Northern Oil and Gas(NOG)
Northern to Report Q3 Earnings: What's in Store for the Stock?
ZACKS· 2024-11-04 21:25
Northern Oil and Gas, Inc. (NOG) is set to release third-quarter results on Nov. 5, 2024. The Zacks Consensus Estimate for earnings is pegged at $1.16 per share and that for revenues is pinned at $536.47 million.Let us delve into the factors that are likely to have influenced this oil and gas exploration and production company’s performance in the to-be-reported quarter. But first, it is worth taking a look at NOG’s performance in the last reported quarter.Stay up-to-date with all quarterly releases: See Za ...
Earnings Preview: Northern Oil and Gas (NOG) Q3 Earnings Expected to Decline
ZACKS· 2024-10-29 23:06
Northern Oil and Gas (NOG) is expected to deliver a year-over-year decline in earnings on higher revenues when it reports results for the quarter ended September 2024. This widely-known consensus outlook gives a good sense of the company's earnings picture, but how the actual results compare to these estimates is a powerful factor that could impact its near-term stock price. The stock might move higher if these key numbers top expectations in the upcoming earnings report, which is expected to be released on ...
Northern Oil And Gas: Acquisitions Boost Oil Production By More Than 15%
Seeking Alpha· 2024-10-05 07:03
We are currently offering a free two-week trial to Distressed Value Investing . Join our community to receive exclusive research about various companies and other opportunities along with full access to my portfolio of historic research that now includes over 1,000 reports on over 100 companies. Aaron Chow, aka Elephant Analytics has 15+ years of analytical experience and is a top rated analyst on TipRanks. Aaron previously co-founded a mobile gaming company (Absolute Games) that was acquired by PENN Entert ...
Northern Completes Major Acquisition to Enhance Uinta Basin Operations
ZACKS· 2024-10-03 19:31
Northern Oil and Gas, Inc. (NOG) has completed the acquisition of significant assets in the Uinta Basin, previously owned by XCL Resources, LLC and Altamont Energy, LLC. This acquisition, finalized on Oct. 1, 2024, represents a critical strategic move for NOG, securing more than a decade of Tier 1 inventory across 15,800 net acres with 116 net underwritten undeveloped locations. The deal further enhances NOG's position in the U.S. energy market by providing a significant growth trajectory. Strategic Partner ...
Why Is Northern Oil and Gas (NOG) Down 7.9% Since Last Earnings Report?
ZACKS· 2024-08-30 00:37
A month has gone by since the last earnings report for Northern Oil and Gas (NOG) . Shares have lost about 7.9% in that time frame, underperforming the S&P 500. Will the recent negative trend continue leading up to its next earnings release, or is Northern Oil and Gas due for a breakout? Before we dive into how investors and analysts have reacted as of late, let's take a quick look at its most recent earnings report in order to get a better handle on the important catalysts. Northern Q2 Earnings & Revenues ...
Should Value Investors Buy Northern Oil and Gas (NOG) Stock?
ZACKS· 2024-08-20 22:41
The proven Zacks Rank system focuses on earnings estimates and estimate revisions to find winning stocks. Nevertheless, we know that our readers all have their own perspectives, so we are always looking at the latest trends in value, growth, and momentum to find strong picks. Of these, perhaps no stock market trend is more popular than value investing, which is a strategy that has proven to be successful in all sorts of market environments. Value investors rely on traditional forms of analysis on key valuat ...
Northern Oil and Gas (NOG) to Expand Footprint in Uinta Basin
ZACKS· 2024-08-09 22:25
Northern Oil and Gas, Inc. (NOG) , along with SM Energy Company (SM) , has exercised the option to acquire additional assets in the Uinta Basin. NOG plans to acquire an additional 20% undivided stake in the Uinta Basin assets for an unadjusted price of $17.5 million in cash. These assets were previously owned by Altamont Energy LLC. The newly acquired assets lie adjacent to the ones that NOG already acquired from XCL Resources, LLC. Altamont Energy's assets were in the process of being acquired by XCL Resou ...
Northern Oil and Gas(NOG) - 2024 Q2 - Quarterly Report
2024-08-01 04:06
产量和收购 - 公司通过非运营少数权益参与方式投资于油气资产,截至2024年6月30日参与生产10,187口(净1,015.2口)井[257] - 2024年第二季度平均日产量为123,342桶油当量,同比增长36%,主要由于近期收购和新井投产[259] - 第二季度油气产量同比增加36%,主要由于收购带来的产能增加[296] - 公司通过收购和新井投产的方式增加了产量,2024年上半年产量同比增加37%[317] - 公司在2024年上半年完成了德拉华地区的收购,并计划在第四季度完成犹他盆地和中佩米安盆地的收购[330][331][332] 价格和成本 - 2024年第二季度油价折扣为3.55美元/桶,天然气实现价格为2.47美元/千立方英尺,分别较2023年同期的2.65美元/桶和3.18美元/千立方英尺有所变化[276] - 2024年上半年钻井成本加权平均为940万美元,较2023年有所上升,主要由于通胀压力和佩米安盆地占比提高[277] - 2024年第二季度NYMEX天然气价格为2.32美元/千立方英尺,NYMEX油价为80.66美元/桶,较2023年同期有所上涨[280,282] - 2024年第二季度单位生产成本下降,主要是由于维修和运输成本降低[300] - 2024年第二季度折旧摊销费用增加,主要是由于产量增加23%和折旧率上升[303][304] - 2024年第二季度利息费用增加,主要是由于债务规模扩大和浮动利率上升[305] - 生产费用为2.063亿美元,较2023年同期的1.624亿美元增加27%[321] - 生产税为9980万美元,占油气销售收入的9.1%,较2023年同期的7210万美元增加38%[322] - 一般管理费用为2490万美元,较2023年同期的2540万美元减少2%[323] - 折旧、摊销和耗竭费用为3.506亿美元,较2023年同期的2.01亿美元增加75%[324] - 利息费用为7560万美元,较2023年同期的6210万美元增加22%[326] 财务状况 - 公司第二季度总收入为5.61亿美元,同比增长18%[287] - 上半年总收入为9.57亿美元,同比下降10%[309] - 上半年油气销售收入为10.931亿美元,同比增长30%,主要由于产量增加37%,但价格下降5%[316] - 公司在2024年上半年的商品衍生工具损失为1.42亿美元,而2023年同期为收益2.114亿美元[318][319][320] - 截至2024年6月30日,公司的总负债为19.031亿美元,总流动性为13亿美元[334][335] - 公司在2024年上半年回购并注销了144.4万股普通股,总金额为5490万美元[333] - 2024年上半年经营活动产生的现金流为7.326亿美元,较上年同期增加,主要由于产量大幅增加抵消了天然气价格下降的影响[343] - 2024年上半年投资活动使用的现金流为6.303亿美元,较上年同期减少,主要由于资本支出减少[344,345,346,347] - 2024年上半年筹资活动使用的现金流为1.028亿美元,较上年同期减少,主要由于支付股息和回购股票[348] - 公司于2024年6月30日有18亿美元的循环信贷额度,已动用1.98亿美元[349] - 公司有7.051亿美元的2028年到期优先票据、5亿美元的2031年到期优先票据和5亿美元的2029年到期可转换票据[350,351,352] 风险管理 - 公司已经与金融机构签订了大量商品衍生工具合约来规避价格风险[284] - 公司利用商品衍生工具管理未来油气产量的价格风险。2024年第二季度和2023年同期相比,衍生工具公允价值变动损益由收益转为损失[297][318] - 2024年第二季度已结算衍生工具收益同比下降,主要是由于油价上涨所致[298][319] - 2024年6月30日公司衍生工具合约公允价值净负债较2023年12月31日增加1.7亿美元,主要是由于远期商品价格变动[299][320] - 公司通过对冲计划来降低油气价格波动对现金流的影响,2024年上半年对冲了约75%的原油产量和61%的天然气产量[336] 其他 - 公司相信未来12个月内及可预见未来有足够的现金流和流动性来满足资本支出和运营费用[337] - 公司营运资金余额会随着商品价格、产量、应收款回收、开发生产活动支出以及衍生工具影响而波动[339] - 截至2024年6月30日,公司营运资金赤字为5,190万美元,较2023年12月31日的12,360万美元盈余下降[340,341] - 公司的关键会计估计包括天然气和原油生产资产减值测试、衍生工具和套期保值活动、所得税等,与2023年年报披露的关键会计估计无重大变化[355,356] - 公司已披露截至2023年12月31日的合同义务和承诺[354] - 公司预计2024年的钻井和完井以及其他相关成本与2023年相比不会有重大变化[353]
Northern Oil and Gas(NOG) - 2024 Q2 - Earnings Call Transcript
2024-08-01 02:20
财务数据和关键指标变化 - 第二季度调整后EBITDA同比增长31%,较两年前增长52% [15] - 第二季度经营活动现金流(不含营运资金)同比增长33%,较两年前增长48% [15] - 尽管商品价格波动,每股指标仍持续增长,这得益于公司保持较低的负债比率,目前处于1.1倍左右的较低水平 [17] - 公司本季度资本回报率约为25%,高于同行业平均水平14%,是非运营商平均水平的两倍 [19] 各条业务线数据和关键指标变化 - 第二季度日产量超过12.3万桶油当量,同比增长36% [75] - 油产量达到6.96万桶/日,较高的油比例有利于提升收益 [76] - 第二季度自由现金流达到1.34亿美元,同比大幅增长,预计第三季度及全年将保持较高水平 [79] 各个市场数据和关键指标变化 - 油差表现优于预期,平均为3.55美元/桶,低于指导区间下限 [80] - 天然气实现价格为基准价的107%,大幅超出预期,主要受益于天然气价格和NGL价格上涨 [81] - 运营成本(LOE)环比下降7%至8.99美元/桶,主要受益于产量向成本较低的Permian地区转移 [82] 公司战略和发展方向及行业竞争 - 公司将在2025年初与董事会讨论进一步提高股息、增加回购额度等,在保持资产负债表稳健的前提下为股东创造更多回报 [27] - 收购Uinta盆地资产是公司有史以来最大的交易,该资产具有多层页岩储层,经济性与德拉瓦盆地相当,但成本结构更优 [30][31] - 公司在行业并购整合中处于领先地位,通过创新的合作模式与运营商合作,获得较高的资本回报率 [43][69] - 公司将继续关注大规模、复杂的交易机会,利用自身的规模和流动性优势,为股东创造更多价值 [45][73] 管理层对经营环境和未来前景的评论 - 公司有望在2024年和2025年实现每股持续增长,即使在商品价格波动的环境下也能保持这一趋势 [41] - 公司看好未来发展前景,有望通过内生增长和并购实现进一步扩张 [35][36] - 管理层对Uinta资产前景充满信心,相信未来几年内投资者将更加认可该资产的价值 [34] 其他重要信息 - 公司将在本年中提高股息,并已续期股票回购计划,体现对公司未来发展的信心 [23][24][25] - 公司在第二季度完成了约2500万美元的地面交易,获得了6.1口净井和1800英亩净地 [60][61] - 公司与SM Energy合作收购XCL资产,并与Vital合作收购德拉瓦盆地资产,进一步扩大了规模 [63][66] 问答环节重要的提问和回答 问题1 **Neal Dingmann 提问** 询问公司在并购交易中的要求和标准,如回报期、PUD价值等方面的考虑 [99] **Nick O'Grady 回答** 公司在过去3年持续提高并购标准,追求资本回报率和资本效率,同时也注重与运营商的长期合作和协同效应 [100][101][172][173][174][175] 问题2 **Phillips Johnston 提问** 询问公司2025年资本支出预期,是否会有所增加 [177] **Nick O'Grady 回答** 目前尚未看到明显异常的2025年资本支出预期,但公司将密切关注市场变化,适时调整 [178]
Are Investors Undervaluing Northern Oil and Gas (NOG) Right Now?
ZACKS· 2024-07-31 22:46
Luckily, Zacks has developed its own Style Scores system in an effort to find stocks with specific traits. Value investors will be interested in the system's "Value" category. Stocks with both "A" grades in the Value category and high Zacks Ranks are among the strongest value stocks on the market right now. One company value investors might notice is Northern Oil and Gas (NOG) . NOG is currently holding a Zacks Rank of #2 (Buy) and a Value grade of A. The stock is trading with a P/E ratio of 7.02, which com ...