Lucid (LCID)
Lucid (LCID) stock is trading at extreme oversold levels
Finbold· 2024-11-29 01:27
The share price of luxury electric vehicle manufacturer Lucid (NASDAQ: LCID) is aiming to build on recent gains and solidify its price above the $2 support, as the technical setup suggests what to expect.At the close of the last trading session, LCID was valued at $2.17, ending the day up 1.64%. This builds on the bullish momentum witnessed on the weekly chart, where the EV’s stock has gained 4.3%. Overall, this short-term momentum has done little to change Lucid’s fortunes in 2024, where the equity is down ...
Analysts revise Lucid stock price target
Finbold· 2024-11-26 22:41
文章核心观点 - Lucid Group (NASDAQ: LCID) 股价在过去五天上涨了4.89%,但过去一个月仍下跌了13.89%,显示出市场对电动汽车制造商的持续担忧 [1] - 尽管股价有所回升,但Lucid仍处于其52周交易区间的较低端,表明电动汽车行业面临更广泛的挑战 [3] - 分析师对Lucid的股价目标进行了调整,显示出对公司未来增长预期的分歧 [4] - 市场情绪和技术指标显示,Lucid的股票表现落后于大盘,但机构投资者的兴趣有所增加,可能预示着潜在的上涨机会 [5] - Lucid面临的主要挑战包括执行问题、竞争压力和市场情绪的不确定性,但其长期潜力仍被一些分析师看好 [7] 分析师对Lucid Motors的股价目标调整 - BofA Securities在11月21日将Lucid的股价目标从$3.40下调至$2.80,维持中性评级,反映出市场压力和公司满足高增长预期的挑战 [4] - RBC Capital Markets在11月19日将股价目标从$3.00大幅下调至$2.00,维持"sector perform"评级,表明对股票的上涨潜力有限 [4] - R.F. Lafferty在11月11日将Lucid的评级从"hold"上调至"buy",并设定了$4.00的较高股价目标,看好公司的长期潜力 [4] LCID市场情绪和技术设置 - Lucid的股价表现落后于S&P 500指数,显示出相对于市场趋势的相对弱势 [5] - 尽管如此,Lucid的股票显示出减少的波动性,可能预示着潜在的上涨机会 [5] - 大型机构投资者的参与度增加,通过Effective Volume指标显示,这可能是一个积极的信号 [5] - Lucid在过去一个月的交易区间为$1.93至$2.55,目前股价处于该区间的中间位置,面临上涨阻力 [5] Lucid Group面临的挑战 - Lucid的股价表现反映了电动汽车行业更广泛的不确定性,包括执行问题、竞争压力和市场情绪 [7] - 尽管Lucid显示出扩大生产和兑现承诺的潜力,但在当前市场条件下能否实现仍是一个问题 [7] - 近期机构活动的增加和波动性的减少可能表明一个稳定期,为愿意承受短期挑战的投资者提供了机会 [7] - 股价接近历史低点,Lucid能否在2025年之前交付强劲的季度业绩并维持投资者信心至关重要 [7]
2 Electric Vehicles Lucid Doesn't Make -- and Shouldn't
The Motley Fool· 2024-11-26 21:15
Lucid may drive a different path with EVs than its rivals -- can it work?Sometimes, when you zig and everyone else zags, you come out ahead in a big way. That's similar to what Lucid Group (LCID 3.33%) seems to be doing with its product pipeline strategy. At a time when most automakers are engaged in a race to the bottom -- offering affordable electric vehicle (EV) around $20,000 to $25,000 -- Lucid doesn't want much to do with that market.In fact, two historically important types of vehicles won't be found ...
More Great News for Lucid Heading Into 2025. Is It a Buy Now?
The Motley Fool· 2024-11-24 23:00
文章核心观点 - 2024年总统选举后美国电动汽车行业可能面临重大阻碍,特朗普过渡团队可能会取消7500美元联邦税收抵免,但Lucid公司CEO认为Lucid投资者不必过于担心,Lucid有自身优势,尽管失去税收抵免对美国电动汽车行业早期发展是个打击,但Lucid仍可能是愿意承担风险的投资者的一个选择[1][3][4][5][9] Lucid公司情况 - Lucid在2024年已连续三个季度交付车辆,前九个月交付量比2023年的6001辆多出1100多辆,回报了耐心的投资者[2] - Lucid的Air轿车原本就不符合7500美元税收抵免资格,且很多消费者收入超过税收抵免资格门槛,所以相对来说受取消税收抵免影响较小,公司CEO认为在所有电动汽车制造商中Lucid最不受取消税收抵免影响[4] - Lucid的Gravity将在2025年提升交付量,公司将开始生产更昂贵的车型,还有一款不包含运费低于50000美元的更实惠的中型电动SUV,预计2026年底生产,这将是至少三款中型电动汽车中的第一款[8] - Lucid有交付动力、产品生产线,还有沙特阿拉伯公共投资基金(PIF)作为财力雄厚的支持者,即使新政府取消税收抵免也不应遭受巨大阻碍,对愿意承担风险的投资者来说是个有趣的选择[9] 美国电动汽车行业情况 - 特朗普过渡团队计划取消7500美元联邦税收抵免,特斯拉代表支持该计划,特斯拉CEO马斯克完全认可特朗普,认为失去税收抵免对其他竞争对手的伤害远大于对特斯拉的伤害[3] - 失去税收抵免对美国电动汽车行业早期发展是个打击,美国在电动汽车技术、发展和基础设施方面已经落后于中国等国家,如比亚迪2021年全球交付量不到750000辆,预计2024年将达到4000000辆[5][6]
Lucid Is Shifting Into Higher Gear. Is the Stock a Buy Now?
The Motley Fool· 2024-11-24 07:12
Lucid's deliveries are accelerating, but its stock price is stalling. Is this the opportunity for investors to jump in?If you've been following the electric vehicle (EV) industry, it's been an interesting ride so far. Some global markets are exploding much faster than North America, especially when you look at China, where recent monthly EV sales accounted for more than 50% of new vehicle sales. Lucid (LCID 1.94%) in particular has captured momentum, seemingly at the expense of rival Rivian, but is it a buy ...
Should You Buy Lucid Motors While It's Below $2.50?
The Motley Fool· 2024-11-23 16:06
文章核心观点 - 电动汽车行业虽会持续增长但并非每家电动汽车公司都值得投资 Lucid公司面临诸多挑战股票不值得购买 [1] 竞争方面 - 特斯拉是Lucid想成为的公司特斯拉有正利润和自由现金流但2023年为维持销售降价且营收未增长利润率被压缩汽车行业面临供应增加需求跟不上压低价格和利润率的挑战 [2] - Lucid面临的挑战比特斯拉更大其毛利润率为负106%且无好转迹象 [3] 产品与成本方面 - Lucid车辆起价69900美元较贵超出普通买家承受范围难以扩大规模今年预计生产9000辆需求不足 [4] - Lucid成本下降速度跟不上公司规模在豪华车市场本就是低销量市场若在这种价格点小批量都无法盈利前景艰难 [5] 债务与现金流方面 - Lucid亏损不断增加投资者需考虑其能支撑亏损多久沙特阿拉伯公共投资基金是其最大股东虽承诺投资但新资金优先于普通股股东 [6] - Lucid背负20.47亿美元债务现金不断减少只有约一年现金量且股价下跌使新的融资更难 [7][8] - Lucid自由现金流为负且数额较大处于困境 [9] 公司整体情况 - Lucid的亏损、资产负债表和竞争环境使其处境艰难没有更多资本无法生存且难以达到可持续发展状态股票不值得购买且看不到复苏前景 [10]
Lucid Group: New 52-Week Lows - What Now?
Seeking Alpha· 2024-11-21 10:45
A financial researcher and avid investor with a keen eye for innovation and disruption, as well as growth buy-outs and value stocks. Keeping an eye on the pace of high tech and early growth companies, I write about current events and the biggest news surrounding the industry, and strive to provide readers with ample research and investment opportunities.Analyst’s Disclosure: I/we have no stock, option or similar derivative position in any of the companies mentioned, and no plans to initiate any such positio ...
LUCID ALERT: Bragar Eagel & Squire, P.C. is Investigating Lucid Group on Behalf of Long-Term Stockholders and Encourages Investors to Contact the Firm
GlobeNewswire News Room· 2024-11-21 10:00
NEW YORK, Nov. 20, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Bragar Eagel & Squire, P.C., a nationally recognized shareholder rights law firm, is investigating potential claims against Lucid Group (NASDAQ: LCID) on behalf of long-term stockholders following a class action complaint that was filed against Lucid on April 1, 2022 with a Class Period from November 15, 2021 to August 3, 2022. Our investigation concerns whether the board of directors of Lucid have breached their fiduciary duties to the company. The Lucid class-ac ...
Lucid Diagnostics Submits Clinical Evidence Package to MolDX Seeking Medicare Coverage for EsoGuard® Esophageal DNA Test
Prnewswire· 2024-11-20 20:56
NEW YORK, Nov. 20, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Lucid Diagnostics Inc. (Nasdaq: LUCD) ("Lucid" or the "Company") a commercial-stage, cancer prevention medical diagnostics company and subsidiary of PAVmed Inc. (Nasdaq: PAVM), today announced that it has submitted its complete clinical evidence package for its EsoGuard® Esophageal DNA Test in support of a Request for Reconsideration of Local Coverage Determination (LCD) L39256 "MolDX: Molecular Testing for Detection of Upper Gastrointestinal Metaplasia, Dysplasia, an ...
Should you buy LCID stock as Lucid becomes ‘mostly immune' to EV credit cuts?
Finbold· 2024-11-19 22:12
After weeks of extended losses, electric vehicle manufacturer Lucid Motors (NASDAQ: LCID) is striving to stabilize its valuation above $2.The equity, currently valued at $2.14, ended the last trading session up 6.47%. However, on the weekly chart, LCID is down almost 8%.Ahead of trading on November 19, the stock is signaling an inability to sustain the previous session’s momentum, down 0.47% in the pre-market. LCID one-week stock price chart. Source: FinboldLCID share price needs to target the $3 resistance ...