Why the Market Dipped But Duke Energy (DUK) Gained Today
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-04-19 07:20
股价表现 - Duke Energy (DUK) 最新收盘价为 $95.93,较前一个交易日上涨了 +1.51% [1] - Duke Energy 的股价在过去一个月内下跌了 0.95%,超过了公用事业部门的损失 7.82% 和标普500指数的损失 1.66% [2] 财务表现 - 投资界将密切关注 Duke Energy 在即将发布的财报中的表现。公司计划于2024年5月7日发布财报,预计每股收益为 $1.49,同比增长 24.17% [3] - 根据 Zacks Consensus Estimates,整个财政年度的预计每股收益为 $5.99,营收为 $30.36亿,分别较去年增长了 +7.73% 和 +4.48% [4] 分析师预测 - 分析师对 Duke Energy 的最新预测变化也应引起投资者的注意,积极的变化表明分析师对公司的业务健康和盈利能力持乐观态度 [5] - 研究表明,这些预测变化与即将到来的股价表现有直接关系,公司创建了 Zacks Rank 模型,提供了一个功能评级系统 [6] 估值指标 - Duke Energy 目前的 Zacks Rank 为 3 (Hold),投资者还应注意公司的当前估值指标,包括其前瞻市盈率为 15.79,较同行业平均值 14.8 有溢价 [7] - Duke Energy 目前的 PEG 比率为 2.51,该比率考虑了公司预期的盈利增长率,公用事业 - 电力行业的平均 PEG 比率为 2.57 [8] 行业排名 - 公用事业 - 电力行业属于公用事业部门,目前的 Zacks Industry Rank 为 153,排名在所有行业的后40% [9] - 个别行业群体的实力由 Zacks Industry Rank 衡量,我们的研究显示,排名前50%的行业表现比排名后50%的行业好一倍 [10] 股价影响 - 利用 Zacks.com 在未来的交易日跟踪所有这些影响股价的指标 [11]
People behind the power: What to know about the remarkable role of Duke Energy lineworkers
Prnewswire· 2024-04-17 02:34
杜克能源公司电力线工人感恩日 - 杜克能源公司在4月18日庆祝国家电力线工人感恩日,表彰这些至关重要的员工[2] - 电力线工人在恶劣环境下工作,经常面临挑战性条件,包括暴风雨、酷热、严寒和洪水[4] - 电力线工作经常需要在高达120英尺的输电塔上工作,在40英尺高的杆子上工作,或者从高架卡车上工作,始终要采取严格的安全措施[5]
As storm season begins, Duke Energy reminds public to move over, slow down as they approach utility crews working along the roadside
Prnewswire· 2024-04-15 20:30
杜克能源工作安全 - 杜克能源提醒公众,在2024年风暴季节来临之际,公司的工作人员经常在道路上维护和修复电力线路和其他公用设施[1] - 杜克能源团队通常需要在道路旁边工作,有时甚至需要关闭交通车道,公众应该采取措施保护自己和工作人员[2] - 杜克能源高级副总裁Jessica Bednarcik表示,每位司机都可以通过专注注意力和减少分心来减少风险,提醒驾驶员在路边工作人员附近谨慎驾驶[3] 杜克能源环保转型 - 杜克能源正在进行清洁能源转型,致力于2030年实现天然气业务的净零甲烷排放,2050年实现电力发电的净零碳排放[7]
Duke Energy celebrates Florida lineworkers of the past, present and future ahead of National Lineworker Appreciation Day
Prnewswire· 2024-04-11 22:45
杜克能源感恩日活动 - 杜克能源认可4月18日为国家线路工人感恩日,表彰佛罗里达州线路工人的牺牲、诚信和服务[1] - 杜克能源在佛罗里达拥有600多名线路工人,为约200万客户提供电力,确保社区、企业、学校和医院拥有安全可靠的电力[2] 杜克能源的捐款支持 - 杜克能源及其基金会自2018年以来已向五家线路工人项目拨款超过180万美元,包括今年250,000美元,以支持人才培养[5] 线路工人套索比赛 - 杜克能源举办了线路工人套索比赛,获胜者来自受杜克能源及其基金会支持的线路工人项目,展示了他们接受的广泛培训和教育[6]
Duke Energy (DUK) Unveils PowerPair Program in North Carolina
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-04-11 22:10
Duke Energy Corp. (DUK) is set to administer its application, PowerPair, for installing residential solar power generation with battery energy storage for its customers in North Carolina. PowerPair is a new incentive-based pilot program offered to DUK’s customers in Duke Energy Carolinas and Duke Energy Progress service areas.Duke Energy has developed PowerPair in partnership with several stakeholder groups under the guidance of the North Carolina Utility Commission.Benefits of the ProgramThis one-time ince ...
Duke Energy Florida to reduce rates for a second time this year, beginning this June
Prnewswire· 2024-04-08 22:39
电费降价措施 - 公司计划在6月开始实施的电费降价措施将使典型住宅客户每月用电1000千瓦时的账单减少近6美元[1] - 此次降价提案是为了反映预期的燃料价格下降,而且是今年第二次为佛罗里达杜克能源客户降低电费[1] - 公司向佛罗里达公共服务委员会提交了燃料中途费率请求,以反映天然气成本的下调,典型佛罗里达住宅客户每月用电1000千瓦时的账单将下降5.90美元,几乎为4%[2] - 公司表示,随着燃料价格预计下降,他们有机会今年第二次为客户降低电费,同时为夏季高能耗月份做好准备[4] 客户服务和节能计划 - 公司致力于为佛罗里达不断增长的人口提供最优惠的价格,同时提供可靠的电力和客户服务[4] - 公司还提供多种易于使用的节能计划和工具,帮助佛罗里达客户更好地控制能源使用和账单[5] - 公司提供的节能计划包括:Usage Alerts、Installment Plans/Payment Plans、Pick Your Due Date、Due Date Extension、Budget Billing、Flexible rate option、Free Home Assessment、EnergyWise® Home、Weatherization、Customer Assistance[6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15] 公司能源产能 - 公司拥有12300兆瓦的能源产能,为佛罗里达13000平方英里的服务区内的200万住宅、商业和工业客户提供电力[16]
Duke Energy to implement new PowerPair pilot program for pairing home solar installations with battery energy storage
Prnewswire· 2024-04-05 02:18
Customers could receive up to $9,000 as a one-time incentive to help lower the cost of installing solar and battery storage Programs explore new ways to help manage low carbon grids of the future CHARLOTTE, N.C., April 4, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Duke Energy (NYSE: DUK) is implementing PowerPairSM, a new incentive-based pilot program for installing home solar generation with battery energy storage in its Duke Energy Carolinas and Duke Energy Progress service areas in North Carolina. The company received appr ...
A stronger electric grid, enhanced customer services and environmental obligations are some of the drivers of Duke Energy's Indiana rate request
Prnewswire· 2024-04-05 00:43
Electric grid security and investments to serve a growing state are also key parts of the request Voluntary 'time-of-use' rates proposed to help manage customer bills PLAINFIELD, Ind., April 4, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- A modernized electric grid more resistant to power outages, hundreds of miles of new power lines, environmental responsibilities, increased electric grid security and new systems for customer convenience are some of the key parts of Duke Energy's Indiana rate request submitted to state utility ...
Duke Energy Florida files for new base rates; announces fuel filing to reduce rates in 2024, expects overall lower customer bills in 2025
Prnewswire· 2024-04-02 22:18
Company also filed new proposed energy efficiency programs ST. PETERSBURG, Fla., April 2, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Today, Duke Energy Florida filed for new base rates with the Florida Public Service Commission (FPSC). The company stated it would also reduce rates by filing a fuel mid-course adjustment. Additionally, the company requested approval of new cost-effective energy efficiency goals and programs, which will help customers save on energy bills. Base Rates The base rate filing proposes smart investmen ...
Here's Why Duke Energy (DUK) Fell More Than Broader Market
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-04-02 07:20
杜克能源股价 - 杜克能源(Duke Energy)股价在最新交易日收盘价为96.07美元,较前一日下跌0.66%[1] - 电力公用事业股票在上个月上涨了6.44%,超过了公用事业部门的4.53%和标普500指数的3.32%[2] 季度收益预测 - 投资者将密切关注杜克能源即将公布的季度收益情况,预计每股收益为1.39美元,同比增长15.83%[3] - 杜克能源全年的Zacks Consensus Estimates预计每股收益为5.98美元,营收为303.6亿美元,分别较去年增长了7.55%和4.48%[4] 预测修订和股价表现 - 投资者应关注分析师对杜克能源的最新预测修订,这有助于展示近期业务趋势的变化[5] - 研究表明,这些预测变化与即将到来的股价表现有直接关系,公司创建了Zacks Rank模型,整合这些预测变化并提供功能评级系统[6] 市盈率和PEG比率 - 杜克能源目前的前瞻市盈率为16.18,高于行业平均值15.46[8] - DUK目前的PEG比率为2.58,该指标考虑了公司的预期盈利增长率[9] 行业评级 - 电力公用事业行业属于公用事业部门,目前Zacks Industry Rank为90,位于所有250多个行业的前36%[10] - Zacks Industry Rank通过计算各个股票的平均Zacks Rank来评估特定行业群体的活力[11] 未来展望 - 请利用Zacks.com在未来的交易日中关注所有这些影响股价的指标和更多内容[12]