AECOM(ACM) - 2024 Q3 - Quarterly Results
2024-08-06 04:12
财务业绩 - AECOM报告2024财年第三季度业绩,收入增长13%,达到41.51亿美元[5] - 调整后的净服务收入增长8%,达到18.26亿美元[5] - 调整后的营业利润增长19%,达到2.61亿美元[5] - 调整后的净利润增长21%,达到1.59亿美元[5] - 调整后的每股收益增长23%,达到1.16美元[5] - AECOM提高了2024财年的盈利预期,预计调整后的EBITDA在10.75亿至11.05亿美元之间,调整后的每股收益在4.45至4.55美元之间[8] - AECOM第三季度现金流为2.91亿美元,自由现金流为2.73亿美元,年初至今的自由现金流为4.34亿美元,同比增长32%[9] 地区业绩 - AECOM的总订单储备接近历史最高水平,美洲地区的订单储备增长1%[6] - AECOM的美洲地区第三季度营收为32亿美元,净服务收入为11亿美元,同比增长8%[13] - AECOM的国际地区第三季度营收为9.04亿美元,净服务收入为7.29亿美元,同比增长7%[16] 财务信息 - 公司非GAAP财务信息包括调整后的EPS、调整后的EBITDA、调整后的净/营业收入、分段调整后的营业利润率、调整后的税率、净服务收入和自由现金流[23] - 公司无法提供NSR与GAAP收入的调和,因为无法合理预测其经过的收入[24] 其他指标 - 公司总收入为105.36亿美元,同比增长4.7%[43] - 净服务收入为31.47亿美元,同比增长7.9%[47] - 总订单量为232.11亿美元,其中设计订单为21.26亿美元[45] - 毛利率为6.6%,较上年同期略有下降[44] - 净债务为89.67亿美元,较上季度下降5.4%[51] 财年指引 - 2024财年GAAP每股收益指引为3.51至3.74美元[75] - 2024财年调整后每股收益指引为4.45至4.55美元[75] - 2024财年GAAP净收入指引为537至558百万美元[77] - 2024财年调整后AECOM的净收入指引为605至619百万美元[78] - 2024财年调整后EBITDA指引为1075至1105百万美元[78] - 2024财年GAAP净利润税费指引为158亿至174亿美元[82]
ACM Research Appoints Howard Chen as General Counsel and Vice President of Corporate Strategy
GlobeNewswire News Room· 2024-07-30 04:05
文章核心观点 - ACM Research公司任命Howard Chen为公司总法律顾问和副总裁,负责公司战略 [1][2][3] - Howard Chen拥有25年的技术和法律从业经验,曾任职于多家全球科技公司,在法律界享有盛誉 [3] - ACM Research公司是一家半导体设备制造商,专注于为半导体和先进封装应用提供晶圆加工解决方案 [4] 公司概况 - ACM Research公司开发、制造和销售半导体加工设备,包括单晶圆或批量湿法清洗、电镀、应力释放抛光和热处理等关键工艺 [4] - 公司致力于提供定制的高性能、高性价比的工艺解决方案,帮助半导体制造商提高生产效率和产品良率 [4] 行业信息 - 半导体行业是一个复杂的全球性行业,公司需要应对各种挑战 [2] - 公司希望通过Howard Chen的加入,增强公司的法律策略和知识产权组合,支持公司成为全球半导体行业的关键供应商 [2]
ACM Research Enters Fan-out Panel Level Packaging Market with Introduction of Ultra C vac-p Flux Cleaning Tool for Chiplets
GlobeNewswire News Room· 2024-07-30 04:05
FREMONT, Calif., July 29, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- ACM Research, Inc. (ACM) (NASDAQ: ACMR), a leading supplier of wafer processing solutions for semiconductor and advanced wafer-level packaging applications, today announced the Ultra C vac-p flux cleaning tool for fan-out panel-level packaging (FOPLP). Utilizing vacuum technology, the new tool efficiently removes flux residues from chiplet structures. ACM also announced today it received a purchase order from a major China semiconductor manufacturer which h ...
Aecom Technology (ACM) Earnings Expected to Grow: Should You Buy?
ZACKS· 2024-07-29 23:07
The market expects Aecom Technology (ACM) to deliver a year-over-year increase in earnings on lower revenues when it reports results for the quarter ended June 2024. This widely-known consensus outlook is important in assessing the company's earnings picture, but a powerful factor that might influence its near-term stock price is how the actual results compare to these estimates.The earnings report, which is expected to be released on August 5, 2024, might help the stock move higher if these key numbers are ...
AECOM: Good Growth Prospects And Attractive Valuation
Seeking Alpha· 2024-07-24 08:53
JHVEPhoto/iStock Editorial via Getty Images Investment Thesis AECOM (NYSE:ACM) is well-positioned to continue delivering good growth ahead. The company's revenue growth should benefit from a healthy backlog of $23.7 billion. In addition, increasing PFAS-related work, the company's exposure to high-growth markets, and healthy infrastructure investments globally should also increase revenue growth. On the margin front, the company should benefit from improving international margins, operating leverage, and co ...
AECOM (ACM) Secures Portage Bay Bridge Project Contract
ZACKS· 2024-06-21 22:35
AECOM (ACM) has been selected as the Lead Designer for the Washington State Department of Transportation's (“WSDOT”) SR 520 Portage Bay Bridge and Roanoke Lid Project. This project, led by Skanska as part of a design-build team, aims to replace the aging Portage Bay Bridge and add a landscaped lid segment in Seattle's North Capitol Hill neighborhood.The project should bring significant improvements to commuters traveling across Lake Washington and through the SR 520 corridor. New ramps, seismically resilien ...
Aecom (ACM) Upgraded to Buy: Here's What You Should Know
ZACKS· 2024-06-20 01:01
Aecom Technology (ACM) appears an attractive pick, as it has been recently upgraded to a Zacks Rank #2 (Buy). This rating change essentially reflects an upward trend in earnings estimates -- one of the most powerful forces impacting stock prices.The Zacks rating relies solely on a company's changing earnings picture. It tracks EPS estimates for the current and following years from the sell-side analysts covering the stock through a consensus measure -- the Zacks Consensus Estimate.The power of a changing ea ...
AECOM (ACM) Secures Major Southern Water AMP8 Service Contracts
ZACKS· 2024-06-14 00:37
AECOM (ACM) , a leading infrastructure consulting firm, has been awarded key contracts by Southern Water, a major UK water utility, to support its most ambitious business plan so far. The contracts span two significant lots under the Professional Services Framework, preparing for the UK's Asset Management Plan Period 8 (AMP8) from 2025 to 2030.Under Lot 1, AECOM will provide comprehensive asset management and advisory services, teaming up with sub-consultant partners Arcadis and AliumBlue. This collaboratio ...
AECOM (ACM) Wins Contract for Ukraine Hydropower Restoration
ZACKS· 2024-06-13 00:45
文章核心观点 - AECOM与乌克兰主要水电公司Ukrhydroenergo达成合作,支持乌克兰水电基础设施的修复和提升 [1][2][4] - AECOM在水电领域拥有丰富经验,曾参与多个大型水电项目的实施 [3] - 此次合作扩大了AECOM在乌克兰基础设施重建中的角色,体现了其对乌克兰能源安全和韧性的承诺 [4][5] 公司业务表现 - AECOM的业务订单和积压订单水平良好,反映了基础设施需求的增长 [6][7] - 公司的净服务收入连续13个季度实现有机增长,受益于核心交通、水利和环境市场的强劲表现 [8] - 尽管公司股价在过去一年内表现低于行业,但持续的合同中标有望提升未来前景 [9] 行业趋势 - 全球基础设施投资增加为AECOM带来利好 [9] - 同行业公司Howmet Aerospace、M-tron Industries和Gates Industrial近期表现良好 [11][13][15]
ACM Research: Niche Deep Value In The Semiconductor Space
Seeking Alpha· 2024-06-12 17:38
Monty Rakusen Investment Thesis ACM Research (NASDAQ:ACMR) is a small-cap semiconductor company that is well positioned to grow in a niche, surging industry with its differentiated tech that provides customers with superior yields and lower chemical consumption relative to competitors, strong position for growth particularly within the single-wafer wet cleaning equipment segment, and international expansion prospects. ACM Research is also looking to expand its portfolio to address new and emerging market se ...