TJX(TJX) - 2025 Q2 - Quarterly Results
2024-08-21 21:08
财务业绩 - 第二季度合并可比店铺销售增长4%,超过公司预期[3] - 第二季度税前利润率为10.9%,较去年同期上升0.5个百分点,超出公司预期[14][15] - 第二季度每股摊薄收益为0.96美元,同比增长13%,超出公司预期[3] - 第三季度可比店铺销售计划增长2%-3%,税前利润率预计为11.8%-11.9%,每股收益预计为1.06-1.08美元[26] - 2025财年全年可比店铺销售计划增长约3%,税前利润率预计约11.2%,每股收益预计为4.09-4.13美元[27] 股东回报 - 公司在第二季度通过股票回购和股息向股东返还9.82亿美元[23] - 公司在第二季度回购并注销了510万股普通股,总成本为5.59亿美元,并支付了4.23亿美元的股东股息[59] - 公司在前六个月内共回购并注销了1040万股普通股,总成本为11亿美元,并支付了8亿美元的股东股息[59] - 公司在第二季度完成了之前宣布的10亿美元股票回购计划,并宣布了新的25亿美元股票回购计划[59] 业务发展 - 公司在第二季度新开5,000家门店[3] - 公司签署协议投资约3.6亿美元收购私营公司Brands For Less 35%股权[3] 财务报告 - 公司报告的财务业绩遵循美国公认会计准则(GAAP),但管理层认为某些非GAAP财务指标可为用户提供更有意义的比较[1] - 公司使用这些非GAAP财务指标进行财务、运营和规划决策,并评估公司的业绩[1] - 公司在其网站上提供了电话会议的存档版本以及非GAAP财务指标与GAAP财务指标的调节[2] - 公司第二季度的净销售额为134.68亿美元,同比增长5.6%[40] - 公司前六个月的净销售额为259.47亿美元,同比增长5.7%[40] - 公司第二季度的净利润为10.99亿美元,同比增长11.1%[42] - 公司前六个月的净利润为21.69亿美元,同比增长15.4%[42] 业绩指引 - 公司提高了2025财年税前利润率和每股收益的指引[27]
TJX Companies raises full-year guidance, posts 5.6% sales gain for the most recent quarter
CNBC· 2024-08-21 19:59
文章核心观点 - TJX公司第二季度业绩强劲,但全年业绩指引略低于华尔街预期 [1][2][3] - TJX公司第二季度收入和利润均超出分析师预期 [4][5] - TJX公司一直保持强劲的销售增长和良好的业绩指引,但投资者关注其能否在未来几个季度保持增长势头 [6] - TJX公司正在通过海外扩张寻求增长机会,宣布以3.6亿美元收购中东地区主要折扣零售商Brands for Less的35%股权 [7][8] 行业分析 - TJX公司股价今年迄今上涨约21%,创下历史新高 [9] - TJX公司正从竞争对手Target和Macy's手中抢占市场份额,成为价格敏感消费者的首选 [10] - 分析师认为TJX的商业模式使其在任何经济环境下都能表现良好,但如果消费支出出现大幅下滑,可能会对公司造成不利影响 [11]
TJX Gears Up For Q2 Print; Here Are The Recent Forecast Changes From Wall Street's Most Accurate Analysts
Benzinga· 2024-08-21 14:13
文章核心观点 - TJX公司将于8月21日发布第二季度财报 [1] - 分析师预计TJX公司第二季度每股收益为0.92美元,高于去年同期的0.85美元,预计季度收入为133.1亿美元 [2] - TJX公司5月22日公布的第一季度财报优于预期 [2] - TJX公司股价在周二收于113.31美元,上涨0.7% [2] 分析师评级总结 - Evercore ISI Group分析师Michael Binetti维持"跑赢大盘"评级,将目标价从115美元上调至126美元,该分析师准确率为61% [4] - Loop Capital分析师Laura Champine维持"买入"评级,将目标价从115美元上调至125美元,该分析师准确率为72% [4] - BMO Capital分析师Simeon Siegel维持"跑赢大盘"评级,该分析师准确率为78% [4] - Barclays分析师Adrienne Yih维持"增持"评级,将目标价从109美元上调至114美元,该分析师准确率为69% [4] - UBS分析师Jay Sole维持"买入"评级,将目标价从132美元上调至134美元,该分析师准确率为71% [4]
What's in the Cards for The TJX Companies (TJX) in Q2 Earnings?
ZACKS· 2024-08-19 20:21
The TJX Companies, Inc. (TJX) is likely to see top-and-bottom-line growth when it reports second-quarter fiscal 2025 earnings on Aug 21. The consensus mark for quarterly revenues is pegged at $13.33 billion, which indicates growth of 4.5% from the prior-year quarter’s reported figure. The Zacks Consensus Estimate for quarterly earnings has risen by a penny in the past seven days to 92 cents per share, which calls for 8.2% growth from the figure reported in the year-ago period.  TJX has a trailing four-quart ...
Insights Into TJX (TJX) Q2: Wall Street Projections for Key Metrics
ZACKS· 2024-08-16 22:17
Analysts on Wall Street project that TJX (TJX) will announce quarterly earnings of $0.92 per share in its forthcoming report, representing an increase of 8.2% year over year. Revenues are projected to reach $13.33 billion, increasing 4.5% from the same quarter last year.The consensus EPS estimate for the quarter has undergone an upward revision of 0.3% in the past 30 days, bringing it to its present level. This represents how the covering analysts, as a whole, have reassessed their initial estimates during ...
TJX (TJX) Earnings Expected to Grow: What to Know Ahead of Next Week's Release
ZACKS· 2024-08-14 23:00
TJX (TJX) is expected to deliver a year-over-year increase in earnings on higher revenues when it reports results for the quarter ended July 2024. This widely-known consensus outlook gives a good sense of the company's earnings picture, but how the actual results compare to these estimates is a powerful factor that could impact its near-term stock price.The stock might move higher if these key numbers top expectations in the upcoming earnings report, which is expected to be released on August 21. On the oth ...
TJX To Rally Over 15%? Here Are 10 Top Analyst Forecasts For Wednesday
Benzinga· 2024-08-14 19:43
Top Wall Street analysts changed their outlook on these top names. For a complete view of all analyst rating changes, including upgrades and downgrades, please see our analyst ratings page. Read Next: Considering buying TJX stock? Here’s what analysts think: ...
Brokers Suggest Investing in TJX (TJX): Read This Before Placing a Bet
ZACKS· 2024-08-08 22:31
When deciding whether to buy, sell, or hold a stock, investors often rely on analyst recommendations. Media reports about rating changes by these brokerage-firm-employed (or sell-side) analysts often influence a stock's price, but are they really important?Let's take a look at what these Wall Street heavyweights have to say about TJX (TJX) before we discuss the reliability of brokerage recommendations and how to use them to your advantage.TJX currently has an average brokerage recommendation (ABR) of 1.16, ...
TJX (TJX) Increases Yet Falls Behind Market: What Investors Need to Know
ZACKS· 2024-08-07 06:51
In the latest market close, TJX (TJX) reached $109.41, with a +0.48% movement compared to the previous day. The stock fell short of the S&P 500, which registered a gain of 1.04% for the day. Meanwhile, the Dow experienced a rise of 0.76%, and the technology-dominated Nasdaq saw an increase of 1.03%.The parent of T.J. Maxx, Marshalls and other stores's stock has dropped by 2.96% in the past month, exceeding the Retail-Wholesale sector's loss of 8.36% and the S&P 500's loss of 6.74%.The upcoming earnings rele ...
Best Retail Stock to Own in August: TJX Companies
Schaeffers Investment Research· 2024-08-02 00:26
Retailers are about to take over the earnings confessional, with TJX Companies Inc (NYSE:TJX) slated to report second-quarter results before the open on Monday, Aug. 21. The equity is also one of the best 25 S&P 500 Index (SPX) names to own in August, and is the only retailer thar made the cut, according to our Schaeffer's Senior Quantitative Analyst Rocky White. Digging deeper, TJX finished the month higher in nine of the last 10 years, and averaged a 4.4% gain. The shares sport a more than 31% year-over-y ...