系列优先股可以在到期日之前随时撤回[6] 其他信息 - 公司将通过EJSN发行所得款项支付要约收购的对价和相关费用[3] - 公司将向记录持有人和经纪商等提供要约文件[7][12][13] - 巴克莱、摩根大通和瑞穗证券担任要约的交易经理[8][9] - 公司不会在不遵守当地法律的情况下进行要约,但可能会采取必要措施以符合当地法规[10][11]
Dominion Energy(D) - 2024 Q1 - Earnings Call Transcript
2024-05-03 01:31
财务数据和关键指标变化 - 第一季度经营利润为每股0.55美元,其中天气因素对利润产生了0.06美元的负面影响 [7] - 相比去年同期,本季度利润增长的正面因素包括销量增加、监管投资增长和天气因素改善 [7] - 利息费用增加和Dominion Energy Virginia的某些费率调整导致收入减少是本季度利润下降的负面因素 [8] 各条业务线数据和关键指标变化 - 无具体披露 各个市场数据和关键指标变化 - 公司在弗吉尼亚州的天气正常销量同比增长4.8%,与全年4.5%-5.5%的预期增长率一致 [38] - 数据中心行业在弗吉尼亚北部地区近年来增长迅速,公司已连接94个数据中心,总容量超过4吉瓦 [38][39] - 公司预计2024年将再连接15个数据中心 [38] 公司战略和发展方向及行业竞争 - 公司将采取必要措施确保电网系统的弹性和可靠性,包括加快新500千伏输电线路和其他基础设施的建设 [41] - 公司在2022年12月的PJM公开窗口中获得了150多个电力输电项目,总投资25亿美元 [41] - 公司正在与PJM、SCC、地方政府和其他利益相关方紧密合作,加快这些以及其他关键项目的实施 [41] - 公司正在评估调度发电需求,特别是在冬季和现场备用燃料储存方面 [41] - 公司认为未来可能会有机会进行额外的监管资本投资,但需要考虑客户承受能力、系统可靠性、资产负债表保守性和低风险状况 [42] 管理层对经营环境和未来前景的评论 - 公司对数据中心客户需求的增长和电力系统投资需求感到乐观 [38][39][40][41][42] - 公司将继续与数据中心客户合作,探讨替代费率设计和电力供应方案 [49][50] - 公司将根据客户需求、可靠性要求和政策目标来确定未来的资本投资计划 [42] 问答环节重要的提问和回答 问题1 **Shar Pourreza提问** 数据中心客户是否有自发电或自供电的计划,以及公司如何确保弗吉尼亚州客户从中获益? [48][49] **Robert Blue回答** - 少数数据中心客户可能会考虑自发电或自供电,但大多数客户仍将依赖公司提供的可靠和经济的电力 [49][50] - 公司将与长期合作的数据中心客户探讨替代费率设计,但任何变更都需要获得监管机构的批准 [49] 问题2 **Nick Campanella提问** 南卡罗来纳州最近通过的HB 5118法案会否影响公司的资本计划和假设? [55][56][57] **Steven Ridge回答** - 公司正密切关注即将结束的立法会议结果,但目前不会对待定法案发表评论 [56] - 公司当前重点是在南卡罗来纳州获得有建设性的电力基本费率案件结果,以及继续为客户提供优质服务并逐步实现授权收益率 [57] 问题3 **Jeremy Tonet提问** 公司是否考虑利用Millstone核电站未承诺的发电容量为数据中心提供电力? [67][68][69] **Diane Leopold回答** - 公司已与NE Edge签署谅解备忘录,就在Millstone场地建设数据中心项目进行合作 [68] - 如果获得必要批准,公司将准备为该项目提供土地和长期电力购买协议 [68] - 但公司目前的财务计划中未包含此类Millstone核电站相关的假设 [69]
Dominion Energy(D) - 2024 Q1 - Quarterly Report
2024-05-02 22:46
UNITED STATES SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION Washington, D.C. 20549 1 FORM 10-Q (Mark one) COMBINED INDEX | | | Page Number | | --- | --- | --- | | | Glossary of Terms | 3 | | | PART I. Financial Information | | | Item 1. | Financial Statements | 8 | | Item 2. | Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations | 58 | | Item 3. | Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures About Market Risk | 74 | | Item 4. | Controls and Procedures | 75 | | | PART II. Other Information ...
Dominion Energy(D) - 2024 Q1 - Quarterly Results
2024-05-02 19:33
Exhibit 99 NEWS RELEASE A live webcast of the conference call, including accompanying slides and other financial information, will be available on the investor information pages at investors.dominionenergy.com. For individuals who prefer to join via telephone, domestic callers should dial 1- 800-723-6494 and international callers should dial 1- 785-424-1631. The passcode for the telephonic earnings call is 66318. Participants should dial in 10 to 15 minutes prior to the scheduled start time. May 2, 2024 Dom ...