Clorox's Pricing & Cost-Saving Efforts Bode Well: Apt to Hold the Stock
ZACKS· 2024-12-03 03:15
The Clorox Company (CLX) has been gaining from pricing and cost-saving initiatives, which have been boosting the gross margins for a while. The company’s efforts to expand its international foothold also bode well.In addition, the company has been strengthening its competitive advantage, accelerating profitable growth and preparing for long-term success, while also recovering from the cyber-attack seen earlier in the year. It has fully restored its distribution capabilities and reclaimed the majority of los ...
Why Is Clorox (CLX) Up 5.4% Since Last Earnings Report?
ZACKS· 2024-11-30 01:37
It has been about a month since the last earnings report for Clorox (CLX) . Shares have added about 5.4% in that time frame, outperforming the S&P 500.Will the recent positive trend continue leading up to its next earnings release, or is Clorox due for a pullback? Before we dive into how investors and analysts have reacted as of late, let's take a quick look at its most recent earnings report in order to get a better handle on the important drivers. Clorox's Q1 Earnings & Sales Beat EstimatesClorox posted f ...
The Clorox Company (CLX) Hit a 52 Week High, Can the Run Continue?
ZACKS· 2024-11-25 23:15
Shares of Clorox (CLX) have been strong performers lately, with the stock up 8.1% over the past month. The stock hit a new 52-week high of $171.35 in the previous session. Clorox has gained 18.7% since the start of the year compared to the 4.1% move for the Zacks Consumer Staples sector and the 63.3% return for the Zacks Consumer Products - Staples industry.What's Driving the Outperformance?The stock has a great record of positive earnings surprises, as it hasn't missed our earnings consensus estimate in a ...
Clorox EcoClean Disinfecting Wipes Win 2024 ISSA Environment & Sustainability Innovation of the Year Award
Prnewswire· 2024-11-21 21:50
核心观点 - CloroxPro的Clorox EcoClean消毒湿巾获得2024年ISSA环境与可持续发展年度创新奖 新推出的即用型消毒湿巾采用经EPA认证的成分有助于保持设施清洁健康[2] 产品相关 - CloroxPro于2024年8月推出Clorox EcoClean消毒湿巾 加入到Clorox EcoClean消毒清洁剂 多功能清洁剂和玻璃清洁剂的产品阵容中 新的即用型消毒湿巾由天然成分制成 包括100%植物性基底和柠檬酸活性成分 可清洁 消毒 杀死99.9%的致病细菌 如诺如病毒 感冒和流感病毒 大肠杆菌 耐甲氧西林金黄色葡萄球菌和新冠病毒 在硬 无孔表面按指示使用时有效[5] - Clorox EcoClean系列中的所有产品均采用25%的消费后回收塑料包装 有助于设施达到可持续发展目标 包括LEED ISSA CIMS - 绿色建筑 健康绿色学校和学院等可持续发展计划的要求[5] 奖项相关 - CloroxPro的Clorox EcoClean消毒湿巾在拉斯维加斯举行的国际卫生用品供应协会(ISSA)展会上荣获2024年ISSA环境与可持续发展年度创新奖 该奖项旨在展示专业清洁行业最具创新性的产品和技术 获奖者由清洁专家 媒体和ISSA会员代表组成的行业领导者小组选出[2][3] - CloroxPro的Clorox EcoClean消毒湿巾加入了之前被评为ISSA奖得主的CloroxPro产品的长名单中 包括Clorox EcoClean消毒清洁剂 Clorox过氧化氢消毒清洁剂 Clorox尿液去除剂和Clorox消毒湿巾[6] 公司相关 - CloroxPro建立在清洁和消毒的百年传统之上 为商业清洁提供一些业内最知名和最受信赖的品牌 包括用于医疗设施的Clorox Healthcare产品 致力于满足行业专业人士和商业设施如办公室 学校 体育设施和医院的需求[7] - Clorox公司(纽约证券交易所代码:CLX)倡导人们每天健康和茁壮成长 其值得信赖的品牌包括Brita® Burt's Bees® Clorox® Fresh Step® Glad® Hidden Valley® Kingsford® Liquid - Plumr®和Pine - Sol®以及国际品牌如Clorinda® Chux®和Poett® 自1913年以来总部位于加利福尼亚州奥克兰 是美国首批将ESG纳入其业务报告的公司之一 在2024年连续第二年在《巴伦周刊》100家最具可持续性公司名单中排名第一[8]
Clorox Announces Election of Stephen Bratspies and Pierre Breber to its Board of Directors
Prnewswire· 2024-11-21 05:30
OAKLAND, Calif., Nov. 20, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- The Clorox Company (NYSE: CLX) today announced the election of Stephen Bratspies and Pierre Breber, effective as of today, to its board of directors, adding deep leadership, operational and financial experience that aligns with Clorox's strategic priorities.Bratspies, 57, brings strong executive leadership experience, including as chief executive officer of Hanesbrands. He also holds considerable operational, merchandising and marketing expertise from senior le ...
Clorox's Turnaround Is Almost Complete. Here's Why the Ultra-Safe Dividend Stock Is Worth Buying Now.
The Motley Fool· 2024-11-18 22:17
Clorox is perfect for risk-averse investors or retirees looking to supplement income.Clorox (CLX 1.14%) has been far from a boring household cleaning company as of late. In the second half of 2024, Clorox is up 21% -- a red-hot run that is even better than Nvidia during that period. Here's why Clorox is impressing Wall Street and why the dividend stock could still be worth buying now. It's generating sales growth and margin expansionClorox investors have been on a roller-coaster ride in recent years. As you ...
Clorox Stock Gains 3.8% in a Week on Solid Q1 Results: Buy or Avoid?
ZACKS· 2024-11-07 03:30
The Clorox Company’s (CLX) shares have risen 3.8% in the past week following its robust first-quarter results and raised earnings per share (EPS) view for fiscal 2025. Also, the company has made a successful recovery from the cyberattack-related headwinds in the prior year. The company delivered its eighth consecutive quarter of gross-margin expansion, with the metric increasing 740 basis points (bps) in the most recent quarter. Growth was driven by substantial cost savings and a comprehensive margin manage ...
Clorox Announces Partnership with M2030 to Advance Supply Chain Climate Action
Prnewswire· 2024-11-01 23:35
文章核心观点 公司与M2030建立战略合作伙伴关系,以帮助公司供应商实现碳减排目标,推进公司实现2050年净零排放的长期目标[1][2][4] 关键要点总结 合作背景 - 公司有责任确保供应商具备实现自身可持续发展之旅的能力,气候行动是一个复杂的过程,需要公司参与整个供应链来有意义地减少环境影响[2] - 公司15年来一直实施商业伙伴行为准则,强调可持续商业实践,相信M2030平台将帮助供应商制定切实可行的行动计划,实现重大碳减排,并推动关键行业合作[3] 合作内容 - 该计划将逐步推广到公司战略原材料和包装的多家供应商,这些供应商共占公司范围3排放的一半以上[2] - 供应商将能够定期跟踪和分享进展,并导出相关数据提交给CDP[3] 合作意义 - 这一合作是公司长期承诺测量、透明报告和减少碳足迹的重要一步,包括2030年基于科学的目标和2050年实现净零温室气体排放的长期目标[4]
CLX Q1 Earnings & Sales Beat Estimates, Raised FY25 View Drives Stock
ZACKS· 2024-11-01 02:11
文章核心观点 - 公司第一财季业绩超预期,销售额和每股收益同比均有大幅改善 [1][2][3] - 公司毛利率连续第8个季度扩张,成本节约和全面的利润管理计划是主要驱动因素 [4] - 公司已完成Better Health维生素、矿物质和补充剂业务的出售,以聚焦核心业务并提升股东价值 [11] - 公司预计2025财年销售额将持平或下降2%,但剔除剥离业务影响后有3%-5%的有机销售增长 [12] - 公司预计2025财年调整后每股收益将增长8%-12% [15] 行业和公司表现 - 公司股价在过去3个月内上涨16.7%,优于行业0.5%的涨幅 [5] - 健康与保健分部销售额增长38%,主要受益于销量增长 [6] - 家居分部销售额增长38%,主要受益于销量增长 [7] - 生活方式分部销售额增长40%,主要受益于销量增长 [8] - 国际分部销售额下降4%,主要受到阿根廷业务剥离和汇率不利影响 [9] 财务状况 - 公司现金及现金等价物为2.78亿美元,长期债务为25亿美元,股东权益为6000万美元 [10] - 公司预计2025财年毛利率将提升100-150个基点,但受到成本通胀和促销费用上升的部分抵消 [13] - 公司预计2025财年销售和管理费用占销售额的15%-16%,主要受到数字能力和生产力提升的战略投资影响 [13] - 公司预计2025财年广告和促销费用占销售额的11%-11.5%,体现了公司持续投资品牌的承诺 [14]
Clorox(CLX) - 2025 Q1 - Earnings Call Transcript
2024-10-31 07:45
财务数据和关键指标变化 - 公司在第一季度实现了31%的有机增长,超出预期 [24] - 公司连续第八个季度实现毛利率扩张,第一季度毛利率达到46% [8][54] - 第二季度预计毛利率将下降至约43%,主要由于销量下降和季节性因素 [75][54] 各条业务线数据和关键指标变化 - Glad业务在第一季度恢复了市场份额,增长了0.7个百分点 [34] - Litter业务也恢复了0.7个百分点的市场份额,尽管仍需更多努力 [38] - VMS业务的开发在本季度完成,标志着公司投资组合的重要里程碑 [9] 各个市场数据和关键指标变化 - 国际市场和Clorox专业业务预计将继续以中个位数增长 [26] - 消费者在价值导向渠道的购物行为增加,促使公司调整促销策略 [70] 公司战略和发展方向和行业竞争 - 公司致力于通过创新和品牌投资来提升消费者价值,增强市场竞争力 [11] - 公司计划在未来继续推动毛利率回归到疫情前水平,同时保持对业务的投资 [8] 管理层对经营环境和未来前景的评论 - 管理层对当前宏观环境表示不确定,消费者仍在寻求价值 [10] - 管理层认为,尽管面临挑战,但公司品牌在日常必需品类别中依然强劲和韧性 [10] 其他重要信息 - 公司在第一季度的市场份额已恢复至网络攻击前的水平,并在大多数类别中实现了增长 [7] - 公司在广告和促销方面的投资增加,以确保品牌健康 [16] 问答环节所有提问和回答 问题: 关于市场份额的恢复和未来增长的看法 - 管理层确认市场份额已恢复至网络攻击前水平,并预计未来将继续增长,尽管增幅可能较小 [17] 问题: 关于销售指导的变化 - 管理层表示,第一季度的强劲表现导致第二季度的销量预期调整,预计第二季度将下降至低十位数 [24] 问题: 关于Litter业务的促销策略 - 管理层认为当前的促销策略是合理的,旨在恢复消费者对品牌的忠诚度,并计划在未来逐步恢复正常的促销水平 [66] 问题: 关于国际市场的表现 - 管理层指出,国际市场的表现超出预期,主要得益于去除阿根廷业务的影响和创新的成功 [103] 问题: 关于消费者行为的变化 - 管理层观察到消费者在价值导向渠道的购物行为增加,促使公司调整促销策略以适应市场变化 [70]