$HAREHOLDER ALERT: The M&A Class Action Firm Investigates the Merger of, Corp. - DESP
Prnewswire· 2024-12-31 05:50
NEW YORK, Dec. 30, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Monteverde & Associates PC (the "M&A Class Action Firm"), has recovered millions of dollars for shareholders and is recognized as a Top 50 Firm by ISS Securities Class Action Services Report. We are headquartered at the Empire State Building in New York City and are investigating, Corp. (NYSE: DESP), relating to the proposed merger with Prosus. Under the terms of the agreement, Prosus will acquire Despegar for $19.50 per share in an all-cash transaction, ...
Prosus buys Despegar for $1.7B, taking a bite out of Latin America's travel sector
TechCrunch· 2024-12-23 21:51
Yet another major investment is going down in the travel sector, underscoring its ongoing rebound after the Covid-19 pandemic. Prosus, the tech conglomerate controlled by Naspers, is paying $1.7 billion to acquire Despegar, one of the biggest online travel agencies in Latin America, to scale up its operations in the region.Despegar’s board of directors has approved the deal, which will now go to a shareholder vote, Prosus said in a statement today. It expects the deal to close in Q2 of 2025. With GDP acros ...
What Makes (DESP) a Strong Momentum Stock: Buy Now?
ZACKS· 2024-11-30 02:00
Momentum investing revolves around the idea of following a stock's recent trend in either direction. In the 'long' context, investors will be essentially be "buying high, but hoping to sell even higher." With this methodology, taking advantage of trends in a stock's price is key; once a stock establishes a course, it is more than likely to continue moving that way. The goal is that once a stock heads down a fixed path, it will lead to timely and profitable trades.Even though momentum is a popular stock char ...'s Growth Outlook Is Fairly Valued
Seeking Alpha· 2024-11-27 22:18
公司概况 -, Corp. (NYSE: DESP) 是一家在线旅游服务平台,提供机票、旅游套餐、住宿、租车等旅游相关服务 [1] - 公司通过Despegar、Decolar、Best Day、BD Experience、Viajanet、Stays和HotelDo等品牌运营,拥有网站和移动应用,主要从拉丁美洲和美国获取流量 [1] 投资哲学 - 投资者专注于小市值公司,具有在美国、加拿大和欧洲市场的投资经验 [2] - 投资策略围绕识别被错误定价的证券,通过理解公司财务背后的驱动因素,通常通过DCF模型估值来揭示 [2] - 这种方法不局限于传统的价值、股息或成长投资,而是综合考虑股票的所有前景以确定风险与回报 [2]
L Catterton Latin America Makes Strategic Investment in WeVets
Prnewswire· 2024-11-18 22:30
Company to Leverage L Catterton's Global Pet Industry Experience to Accelerate Veterinary Platform Expansion in BrazilGREENWICH, Conn., Nov. 18, 2024  /PRNewswire/ -- L Catterton, a leading global consumer-focused investment firm, today announced that it has made a strategic investment in WeVets (the "Company"), a leading independent veterinary hospital group in Brazil operating 24-hour centers and diagnostic labs, making high-quality veterinary care more accessible throughout Brazil.Founded in 2020, WeVets ... - 2024 Q3 - Earnings Call Transcript
2024-11-15 12:35
财务数据和关键指标变化 - 第三季度总营收为1.94亿美元同比增长9%按固定汇率计算增长53% [8][48][49] - 毛利润为1.431亿美元毛利率达到73.8%为有史以来最高水平较2023年第三季度增长18.7% [54] - 调整后的EBITDA为4800万美元同比增长94%利润率达到24.8%创公司纪录 [55] - 调整后的净收入为3610万美元同比增长309%调整后的每股收益为0.34美元高于去年同期的0.01美元 [10][56] - 运营现金流为2660万美元较上季度的1270万美元有所增长资本支出稳定在770万美元现金余额为2.2亿美元较2024年第二季度末增加1520万美元 [57] 各条业务线数据和关键指标变化 B2C业务 - 本季度毛预订量为11亿美元同比下降8.4% [11] - 仍专注于高利润的套餐和酒店销售商业战略在巴西和阿根廷取得显著成功 [11] B2B业务 - 毛预订量同比增长23%达到近2.5亿美元占总毛预订量的近19% [12][26] - 本季度B2B业务增长主要由酒店预订推动即将推出航班预订引擎 [26] - 白色标签合作伙伴关系方面今年新增19个客户目前在该地区运营着80多个白色标签合作伙伴关系 [27] 各个市场数据和关键指标变化 巴西市场 - 交易量同比健康增长14%达到120万美元国内航空交易量上升国内和国际酒店需求强劲 [50] - 平均销售价格同比暂时下降15%主要由于巴西雷亚尔贬值排除外汇影响毛预订量同比增长10%按报告基础计算下降3% [50] 墨西哥市场 - 交易量同比下降22%部分由于本季度剥离目的地管理公司业务排除该业务影响交易量同比下降14% [51] - 毛预订量按外汇中性基础计算暂时收缩14%按报告数据下降22% [51] 阿根廷市场 - 需求强于预期公司通过提供定制支付解决方案和领先的产品组合获得了显著的市场份额并实现了高入住率 [52] 公司战略和发展方向和行业竞争 - 与Expedia集团签署新的10年住宿外包协议2025年1月1日生效将进一步优化住宿供应并扩大在拉丁美洲以外的直接采购酒店库存 [13] - 该协议使公司之前记录的1.55亿美元永久或有负债将在10年内摊销显著改善净资产状况 [15] - B2B业务方面继续专注于商业战略为在线和离线旅行社提供技术解决方案并积极拓展新客户和新市场 [25][26] - 白色标签合作伙伴关系在银行和忠诚度计划领域运营着40多个合作伙伴关系本季度新增4个交易包括巴西一家主要银行 [28] - 在航空领域与拉丁美洲最大的航空公司之一合作目前正在与一家区域航空公司进行高级谈判 [30] - 与零售商的合作方面在第三季度与三个零售合作伙伴签署了新协议巩固了在区域旅游市场的地位 [31] - 开发了专门为超级应用设计的旅游解决方案与一家全球打车应用签署了白色标签合作伙伴关系计划2024年底推出该旅游平台 [33] - 推出AI旅行助手SOFIA并不断提升其功能包括售后支持能力对话能力等并将其作为软件即服务解决方案提供给商业伙伴 [16][36][38][43] - 公司的忠诚度计划Pasaporte Despegar本季度增长超过50%达到3000万会员积分兑换率持续上升 [20] - 移动应用下载量同比增长47%达到1900万次更新后的交易占总预订量的近51% [22] 管理层对经营环境和未来前景的评论 - 尽管面临外汇逆风但公司业务基本面强劲固定汇率下的增长数据显示出积极趋势 [7][49] - 对第四季度的商业策略充满信心尽管外汇形势不利但维持全年营收指引至少7.6亿美元并提高调整后的EBITDA预测至至少1.7亿美元 [61] - 公司有能力在拉丁美洲的旅游市场整合中发挥领导作用并利用全球2.5万亿美元的旅游市场挖掘新的增长机会 [62] 其他重要信息 - 公司的资本分配策略仍然以评估拉丁美洲及其他地区的收购机会为中心并采用严格的框架来确保交易能够创造长期股东价值 [59][60] 问答环节所有的提问和回答 问题: 如何维持高入住率以及Expedia重新谈判的收益何时体现在利润表中 - 公司专注于盈利性增长提供创新的支付解决方案等有助于维持高入住率从中长期来看公司认为13%左右的入住率是合适的关于Expedia合同的影响最早将在明年第一季度开始在利润表中有所体现并逐步增加 [67][68][69] 问题: 哪些因素可能使14%以上的入住率降至13% - B2B业务以及未来航空入住率可能下降等因素可能使入住率在中长期降至13%同时公司为获取市场份额采取的其他策略也可能产生影响 [72] 问题: 风暴对第三季度预订量的影响有多大 - 风暴对整体的影响约为1000万美元左右本季度收入的增量影响主要来自外汇因素 [73] 问题: 阿根廷市场从自上而下和公司内部举措方面有哪些变化以及阿根廷的入住率是否可持续 - 阿根廷市场呈积极趋势公司通过提供支付方式获得市场份额在近期到中期公司预计这种差异化将持续但在中长期考虑到整体入住率预期部分高入住率趋势可能会改变 [76][78] 问题: 能否谈谈第四季度的趋势特别是交易增长情况 - 公司没有具体的交易增长指引但对全年的营收和EBITDA指引意味着这两个指标的同比增长对第四季度充满信心尽管面临外汇逆风但营收和利润率方面的趋势仍然稳固 [82] 问题: 墨西哥的趋势是暂时的还是会持续四个季度以及对明年增长与利润率的看法 - 部分航空运力影响可能会延续到第四季度外汇逆风也包含在公司提供的指引中展望未来几年预计不会出现类似的重大逆风关于明年的增长与利润率目前处于预算过程中会综合考虑多种因素来确定 [83][84] 问题: B2B业务加速发展对入住率或EBITDA利润率方面有何影响 - EBITDA水平大致相似不同的白色标签客户有不同的利润率情况对B2B业务的发展充满期待 [86] 问题: 外汇在墨西哥和巴西的实际影响以及是否期望短期内改善 - 在墨西哥市场看到市场层面交易量下降以及外汇下降外国旅行变得更昂贵且航空运力减少部分因素预计是暂时的但外汇情况较不确定公司努力在墨西哥恢复营收增长势头 [89][90] - 2024 Q3 - Quarterly Report
2024-11-15 05:05
UNITED STATES SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION Washington, D.C. 20549 FORM 6-K REPORT OF FOREIGN PRIVATE ISSUER PURSUANT TO RULE 13a-16 OR 15d-16 UNDER THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934 For the month of November 2024 Commission File Number: 001-38209, Corp. (Translation of registrant's name into English) Commerce House 4th Floor Wickhams Cay 1 Road Town, Tortola VG1110 British Virgin Islands (Address of principal executive offices) Indicate by check mark whether the registrant files or will ...
Strength Seen in (DESP): Can Its 7.4% Jump Turn into More Strength?
ZACKS· 2024-10-18 17:46 (DESP) shares ended the last trading session 7.4% higher at $14.18. The jump came on an impressive volume with a higher-than-average number of shares changing hands in the session. This compares to the stock's 5.2% gain over the past four weeks. is being aided by robust revenues driven by strong Take Rate (defined as revenue divided by the sum of Gross Bookings and Total Payment Volume). Gross bookings are also very strong at DESP.'s recent agreement with Nubank has wi ... (DESP) Recently Broke Out Above the 20-Day Moving Average
ZACKS· 2024-10-03 22:36
文章核心观点 - (DESP)股票最近跨越了20日移动平均线,表明短期内呈现上升趋势[1] - 20日简单移动平均线是一个受欢迎的交易工具,因为它可以反映过去20天的股价走势,对短期交易者很有帮助[1] - 如果股价高于20日移动平均线,则趋势被视为看涨,反之则趋势被视为看跌[1] 根据相关内容分别进行总结 技术分析 - 过去4周,DESP股价上涨了5.7%[2] - DESP当前被评为Zacks Rank 3(Hold),这也是一个看涨信号[2] - 从盈利预测修正来看,DESP当前财年的盈利预测有上调但没有下调,预测也有所上升[2] - 综合技术因素和盈利预测修正,投资者可能会看好DESP未来的涨幅[2] Excellent Value In An Expensive Market
Seeking Alpha· 2024-09-19 16:15
The stock market is hovering around all-time highs, as investors have shaken off concerns over a slowing macroeconomy and are looking ahead to the impacts of rate cuts. Amid this backdrop, I've continued to advocate diversifying away from richly valued American With combined experience of covering technology companies on Wall Street and working in Silicon Valley, and serving as an outside adviser to several seed-round startups, Gary Alexander has exposure to many of the themes shaping the industry today. He ...