Is Sysco (SYY) a Great Value Stock Right Now?
ZACKS· 2024-10-01 22:46
The proven Zacks Rank system focuses on earnings estimates and estimate revisions to find winning stocks. Nevertheless, we know that our readers all have their own perspectives, so we are always looking at the latest trends in value, growth, and momentum to find strong picks. Of these, perhaps no stock market trend is more popular than value investing, which is a strategy that has proven to be successful in all sorts of market environments. Value investors rely on traditional forms of analysis on key valuat ...
Here Is Why Bargain Hunters Would Love Fast-paced Mover Sysco (SYY)
ZACKS· 2024-10-01 21:50
Momentum investing is essentially an exception to the idea of "buying low and selling high." Investors following this style of investing are usually not interested in betting on cheap stocks and waiting long for them to recover. Instead, they believe that "buying high and selling higher" is the way to make far more money in lesser time. Everyone likes betting on fast-moving trending stocks, but it isn't easy to determine the right entry point. These stocks often lose momentum when their future growth potent ...
Sysco's Secret Sauce: How SYY Stock is Positioned for Growth
ZACKS· 2024-09-25 00:47
文章核心观点 - 尽管面临经济逆风,包括餐厅客流疲软,Sysco公司仍然展现出韧性和适应能力,通过提高运营效率和支持当地餐厅客户来缓解一些由消费者行为变化和竞争加剧带来的挑战[1] - Sysco公司通过"成长之道"计划,在长期成功方面处于有利地位,该计划专注于扩大公司的产品组合,同时通过供应链生产力和成本控制举措提高效率[1] - 随着餐厅客流下降,Sysco公司关注可负担性、客户满意度和生产力提升,使其成为投资者在波动市场中寻求稳定性的有吸引力的选择[1] 运营效率驱动Sysco公司的成功 - Sysco公司持续关注运营效率,在2024财年第四季度取得了显著进展,包括提高供应链生产力、缩短交货时间和提高整体客户满意度[2][3] - Sysco公司的营业费用增长速度低于收入增长,突出了其严格的费用管理方法,如新建的宾夕法尼亚州阿伦敦配送中心扩大了吞吐量,为未来增长奠定了基础[3] - Sysco公司的成本削减措施,包括2024财年第四季度企业费用同比下降10%,预计将持续到2025财年,有望带来利润率改善[3] Sysco公司在不断增长的行业中获得市场份额 - 外食行业(包括餐厅和企业餐饮)正在从传统杂货店获得更多市场份额,Sysco公司利用了这一趋势,即使在餐厅客流下降的情况下,2024财年第四季度美国食品服务业务量仍增长3.5%[4] - Sysco公司在专业平台如FreshPoint的战略投资,以及在酒店和餐饮管理等行业的国内销售业务重点,有助于提高销售额[4] - Sysco公司在农产品、蛋白质和设备及用品方面的全面产品组合在行业中无与伦比,有助于从不断变化的消费者偏好和行业趋势中获益[4] Sysco公司"成长之道"计划:通往长期成功的道路 - Sysco公司的"成长之道"计划是公司战略的基石,有助于提升客户体验、改善供应链效率和推动销售[5] - 该计划包括使用数字工具改善客户互动、更好的库存管理系统和针对Sysco客户多样化需求的创新营销解决方案[5] - 公司的团队销售方法和拓展新能力、渠道和细分市场的努力支持其长期增长目标,成本节约举措有助于维持这些增长领域的投资[5] 战略收购推动Sysco公司的增长 - Sysco公司的收购战略在其最近的成功中发挥了关键作用,通过收购Edward Don & Company和BIX Produce等公司,扩大了分销网络和客户群[6] - 这些收购显著提高了Sysco公司在美国食品服务业务量和专业农产品市场的份额,与其"成长之道"计划保持一致,增强了公司在专业市场的竞争优势[6] 餐厅客流下降和汇率波动对Sysco公司造成影响 - 尽管Sysco公司基本面强劲,但也面临一些值得关注的挑战,如2024财年第四季度餐厅客流下降约3%,这源于消费者偏好变化和竞争加剧[7] - 随着更多客户寻求价值并转向较低成本的用餐选择,Sysco公司在食品服务行业的增长势头可能难以维持[7] - Sysco公司的国际业务占总收入的18.4%,使其面临汇率波动的风险[7]
Why Sysco (SYY) is a Top Growth Stock for the Long-Term
ZACKS· 2024-09-20 22:50
For new and old investors, taking full advantage of the stock market and investing with confidence are common goals. Zacks Premium provides lots of different ways to do both. The popular research service can help you become a smarter, more self-assured investor, giving you access to daily updates of the Zacks Rank and Zacks Industry Rank, the Zacks #1 Rank List, Equity Research reports, and Premium stock screens. Zacks Premium includes access to the Zacks Style Scores as well. What are the Zacks Style Score ...
Canada's Largest Food Distributor Adds Electric Tractors to Fleet in Victoria, British Columbia
GlobeNewswire News Room· 2024-09-06 06:00
VICTORIA, British Columbia, Sept. 05, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Today, Sysco Corporation (NYSE:SYY), the world's largest food distributor, celebrated the arrival of 8 heavy-duty electric tractors to their fleet in Victoria, which serves over 1,500 customers including restaurants, healthcare and education customers. In total, Sysco now has over 130 heavy-duty electric tractors globally across the United States, Canada, United Kingdom and Sweden. "We are excited to scale our electric truck fleet into Canada an ...
Sysco Corporation (SYY) Barclays 17th Annual Global Consumer Staples Conference (Transcript)
2024-09-05 09:25
会议主要讨论的核心内容 公司概况 - 公司是全球最大的食品分销商,在美国和10个国家拥有730,000个客户和340个配送中心 [4] - 公司2024财年营收达790亿美元,其中62%来自餐饮业务 [4] 行业概况 - 公司所在的食品外食市场总规模达3,700亿美元,是一个持续增长的行业 [6][7] - 过去20年里,除2008-2009年金融危机和疫情期间,食品外食市场一直在持续增长,并不断从杂货渠道获得市场份额 [6] - 公司在美国和欧洲等10个国家的市场份额都有所提升 [8][9][10] 公司战略 - 公司将通过改善本地独立客户业务、提升采购议价能力和供应链盈利能力来提升核心业务表现 [12] - 公司将通过5大支柱战略(Sysco Your Way、供应链扩张等)推动未来增长 [18][19][20] - 公司有信心在未来3年内实现4-6%的收入增长、6-8%的调整后每股收益增长,以及9-11%的总股东回报率 [26][29] 问答环节重要提问和回答 投资者日的关键收获 - 公司有信心实现既定的财务目标,并有详细的计划来实现收入和利润目标 [36] - 公司在专业食品、国际业务等领域都有10亿美元以上的增长空间 [36][37][38] - 公司将通过增加销售人员、调整薪酬模式等措施来提升本地独立客户业务的增长 [38][45][47] 连锁客户与独立客户的平衡 - 公司的客户群约一半为连锁客户,一半为独立客户,两个群体都很重要 [45][46][47][49] - 连锁客户业务毛利率较高,现金流稳定,有助于提升路线密度和降低成本 [49] - 独立客户业务利润率最高,有利于销售公司自有品牌产品 [49] 专业食品业务的增长机会 - 公司目前在专业食品市场占有约9%的份额,有望将其提升至与公司整体相当的17%左右,这相当于100亿美元的增长空间 [36][52][53][54] - 公司将通过扩展地域覆盖、实施联合销售等措施来推动专业食品业务的增长 [52][53][54]
Sysco(SYY) - 2024 Q4 - Annual Report
2024-08-28 06:06
财务管理 - 公司通过现金、经营现金流、商业票据发行和长期借款的组合为增长提供资金[22] - 公司使用利率互换等工具管理债务组合,以达到固定和浮动利率的平衡[306] - 截至2024年6月29日,公司有2亿美元的商业票据未偿还,总债务120亿美元,其中98%为固定利率[307] - 公司通过利率互换等工具来规避外汇和燃料价格风险[314][318] 客户管理 - 公司根据客户信用评估向部分客户提供信用期限,并会在必要时暂停发货[22] - 公司大部分销售订单在客户下单24小时内完成,并保持适量库存以满足客户需求[23] 员工管理 - 公司致力于为员工提供公平合理的薪酬待遇,包括工资、福利和激励计划等[28] - 公司建立了多元化、公平和包容的工作环境,并通过员工资源小组等方式推进相关举措[29][31] 业务范围 - 公司在美国和加拿大是食品及相关非食品产品向食品服务客户的主要分销商之一[35] - 公司在欧盟及其成员国(包括爱尔兰、法国和瑞典)开展业务[47] - 截至2024年6月29日,公司在北美和欧洲共有340个配送设施[50] 合规管理 - 公司需要遵守食品安全、劳工、环境等方面的各项法规要求[36-43][45-46] - 公司在欧盟受到GDPR等隐私法的要求,需要满足个人数据处理的相关要求[47] - 公司在英国受到《现代奴役法》和《反腐败法》的监管,需要采取措施防止供应链和业务中存在奴役和贿赂行为[47] - 公司在全球各地的运营设施都受到环境保护法规的约束,涉及水资源使用、废水排放、空气污染物排放、固体和有害废弃物处理等方面[48] 品牌管理 - 公司的商标SYSCO®和Brakes®以及自有品牌商标在餐饮行业广为人知,是公司的重要资产[49] - 公司的销售额不存在明显的季节性波动[50]
Twenty-Three Sysco Delivery Partners Inducted Into the 2024 International Foodservice Distribution Truck Driver Hall of Fame
GlobeNewswire News Room· 2024-08-20 20:00
HOUSTON, Aug. 20, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Today, Sysco Corporation (NYSE:SYY), the world's largest food distributor, announced that the International Foodservice Distribution Association (IFDA) named 23 of Sysco's Delivery Partners to its prestigious 2024 Truck Driver Hall of Fame. The IFDA Truck Driver Hall of Fame program recognizes the foodservice industry's top drivers for their outstanding records of service and safety. For those selected, being inducted is a lifetime honor. "We're incredibly proud of ...
Sysco Leading the Industry in FSMA Food Traceability Compliance
GlobeNewswire News Room· 2024-08-20 05:00
HOUSTON, Aug. 19, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Sysco Corporation (NYSE:SYY), the world's largest food distributor, today announced its comprehensive plan to support the Food Traceability Rule, issued by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) under the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA). The new Food Traceability Rule mandates establishing a traceability recordkeeping system for certain foods to facilitate faster identification and rapid removal of potentially harmful products from the market. Effective s ...
Sysco to Webcast Presentation at: Barclays 17th Annual Global Consumer Staples Conference and Wells Fargo 7th Annual Consumer Conference
GlobeNewswire News Room· 2024-08-19 20:00
HOUSTON, Aug. 19, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Sysco Corporation (NYSE:SYY) today announced that the Company will webcast its presentation from the Barclays 17th Annual Global Consumer Staples Conference on Wednesday, Sept. 4, at 1:30 p.m. ET. Additionally, the Company will also webcast its presentation at the Wells Fargo 7th Annual Consumer Conference on Wednesday, Sept. 18, at 8:00 a.m. PST. The live webcast for each of these events can be accessed at investors.sysco.com. An archived replay of the webcasts wi ...