Tesco loses appeal over Lidl trademark infringement
Proactive Investors· 2024-03-19 20:49
Tesco PLC商标侵权案 - Tesco在与Lidl的商标侵权案中败诉[1] - Tesco被指使用Clubcard标志侵犯了Lidl的商标[2] - 高等法院认定Tesco因品牌问题获得了不公平优势[4] - Tesco表示将改变Clubcard促销方式以避免误导[5] - Tesco将在所有Clubcard价格标签上推出单位定价[6]
Tesco PLC (TSCDY) Upgraded to Strong Buy: What Does It Mean for the Stock?
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-03-08 02:01
Tesco PLC盈利预期 - Tesco PLC (TSCDY) 最近被升级为 Zacks Rank 1 (Strong Buy) [1] - Zacks评级系统主要跟踪卖方分析师对公司的盈利预期,这是评级变化的核心因素 [2] - Zacks评级升级反映了对Tesco PLC盈利前景的积极看法,可能会带来购买压力和股价上涨 [4] - 公司未来盈利潜力的变化,如盈利预期修订,与股价的短期走势强相关 [5] - Tesco PLC的盈利预期不断上调,过去三个月,公司的Zacks共识预期增长了15.3% [10] - Zacks评级系统在超过4000支股票中保持'买入'和'卖出'评级的平衡,只有前5%的股票获得'Strong Buy'评级 [11] - Tesco PLC的Zacks Rank 1位置使其在盈利预期修订方面处于前5%,暗示股价可能在短期内上涨 [13]
Tesco to report “another impressive year” – broker
Proactive Investors· 2024-03-07 00:16
Tesco PLC财报预测 - 分析师预测Tesco PLC将在财报中展示出“又一个令人印象深刻的年度交易”[1] - Jefferies预计Tesco将报告276亿英镑的收益,超过公司指导的275亿英镑,同比增长10.6%[2] - 预计收入将增长5.5%至694亿英镑,导致Jefferies估计每股收益将从21.85便士上升至24.03便士[3] - Jefferies认为Tesco在过去几个月证明了其在市场份额增长方面的实力,而像Morrisons和Asda这样负债累累的杂货商则继续“看到动力的踌躇”[4] - Jefferies表示:“Tesco的基本案例保持不变。该集团在近年来的商业创新精神已经产生了强烈共鸣”[5] - “在中期内,自然显而易见的媒体变现潜力为利润支持提供了另一个驱动因素”[6] - “考虑到这一点,如果即将公布的年终报告能够重新聚焦投资者对TSCO继续推动更强劲股价动态的看法,我们将不感到意外”[7]
Should Value Investors Buy Tesco (TSCDY) Stock?
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-02-23 23:46
Zacks Rank系统 - Zacks Rank系统专注于盈利预期和预期修订,以找到获胜股票[1] 价值投资策略 - 价值投资是一种在各种市场环境中都被证明成功的策略[2] Tesco (TSCDY)公司 - Tesco (TSCDY)是一家受到价值投资者关注的公司,目前拥有Zacks Rank 2 (Buy)和价值评级A[4] - TSCDY的前瞻市盈率为12.89,低于行业平均值22.19[4] - TSCDY的市净率为1.69,与行业平均值4.12相比表现良好[5] - Tesco的关键指标显示该股票目前可能被低估,结合其盈利前景,TSCDY目前看起来是一只令人印象深刻的价值股[6]
Tesco changes Clubcard pricing displays after watchdog probe
Proactive Investors· 2024-02-20 20:14
Tesco is changing the way it displays its Clubcard deals after complaints they are misleading and confusing. Unit pricing will now be rolled out across all its Clubcard price labels, said the grocery chain, allowing customers to compare different-sized items to get the best deal. Critics said that currently, it is hard for shoppers to know if they are getting a good deal or not but with unit pricing text is added underneath the selling price to enable brands and sizes to be compared. Tesco UK CEO Jason Tar ...
TSCDY vs. WMT: Which Stock Is the Better Value Option?
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-02-16 01:40
Investors with an interest in Retail - Supermarkets stocks have likely encountered both Tesco PLC (TSCDY) and Walmart (WMT) . But which of these two stocks offers value investors a better bang for their buck right now? We'll need to take a closer look.There are plenty of strategies for discovering value stocks, but we have found that pairing a strong Zacks Rank with an impressive grade in the Value category of our Style Scores system produces the best returns. The Zacks Rank favors stocks with strong earnin ...
Tesco's banking sale shows shift back to basics
Proactive Investors· 2024-02-09 23:07
Tesco's banking sale is the latest sign UK food retailers are shifting their focus back to the 'bread and butter' of their core business. Russ Mould at AJ Bell said: "We’re in an era where companies are going back to basics – focusing on what they do best and letting non-core operations either be outsourced or sold." Tesco Chief executive Ken Murphy said the transaction will significantly reduce its financial liabilities, and strengthen the balance sheet and allow "us to focus on continuing to grow our core ...
Tesco to ramp up buyback after striking banking deal with Barclays
Proactive Investors· 2024-02-09 15:30
交易详情 - Tesco PLC将大部分银行业务出售给Barclays PLC,交易金额高达£700 million[1] - Tesco将首次收到£600 million的款项,之后再获得£100 million的净现金[2] - 大部分出售所得将以增量股份回购的形式返还给股东[3] 财务影响 - 与此前Tesco Bank在2023年8月支付的£250 million特别股息相结合,预计Tesco总共将收到约£1 billion现金[4] - 该交易将显著减少Tesco的财务负债,加强资产负债表,使其能够专注于继续发展核心零售业务[5] - Tesco已将信用卡、贷款和储蓄业务出售给Barclays,从资产负债表中剥离了£7.7 billion的资本密集型资产和£6.7 billion的财务负债[5] 业务调整 - Tesco将保留Tesco Bank的所有其他现有业务,包括保险、ATM、旅行货币和礼品卡[6] 预期效益 - 预计增量股份回购以及银行业务出售和合作伙伴关系的综合效应将对每股收益产生轻微增值效应[7]
Barclays to buy retail banking arm of supermarket chain Tesco for £600 million
Market Watch· 2024-02-09 15:22
Tesco与Barclays合作 - Tesco宣布将Tesco Bank的零售银行业务以6亿英镑的价格出售给Barclays[1] - Barclays将收购信用卡、无抵押个人贷款、存款和运营基础设施,这些业务在2023年2月结束的12个月中的调整后运营利润约为8500万英镑[4] 股票回购计划 - Tesco将利用10亿英镑中的大部分资金进行股票回购,其中包括之前宣布的Tesco Bank的特别股息[2] 长期合作计划 - Barclays还将与Tesco达成独家战略合作伙伴关系,为期10年,使用Tesco品牌推广和分销信用卡、无抵押个人贷款和存款,每年支付5000万英镑[5]
Tesco top pick as US bank warms to European retail
Proactive Investors· 2024-02-02 23:02
Tesco PLC分析 - 摩根士丹利认为Tesco PLC是欧洲零售业的首选[1] 零售商营收增长预测 - 预计零售商将受益于以销量为主导的营收增长[2] Sainsbury业务展望 - 摩根士丹利将Sainsbury的评级从偏轻仓升级为持平,预计杂货业务的利润前景将改善[4] AB Foods风险评估 - AB Foods被下调至持平,认为利润回收的叙事已经结束,存在销量增长的风险[5] Kingfisher市场趋势展望 - Kingfisher被下调至偏轻仓,预计英国/法国/波兰的DIY市场趋势将在未来12个月继续具有挑战性[6]