Is Eni (E) Stock Undervalued Right Now?· 2024-05-22 22:46
Here at Zacks, we focus on our proven ranking system, which places an emphasis on earnings estimates and estimate revisions, to find winning stocks. But we also understand that investors develop their own strategies, so we are constantly looking at the latest trends in value, growth, and momentum to find strong companies for our readers. Finally, we should also recognize that E has a P/CF ratio of 4.26. This metric takes into account a company's operating cash flow and can be used to find stocks that are un ...
Eni's (E) Kenyan Subsidiary Secures Funding for Green Transport· 2024-05-21 02:16
Strategic and Environmental Implications The investment aligns with the global push toward decarbonization. Over the past five years, biofuel demand has surged nearly 6% annually, driven by the transport sector's quest for sustainable solutions. Projections indicate that in a net-zero by 2050 scenario, biofuel use in transportation could more than double to 9% by 2030. Although the production of sustainable biofuels is currently more costly than traditional fuels, advancements in technology and increased ca ...
Eni (E) to Divest $1.52B Stake to Help Reduce Italy's Debt· 2024-05-17 01:36
文章核心观点 - 意大利政府正在大规模出售国有资产,包括减持能源公司Eni 2.8%的股份,以帮助降低国债 [1][2][3] - Eni正在进行业务重组,包括分拆生物化学部门Novamont,并成立碳捕集业务单元,同时计划上市炼油和燃料业务Enilive,以实现向可持续能源转型 [5][6] - 这一战略性的资产出售和业务重组体现了意大利政府和Eni在财务审慎和可持续能源创新方面的双重承诺,在国内外能源市场树立了一个重要的先例 [7] 行业和公司概况 - Eni是欧洲最大的石油公司之一,目前市值约490亿欧元 [5] - Eni正在积极多元化其业务,增加天然气生产和可再生能源领域的份额,以顺应全球能源转型趋势 [5] - 意大利政府在此次出售中以每股14.855欧元的价格出售9200万股,较Eni前一交易日收盘价折让1.7% [4] - 此次出售后,意大利财政部将持有Eni约2%的股份,而国有银行Cassa Depositi e Prestiti将持有约28%的股份 [4] 其他相关公司 - SM Energy是一家独立的油气公司,主要在北美从事勘探、开发和生产活动 [10] - Ecopetrol是一家综合性的石油天然气公司,涉及勘探、开发、生产、炼油、运输和销售等业务 [12] - Hess是一家领先的油气勘探和生产公司,2022年证实储量同比增长超过8% [14]
Eni (E) Explores Oil and Gas Spin-offs for Green Investments
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-05-15 01:10
Eni SpA (E) , a leading Italian energy company, is pioneering a unique strategy that involves spinning off stakes in promising oil and gas projects to fuel their development while redirecting focus and capital toward low-carbon initiatives, per a Reuters report. This innovative approach, spearheaded by CEO Claudio Descalzi, marks a significant shift in the company's trajectory toward a more sustainable future.Eni's strategy revolves around the concept of creating separate entities, or satellites, to attract ...
E vs. FUPBY: Which Stock Is the Better Value Option?
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-05-01 00:46
Investors with an interest in Oil and Gas - Integrated - International stocks have likely encountered both Eni SpA (E) and Fuchs Petrolub SE Unsponsored ADR (FUPBY) . But which of these two stocks presents investors with the better value opportunity right now? Let's take a closer look.We have found that the best way to discover great value opportunities is to pair a strong Zacks Rank with a great grade in the Value category of our Style Scores system. The proven Zacks Rank emphasizes companies with positive ...
Best Income Stocks to Buy for April 30th
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-04-30 19:36
Here are two stocks with buy rank and strong income characteristics for investors to consider today, April 30:SSR Mining Inc. (SSRM) : This precious metals mining company has witnessed the Zacks Consensus Estimate for its current year earnings increasing 38.5% the last 60 days.This Zacks Rank #1 company has a dividend yield of 3.8%, compared with the industry average of 0.0%.Eni S.p.A. (E) : This integrated energy company has witnessed the Zacks Consensus Estimate for its current year earnings increasing 5. ...
Eni (E) to Divest Its UK Upstream Assets to Ithaca Energy
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-04-26 01:00
Eni SpA (E) has made a significant move by agreeing to divest the majority of its upstream assets in the U.K. to Ithaca Energy.The transaction, valued at approximately £754 million, is structured as an all-stock deal. This agreement does not include Eni’s East Irish Sea assets and its carbon capture, utilization and storage activities in the U.K.Through this acquisition, Ithaca Energy will take over Eni U.K.’s operated and non-operated interests in various producing fields. This includes a substantial 38.75 ...
Eni(E) - 2024 Q1 - Earnings Call Transcript
2024-04-25 00:50
财务数据和关键指标变化 - 公司报告了4.1亿欧元的pro forma EBIT和39亿欧元的经营现金流,表现出色 [4] - 上游业务产量增长5%,过渡业务Enilive和Plenitude的出色贡献帮助公司抵御了整体环境的恶化 [5] - 出色的现金转换和资本支出纪律使得负债率保持在合理范围内,尽管完成了Neptune收购和2023年股票回购计划 [5] 各条业务线数据和关键指标变化 - 上游业务产量增长5%,主要得益于Neptune收购、科特迪瓦和挪威的产能提升以及利比亚的良好表现 [15] - GGP业绩同比下降,主要是由于2023年第一季度的出色贸易和优化表现以及2023年第四季度仲裁程序带来的利益 [15] - Enilive和Plenitude的生物燃料产量增加一倍,可再生能源发电量增长12%,充电桩数量增长33% [16] - 炼化业务利用率有所提高,捕捉到了季度间炼厂利润率的改善 [16] - 化工业务Versalis仍亏损,但较2023年第四季度有所改善 [16] 各个市场数据和关键指标变化 - 公司在英国的地位从边缘性和成熟型转变为行业领先地位,产量超过10万桶/日 [24][25][26] - 公司在英国的CCS和海上风电项目也在不断发展,正在成为该国能源行业的重要参与者 [26] 公司战略和发展方向及行业竞争 - 公司已完成了一系列重要的收购,包括Neptune、Chalmette和Novamont,建立了新的增长平台 [7][8] - 公司正进入一个新的发展阶段,着重于对新业务线的价值提升和勘探发现的稀释 [8] - 公司通过卫星模式在上游、化工等领域不断扩大规模,实现协同效应,提高竞争力 [24][25][26] - 公司将继续采用卫星模式,在其他领域寻求进一步机会 [39] - 公司坚信通过钻探获取价值,过去15年发现了超过160亿桶油当量的资源 [10] - 公司正在建设世界第五大超级计算机,提升勘探和建模能力,增强技术优势 [11] 管理层对经营环境和未来前景的评论 - 公司对未来能源环境持乐观态度,认为油价和天然气价格将保持强劲 [77][78] - 公司认为欧洲天然气市场供需格局仍将紧张,存在一定波动性 [54][55] - 公司对埃及未来LNG出口前景持谨慎态度,预计未来仅有有限出口机会 [47] - 公司对委内瑞拉业务前景保持乐观,预计未来产量将保持增长 [136] 问答环节重要的提问和回答 问题1 **Biraj Borkhataria 提问** 询问公司在埃及的业务活动情况 [67] **Guido Brusco 回答** 公司在埃及的业务活动保持稳定,除了放缓了一些勘探活动外,整体运营情况良好 [70][71] 问题2 **Henry Tarr 提问** 询问公司超级计算机投资的意义 [73][74] **Guido Brusco 回答** 超级计算机是公司技术优势的一个关键要素,与公司的专有算法和人才团队共同发挥作用,增强公司在勘探和建模方面的竞争力 [80][81] 问题3 **Lydia Rainforth 提问** 询问公司对化工子公司Versalis的转型计划 [123][124] **Adriano Alfani 回答** Versalis的转型是一个4年的过程,公司正在通过提高效率、减少资本支出等措施逐步推进,但不会一蹴而就 [126][127][128]
Here's Why Hold Strategy is Apt for Eni (E) Stock Right Now
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-04-23 00:50
Eni SpA (E) has witnessed upward earnings estimate revisions for 2024 and 2025 in the past 30 days.The company, with a Zacks Rank #3 (Hold) at present, has gained 10.7% over the past year compared with 5.6% growth of the composite stocks belonging to the industry. Image Source: Zacks Investment Research What’s Favoring the Stock?Strategic Asset OptimizationEni has demonstrated a commitment to optimizing its asset portfolio through strategic acquisitions and divestitures, significantly enhancing its business ...
Eni (E) Plans Stake Sales in Biofuel, Bioplastic Units
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-04-16 21:26
Eni SpA 出售生物燃料和生物塑料部门 - Eni SpA 计划出售其生物燃料和生物塑料部门的少数股权,预计将在今年年底前完成,可能带来约 13 亿欧元的收入[1] - Eni 已开始与金融基金和工业投资者讨论,确定有兴趣收购 Enilive 生物燃料部门高达 10% 股权的潜在合作伙伴[2] - Eni 也正在与两家潜在买家就出售 Novamont 生物塑料业务高达 30% 的股权进行谈判[2] - 如果股权出售计划实现,可能使 Novamont 生物塑料业务的估值达到约 10 亿欧元,包括债务[3]