ADTN Boosts Network Infrastructure of Research Center: Stock to Gain?
ZACKS· 2024-11-07 00:40
关于ADTRAN公司 - ADTRAN公司(ADTN)宣布Centre Régional Informatique et d'Applications Numériques de Normandie(CRIANN)部署其FSP 3000光传输技术和ALM光纤监测平台以增强法国研究和教育中心的网络连接Axians作为ADTRAN的精英合作伙伴在安装过程中起关键作用并将提供维护支持 [1] - 人工智能研究和模拟研究领域数据密集型应用的增长推动对高性能数字基础设施的需求实时模拟和协作研究项目等应用需要超低延迟和持续高速连接网络基础设施应具备高适应性和可扩展性 [2] - ADTN的FSP 3000集成将使CRIANN满足需求FSP 3000 OpenFabric 1200是ADTN的FSP 3000 OpenFabric系列中的最新模块其紧凑且经济高效的设计针对10 Gbit/s到400 Gbit/s的多个光传输网络(OTN)和以太网客户端服务进行了优化灵活的OTN解决方案有助于从现有传输网络顺利升级该技术提升CRIANN整个光纤基础设施的容量并使网络服务更具弹性 [3] - 为减轻网络中断相关的阻碍CRIANN安装了ADTN的先进链路监测(ALM)解决方案该解决方案借助实时地理信息系统可精确检测任何光纤问题使维护团队能更好地了解光纤生态系统在发生中断时迅速行动从而减少停机时间和运营成本并提高服务可用性 [4] - 在CRIANN成功部署FSP 3000和ALM光纤监测平台凸显ADTN产品套件在建立可扩展高速弹性网络基础设施方面的可靠性研究机构向数字化进步的转变为ADTN的创新光传输和光纤监测解决方案提供了坚实的增长机会 [5] - ADTRAN的综合产品组合是竞争优势有多种灵活的软硬件网络解决方案和服务使运营商能够过渡到未来完全融合可扩展高度自动化云控制的语音数据互联网和视频网络公司预计超宽带和光纤到户解决方案以及软件定义接入和以太网无源光网络解决方案在国内市场有强劲发展 [6] - ADTRAN的股票价格在过去一年上涨了14.9%而行业增长为60.6% [7] - ADTRAN目前的Zacks排名为3(持有) [9] 其他公司 - Arista Networks公司(ANET)目前的Zacks排名为2(买入)在上一报告季度其盈利惊喜为8.25%提供数据中心和云计算环境的云网络解决方案提供10/25/40/50/100千兆以太网交换机和路由器针对下一代数据中心网络进行优化 [10] - Ubiquiti公司(UI)目前的Zacks排名为1有面向服务提供商和企业的全面网络产品和解决方案组合其优秀的全球业务模式灵活且适应不断变化的市场变化有助于克服挑战并实现最大增长有效管理其强大的全球100多个分销商和主经销商网络提高了对未来需求和库存管理技术的可见性 [10][11] - Workday公司(WDAY)目前的Zacks排名为2在上一报告季度盈利惊喜为7.36%是财务管理和人力资源领域企业级软件解决方案的领先提供商其基于云的平台将财务和人力资源整合在一个系统中便于组织提供分析见解和决策支持 [11][12]
ADTRAN Partners Candela for Increased Wi-Fi 7 Adoption
ZACKS· 2024-10-31 22:26
To plug the key shortcomings in existing Wi-Fi testing capabilities, ADTRAN, Inc. (ADTN) has collaborated with Candella Technologies to develop an integrated solution. The alliance with this network testing solutions provider has enabled ADTRAN to offer significant value to service providers and the broader Wi-Fi ecosystem, serving as a test bed for innovative developments.Digging Deep Into ADTN-Candella Tie-UpThe partnership aims to leverage ADTRAN’s SDG 8700 Series Wi-Fi 7 technology with Candela’s automa ...
ADTN Solution to Boost Michigan's Network: Will it Benefit the Stock?
ZACKS· 2024-10-19 00:56
ADTRAN, Inc. (ADTN) recently announced that D & P Communications will leverage the former’s state-of-the-art fiber access technology to boost its broadband capabilities. This collaborative effort aims to deliver multigigabit connectivity to a wider range of D & P Communications’ subscribers in the urban and underserved rural communities across Southern Michigan.How Will ADTN Solution Aid D & P Communications?The deployment will feature ADTRAN’s scalable fiber broadband solution, incorporating Combo PON tech ...
ADTN Solutions to Boost Pulse Fibre's Network: Will the Stock Gain?
ZACKS· 2024-10-16 01:26
ADTRAN, Inc. (ADTN) recently announced that the U.K.-based telecommunication company Pulse Fibre has selected its cutting-edge 10Gbit/s XGS-PON fiber access platform to expand network connectivity across rural and urban landscapes in the country.How ADTN Solutions Will Benefit Pulse Fibre?Installing high-speed broadband infrastructure in rural areas is challenging and often unfeasible owing to a scattered population, high investment requirements, small market size and limited resources. However, ADTN’s SDX ...
ADTRAN Focuses on Fiber-Optic Technology to Boost Shares
ZACKS· 2024-10-10 20:15
ADTRAN, Inc. (ADTN) is actively focusing on fiber optic technology products to support high-speed network access solutions for use across Internet protocol (IP), asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) and time division multiplexed (TDM) architectures in both wireline and wireless network applications.ADTRAN expects solid traction in domestic markets for ultra-broadband and fiber-to-the-home solutions along with software-defined (SD) access and ethernet passive optical network (EPON) solutions. Its global leadersh ...
ADTRAN Solutions to Upgrade 1&1 Versatel Fiber Network: Stock to Gain?
ZACKS· 2024-09-27 22:46
ADTRAN, Inc. (ADTN) recently secured a contract for an undisclosed amount to help modernize the fiber optic network of 1&1 Versatel. Per the deal, ADTRAN FSP 3000 open optical transport technology will be utilized by one of Germany's largest fiber-optic networks to provide comprehensive and tailored telecommunication solutions to users.The multi-million-euro investment will also witness the deployment of ADTRAN’s ALM fiber monitoring solution that offers real-time network assurance for swift and proactive m ...
ADTN to Launch Cutting-edge Networking Solutions: Stock to Gain?
ZACKS· 2024-09-23 23:41
ADTRAN, Inc. (ADTN) recently announced plans to showcase its Coherent 100ZR QSFP28 pluggable module and state-of-the-art FSP 3000 open optical line system (OLS) at the European Conference on Optical Communication. Given the vast number of links to be upgraded and the cost points of the optical edge, operators need a cost-efficient solution that can be easily deployed without significant changes to existing infrastructure. The standards-compliant design of the coherent 100ZR is expected to facilitate multi-v ...
ADTN Boosts Fiber Connectivity in Rural North England: Stock to Gain?
ZACKS· 2024-09-12 01:10
ADTRAN, Inc. (ADTN) recently announced that the U.K.-based telecommunication company Quickline has selected ADTN’s advanced fiber access technology to expand network connectivity across rural and underserved regions in Yorkshire and Lincolnshire.Installing fiber broadband infrastructure in rural areas is challenging and infeasible owing to a scattered population, high investment requirements, small market size and limited resources. However, ADTN’s SDX 6320 and 6330 Series of software-defined optical line t ...
ADTRAN Announces New SBTi-Approved Targets for Sustainability
ZACKS· 2024-09-10 23:41
ADTRAN Holdings, Inc. (ADTN) has announced new commitments under the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi), aiming for net-zero emissions across its value chain by 2048. As an early supporter of SBTi, the company follows the global objective of limiting warming to 1.5°C in line with the 2015 Paris Agreement.ADTRAN’s near-term science-based targets, based on 2016 levels, include reducing scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas emissions by 74.5% by 2032. These emissions include those directly generated by the company ...
ADTRAN Boosts Broadband Access in Rural Mississippi: Stock to Gain?
ZACKS· 2024-09-10 00:50
ADTRAN, Inc. (ADTN) recently announced that Tishomingo Connect has opted to deploy ADTRAN’s Mosaic One SaaS platform and 10G fiber access to expand broadband connectivity across rural Mississippi regions. With this collaboration, Tishomingo Connect, a subsidiary of Tishomingo County Electric Power Association, is aiming to deploy the high-capacity rural networks in the most cost-efficient way possible.ADTN’s offering includes XGS-PON Optical Line Terminals (OLTs) and SDX Series Optical Network Terminals. Th ...