Grocery Outlet(GO)
Grocery Outlet(GO) - 2024 Q1 - Quarterly Results
2024-05-08 04:05
Exhibit 99.1 Grocery Outlet Holding Corp. Announces First Quarter Fiscal 2024 Financial Results Q1 fiscal 2024 net sales increased 7.4% Q1 fiscal 2024 comparable store sales grew 3.9%, driven by a 7.0% increase in transactions Company updates key guidance for fiscal 2024 Emeryville, CA – May 7, 2024 – Grocery Outlet Holding Corp. (NASDAQ: GO) ("Grocery Outlet" or the "Company") today announced financial results for the first quarter of fiscal 2024 ended March 30, 2024. Highlights for First Quarter Fiscal 20 ...
Is It Wise to Buy Grocery Outlet (GO) Ahead of Q1 Earnings?
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-05-06 23:11
As Grocery Outlet Holding Corp. (GO) gears up to unveil its first-quarter 2024 earnings results on May 7 after market close, investors are contemplating whether now is the opportune moment to buy into this grocery chain.Investors considering the addition of Grocery Outlet ahead of its earnings release may find compelling reasons to do so despite the projected decrease in earnings. According to the Zacks Consensus Estimate, there is an expected increase in the top line, indicating a 6.1% rise in revenues to ...
Why Grocery Outlet Holding Corp. (GO) is a Top Value Stock for the Long-Term
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-04-30 22:45
Taking full advantage of the stock market and investing with confidence are common goals for new and old investors, and Zacks Premium offers many different ways to do both.The research service features daily updates of the Zacks Rank and Zacks Industry Rank, full access to the Zacks #1 Rank List, Equity Research reports, and Premium stock screens, all of which will help you become a smarter, more confident investor.It also includes access to the Zacks Style Scores.What are the Zacks Style Scores?The Zacks S ...
Grocery Outlet (GO) Benefits From Innovative Retail Strategy
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-04-18 01:01
公司业务模式 - Grocery Outlet通过其创新的采购模式和独立经营者模式,提供超值折扣,与竞争激烈的零售市场区别开来[1] 市场扩张策略 - 公司专注于通过多样化产品组合、定向营销、店内活动和电子商务合作扩大市场份额[4] 公司扩张计划 - Grocery Outlet收购了United Grocery Outlet,扩大了在东南部美国的市场份额,计划在2024年开设15-20家新店[7][10]
3 Consumer Staples Stocks to Buy as Rate Cuts Get Delayed
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-04-04 21:26
Consumer staples have been having a steady year, with the S&P 500 Select Sector SPDR (XLP) rising 6.2% over a 12-month period that ended in February. Per Zacks data, the consumer staples sector has grown 4.6% in the first quarter of 2024 itself.With inflation under control and no interest rate hikes expected in the year, it seems likely that the sector will continue to gain. The primary reason behind this is the availability of more cash in hand for consumers to spend. When rate hikes end, purchasing power ...
Grocery Outlet (GO) Completes Buyout of United Grocery Outlet
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-04-03 21:11
Grocery Outlet Holding Corp. (GO) finalized the purchase of United Grocery Outlet ("UGO"), a leading extreme value grocery retailer in the Southeastern United States. This strategic move is part of GO's expansion strategy, broadening its geographic reach beyond its traditional base. The acquisition, initially announced a while ago, has now come to an end, signifying an important step forward for the company in its efforts to grow and capture new markets.United Grocery Outlet, under the umbrella of Gen Cap A ...
Grocery Outlet Holding Corp. Closes Acquisition of United Grocery Outlet
Newsfilter· 2024-04-02 18:30
EMERYVILLE, Calif., April 02, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Grocery Outlet Holding Corp. (NASDAQ:GO) ("Grocery Outlet" or the "Company") today announced the closing of the previously announced acquisition of United Grocery Outlet ("UGO"), an extreme value, discount grocery retailer operating throughout the Southeastern United States, from affiliates of Gen Cap America, Inc. and current and former UGO management. With 40 stores and a distribution center, the acquisition of UGO expands Grocery Outlet's presence in ...
Here's How Grocery Outlet (GO) Reinforces Its Market Position
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-04-02 00:41
公司商业模式和竞争优势 - Grocery Outlet通过精心设计的商业模式,在激烈竞争的零售行业中脱颖而出[1] - 公司通过机会性采购和独特的Independent Operator (IO)结构,巩固了在市场上的地位[1] - Grocery Outlet不仅与传统零售商有所区别,而且始终为客户提供卓越价值[2] 采购模式和扩张计划 - 公司的机会性采购模式是其战略核心,使其能够以大幅折扣收购品质名牌消费品和新鲜产品[3] - Grocery Outlet计划在2024年开设55-60家新店,以实现扩张战略[9] - 公司积极寻找房地产交易,以支持其扩张战略[10] 市场份额和股票表现 - Grocery Outlet致力于通过多样化产品、定向营销、店内活动和电子商务合作扩大市场份额[4] - 公司的股票在过去三个月中上涨了5.7%,表现优于行业增长[12] - Zacks Consensus Estimate显示,公司当前和下一个财年的每股收益预期均有所增加[13]
Grocery Outlet(GO) - 2023 Q4 - Annual Report
2024-02-29 05:01
公司运营模式 - Grocery Outlet的独特购买和销售方式是业务增长的引擎[9] - Grocery Outlet的产品篮子价格比传统杂货店低约40%[13] - Grocery Outlet的独立经营者模式减少了公司的固定成本和劳动力成本[18] - Grocery Outlet的IOs负责店铺的运营决策,包括雇佣、培训和雇佣员工以及订购和陈列产品[19] 法律法规合规 - 公司和IOs受到多个联邦机构的监管,包括FDA、FTC、USDA等,需遵守各种联邦、州和地方法律和法规[27] 人力资源管理 - 公司拥有997名员工,其中901名全职员工,96名兼职员工[29] - 公司提供多样化的薪酬和全面福利计划,旨在招聘、奖励和留住人才[31] 公司治理与高管团队 - 公司高管团队包括总裁兼首席执行官Robert J. Sheedy, Jr.、首席财务官Charles C. Bracher等[34] - 公司首席财务官Charles C. Bracher将于2024年3月1日辞职,将继续担任顾问以协助过渡[36] - 公司首席运营官Ramesh Chikkala曾在沃尔玛等公司担任高级职务[37] - 公司计划任命Lindsay E. Gray为临时首席财务官,她将继续担任高级副总裁、会计主管[38] 公司发展与风险管理 - 公司在2023财年的净销售中,大约11%是通过电子福利转移(EBT)支付的[28] - 公司计划以约6200万美元现金收购United Grocery Outlet,以扩大业务[32] - 公司的财务状况受到利率波动的市场风险影响,截至2023年12月30日,公司的优先贷款余额为2.944亿美元,利率为7.46%[166] - 公司未来的经营成果和财务状况可能会受通货膨胀的影响,包括供应中断、运输成本增加、商品成本上涨、供应链劳动力成本增加、SG&A相关成本增加等[167] 公司信息披露 - 公司网站https://investors.groceryoutlet.com用于发布公司信息,投资者应定期关注[33]
Grocery Outlet(GO) - 2023 Q4 - Earnings Call Transcript
2024-02-28 10:18
财务数据和关键指标变化 - 第四季度销售额增长6.3%,同店销售增长2.7% [5][6] - 第四季度毛利率为30.2%,略高于预期 [6] - 2023财年总销售额达40亿美元,同比增长11% [7] - 2023财年调整后EBITDA增长18% [7] 各条业务线数据和关键指标变化 - 第四季度交易量增长7.5%,但平均客单价下降4.5% [6] - 公司计划在2024财年新开55-60家门店,包括收购的40家United Grocery Outlet门店 [4][6] - 新开门店表现良好,与预期一致 [6] 各个市场数据和关键指标变化 - 收购United Grocery Outlet为公司进入东南地区提供了良好的切入点,该公司在6个州拥有40家门店 [3][4] - United Grocery Outlet门店平均销售额约为公司现有门店的一半,但毛利率略高 [15][16] - 公司计划在未来几年内逐步将United Grocery Outlet门店转为独立经营商模式 [19][20] 公司战略和发展方向及行业竞争 - 公司计划推出私有品牌产品,到年底目标推出100个SKU [23][24] - 公司任命Ramesh Chikkala为首席运营官,负责供应链和技术基础设施的优化 [4] - 公司正在积极拓展东南地区的新店铺,并寻求其他区域的收购机会 [3][4] 管理层对经营环境和未来前景的评论 - 管理层对公司基本面保持乐观,预计2024财年同店销售增长3%-4% [6][7] - 管理层认为公司有多种增长机会,包括扩大United Grocery Outlet门店的商品组合、提升门店体验以及加大营销投入 [3][4] - 管理层表示,尽管系统转型仍在进行,但公司基本面保持健康,新应用程序也在支持日常运营 [7] 问答环节重要的提问和回答 问题1 **Oliver Chen 提问** 询问United Grocery Outlet收购的特点及整合计划 [10][11] **RJ Sheedy 和 Charles Bracher 回答** - 两家公司业务模式和客户价值主张相似,是理想的战略组合 [10] - 收购将为公司提供进入东南地区的良好切入点,并带来基础设施支持未来增长 [10][12] - 公司计划分阶段推进整合,今年主要保持United Grocery Outlet业务稳定,明年开始逐步推进各项增长机会 [19][20] 问题2 **Krisztina Katai 提问** 询问公司对东南地区门店的盈利能力及未来拓展计划 [14][15] **RJ Sheedy 和 Charles Bracher 回答** - United Grocery Outlet门店平均销售额约为公司现有门店的一半,但毛利率略高 [15][16] - 公司计划分阶段推进整合,今年主要保持United Grocery Outlet业务稳定,明年开始逐步推进各项增长机会 [19][20] - United Grocery Outlet的配送中心可支持未来该地区的新店拓展 [14] 问题3 **Robby Ohmes 提问** 询问公司2024财年的新店开设计划 [20][21] **RJ Sheedy 回答** - 公司2024财年计划新开55-60家门店,其中15-20家为自有新开门店 [20][21] - 公司之前的10%年增长目标中包括了多种渠道,包括自有新开、战略合作和区域收购等 [21] - 公司根据各方面因素,如人员、基础设施等,对新开门店的节奏进行了适当调整 [21]