Alcon (ALC) Q1 Earnings Surpass Estimates, Margins Expand
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-05-15 01:56
Alcon, Inc. (ALC) delivered core earnings per share (EPS) of 78 cents in the first quarter of 2024, up 11% from the year-ago quarter’s figure (up 21% at the constant exchange rate or CER). The figure topped the Zacks Consensus Estimate by 8.3%. Alcon’s ‘core’ results are based on non-IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standards) measures.In the first quarter, the company’s diluted EPS was 50 cents, up 43% year over year.Revenues in DetailAlcon’s net sales to third parties in the first quarter were $2.4 ...
Alcon(ALC) - 2024 Q1 - Earnings Call Transcript
2024-05-14 22:48
财务数据和关键指标变化 - 公司第一季度销售额为24亿美元,同比增长7% [10] - 公司第一季度核心摊薄每股收益为0.78美元,同比增长21% [10] - 公司第一季度核心营业利润率为22%,同比提升260个基点 [36] 各条业务线数据和关键指标变化 手术业务 - 手术业务第一季度销售额为13亿美元,同比增长6% [30] - 植入物业务第一季度销售额为4.33亿美元,同比增长6%,主要得益于先进人工晶体如Vivity和PanOptix的强劲表现 [30] - 耗材业务第一季度销售额为6.86亿美元,同比增长7%,主要得益于白内障和玻璃体手术耗材的强劲需求 [31] - 设备业务第一季度销售额为2.19亿美元,同比增长2%,符合公司此前预期 [32] 视觉护理业务 - 视觉护理业务第一季度销售额为11亿美元,同比增长10% [33] - 隐形眼镜业务第一季度销售额为6.71亿美元,同比增长11%,得益于公司创新产品如散光和多焦点镜片的强劲表现 [33][34] - 眼部健康业务第一季度销售额为4.35亿美元,同比增长8%,主要得益于人工泪液Sustain系列的双位数增长 [33] 各个市场数据和关键指标变化 - 白内障手术量全球增长约2%,略低于历史水平,其中美国市场增长约1% [26] - 全球先进人工晶体渗透率同比提升约130个基点,主要得益于国际市场 [26] - 隐形眼镜零售市场整体增长约7%,得益于定价和消费者持续升级 [26] 公司战略和发展方向及行业竞争 - 公司即将获得FDA批准推出UNITY VCS白内障和玻璃体手术设备,预计将在2025年实现更广泛商业化 [11][12] - 公司还将推出UNITY CS白内障专用设备,预计2026年上市 [13] - 公司先进人工晶体如PanOptix和Vivity在全球市场持续增长,PanOptix已成为全球最多植入的三焦点晶体 [14][16] - 公司在数字化创新方面取得进展,其智能白内障手术规划系统已展现出对手术结果和效率的积极影响 [18] - 公司正在准备提交干眼药物AR-15512的新药申请 [25] - 公司计划收购Belkin Vision,进一步拓展介入性青光眼治疗领域 [27] 管理层对经营环境和未来前景的评论 - 公司对UNITY VCS和PanOptix 2.0等创新产品的推出持乐观态度,认为将为公司带来重要的增长动力 [11][14][15] - 公司对隐形眼镜业务的持续强劲增长和市场份额提升感到非常高兴,认为得益于持续的产品创新和制造能力投入 [19][20][22] - 公司对眼部健康业务中人工泪液Sustain系列的表现感到满意,认为在全球范围内推广无防腐剂产品将带来持续增长 [23] - 公司对未来市场环境保持谨慎乐观,预计整体市场将保持中单位数增长 [41][26] 问答环节重要的提问和回答 问题1 **Graham Doyle 提问** 询问公司在PowerVision可调焦人工晶体和干眼药AR-15512方面的最新进展和时间表 [53] **David Endicott 回答** - PowerVision可调焦晶体预计在今年晚些时候有首次人体试验数据 [56] - AR-15512干眼药预计将在未来几个月内提交新药申请,预计在明年中获批上市 [56] 问题2 **Veronica Dubajova 提问** 询问公司在美国先进人工晶体渗透率停滞不前的原因,以及对竞争环境的看法 [60] **David Endicott 回答** - 美国先进人工晶体渗透率增长放缓主要是由于市场自身的周期性,而非竞争或利率因素 [61][62][63] - 公司在单焦点和可植入式人工晶体领域继续保持80%以上的市场份额,未来将继续面临来自竞争对手的挑战 [63] 问题3 **Larry Biegelsen 提问** 询问UNITY平台对设备业务的增长贡献以及毛利率影响 [85] **David Endicott 回答** - 预计UNITY平台将带动设备业务在2025年实现高于市场的增长 [86][87] - UNITY平台将提升手术效率和便利性,从而为公司的耗材业务带来增量收益 [13]
Compared to Estimates, Alcon (ALC) Q1 Earnings: A Look at Key Metrics
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-05-14 08:31
Alcon (ALC) reported $2.44 billion in revenue for the quarter ended March 2024, representing a year-over-year increase of 4.8%. EPS of $0.78 for the same period compares to $0.70 a year ago.The reported revenue represents a surprise of -0.64% over the Zacks Consensus Estimate of $2.46 billion. With the consensus EPS estimate being $0.72, the EPS surprise was +8.33%.While investors closely watch year-over-year changes in headline numbers -- revenue and earnings -- and how they compare to Wall Street expectat ...
2 Intriguing Medical Stocks to Buy for Steady Growth as Earnings Approach
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-05-14 08:21
Among the medical sector, Alcon (ALC)  and Prestige Consumer Healthcare (PBH)  are two intriguing stocks to buy for growth as their quarterly results approach on Tuesday, May 14.Alcon stands out as a provider of a full suite of eye care products while Prestige distributes over-the-counter (OTC) healthcare and household cleaning products. Let’s take a look at their expansion and get a better gauge as to why now is a good time to buy Alcon and Prestige’s stock.Alcon Preview Alcon primarily provides ophthalmic ...
Why Alcon (ALC) Might Surprise This Earnings Season
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-05-10 21:56
Investors are always looking for stocks that are poised to beat at earnings season and Alcon Inc. (ALC) may be one such company. The firm has earnings coming up pretty soon, and events are shaping up quite nicely for their report.That is because Alcon is seeing favorable earnings estimate revision activity as of late, which is generally a precursor to an earnings beat. After all, analysts raising estimates right before earnings — with the most up-to-date information possible — is a pretty good indicator of ...
ALC vs. EW: Which Stock Is the Better Value Option?
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-05-08 00:41
公司估值分析 - Alcon (ALC) 的 Zacks 排名为 2 (买入),而 Edwards Lifesciences (EW) 的 Zacks 排名为 3 (持有),表明 ALC 的盈利前景改善更为显著 [1] - ALC 的远期市盈率 (P/E) 为 26.38,低于 EW 的 30.73,显示 ALC 的估值更具吸引力 [2] - ALC 的 PEG 比率为 2.06,远低于 EW 的 3.58,表明 ALC 的盈利增长预期更优 [2] - ALC 的市净率 (P/B) 为 1.92,显著低于 EW 的 7.14,进一步支持 ALC 的估值优势 [3] 投资价值评估 - ALC 在价值评分中获得 B 级,而 EW 仅为 D 级,表明 ALC 在当前估值水平下更具投资价值 [3] - 综合盈利前景和估值指标,ALC 被认为是当前更优的价值投资选择 [3]
Star Surgical Shines as U.S. Outlook Improves for 2024
MarketBeat· 2024-04-16 18:25
Key PointsSTAAR Surgical is the leading maker of implantable ocular lenses (IOL) used for cataract surgery.Its EVO ICL sales hit the highest levels in the United States in Q1 2024 since its FDA approval in March 2022.With over 90% of people over 65 years of age developing cataracts, STAAR Surgical has a long runway for growth from the aging population.5 stocks we like better than STAAR SurgicalSTAAR Surgical Co. NASDAQ: STAA develops and manufactures intraocular lenses (IOL) used to replace a person's natur ...
Here's Why Investors Should Buy Alcon (ALC) Stock Right Now
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-04-03 22:56
Alcon业务增长 - Alcon (ALC)在未来几个季度有望增长,得益于其多元化投资组合和创新技术支持的手术业务的蓬勃发展[1] - Alcon的视力护理业务的实力将进一步推动增长[1] - Alcon在2025年预计盈利增长率为13.5%,超过标普500指数的8%。在过去的四个季度中,Alcon的盈利超过了预期,平均超出7.4%[4] Alcon手术业务发展 - Alcon的手术业务持续增长,全球市场上的IOL植入物中有三分之一使用Alcon镜片。Vivity和PanOptix在美国和全球继续领先[5] - Alcon计划在2024年推出UNITY VCS,这是下一代Phacovit设备,预计将占据大部分市场份额。UNITY VCS声称将在下一代消耗品中产生重大机会,这是一个重要的可重复收入来源,约占公司手术收入的一半[6] Alcon视力护理业务增长 - Alcon的视力护理业务在视力护理领域取得了稳固增长,依靠其隐形眼镜和眼部健康产品的强劲销售。在隐形眼镜方面,Alcon的专业镜片,包括多焦和散光镜片,受到了强烈关注[7] - Alcon的眼部健康业务的眼药水组合受到强劲需求,特别是SYSTANE Hydration Multi-Dose无防腐剂润滑眼药水。公司还期待在2024年某个时候向FDA提交一种名为AR-15512的干眼症局部药物候选药物,预计从2026年初开始对收入做出重大贡献[8] Alcon财务状况 - Alcon在2023年第四季度以10.9亿美元的现金及现金等价物退出,短期应付债务为1.45亿美元。这种稳定的偿债能力增强了乐观情绪,尤其是在经济衰退期间,公司主要面临全球制造和供应中断的情况下[9] Alcon面临的挑战 - Alcon一直面临着电子元件、运费、劳动力、树脂和塑料等方面的通货膨胀压力,这对公司的利润率产生影响。此外,公司在某些组件方面遇到了供应链挑战,包括微芯片、树脂和塑料、金属和过滤器。在2023年第四季度,净销售成本的成本同比增长了6.4%[11] Alcon竞争环境 - 在高度竞争的眼科行业中,Alcon的竞争对手从拥有多条业务线的大型制造商到提供有限专业产品选择的小型制造商都有。Alcon还与替代医疗疗法提供商竞争,如制药公司,这可能会扰乱其核心业务[12]
Alcon's (ALC) Vivity EDOF IOL Achieves One Million Milestone
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-03-08 21:36
Alcon’s (ALC) AcrySof IQ Vivity and Clareon Vivity extended depth of focus (EDOF) intraocular lenses (IOLs) have recently surpassed more than one million implants worldwide. The company’s revolutionary presbyopia-correcting intraocular lens (PCIOL) option has expanded the patient candidacy pool by addressing the diverse vision needs of patients who desire less dependency on glasses post-surgery and low visual disturbances.The recent development will strongly boost the company’s Surgical business, which offe ...
Vivity, the World's Leading EDOF IOL, Reaches One Million Milestone
Businesswire· 2024-03-06 21:00
FORT WORTH, Texas--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Alcon (SIX/NYSE: ALC), the global leader in eye care dedicated to helping people see brilliantly, today proudly announces AcrySof® IQ Vivity® and Clareon® Vivity extended depth of focus (EDOF) intraocular lenses (IOLs) have surpassed more than one million implants worldwide. Vivity is the most implanted EDOF IOL globally.1* Alcon is the global leader in IOLs—every four seconds an eye is implanted with an Alcon IOL—and continues to innovate in this space to address patient ...