The S&P 500 Is Dropping Like a Rock but Clorox Stock Is Rising -- Here's Why
The Motley Fool· 2024-08-02 23:44
The company is earning good profits, but is the stock jumping too high? Shares of consumer conglomerate The Clorox Company (CLX 3.80%) rose on Friday even though the S&P 500 dropped like a rock. The company reported results for its fiscal fourth quarter of 2024 that encouraged investors. As of 10:40 a.m. ET today, Clorox stock was up 5%, whereas the S&P 500 was down a sharp 2.5%. So Clorox's quarter was good, right? In the case of Clorox, I wouldn't call its latest quarter an overwhelming success even thoug ...
Clorox (CLX) Q4 Earnings Beat Estimates, Gross Margin Expands
ZACKS· 2024-08-02 21:32
Shares of The Clorox Company (CLX) climbed 4.2% in the after-market trading session on Aug 1 following its fourth-quarter fiscal 2024 results. Despite a decline and miss in net sales, the company's earnings were strong, surpassing the Zacks Consensus Estimate and showing a year-over-year improvement. The positive earnings were driven by pricing actions and gross margin expansion due to cost-saving initiatives. Management's fiscal 2025 earnings projection, which exceeded analysts' expectations, also helped l ...
Clorox(CLX) - 2024 Q4 - Earnings Call Transcript
2024-08-02 08:01
财务数据和关键指标变化 - 公司在2024财年第四季度实现了第七个季度的毛利率扩张,正在按计划恢复到疫情前的毛利率水平 [9][11] - 公司在2024财年实现了两位数的经调整每股收益增长 [11] - 公司在2024财年第四季度的毛利率超出预期,主要得益于业务单元组合的有利影响 [20][21] - 公司预计在2025财年将实现100个基点的毛利率扩张,主要来自成本节约、组合调整等 [22][25] 各条业务线数据和关键指标变化 - 家居业务在第四季度表现低于预期,主要受天气等因素影响,格拉德和猫砂业务也有所不足 [28][29][30][33] - 公司已经全面恢复了格拉德和猫砂的供应和分销,预计这些业务在2025财年将实现增长 [31][32][35] - 猫砂业务恢复进度较慢,需要更多时间来重新吸引消费者,公司正在采取措施应对 [33][34] 各个市场数据和关键指标变化 - 公司国际业务和专业业务表现良好,增长优于整体 [112] - 公司在美国主要零售客户的市场份额已经恢复到接近疫情前的水平 [32] 公司战略和发展方向及行业竞争 - 公司正在通过组合调整、数字化转型等措施,提升业务的一致性和盈利能力 [126][127] - 公司将继续专注于提供优质产品和卓越价值,以应对消费者压力和竞争加剧的环境 [17][18] - 公司将继续加大广告和促销投入,以维护品牌优势和市场份额 [77][78][79] 管理层对经营环境和未来前景的评论 - 消费者压力持续,行业竞争加剧,但公司的主要品类仍保持韧性 [15][16][17] - 公司有信心通过投资品牌、创新和提供优质价值,在2025财年实现强劲的财务表现 [11][12] 其他重要信息 - 公司已经完成了加拿大的数字化转型,并计划在2026财年完成整体数字化转型计划 [106][107][108] - 公司将继续推进股票回购计划,以更好地平衡投资于业务和回报股东 [83] 问答环节重要的提问和回答 问题1 **Filippo Falorni 提问** 询问公司2025财年的收入前景,特别是在消费者环境疲软和竞争加剧的背景下 [14] **Linda Rendle 回答** 公司预计消费者压力将持续,行业竞争加剧,但公司将专注于提供优质价值,维护品牌优势,并通过创新和广告投资来推动增长 [15][16][17][18] 问题2 **Kevin Grundy 提问** 询问公司是否考虑进一步增加广告和促销投入,以帮助收回市场份额 [75] **Linda Rendle 回答** 公司目前的广告和促销投入水平是经过审慎评估的,能够为公司的长期发展提供适当的支持。如果后续情况有变,公司会毫不犹豫地增加投入 [77][78][79] 问题3 **Javier Escalante 提问** 询问公司是否对伯特氏品牌的营销投入水平感到满意 [122] **Linda Rendle 回答** 公司对伯特氏品牌的前景充满信心,尽管过去曾受到一些供应链和整体环境的影响,但公司将继续投资于该品牌,以发挥其在天然个人护理领域的增长潜力 [123][124]
Clorox (CLX) Q4 Earnings: Taking a Look at Key Metrics Versus Estimates
ZACKS· 2024-08-02 07:00
For the quarter ended June 2024, Clorox (CLX) reported revenue of $1.9 billion, down 5.8% over the same period last year. EPS came in at $1.82, compared to $1.67 in the year-ago quarter. The reported revenue compares to the Zacks Consensus Estimate of $1.97 billion, representing a surprise of -3.40%. The company delivered an EPS surprise of +18.18%, with the consensus EPS estimate being $1.54. While investors scrutinize revenue and earnings changes year-over-year and how they compare with Wall Street expect ...
Clorox (CLX) Tops Q4 Earnings Estimates
ZACKS· 2024-08-02 06:21
Clorox (CLX) came out with quarterly earnings of $1.82 per share, beating the Zacks Consensus Estimate of $1.54 per share. This compares to earnings of $1.67 per share a year ago. These figures are adjusted for nonrecurring items. This quarterly report represents an earnings surprise of 18.18%. A quarter ago, it was expected that this consumer products maker would post earnings of $1.33 per share when it actually produced earnings of $1.71, delivering a surprise of 28.57%. Over the last four quarters, the c ...
Clorox(CLX) - 2024 Q4 - Annual Results
2024-08-02 04:12
财务业绩 - 公司第四季度净销售额下降6%至19亿美元,有机销售额下降3%[4] - 毛利率增加380个基点至46.5%,主要由于制造和物流成本下降、成本节约措施带来的利益以及有利的商品成本[5] - 经调整每股收益增长9%至1.82美元,主要由于毛利率上升和销售及管理费用下降[7] - 公司预计2025财年净销售额将持平至下降2%,有机销售额预计增长3%至5%[39] - 公司预计2025财年经调整每股收益将增长6%至10%[44] - 三个月内有机销售下降3%,主要受国际业务下降5%拖累[79] - 十二个月内有机销售持平,主要受国际业务增长23%抵消了其他业务的下降[81] - 三个月内调整后每股收益为1.82美元,调整后税率为19.9%[86] - 十二个月内调整后每股收益为6.17美元,调整后税率为20.1%[89] - 2025财年预计调整后每股收益为6.55-6.80美元,调整后税率为24%[93] 业务出售 - 公司宣布出售维生素、矿物质和营养补充剂业务[34] - 出售该业务预计将在2025财年第一季度产生1.00美元的一次性损失[37] - 公司预计在2025财年第一季度完成Better Health VMS业务的出售交易,预计将产生1.14亿美元至1.34亿美元的税后损失[64][65] - 公司在2024财年第三季度完成了阿根廷业务的出售交易,产生了2.4亿美元的税前损失(2.31亿美元税后损失)[66][67] 成本节约和数字化转型 - 公司成功完成了精简运营模式的实施,预计每年将带来约1亿美元的持续成本节约[15] - 公司在2023财年第一季度开始实施精简运营模式计划,预计每年可产生1亿美元的成本节约,2024财年和2023财年分别发生了3200万美元和6000万美元的相关费用[73][74] - 公司计划在未来5年内投资560-580百万美元用于数字化转型技术和流程[75] - 约70%的投资将计入销售和管理费用作为非经常性调整项目,其中70%与ERP实施相关[76] - 这些投资将提高供应链、电子商务、创新和品牌建设等方面的运营效率[75] - 2025财年预计数字化转型投资将产生90-100百万美元的费用[95] 其他 - 公司已全面恢复了因网络攻击造成的供应和分销损失,并几乎完全恢复了市场份额[12] - 公司在2024财年第二季度通过购买年金合同和一次性支付的方式结算了国内合格养老金计划,产生了1.71亿美元的一次性非现金费用(1.3亿美元税后)[68][69] - 公司在2024财年第四季度确认了3000万美元的网络攻击相关保险赔付收益,未来不会再产生重大网络攻击相关费用[70][71][72] - 公司总体净收益为30.8亿美元,同比增长5%[102] - 健康与保健业务净收益为20.2亿美元,同比增长15%[102] - 家居业务净收益为9.8亿美元,同比下降31%[102] - 生活方式业务净收益为6.1亿美元,同比下降9%[102] - 国际业务净收益为1.8亿美元,同比增长20%[102] - 公司剥离阿根廷业务产生2.4亿美元损失[105] - 公司进行了1.71亿美元的退休金结算[106] - 公司遭受网络攻击事件导致2.8亿美元成本[107] - 公司进行数字化能力和生产力提升投资1.08亿美元[108] - 公司现金及现金等价物为2.02亿美元[108]
Clorox Reports Q4 and FY24 Results, Provides FY25 Outlook
Prnewswire· 2024-08-02 04:10
文章核心观点 - 公司宣布出售其Better Health维生素、矿物质和补充剂业务 [2][16][17] - 公司第四季度和2024财年业绩概要: - 净销售额下降6%,有机销售额下降3% [4] - 毛利率增加380个基点至46.5% [4] - 每股摊薄净收益增加22%至1.73美元 [4] - 调整后每股收益增加9%至1.82美元 [4] - 公司在2024财年取得了强劲的利润率扩张和双位数调整后每股收益增长,尽管遭受了网络攻击的严重干扰和消费损失 [5] - 公司完成了精简运营模式的实施,预计每年将产生约1亿美元的持续成本节约 [7] 分组1 - 公司已全面恢复了因网络攻击造成的分销损失,并几乎完全恢复了市场份额 [7] - 公司继续大幅投资于主要品牌的广告和创新,如Clorox Toilet Bomb清洁剂、Pine-Sol浓缩多用途清洁剂等 [7] - 公司连续第七个季度实现毛利率扩张,并有望在2025财年完全恢复毛利率 [7] 分组2 - 公司已完成精简运营模型的实施,预计每年将产生约1亿美元的持续成本节约 [41][42] - 公司计划在未来5年内投资560-580百万美元用于数字化能力和生产力提升,预计将产生长期的效率和运营转型 [43][44][45] - 公司预计2025财年的调整后每股收益将增长6%-10%,主要受益于定价和毛利率扩张 [20]
Clorox (CLX) Raises Dividend: What it Means for Investors
ZACKS· 2024-07-31 23:16
This announcement precedes Clorox's upcoming fourth-quarter fiscal 2024 results, scheduled for release on Aug 1. Despite ongoing market uncertainties, it remains focused on its strategic initiatives, including robust brand investments and operational efficiencies aimed at sustaining growth and profitability. Scheduled to be paid on Aug 30, 2024, to shareholders of record as of Aug 14, 2024, this move marks another milestone in Clorox's long-standing tradition of rewarding its investors with dependable divid ...
Insights Into Clorox (CLX) Q4: Wall Street Projections for Key Metrics
ZACKS· 2024-07-31 22:20
In its upcoming report, Clorox (CLX) is predicted by Wall Street analysts to post quarterly earnings of $1.54 per share, reflecting a decline of 7.8% compared to the same period last year. Revenues are forecasted to be $1.97 billion, representing a year-over-year decrease of 2.4%. While investors typically use consensus earnings and revenue estimates as a yardstick to evaluate the company's quarterly performance, scrutinizing analysts' projections for some of the company's key metrics can offer a more compr ...
Clorox Increases Quarterly Dividend to $1.22 Per Share
Prnewswire· 2024-07-31 04:15
Clorox has a long history of providing value to its shareholders through regular dividend payments and annual dividend increases. The Clorox Company (NYSE: CLX) champions people to be well and thrive every single day. Its trusted brands, which include Brita®, Burt's Bees®, Clorox®, Fresh Step®, Glad®, Hidden Valley®, Kingsford®, Liquid-Plumr®, Pine-Sol® and Natural Vitality®, can be found in about nine of 10 U.S. homes and internationally with brands such as Clorinda®, Chux® and Poett®. Headquartered in Oak ...