Why Dominion Energy Stock Zoomed 5% Higher Today
The Motley Fool· 2024-02-24 06:29
Dominion Energy (D 4.96%) finished off the trading week in style, with its stock price popping by 5% on Friday. The electricity producer and supplier benefited from a pair of analyst price target raises, which came on the heels of the company's latest set of quarterly results and the announcement of an asset sale. Dominion's Friday surge easily topped the performance of the S&P 500 index, which essentially closed flat on the day.Matching analyst price target raisesInterestingly, the two raises matched perfe ...
S&P 500 Gains and Losses Today: Dominion Energy Boosted by Wind Project Partnership
Investopedia· 2024-02-24 06:25
Key TakeawaysThe S&P 500 inched higher by less than 0.1% on Friday, Feb. 23, 2024, as the previous day's tech-led rally lost some of its momentum.Dominion Energy shares jumped following reports that the electric utility would sell a noncontrolling stake in an offshore wind energy project near Virginia Beach.Shares of Booking Holdings dropped after the travel platform warned that the conflict in the Middle East and currency fluctuations could affect its business.Major U.S. equities indexes were mixed on the ...
Dominion Energy (D) Q4 Earnings: Taking a Look at Key Metrics Versus Estimates
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-02-24 04:31
For the quarter ended December 2023, Dominion Energy (D) reported revenue of $3.53 billion, down 28.1% over the same period last year. EPS came in at $0.29, compared to $1.06 in the year-ago quarter.The reported revenue compares to the Zacks Consensus Estimate of $3.81 billion, representing a surprise of -7.14%. The company delivered an EPS surprise of -27.50%, with the consensus EPS estimate being $0.40.While investors closely watch year-over-year changes in headline numbers -- revenue and earnings -- and ...
Dominion Energy(D) - 2023 Q4 - Annual Report
2024-02-23 20:30
UNITED STATES SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION Washington, D.C. 20549 FORM 10-K (Mark One) ☒ ANNUAL REPORT PURSUANT TO SECTION 13 OR 15(d) OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934 For the fiscal year ended December 31, 2023 OR ☐ TRANSITION REPORT PURSUANT TO SECTION 13 OR 15(d) OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934 For the transition period from to Commission File Number Exact name of registrants as specified in their charters I.R.S. Employer Identification Number 001-08489 DOMINION ENERGY, INC. 54-1229715 ...
Dominion Energy(D) - 2023 Q4 - Earnings Call Presentation
2024-02-23 13:20
项目进展 - 2026年底预计完成建设,没有变化[7] - 24个单桩已从位于弗吉尼亚的朴茨茅斯海军基地的EEW交付,进度正常[7] - 2024年底预计总投资约为60亿美元[8] - 当前固定成本占资本预算的92.4%,未固定成本约为7.44亿美元[8] - 当前备用金为3.51亿美元,占当前未固定成本的47%[8] - 项目总成本(包括融资成本)为6.25亿美元[10] - Stonepeak将在项目成本达到113亿美元时进行50/50成本分担[11] - Stonepeak将有权逐步增加对Dominion Energy项目所有权的稀释[11] 业务重点 - Dominion Energy业务重点包括:州监管公用事业概况、行业领先的受监管投资机会、承诺维持当前信用状况和股息、以及股东价值增值和透明度的承诺[25] - Dominion Energy宣布同意出售CVOW 50%的非控股权益,资金分配和风险共担的比例根据项目成本水平进行[26] - 在弗吉尼亚州批准了一项关于海上风电的成本分摊协议,资本预算约98亿美元,成本分摊阈值得到了各方的认可[27] - 批准的协议提供了平衡和合理的方法,支持继续投资以满足公共政策和经济发展优先事项以及客户需求[28] - 保持客户和股东对可负担性和财务可行性的平衡[29] - 电力非燃料O&M每销售额为200美元,排名前四分之一[30] - DEV和DESC合并的受监管电力销售增长趋势良好,商业负载增长强劲,工业负载占受监管销售的比例不到10%[31] - 南卡罗来纳州公用事业客户数量增长率为2.2%,电力和天然气客户数量增长率分别为1.5%和3.6%[32] 债务情况 - 2024年到期的债务总额为6841百万美元,其中DE Virginia占350百万美元,DE SC占291百万美元,Con Energy Corp & Other占6200百万美元[37] - 2025年到期的债务总额为1500百万美元,其中DE Virginia占350百万美元,Con Energy Corp & Other占1150百万美元[37] - 2026年到期的债务总额为2120百万美元,其中DE Virginia占1150百万美元,DE SC占970百万美元[37] - 2027年到期的债务总额为1783百万美元,其中DE Virginia占1350百万美元,Con Energy Corp & Other占433百万美元[38] - 2028年到期的债务总额为1287百万美元,其中DE Virginia占700百万美元,DE SC占92百万美元,Con Energy Corp & Other占495百万美元[38]
Dominion Energy(D) - 2023 Q4 - Earnings Call Transcript
2024-02-23 03:55
财务数据和关键指标变化 - 2023年第四季度运营收益为0.29美元/股,全年运营收益为1.99美元/股,GAAP净收益为2.29美元/股 [46] - 2023年实际运营收益低于预期,主要由于天气较差、Millstone发电厂停机以及会计方法变更等因素 [47][48] - 2023年运营收益中包含多项一次性因素,如历史性温和天气带来的0.18美元/股收益损失、预计利息费用节省0.50美元/股、Millstone停机损失0.11美元/股等 [50][51][52][53] 各条业务线数据和关键指标变化 - 公司在数据中心等商业客户群体中持续看到较强的需求增长,2023年商业负荷增长近9% [129][130] - 公司正在投资输电线路项目以满足数据中心等客户的不断增长的需求 [130][131] 各个市场数据和关键指标变化 - 无明确披露 公司战略和发展方向及行业竞争 - 公司完成了对海上风电项目的战略性评估,与Stonepeak达成合作,引入外部资本合作伙伴 [9][10][24] - 该交易提高了公司的信用状况,降低了项目集中风险,减少了建设期的融资需求 [31][32] - 公司认为该交易符合客户和股东的长期利益,有利于公司提供优质的客户体验并支持该州的经济和环境目标 [30][33] 管理层对经营环境和未来前景的评论 - 公司对未来前景表示乐观,认为通过本次业务评估可以为公司提供持久和高质量的战略和财务状况 [44] - 公司承诺将保持当前的股息水平,未来几年股息增长将较低,以恢复适当的派息率 [37][38] - 公司将继续关注成本控制和提升效率,保持作为最高效和最可靠电力公司之一的地位 [41] 问答环节重要的提问和回答 问题1 **Shahriar Pourreza 提问** 询问交易选择过程和成本分摊机制 [78][79] **Bob Blue 回答** 详细介绍了交易选择过程以及50-50的成本分摊机制 [79][80] 问题2 **Jeremy Tonet 提问** 询问评级机构对公司信用状况的评价和未来展望 [98][99] **Steven Ridge 回答** 表示公司与评级机构保持密切沟通,交易获得正面评价,但不会透露具体的信用指标数据 [99][100][101] 问题3 **Steve Fleishman 提问** 询问公司是否会维持之前披露的信用指标目标 [124] **Bob Blue 回答** 确认公司的信用指标目标没有变化 [125]
Dominion Energy (D) Q4 Earnings and Revenues Lag Estimates
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-02-23 02:26
Dominion Energy Inc. (D) delivered fourth-quarter 2023 operating earnings of 29 cents per share, which lagged the Zacks Consensus Estimate of 40 cents by 27.5%. Quarterly earnings were lower than the company’s guidance of 35 cents for the quarter. Operating earnings were $1.06 in the year-ago quarter.The GAAP earnings for the fourth quarter were 30 cents compared with 39 cents in the year-ago quarter.Operating earnings of $1.99 for 2023 were down 34.9% year over year from $3.06 in 2022.RevenuesDominion Ener ...
Dominion Energy (D) Q4 Earnings and Revenues Miss Estimates
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-02-22 22:45
盈利情况 - Dominion Energy第四季度每股收益为0.29美元,低于分析师预期的0.40美元[1] - 公司去年同期每股收益为1.06美元,这些数字已经过调整[1] - Dominion Energy的季度盈利出现-27.50%的意外[2] - 公司在过去四个季度中两次超过了盈利预期[2] - 下一季度和当前财年的盈利预期分别为每股0.93美元和每股3.06美元[9] 营收情况 - Dominion Energy第四季度营收为35.3亿美元,低于分析师预期的7.14%[3] - 公司去年同期营收为49.1亿美元[3] 股价表现 - Dominion Energy股价今年以来下跌了1.5%,而标普500指数上涨了4.4%[5] - 公司未来的股价走势将取决于管理层在财报电话会议上的评论[4] 盈利预期 - Dominion Energy的盈利前景将对股价走势产生影响[6] - 投资者可以通过追踪盈利预期修订来预测股价走势[7] - Dominion Energy的盈利预期修订趋势为混合[8] 行业前景 - 行业前景对公司股价表现有重要影响[10]
Stonepeak to Acquire 50% Interest in Dominion Energy's Coastal Virginia Offshore Wind Project
Businesswire· 2024-02-22 20:30
Stonepeak与Dominion Energy达成合作 - Stonepeak与Dominion Energy达成协议,通过成立海上风电合作伙伴关系,收购其Coastal Virginia Offshore Wind项目50%的股权[1] - Stonepeak表示期待通过CVOW扩展与Dominion Energy的关系,认为该项目有望为美国提供有意义的可再生能源产能,且具备下行保护基础[3] CVOW项目介绍 - CVOW是一个位于弗吉尼亚州弗吉尼亚海滩27英里外的2.6吉瓦特海上风电项目,能够为66万户家庭提供电力需求[2]
Dominion Energy(D) - 2023 Q4 - Annual Results
2024-02-22 00:00
Exhibit 99 NEWS RELEASE February 22, 2024 Dominion Energy Announces Fourth-Quarter and Full-Year 2023 Earnings, Provides Key Updates on Coastal Virginia Offshore Wind, and Schedules Investor Meeting to Conclude Business Review RICHMOND, Va. – Dominion Energy, Inc. (NYSE: D), today announced unaudited net income determined in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP, or reported earnings) for the three months ended Dec. 31, 2023, of $273 million ($0.30 per share) compared with net incom ...