IZEA Launches Flex Budget Suite for Enhanced Campaign Budget Management
Newsfilter· 2024-06-10 22:00
ORLANDO, Fla. , June 10, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- IZEA Worldwide, Inc. (NASDAQ: IZEA), the premier provider of technology, data, and services for the Creator Economy, today announced it has launched a Budget Suite in its IZEA Flex comprehensive influencer marketing platform. This advanced budget management tool is designed to empower marketers with a clear, real-time view of their campaign expenditures, enabling them to effectively manage their budgets and optimize their return on investment. With Flex Budg ...
IZEA Welcomes Stephanie Hoppe as Head of Europe
Newsfilter· 2024-06-05 22:00
IZEA Worldwide, Inc. ("IZEA") is a marketing technology company providing software and professional services that enable brands to collaborate and transact with the full spectrum of today's top social influencers and content creators. The company serves as a champion for the growing Creator Economy, enabling individuals to monetize their content, creativity, and influence. IZEA launched the industry's first-ever influencer marketing platform in 2006 and has since facilitated nearly 4 million transactions be ...
IZEA Welcomes Stephanie Hoppe as Head of Europe
GlobeNewswire News Room· 2024-06-05 22:00
To work with IZEA as either an influencer or a marketer, visit For news and resources, follow IZEA at About IZEA Worldwide, Inc. IZEA Worldwide, Inc. ("IZEA") is a marketing technology company providing software and professional services that enable brands to collaborate and transact with the full spectrum of today's top social influencers and content creators. The company serves as a champion for the growing Creator Economy, enabling individuals to monetize their content, creativity ...
IZEA Worldwide Adopts Limited-Duration Stockholder Rights Plan
Newsfilter· 2024-05-28 21:49
文章核心观点 - 公司董事会采用了有限期股东权利计划,旨在保护所有股东利益,防止任何人或集团在未适当补偿公司股东的情况下获得公司控制权 [1][2][3] - 该计划不会阻碍董事会为股东利益而采取的任何行动,而是为董事会提供时间做出明智决策,应对公司股份的重大累积和控制公司的企图 [3] - 该计划鼓励任何寻求控制公司的人直接与董事会进行谈判 [3] 公司概况 - IZEA Worldwide是一家营销技术公司,提供软件和专业服务,使品牌能够与当今最顶尖的社交影响者和内容创作者进行协作和交易 [6] - 公司于2006年推出了业内首个影响力营销平台,迄今已促成近400万次在线买卖交易 [6] - 公司与领先品牌和机构合作,以增加数字参与度、多样化品牌声音、扩大内容生产并实现可衡量的投资回报 [6]
IZEA Worldwide Adopts Limited-Duration Stockholder Rights Plan· 2024-05-28 21:49
ORLANDO, Fla., May 28, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- IZEA Worldwide, Inc. (NASDAQ: IZEA), the premier provider of influencer marketing technology, data, and services for the world's leading brands and agencies, today announced that its Board of Directors have adopted a limited duration stockholder rights plan (the "Rights Plan") under which stockholders will receive rights to purchase a new series of preferred stock in certain circumstances. The Board of Directors adopted the Rights Plan following the rapid accu ...
GlobeNewswire Inc.· 2024-05-28 09:00
IZEATECNO MobileSublue | --- | --- | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|------------------| | | | | IZEASublue""IZEATECNO Mobile"-""-" SublueBlueNexusIZEACody MillerSublueTikTokYouTube | IZEACommunicator | | TECNO MobileIZEAYouTubeUnbox TherapyPHANTOMIZEAYouTube210 | | | IZEA·Ted Murphy"SublueTECNO Mobile" "IZEA" | | | Communicator | | | IZEA Worldwide, Inc IZEA Worldwide, Inc."IZEA"IZEA2006400IZEA | | | Attachment | | | IZEACommunicator CONTACT: Nicole ...
IZEA Named a 2024 Great Place To Work· 2024-05-23 23:00
ORLANDO, Fla., May 23, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- IZEA Worldwide, Inc. (NASDAQ: IZEA), the premier provider of technology, data, and services for the Creator Economy, today announced it has earned a 2024 Great Place To Work® Certification™, from Great Place To Work®. The award is based entirely on current employees' experience working at IZEA. The survey found 92% of employees feel welcomed when joining the company and 80% of IZEAns say it is a great place to work compared with 57% of employees at a typical U ...
IZEA Named a 2024 Great Place To Work
Newsfilter· 2024-05-23 23:00
ORLANDO, Fla., May 23, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- IZEA Worldwide, Inc. (NASDAQ: IZEA), the premier provider of technology, data, and services for the Creator Economy, today announced it has earned a 2024 Great Place To Work® Certification™, from Great Place To Work®. The award is based entirely on current employees' experience working at IZEA. The survey found 92% of employees feel welcomed when joining the company and 80% of IZEAns say it is a great place to work compared with 57% of employees at a typical U ...
IZEA(IZEA) - 2024 Q1 - Earnings Call Transcript
2024-05-16 08:15
财务数据和关键指标变化 - 公司Q1 2024年总收入约为7百万美元,较上年同期下降20.4%。剔除上年同期大客户收入后,收入增长32.2% [14] - 管理服务业务收入为6.7百万美元,较上年同期下降21.2%。剔除上年同期大客户收入后,管理服务业务收入增长33.3% [16] - SaaS服务收入为0.3百万美元,较上年同期增长9.1% [17] - 总成本收入率为57.1%,较上年同期下降11.1个百分点 [18] - 销售和营销费用为3.1百万美元,较上年同期增长27.1% [20] - 管理和行政费用为3.8百万美元,较上年同期增长11.1% [21] - 净亏损为3.3百万美元,较上年同期增加0.5百万美元 [22] - 调整后EBITDA为负2.8百万美元,较上年同期下降0.6百万美元 [23] - 现金及投资总额为60.8百万美元,较年初减少3.4百万美元 [24][25][26][27] 各条业务线数据和关键指标变化 - 管理服务业务订单总额为9.3百万美元,较上年同期增长53% [11][12] - 管理服务业务未完成订单总额为14.5百万美元,较上年同期增加2.6百万美元 [15] - SaaS业务客户数量创历史新高,并在第二季度持续增长 [17][32] 各个市场数据和关键指标变化 - 无相关内容 公司战略和发展方向及行业竞争 - 公司正加快并购战略,未来两年内计划加大并购规模,扩大全球业务覆盖和客户多元化 [35][36][37] - 公司已提交75百万美元的股票发行备案,为未来并购提供财务灵活性 [37] - 公司有信心在2026年实现76百万美元的年收入目标 [38] - 公司管理层和董事会致力于为股东创造价值,并表示将采取各种积极措施 [39] 管理层对经营环境和未来前景的评论 - 公司管理层对Q1订单增长和SaaS业务恢复趋势持乐观态度,认为这些都为未来增长奠定了基础 [30][31][32] - 公司管理层表示,通过并购整合Hoozu和Zuberance,正在实现与创作者经济核心业务的协同效应 [35] - 公司管理层认为目前股价被严重低估,相信公司未来增长前景良好 [38][39] 问答环节重要的提问和回答 无相关内容
IZEA(IZEA) - 2024 Q1 - Quarterly Report
2024-05-16 04:04
Table of Contents UNITED STATES SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION Washington D.C. 20549 FORM 10-Q (Mark One) ☒ QUARTERLY REPORT PURSUANT TO SECTION 13 OR 15(d) OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934 For the quarterly period March 31, 2024 ☐ TRANSITION REPORT PURSUANT TO SECTION 13 OR 15(d) OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934 | | Trading | | | --- | --- | --- | | Title of each class | Symbol (s) | Name of each exchange on which registered | | Common Stock, par value $0.0001 per share | IZEA | The Nasdaq ...