Green Dot(GDOT)
Stay Ahead of the Game With Green Dot (GDOT) Q2 Earnings: Wall Street's Insights on Key Metrics
ZACKS· 2024-08-07 22:20
Wall Street analysts expect Green Dot (GDOT) to post quarterly earnings of $0.28 per share in its upcoming report, which indicates a year-over-year decline of 24.3%. Revenues are expected to be $370.93 million, up 2.7% from the year-ago quarter. The consensus EPS estimate for the quarter has remained unchanged over the last 30 days. This represents how the covering analysts, as a whole, have reassessed their initial estimates during this timeframe. Prior to a company's earnings release, it is of utmost impo ...
Federal Reserve Fines Green Dot $44 Million, Alleging Unfair Practices· 2024-07-20 07:07
The Federal Reserve Board said Friday (July 19) that it fined Green Dot $44 million for unfair and deceptive practices and a deficient consumer compliance risk management program. Specifically, the Federal Reserve Board said, the company failed to adequately disclose the tax refund processing fee for tax preparation services offered on a third-party's website; blocked access to the accounts of legitimate customers receiving unemployment benefits; lacked reasonable policies and procedures to help those custo ...
Here's Why You Should Hold Green Dot (GDOT) Stock for Now
ZACKS· 2024-06-28 21:20
文章核心观点 - 公司的GO2bank业务和与沃尔玛的长期合作关系正在带来强劲的业绩 [1][3][4][5] - 公司最近完成的平台转换将为公司带来年度成本节约 [1][2] - 未来增长潜力将超过当前的不利因素 [2] 公司业务概况 - GO2bank是公司未来收入的主要驱动力,公司正在重组业务以确保长期可持续增长 [3] - 公司与沃尔玛有长期合作关系,为沃尔玛提供多种金融产品和服务,这是公司营收的重要来源 [4][5] 行业地位和财务表现 - 公司目前评级为中性(Zacks Rank 3) [6] - 同行业中Barrett Business Services和Charles River Associates表现较好,评级为买入(Zacks Rank 2) [7][8][9]
Investors who purchased Green Dot Corporation (NYSE: GDOT) shares should contact the Shareholders Foundation in connection with Lawsuit· 2024-05-29 22:00
文章核心观点 - 2019年12月,一名投资者对Green Dot Corporation提起诉讼,指控该公司违反证券法 [3] - 2022年4月1日,原告提交了修正后的起诉状,2022年6月21日,被告提交了驳回修正后起诉状的动议 [4] - 2024年3月29日,法院裁定驳回被告的驳回动议 [4] 公司相关 - Green Dot Corporation是一家纽约证券交易所上市公司,股票代码为GDOT [1][2] - 投资者如果在2020年之前购买了GDOT股票并一直持有,可以联系Shareholders Foundation寻求帮助 [2] 诉讼相关 - 原告指控Green Dot采取吸引"高价值"长期客户的策略,却损害了"一次性"客户,这些客户曾是公司传统业务的重要收入来源 [3] - 原告称这种策略是自我破坏性的,公司的声明具有虚假性和误导性 [3] - 法院最终驳回了被告提出的驳回修正后起诉状的动议 [4]
Green Dot (GDOT) Stock Rises 2.2% Despite Q1 Earnings Miss· 2024-05-17 01:11
Green Dot Corporation (GDOT) reported mixed first-quarter 2024 results, with earnings missing the Zacks Consensus Estimate but revenues surpassing the same. The stock has gained 2.2% since the earnings release on May 9 on impressive 2024 revenue guidance. Total operating revenues are anticipated between $1.58 billion and $1.62 billion. The mid-point of the guided range ($1.6 billion) is higher than the Zacks Consensus Estimate of $1.58 billion GDOT's earnings per share (excluding 50 cents from non-recurring ...
Green Dot(GDOT) - 2024 Q1 - Quarterly Report
2024-05-11 05:04
Table of Contents ☑ QUARTERLY REPORT PURSUANT TO SECTION 13 OR 15(d) OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934 UNITED STATES SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549 __________________________________________________ FORM 10-Q 114 W 7th Street, Suite 240 (Address of principal executive offices, including zip code) (Registrant's telephone number, including area code) Austin, Texas 78701 (626) 765-2000 Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(b) of the Act: For the quarterly period ended Mar ...
Green Dot(GDOT) - 2024 Q1 - Earnings Call Transcript
2024-05-10 18:25
财务数据和关键指标变化 - 非GAAP收入同比增长9%,主要来自B2B业务的持续增长 [19] - 调整后EBITDA为5900万美元,非GAAP每股收益为0.59美元,同比均有所下降,主要是由于零售业务的结构性下行压力、去年取消的合作项目以及持续投资合规监管所致 [19] - 公司在2023年计提了2000万美元的预计负债,与联邦储备局提出的同意令有关,该负债金额目前保持不变 [20] 各条业务线数据和关键指标变化 消费者服务业务 - 收入同比下降,主要是由于零售渠道受宏观经济趋势持续影响,账户获取、交易量等指标持续承压 [23] - 公司正在与零售合作伙伴合作,提高实体门店的生产力,同时也在推进数字化和全渠道金融服务 [24] - 直销渠道正在向GO2bank单一品牌转型,该品牌收入同比中高个位数增长,占直销渠道收入的70%以上 [25][26] - 消费者服务业务利润下降,但调整后利润率基本稳定,反映了公司在资源配置方面的能力 [27] B2B业务 - 收入增长主要由一家大型BaaS合作伙伴带动,但也面临两家BaaS合作伙伴退出的影响 [28] - 快速薪资卡业务连续两个季度实现收入增长,得益于2023年下半年推出的定价策略 [29] - B2B业务利润和利润率承压,主要是由于BaaS业务客户流失和某些BaaS合作伙伴的固定利润结构 [30] 资金运营业务 - 收入增长主要由税务业务带动,绿点网络业务受自有账户交易量下降的影响 [31][32] - 绿点网络业务利润率有所改善,尽管收入承压 [32] 公司及其他 - 收入下降反映了利率环境的持续影响,但被银行存款的季节性强劲所抵消 [33] - 费用上升主要是由于合规监管投资的增加,抵消了持续的成本优化举措 [33] 公司战略和发展方向及行业竞争 - 公司正在建设高效的运营流程和基础设施,提高资本回报率 [13] - 公司正在加快收入增长,并致力于在未来几年实现更稳定和可预测的收入和利润 [14] - 公司在各个渠道都有丰富的业务发展管线,并与新客户和合作伙伴签署了多项合作协议 [15][16] - 公司正在投资于更高效地启动新合作伙伴、扩展能力和产品以及提升核心产品套件 [16] - 公司认为嵌入式金融市场仍处于早期阶段,机会广阔 [15][47][48] - 公司正在建设一个能够为合作伙伴提供差异化价值主张的一体化平台 [47][48] - 公司正在加强合规和风险管理能力,将其视为未来的竞争优势 [11][55] 管理层对经营环境和未来前景的评论 - 公司有望在下半年实现更好的增长势头,因为一些去年的负面影响将逐步消除 [12][43][45] - 公司看好未来的业务发展管线和产品投资,相信可以在2025年及以后实现更强劲的增长 [45] - 公司正在建设一个能够为合作伙伴提供差异化价值主张的一体化平台,看好嵌入式金融市场的广阔前景 [47][48] - 公司正在加强合规和风险管理能力,将其视为未来的竞争优势 [11][55] 问答环节重要的提问和回答 问题1 **Tim Switzer 提问** 询问公司2024年的合规投资情况,包括一次性和持续性投资 [53] **George Gresham 回答** 公司2024年合规投资较2022年增加1700万美元,主要用于加强内部审计、合规部门、反洗钱等传统监管职能。部分投资是过渡性的,未来会有所下降。公司认为合规能力将成为未来的关键竞争力 [54][55] 问题2 **Cris Kennedy 提问** 询问嵌入式金融市场的变化趋势,以及公司如何应对 [72] **George Gresham 回答** 嵌入式金融市场正在经历产品和监管两方面的变化。产品方面,市场正在从通用账户向定制化解决方案发展,监管方面,监管机构正在加强对非银行金融科技公司的监管。公司凭借其一体化的垂直解决方案和合规管理优势,认为能够在这一市场中脱颖而出 [73][74][75][76] 问题3 **Cris Kennedy 提问** 询问公司未来并购计划 [79] **George Gresham 回答** 短期内公司对并购持谨慎态度,主要集中于内部平台整合、新产品开发和合规管理等优先事项。未来如果这些工作稳定下来,公司会考虑在消费信贷、小企业服务等领域进行并购或内部研发 [80][81][82]
Green Dot(GDOT) - 2024 Q1 - Earnings Call Presentation
2024-05-10 16:22
Non-GAAP effective tax rate of ~24% was up slightly from the prior year, while share count of 53.3M was up from 52.0M last year. -7% $0.99 -40% $0.59 -50% $0.37 -68% -69% $0.14 $0.14 Q3 2023 Q4 2023 Q1 2024 Q1 2023 Q2 2023 Green Dot Corporation Consolidated Key Metrics Gross Dollar Volume in millions, reflects change versus the prior year Purchase Volume Net Interchange Rate2 Active accounts1 declined 9% Consolidate actives declines moderated to the slowest rate in several years though Consumer Services act ...
Green Dot (GDOT) Q1 Earnings: How Key Metrics Compare to Wall Street Estimates
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-05-10 08:01
For the quarter ended March 2024, Green Dot (GDOT) reported revenue of $447.42 million, up 8.5% over the same period last year. EPS came in at $0.59, compared to $0.99 in the year-ago quarter.The reported revenue represents a surprise of +7.63% over the Zacks Consensus Estimate of $415.7 million. With the consensus EPS estimate being $0.78, the EPS surprise was -24.36%.While investors scrutinize revenue and earnings changes year-over-year and how they compare with Wall Street expectations to determine their ...
Green Dot(GDOT) - 2024 Q1 - Quarterly Results
2024-05-10 04:34
Exhibit 99.01 Consolidated Results Summary | | | | Three Months Ended March 31, | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | | | | 2024 | | 2023 | % Change | | | | | (In thousands, except per share data and | | | | | | | percentages) | | | | GAAP financial results | | | | | | | Total operating revenues | $ | 451,988 | $ | 416,380 | 9% | | Net income | $ | 4,750 | $ | 36,012 | (87)% | | Diluted earnings per common share | $ | 0.09 | $ | 0.69 | (87)% | | 1 Non-GAAP financial results | | | | | | | 1 Non-GAAP to ...